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O Menino da Calça Branca / The Boy in White Trousers. 1961.

O Menino da Calça Branca / The Boy in White Trousers. 1961.

PT. Um menino favelado realiza seu sonho ganhando uma calça branca no Natal. Vestido com ela sai pelos caminhos do morro. Com cuidado para não suja-la evita as brincadeiras com os companheiros e busca o asfalto para mover-se mantendo-a limpa. Fica a imitar...

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Bettkantengeschichten. Der liebe Gott im Schrank. 1985.

Bettkantengeschichten. Der liebe Gott im Schrank. 1985.

Bettkantengeschichten - German TV series 1983-1990.At the beginning of each episode, a child makes an evil experience. Season 1, Episode 11. Der liebe Gott im Schrank. The father hears Gesa pray and is surprised, because nobody in the family is a believer....

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猫耳少女キキ / Nekomimi Shōjo Kiki / Cat Girl Kiki. 1996.

猫耳少女キキ / Nekomimi Shōjo Kiki / Cat Girl Kiki. 1996.

JP. 海外向けにコスプレ、メイドカフェ、フィギュアといったアキハバラ・カルチャーを題材にしラブコメにした、ジャパニーズ・カルチャームービーとの『萌えキュン@MOVIE』シリーズの3部作。第1弾「萌えキュン@MOVIE 猫耳少女キキ」大学生の高木義郎はココ数週間は引きこもり状態。学校にもバイトにも顔を出していない。そんな彼がたまたま外に出掛けた時に拾った捨て猫がなんと翌朝には可愛らしい猫ミミ美少女になって寝ていたのだ!驚く高木だったが…。 EN. Cat Girl Kiki (猫耳少女キキ, Nekomimi...

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千羽づる / Senba-zuru / Sadako Story. 1989. FULL-HD.

千羽づる / Senba-zuru / Sadako Story. 1989. FULL-HD.

JP. 幼くして被爆した少女が小学6年で死ぬまでの短い青春を描く。手島悠介原作の同名小説の映画化で、脚本・監督は「ハチ公物語」の神山征二郎、共同脚本は「春駒のうた」の松田昭三、撮影は「神々の履歴書」の南文憲がそれぞれ担当。昭和29年4月、広島。理髪店を営む佐々木夫妻の娘・禎子は小学6年生になった。活発で心の優しい禎子は友達も多くスポーツも得意。秋の運動会では駆けっこでクラスを優勝に導くなど楽しい学校生活を送っていた。しかし、秋の終り頃禎子は風邪をひいてリンパ腺を腫らした。なかなか治らないので近所の医者はABCC...

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Anthology of short films. Part 118.

Anthology of short films. Part 118.

Today, despite the heat and rain, we are pleased to present to your attention a new collection of short films number one hundred and eighteen. In this archive we have collected eight mini-films. Almost all short films are fresh except for one - very funny.Happy...

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Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990. FULL-HD.

Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990. FULL-HD.

Towards Evening (Italian: Verso sera) is a 1990 Italian drama film directed by Francesca Archibugi. It was entered into the 17th Moscow International Film Festival. For her performance Zoe Incrocci was awarded with a David di Donatello for Best Supporting...

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À dix minutes des naturistes / Ten Minutes from Naturists. 2012. HD.

À dix minutes des naturistes / Ten Minutes from Naturists. 2012. HD.

FR. À dix minutes des naturistes est un téléfilm français réalisé par Stéphane Clavier et diffusé le 11 juin 2012 sur TF1.Une famille de concierges bruxellois profite de l'absence de ses patrons pour échanger une belle propriété contre une villa de vacances...

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La belle endormie / The Sleeping Beauty. 2010. FULL-HD.

La belle endormie / The Sleeping Beauty. 2010. FULL-HD.

The princess Anastasia is cursed by the witch Carabosse to die but three teenage fairies change it and the girl falls into a deep sleep for one hundred years to wake-up as a sixteen year-old teenager. Along her dream, Anastasia takes a ghost train and...

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Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000. FULL-HD.

Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000. FULL-HD.

FR. Lise, une jeune adolescente qui rêve de partir à la mer, est en plein deuil familial. Elle n'a d'autre échappatoire que la correspondance qu'elle entretient avec Gwen, sa meilleure amie. Celle-ci vit en Bretagne au sein d'une famille de marins pêcheurs...

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Sexy Thing. 2006. HD.

Sexy Thing. 2006. HD.

Georgie, 12, is growing up in Sydney's Western suburbs in the 1970's. She's a tomboy, creative, and a dreamer; but always lives just outside herself and never quite in the present. She creates a magical underwater world to escape paternal abuse, and dreams...

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Mon copain Rachid / My Friend Rachid. 1997.

Mon copain Rachid / My Friend Rachid. 1997.

A nine-year-old boy is obsessed with the sizable penis of his older friend.In this award winning and funny exploration of youth, race, and seх, a nine-year old boy works through his obsession with an older boy.This short is amazing. In ten minutes it...

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Little Darlings. 1980. FULL-HD.

Little Darlings. 1980. FULL-HD.

Fifteen year olds Ferris Whitney and Angel Bright meet when they attend the same summer camp and are assigned the bunks next to each other in the same cabin. It's hate at first sight as they are seemingly polar opposites: romantic and literate Ferris...

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Children In Cinema. Part-69.

Children In Cinema. Part-69.

Children In Cinema. Part-69. A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Sixty Nine. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from...

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Անուշ մայրիկը / Mayrik Anush / Mother Anush. 1983.

Անուշ մայրիկը / Mayrik Anush / Mother Anush. 1983.

AM. Անուշ մայրիկը, 1983 թվականին Հայֆիլմի կողմից թողարկված կինոնկար։ Ֆիլմը պատմում է Անուշ մայրիկի (Լիա Ախեջակովա) արկածների մասին, երբ նա փորձում է այցելել իր տղային, որը ծառայում է բանակում. EN. The film tells us of the adventures of a mother who tries...

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Manue bolonaise. 2005.

Manue bolonaise. 2005.

FR. Manue et Sophie (11 ans) sont les meilleures amies du monde. Elles passent tout leur temps ensemble, elles se construisent un monde comme elles se construiraient une cabane.Manue voudrait bien sortir avec un garçon, pour Sophie les garçons c’est plutôt...

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Amintiri din copilărie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964. FULL-HD.

Amintiri din copilărie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964. FULL-HD.

RO. Amintiri din copilărie este un film românesc din 1965 regizat de Elisabeta Bostan. Se bazează pe opera literară „Amintiri din copilărie” de Ion Creangă. Ion Bocancea a interpretat rolul Nică al lui Ștefan a Petrei și în filmul Pupăza din tei din 1965.Ecranizând...

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靚妹仔 / Leung mooi zai / Lonely Fifteen. 1982. FULL-HD.

靚妹仔 / Leung mooi zai / Lonely Fifteen. 1982. FULL-HD.

CN. 《靚妹仔》(英語:Lonely Fifteen)是1982年上映的一部香港電影,由黎大煒執導,林碧琪、溫碧霞、麥德和主演,是監製麥當雄離開麗的電。劇情講述數名未成年少女離家出走後墮入風塵,迷失於愛情慰藉與物質享樂的故事。本片是香港新浪潮的代表作之一,「魚蛋妹」一詞亦因本作而為社會所認識,開創了麥當雄往後拍攝香港寫實電影的先河。 EN. Bik Kei is a troubled girl from a broken family. Her parents do not care about...

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Secrets / First Love: Secrets. 1983. HD.

Secrets / First Love: Secrets. 1983. HD.

A 13-year-old girl named Louise lives alone with her widowed mother. Louise is sent off to a boarding school, but not before she discovers some secret documents kept hidden by her father. A curious look reveals that her father was a member of the secret...

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Acné / Acne. 2008.

Acné / Acne. 2008.

Acne (Spanish: Acné) is a 2008 Uruguayan coming-of-age film directed by Federico Veiroj. The film showed in the Director's Fortnight portion of the 2008 Cannes Film Festival.Rafa, a teenage boy who is just edging into his teens tries to unravel the mysteries...

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La Vie sexuelle des Belges 1950–1978 / The Sexual Life of the Belgians. 1994.

La Vie sexuelle des Belges 1950–1978 / The Sexual Life of the Belgians. 1994.

La Vie seхuelle des Belges 1950–78 is a 1994 Belgian comedy film and satire on Belgian provincialism that proved a major cinematic success in Belgium. It was the first film by now-famed Flemish provocateur and director Jan Bucquoy. The film is an adaptation...

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初潮 / The Menarche. 2019. FULL-HD.

初潮 / The Menarche. 2019. FULL-HD.

CN. 噗通入水,愛嘉比湘琪游快了一點,她們是最好的朋 友,但比賽裡只有對手。湘琪的發育比愛嘉慢了一些, 瘦小的她想靠體保生名額繼續升學。女孩迎來初經, 成熟了身體,萌出了心機,友情與妒意分列泳池畔台, 她們在槍響前大口呼吸,哨音後振臂向前,在藍色青 春池水裡誰也無法回頭。 EN. Ai-Jia and Shiang-Chi are best friends but their friendship is going to be tested. With the arrival of menarche...

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