FR. Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez est un film français de Max Pécas sorti en 1986. C'est le deuxième film de la « trilogie tropézienne » du réalisateur, après Les Branchés à Saint-Tropez et avant On se calme et on boit frais à Saint-Tropez.Le film débute...
Read moreOn this strange day, we are pleased to present to your attention a new collection of short films number one hundred and seventeen. In this archive we have collected nine mini-movies. However, this time we are very lazy and therefore there will be no information...
Read moreLayla is ten years old, and about to meet her new family. She just doesn't know it yet. An act of kindness met with deception leads to Layla's abduction and descent into a life of sex slavery hidden in an ordinary neighborhood. It could even be yours....
Read moreCZ. I malé děti mohou postihnout velké starosti, třebaže nemusí úplně rozumět trápení dospělých. Vnímavá učitelka však vycítí z vyprávění malé holčičky, že tatínek odjel a maminka těžce onemocněla, závažné náznaky něčeho tragického a začne sama zjišťovat,...
Read moreMasturbating in a bed filled with dolls and teddy bears, teenage girl Agnes is tired of hearing about how accepting God at her confirmation will serve as a rite of passage to adulthood. She seeks out to find her own path to adulthood - and she enlists...
Read moreES. Durante el campamento de verano de su escuela, Juana una niña de 12 años, se escapa para encontrarse con Nico otro niño de la escuela del que está enamorada. En el transcurso de una de las tardes que pasan juntos, de repente Juana tiene su primera...
Read moreSE. 11-årige Reine Larsson skall tillbringa en lång sommar på kolonin Barnens ö i Stockholms skärgård, men han beslutar sig för att stanna i stan. En gryende könsmognad får Reine att fundera över livet, döden och framför allt sin sexuella identitet. Han...
Read moreFR. Mais ne nous délivrez pas du mal est un film de Joël Séria sorti en 1971. Son scénario s'inspire d'un tragique fait-divers survenu en 1954 en Nouvelle-Zélande, l'affaire Parker-Hulme.Deux jeunes filles, pensionnaires dans une institution religieuse,...
Read moreA collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Sixty Six. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections but...
Read moreIn 19th-century India, Mary Lennox is suddenly orphaned by cholera. Her only living relative is her uncle, Archibald Craven, so she is sent to live at his estate on the Yorkshire moors. Rude and unpleasant, she gradually begins to change as she explores...
Read moreOn this lunar day, we are pleased to present to your attention a new collection of short films number one hundred and sixteen. In this archive we have collected eleven mini-movies. However, this time we are very lazy and therefore there will be no information...
Read moreCN. 九岁的冬冬没有和其他孩子一样的幸运。爸爸常年出海,妈妈工作繁忙,让缺少父爱的冬冬郁郁寡欢,天生胆小。但胆小并不影响冬冬的调皮,在胆小和调皮双重性格的影响下,冬冬成了学校里老师头疼的调皮鬼,校园外受尽欺负的倒霉蛋。 和冬冬同病相怜的,是邻居的女孩小夏。小夏的妈妈几年前因病去世,做生意的爸爸如今正跟一个女人打得火热。不同的家庭,相似的感受,让冬冬和小夏成了形影不离的好朋友。让冬冬倍感欣慰的是,自己家那只叫“哈比”的小狗,因天生对数字敏感,而赢得大家的喜欢。 一次,冬冬和小夏被高年级调皮男孩欺负。冬冬将满腹的委屈向“哈比”倾吐,说自己“恨不得变成‘哈比’”。冬冬的愿望很快就被爸爸托人从埃及带回来的一条具有魔力的狗项圈变成了现实。为了表示对冬冬的感激,“哈比”满足了冬冬的心愿,和冬冬交换了角色。...
Read morePoslednie kholoda (The Last Cold Days) - a feature film based on the story by Albert Likhanov.The film takes place in 1945, in a provincial town, away from the front line. In the center of the plot is the story of the friendship of two evacuated children,...
Read moreNO. Handlingen i denne visuelt storslåtte filmen er lagt til året 1885 og et sterkt mannsdominert øysamfunn. Her bor Vilde (spilt av Løkkeberg selv) og hennes ti år gamle datter som er et resultat av blodskam: Vildes forhold til sin egen stefar. Barnet...
Read moreA collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Sixty Five. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections but...
Read moreFarm life in the Yorkshire Dales isn't easy at the best of times, but things are exceptionally tough for Tom and Sue. Their eight-year-old son has leukaemia, and the doctors aren't making headway. Meanwhile, Catherine, ten, feels lonely and neglected;...
Read moreDE. Es ist Sommer. Zwei junge Mädchen auf einem Interrail Trip nach Rom. Auf der Suche nach dem Abenteuer finden sie schließlich einen Prinzen. EN. It’s summer. Two young girls are on an Interrail trip to Rome. Looking for adventure they finally find...
Read moreDE. Stefan Herrlich (Walter Sittler) weiß, was von einem Manager verlangt wird: effizientes Kostenmanagement. Da seine Frau Ines (Claudia Michelsen) als Designerin arbeitet, werden ihre drei Lütten im Kindergarten betreut. Als der abbrennt, organisiert...
Read morePT. Bruno (Cláudio Marzo), um cineasta carioca, está em crise existencial. Até que ele percebe uma jovem (Mariana de Moraes) que passa todos os dias pelo mesmo local e fica obcecado por ela, nomeando-a de Fulaninha, junto a seus amigos do boteco. Mas...
Read moreFR. En mai 1968, Caroline, onze ans, quitte les événements parisiens pour la campagne. Sa Mère l'inscrit en arrivant à un stage d'équitation. Unique élève de Monsieur Peyrac, elle conçoit une folle passion pour le bel homme silencieux. Le problème est...
Read moreAs a kid, Leo thought he possessed, like a magician, the secret power to make things happen. As a young man, he certainly knows how to make things happens with women. But as his best friend Krantz would say to him, "Why do you always ask questions you...
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