EN. Having just turned thirteen, Leo sets himself a personal challenge and decides to jump off the highest diving board. As he waits his turn amongst adults, he looks back on the childhood he is leaving behind and his dive takes on a deeper meaning. ES....
Read moreSE. En mobbad pojke försöker ge igen på sina plågoandar genom att sticka in ett upphittat rakblad på undersidan av rutschbanan han och hans fritidskompisar åker i. En historia om hur moralen får ta ett steg tillbaka när känslorna får styra. Och att när...
Read moreIT. Il film racconta una storia tutta al femminile, attraverso il rapporto di due donne e una bambina tramite una perdita in famiglia. Come molti Napoletani negli anni С80 trascorrevano le vacanze nei posti limitrofi di villeggiatura. L'ultimo giorno...
Read moreTwo 15-year old cousins, Iben and Sanne, are invited to spend their summer holiday with their aunt, the owner of a dilapidated spa in Eastern Europe. The aunt is an eccentric woman whose life is sustained by memories of a time long past; Iben and Sanne...
Read moreNL. De Daltons gaat over de zes en een half jaar oude Tim die drie broers heeft: Jelle, Erik en de veel jongere Daantje. Samen met hun ouders wonen ze aan de Daltonstraat 123. Ze worden daarom ook wel "De Daltons" genoemd. In iedere aflevering maken de...
Read moreAnd finally, a maximum quality version of this film has been found! «Nu kommer NYA Madicken!» Madicken is a fictional character created by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. Madicken appeared in 6 books, two movies — Du är inte klok, Madicken (1979)...
Read moreThe Candy Snatchers is a 1973 American exploitation crime film directed by Guerdon Trueblood. The film was unofficially inspired by the kidnapping of Barbara Jane Mackle. It stars Susan Sennett as a teenager who is kidnapped and held for ransom by three...
Read moreFR. Va, petite! est un film franco-belge réalisé par Alain Guesnier et sorti en 2002.Une petite ville portuaire en France. Parce qu'elle refuse d'aller en pension à la rentrée scolaire, Marie, 12 ans, décide de quitter la maison de ses parents. Au même...
Read moreCN. 一个遥远而充满封建的时代,洞庭湖边存在着一个小村庄,村庄里住着一个十七、八岁的年轻疯女,疯女没有家人,每日于村人与小孩玩耍作乐度日。她,样子长得十分美丽,村中众人都她十分照料。同时,村中住着了一户人家,家中父女两人,女到城里工作,留下了一个父亲,他四十来岁,一副纤瘦的身驱。一日,村中有人说疯女被人奸杀,死在湖边,众人十分气愤,村中的长老大会决定…… EN. In the distant feudal times, on the shores of Dongting Lake, in a small...
Read moreSE. Filmen skildrar kärleken mellan två ungdomar. Vi får följa hur Annika och Pär träffas, möta deras bakgrund och hemmiljö, mopedgängets tuffhet och Annikas mer kvinnliga värld. Filmen beskriver all osäkerhet, rädsla, ömhet och glädje som de upplever...
Read moreBuenos Aires, 1955. One of a family of Sicilian immigrants, the adolescent Laura is on the threshold of adulthood. Her father Francesco Lojacono, is a humble tailor whose relationship with his daughter is one of extreme conflict. As Laura becomes increasingly...
Read moreChildren In Cinema. Part-60. A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors Children In Cinema number Sixty. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from the previous...
Read moreDK. To børn på 14-15 år, Carl og Hanne, er hovedpersonerne i filmen, der handler om sammenhængen mellem sygdom og samfund igennem et århundrede. De små dramatiske episoder fra et århundredes dagligliv i skyggesiden fortæller om en fattigdom, som kalder...
Read moreFR. Les vacances d'un adolescent dans un camp naturiste, en compagnie de sa mère et de jeunes gens de son âge. EN. La Fonte des neiges (English title: Thawing out; literally The melting of the snows) is a 2009 short comedy drama film directed by Jean-Julien...
Read moreFR. Dans un compartiment de train, des hommes racontent leurs déboires en amour. Seule l'aventure d'Emile Loubignac est positive (cependant son fils se trouve dans la même position que les autres voyageurs). EN. In a train compartment, 6 people who do...
Read moreFR. Marion, 14 ans, est en vacances avec sa famille en Normandie. C'est là qu'elle rencontre Marc, un dragueur de 35 ans. Ils se livrent ensemble à un jeu de séduction sans aller très loin. De retour à Paris, ils se revoient à plusieurs reprises. Marion,...
Read moreTwelve year-old Vincent is not a child quite like the others: he has an IQ significantly higher than the average. Solitary, he spends a lot of time to reflect. Its exceptional power of analysis enables him to understand at once those who surround him....
Read moreES. Lucía tiene 10 años, los ojos muy abiertos y la piel muy sensible. Como todas las niñas de su edad, está a las puertas de su vida; del otro lado, no sabemos todavía qué habrá ni qué podremos ver. Pero por un instante, ella verá lo que yace...
Read moreThis time we present to your attention new collection of short films number one hundred and ten. Today we have collected six mini-films various countries, almost all short films are fresh and one old and very rare documentary.Enjoy watching! 1. Les pinces...
Read moreES. Gema se ha quedado sin trabajo. Su hija Zoe sueña con tener alas. Gema desea volar con ella, salir de ese lugar que asfixia, que alimenta el miedo. Ambas imaginan un nuevo hogar pintado de rojo, alejado del ruido, cerca de ellas mismas. EN. Gema is...
Read moreDK. Når mor kommer hjem er en dansk børnefilm fra 1998, instrueret af Lone Scherfig. Manuskriptet er skrevet af Jørgen Kastrup efter Martha Christensens roman af samme navn fra 1995. Linda, der er enlig mor til tre børn, skal i fængsel for at afsone en...
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