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Loon Lake. 2012. HD.

Loon Lake. 2012. HD.

Madeleine and Rosy, age 15, both have issues with boys and sex, which they want to resolve this summer. They are vacationing at a cabin on Loon Lake in Maine. When they meet two local guys at the general store they naively accept an invitation to a secret...

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Errol. 2003. HD.

Errol. 2003. HD.

TV Mini-Series, 3 Episodes. 12-year-old Errol is found by police in a wardrobe in a drug parade on New Year's Eve. No one knows who he is or where he comes from and it takes months before he gives his name or talks at all. In his first foster family,...

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Mockingbird Don't Sing. 2001. HD.

  Mockingbird Don't Sing. 2001. HD.

Mockingbird Don't Sing is a 2001 American independent film based on the true story of Genie, a modern-day feral child. The film is told from the point of view of Dr. Susan Curtiss (whose fictitious name is Sandra Tannen), a professor of linguistics at...

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红樱桃 / Hóng Yīngtáo / Red Cherry. 1995. FULL-HD.

红樱桃 / Hóng Yīngtáo / Red Cherry. 1995. FULL-HD.

CN. 《红樱桃》是一部叶大鹰执导的中国电影,1995年公映。该影片根据二战时期史实改编而成,女主角原型为朱德之女朱敏。该片是比较少见的关系二战欧洲战场的中国国产影视作品,内容主要讲述了在1940年,13岁的女孩楚楚(郭柯宇饰)和12岁的男孩罗小蛮被送入莫斯科近郊的伊万诺夫国际儿童院学习,及其后二人在二战中艰苦而悲惨的经历。 此片是1995年中國本土電影票房冠軍,后获得1996年百花奖最佳故事片奖和最佳女主角奖,更入圍了德國柏林影展的官方項目。 EN. Red Cherry (simplified...

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Hans Staden / Hans Staden - Lá Vem Nossa Comida Pulando. 1999. HD.

Hans Staden / Hans Staden - Lá Vem Nossa Comida Pulando. 1999. HD.

PT. Hans Staden (Carlos Evelyn) um imigrante alemão que naufragou no litoral de Santa Catarina. Dois anos depois, chegou a São Vicente, concentração da colônia portuguesa no Brasil, onde trabalhou por mais dois anos, visando juntar dinheiro para retornar...

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El otro Tom / The Other Tom. 2021. FULL-HD.

El otro Tom / The Other Tom. 2021. FULL-HD.

ES. Elena es madre soltera y depende de los servicios sociales. Su hijo Tom, tiene dificultades de comportamiento y es estigmatizado en la escuela como “niño problema”. La ausencia del padre forma parte del complicado vínculo entre ellos. Tom será diagnosticado...

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Cerca / Close. 2015. FULL-HD.

Cerca / Close. 2015. FULL-HD.

ES. Tres niñas son para su madre a un mismo tiempo lo más familiar y fuente constante de misterio. La búsqueda por comprenderlas la empuja a explorarse como madre, y recordarse como hija. EN. Three girls are for their mother, very close and familiar and...

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Ulvepigen Tinke / Little Big Girl. 2002. FULL-HD.

Ulvepigen Tinke / Little Big Girl. 2002. FULL-HD.

DK. Ulvepigen Tinke er en dansk film fra 2002, skrevet og instrueret af Morten Køhlert efter Cecil Bødkers roman Hungerbarnet. Historien foregår i år 1850. Den handler om en 9 år gammel pige, ved navn Tinke (Sarah Juel Werner). En beskidt og sulten lille...

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La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977. DVD.

La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977. DVD.

ES. La guerra de papá es una película española dirigida por Antonio Mercero basada en la novela de Miguel Delibes El príncipe destronado.1 A pesar del gran éxito obtenido en su estreno por el público, es una obra bastante desconocida en aquellos años...

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Brusten himmel / Broken Sky. 1982. FULL-HD.

Brusten himmel / Broken Sky. 1982. FULL-HD.

SE. Det är tidigt 1940-tal i Norrbotten. 13-åriga Erika lever tillsammans med sina föräldrar och sin farmor. Familjen är inte särskilt lycklig och var och en är besviken på sitt sätt. Erika har drömmar om en annan värld, där hon kan leva sitt eget liv....

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Die Schokoladenkönigin. 2005. HD.

Die Schokoladenkönigin. 2005. HD.

DE. Die Schokoladenkönigin ist ein deutscher Fernsehfilm aus dem Jahr 2005. Die mit Christine Neubauer und Hardy Krüger jr. in den Hauptrollen besetzte Komödie wurde am 10. Juni 2005 zum ersten Mal in der ARD ausgestrahlt. Für den Werbefotografen Michael...

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Children In Cinema. Part-77.

Children In Cinema. Part-77.

Another big collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Seventy Seven. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from the previous...

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My queen Karo. 2009. FULL-HD.

My queen Karo. 2009. FULL-HD.

My Queen Karo is a 2009 drama film. It was directed by Dorothée Van Den Berghe, produced by Frank Van Passel, and starring Matthias Schoenaerts, Déborah François, and Anna Franziska Jaeger. The film tells the story of Karo, a ten-year-old girl who witnesses...

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Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. FULL-HD.

Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. FULL-HD.

It found a high-quality version of this film Bluray 1080p (full version uncensored). IT. Durante le vacanze due adolescenti scoprono il sesso. L'arrivo di una coetanea sconvolge i loro rapporti, dando luogo ad un triangolo che si concluderà in tragedia....

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Meninos de Kichute / Boys Soccer Club. 2009. HD.

Meninos de Kichute / Boys Soccer Club. 2009. HD.

In the nineteen seventies, right after Brazil became three times world champion, the best outfit for kids to play soccer was to wear a pair of Kichute, a simple soccer tennis shoes made with cleats on the sole. Every kid in the village who wants to be...

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Anthology of short films. Part 121.

Anthology of short films. Part 121.

Anthology of short films. Part 121. Today we are pleased to present to your attention fresh collection of short films number one hundred twenty one. There are 12 mini-films from different countries shot over the past many years - from 1939 to 2022 including...

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XXY. 2007. HD.

XXY. 2007. HD.

XXY is a 2007 Argentine-Spanish-French drama film written and directed by Lucía Puenzo. Starring Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli, Inés Efron, and Martín Piroyansky, the film tells the story of a 15-year-old intersex person, the way her family copes...

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Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964. HD. In color.

Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964. HD. In color.

The classics of Soviet children's cinema is in color now. Welcome, or No Trespassing (Russian: Добро пожаловать, или Посторонним вход воспрещён, translit. Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchyon) is a Soviet movie by Elem Klimov made in...

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Letters. 2017. FULL-HD.

Letters. 2017. FULL-HD.

Over the span of a year, filmmakers Marte (Norway) and Jéro (South Korea) exchange visual letters, documenting their everyday lives.Marte Vold (37) and Jéro Yun’s (35) collaboration began in 2015 when they were asked to team up for CPH:LAB, the talent...

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Hand in Hand. 1961. HD.

Hand in Hand. 1961. HD.

Hand in Hand is a 1961 British drama film about the friendship between two young children, one a Roman Catholic boy about nine, the other a 7-year-old Jewish girl.Filmed in the summer of 1960 under the title "The Star and the Cross", Hand in Hand. Although...

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Najlepšie prázdniny / The Rainbow Tribe. 2008. FULL-HD.

Najlepšie prázdniny / The Rainbow Tribe. 2008. FULL-HD.

CZ. Po tom, čo sympatického štyridsiatnika Morgana Robertsa (David James Elliott) bolestne zasiahnu zlé správy od jeho lekára, rozhodne sa prijať prácu ako poradca v nezabudnuteľnom letnom detskom tábore, v ktorom on sám prežil spolu so svojím najlepším...

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