Geschwister ist ein im Auftrag des Fernsehens der DDR von der DEFA produzierter Fernsehfilm des Regisseurs Wolfgang Hübner aus dem Jahr 1975. Marijam Agischewa spielt die Hauptrolle in dieser Geschichte um Geschwister, die zueinanderfinden müssen. Für...
Read moreFR. Ils sont deux à fuguer sans arrêt, un garçon et une fille, frère et sœur. Deux enfants perdus, abandonnés à la naissance. Chloé ne parle pas, hors du monde, et ne supporte pas qu'on la touche. Elle dessine toujours la même maison. Elle marche aussi,...
Read moreDK. Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper er en dansk film fra 1980. instrueret af Gert Fredholm. Manuskriptet er skrevet af Hans Hansen, Peter Høimark og Gert Fredholm efter en roman af Ole Lund Kirkegaard. Filmen er en blanding af historierne; "Lille Virgil"...
Read moreIt Felt Like Love is a 2013 independent drama film, the first feature film directed by Eliza Hittman. Fourteen year old Lila envies the ease with which her best friend Chiara, on the cusp of her sixteenth birthday, deals with boys. Chiara has been sexually...
Read moreA documentary film about the first acquaintance of babies with swimming - a sport for body and soul, an almost universal means of raising strong, healthy and tempered children. We invite you to watch the future champions.Director: Andrey Dobrovolsky....
Read moreCZ. Pozoruhodný pokus načrtnout věrohodný portrét nacistického důstojníka, velitele koncentračního tábora, se dotýká protikladných stránek jeho osobnosti - na jedné straně starostlivý, pečující o rodinné blaho, na druhé straně bezcitný nacista, uplatňující...
Read moreIT. Turi e Teresa sono figli di un pescatore che vive e lavora in un'isola siciliana. La loro e una vita semplice e pacifica, fatta di abitudini e fatiche quotidiane: accudire la nonna, pescare, gestire il bar al centro del paese. Ma Turi, ormai, e quasi...
Read moreThe newest part of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Eighty Three. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1971-2022. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from...
Read moreNO. Fjernsynsteatret viser "Laurdagskveld". Etter ei novelle av Tarjei Vesaas, i samlinga "Vindane". To barn bur på ein liten gard saman med far og mor. Dei ventar utolsame på at laurdagskvelden skal begynne. Kvelden med all sin fine dåm er i huset, men...
Read moreES. Helena es una niña de nueve años con autismo. Gioconda y Eduardo, sus padres, angustiados por el futuro de su hija y en busca de respuestas, emprenden una conmovedora exploración al universo del autismo, partiendo de filmaciones a niños autistas realizadas...
Read moreShow Me Love (Swedish: Fucking Åmål) is a 1998 Swedish romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Lukas Moodysson in his feature-length directorial debut. It stars Rebecka Liljeberg and Alexandra Dahlström as two seemingly disparate teenage girls...
Read moreThree documentaries about nomadic family thattraveling the world constantly for many years now, staying with remote and traditional living indigenous people. 1. Solomon Islands. Remote Kwaio Tribes. 2019. The Kwaio are one of the very last melanesian...
Read moreThe newest part of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Eighty Two. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1972-2019. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from...
Read moreTeacher Rob Dekoster is a good man, albeit a bit too frivolous and liberal with funds the local arts center's interim director. His wife Nelle, who sometimes abuses drugs, spoils his ingrate teenage stepdaughter Sandy, who is kind only to her sweet, mentally...
Read moreBG. Осемгодишният Алек живее с майка си. Той чувства, че след развода с баща му в нейния живот се е образувала празнота. Алек решава да ѝ помогне, като ѝ намери подходящ съпруг. Неговият избор пада върху един спортист. След това се спира на симпатичен...
Read moreIt is summer in the 1980s, and ten-year-old Sara's whole world is her front yard and the park at the end of the street. With her parents consumed in domestic battles, Sara experiences life uncensored. She glimpses sex, both gorgeous and awful, and broken...
Read moreGrowing Up: A New Approach to Sex Education, No. 1. Growing Up is a 23-minute sex education film for schools made by Dr Martin Cole first shown in April 1971. It is now available as part of The Joy of Sex Education DVD and was described by one critic...
Read moreLetní filmový příběh vypráví o klukovském fanfaronství a rivalitě, která dá vzniknout přátelství. Příběh je zasazený do jihočeské vesnice, kam přijíždí Petr na prázdniny s rodiči. Petrův otec jezdí závodně rallye, a tak je i pro chlapce svět motorů vším....
Read moreUn indien dans la ville (An Indian in the city) is a 1994 French film by Hervé Palud. The film had a limited English language release under the title Little Indian, Big City. Part of the movie was shot in Miami, Florida, United States. It was later adapted...
Read moreNL. Een vrouw als Eva is een Nederlandse speelfilm uit 1979 onder regie van Nouchka van Brakel. Het verhaal gaat over de huisvrouw Eefje, die getrouwd is met Ad en in een flat woont, samen met hun twee kinderen Sander en Britta. Eva is niet gelukkig met...
Read morePonette is a 1996 French film directed by Jacques Doillon. The film centers on four-year-old Ponette (Victoire Thivisol), who is coming to terms with the death of her mother in a car crash. The film received acclaim for Thivisol's performance, who was...
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