Renko, a girl in the sixth grade, is at first unperturbed by her parents' decision to separate. With the companionship of her boyfriend, Minoru, and Sally, a classmate in the same boat, Renko gradually realises the practical implications of divorce, and...
Read moreDK. Søskendeparret Tilde (Anna Ibsen) og Ruud (William Olesen) er gennem hele deres barndom blevet rykket rundt mellem plejefamilier og nye skoler. Efterhånden har de lært, at de kun har hinanden at stole på.Da en af dem bliver udsat for mobning, tager...
Read moreSE. Hundra svenska år är en dokumentär-TV-serie, producerad av Olle Häger och redigerad av Kjell Tunegård med Hans Villius som berättare (han syns aldrig i bild - man hör bara hans röst). Serien består av åtta avsnitt, som vart och ett berättar Sveriges...
Read moreChildren In Cinema. Part-63. A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Sixty Three. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from...
Read moreFR. C'est le cri d'amour désespéré d'une gamine de onze ans. Incapable de révolte face à la violence psychologique de ses parents, Émily se réfugie dans son monde imaginaire. EN. It's the desperate love cry of an 11-year-old girl. Unable to resist the...
Read moreSet deep in the south of Italy, Corpo Celeste is the story of 13 year old Marta who is struggling to resettle after ten years growing up in Switzerland. Bright-eyed and restless, she observes the sights, sounds and smells of the city but feels very much...
Read moreYoung Alice lives alone with her father at some point in the near future, in an isolated mansion. An impressive piece of postmodern architecture out in the middle of the woods. When we first meet her she's being fitted with a cybernetic prosthesis for...
Read moreRapture (French: La fleur de l'âge) is a 1965 drama film directed by John Guillermin, and starring Melvyn Douglas, Patricia Gozzi, and Dean Stockwell. It is reportedly Guillermin's own favorite among his films.[1] His widow Mary said it "was the only...
Read moreIT. Ruggine è un film di genere drammatico del 2011, diretto da Daniele Gaglianone, con Valeria Solarino e Filippo Timi. Uscita al cinema il 02 settembre 2011. Durata 109 minuti.Il film racconta la difficile pre-adolescenza di una "banda" di ragazzini,...
Read moreDeep (Dutch: Diep) is a 2005 Dutch drama film about the 14-year-old girl Heleen (played by 14-year-old Melody Klaver). A story about the 14 year old Heleen who makes the transition of child to adult with pain and effort in the wild 70s. While her parents...
Read moreNL. De rode zwaan is een Nederlandse speelfilm uit 1999, geregisseerd door Martin Lagestee. Het is gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek van Sjoerd Kuyper, die eerder Het Zakmes schreef.Na jaren in Frankrijk te hebben gewoond, keert grootvader Jakob terug...
Read moreDE. Stevie, ein eigenwilliges, 14-jähriges Mädchen, landet völlig unvorbereitet aus dem Süden Europas in einer deutschen Kleinstadt. Von Heute auf Morgen muss sie in dieser provinziellen Fremde mit der Haltlosigkeit ihrer leichtlebigen Eltern zurechtkommen....
Read moreMy Life as a Dog (Swedish: Mitt liv som hund) is a Swedish drama film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 12 December 1985, directed by Lasse Hallström. It is based on the second novel of a semi-autobiographical trilogy by Reidar Jönsson. It tells...
Read moreWho Saw Him Die? (Swedish: Ole dole doff) is a 1968 black-and-white Swedish film about a liberal teacher struggling with the demands of teaching a classroom of unruly children. The screenplay is by Clas Engström, based on his own novel. The film won the...
Read moreBusters verden (Buster's World) is a Danish children's television series and movie from 1984. Based on a play by Bjarne Reuter, Buster's verden deals with the experiences of young Buster Oregon Mortensen. The television series was a break-through for...
Read moreThe Nest (Spanish: El Nido) is a 1980 Spanish drama film written and directed by Jaime de Armiñán, starring Héctor Alterio and Ana Torrent. The plot follows the emotionally intense relationship between an old widower and a precocious thirteen-year-old...
Read moreA young girl from a modest Russian family studies classical ballet. After many difficulties, she succeeds as a young woman to enter the prestigious Bolchoi. However she turns to modern dance, then improvisation, then choreography. The movie includes beautiful...
Read moreToday we are glad to present to your attention a new collection of short films number one hundred and fifteen. In this archive we have collected six European mini-movies, mostly fresh, in high definition and with English subtitles.Enjoy watching! 1. Tjejernas...
Read moreFR. Maëlys, huit ans, habite dans une campagne reculée avec ses parents. Insolente et solitaire, elle passe sa vie dans les bois et les marais. Un jour, elle découvre le cadavre d'une jeune fille nue au milieu des roseaux. Fascinée par sa beauté et sa...
Read moreDK. Piv går i 3 klasse. Hun er en stille pige, der ofte bliver mobbet af den stride Mia og hendes veninder. En aften har Pivs forældre inviteret en af deres gamle venner på middag. Vennen har taget sin datter med, som til Pivs rædsel viser sig at være...
Read moreFR. De marché en marché, de coin de pêche en partie de monopoly, Martha, Reymond et leur fille Lise vivent et s'aiment à contre-courant. Le bonheur semble à portée de main.Mais les fantômes de l'enfance guettent, et Martha, traquée, entraîne son petit...
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