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Un Été à La Goulette / A Summer in La Goulette. 1996.

Un Été à La Goulette / A Summer in La Goulette. 1996.

FR. A La Goulette, banlieue de Tunis, Youssef le musulman, Jojo le juif et Giuseppe le Sicilien catholique partagent un bonheur nonchalant. Jusqu'au jour ou chacune de leurs filles decide de perdre sa virginite avec un garcon d'une autre religion que...

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Anthology of short films. Part 97.

Anthology of short films. Part 97.

The new issue of Anthology of short films number ninety seven is ready for viewing. This time there are 9 minifilms here, including an old rare film from Honduras. 1. Far Away Places. 2018. HD. A boy from the streets of L.A., travels to Tahiti to visit...

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Vägen till Gyllenblå! 5 Episodes. 1985. FULL-HD.

Vägen till Gyllenblå! 5 Episodes. 1985. FULL-HD.

Vägen till Gyllenblå! (English: The Road to Golden Blue) is a Swedish science fiction TV miniseries that premiered on 29 December 1985.Ratio Rasch, the president of planet Gyllenblå, has banned laughter and emotions in order to create a society based...

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La puce / Sweetie. 1998.

La puce / Sweetie. 1998.

FR. Marion, 14 ans, est en vacances avec sa famille en Normandie. C'est là qu'elle rencontre Marc, un dragueur de 35 ans. Ils se livrent ensemble à un jeu de séduction sans aller très loin. De retour à Paris, ils se revoient à plusieurs reprises. Marion,...

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En proie / Falling Prey. 2016. HD.

En proie / Falling Prey. 2016. HD.

FR. Thomas ne peut ni accepter, ni changer ce qu’il est : un pédophile. Sa perversion est un fardeau et son abstinence, une lutte. Lors de la fête d’anniversaire de sa fille, son chemin croise celui de la petite Mathilde. Ce qui ne devait être qu’un événement...

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Las mantenidas sin sueños / Kept and Dreamless. 2005. FULL-HD.

Las mantenidas sin sueños / Kept and Dreamless. 2005. FULL-HD.

Kept and Dreamless (Las Mantenidas Sin Sueños) is a 2005 Argentinian film directed by and starring Vera Fogwill. It also features Lucia Snieg and Elsa Berenguer. Shown at the American Film Institute's Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, Maryland, on September...

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Children In Cinema. Part-84.

Children In Cinema. Part-84.

Another and a little unusual part of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Eighty Four. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1971-2019. The names of the clips usually have the name...

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Eu Me Lembro / I Remember. 2005.

 Eu Me Lembro / I Remember. 2005.

PT. Filme Eu me lembro (2005), de Edgard Navarro, no qual o diretor, em um trabalho de recuperação da memória pessoal e da geração a que pertence, tece uma rede intertextual e polifônica, a partir de apropriações, empréstimos e citações de obras e autores...

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Alba. 2016. FULL-HD.

Alba. 2016. FULL-HD.

Alba is a 2016 Ecuadorian drama film directed by Ana Cristina Barragán and starring Macarena Arias. It was selected as the Ecuadorian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards, but it was not nominated.Alba, 11 years old, passes...

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Milka: Elokuva tabuista / Milka - A Film About Taboos. 1980.

Milka: Elokuva tabuista / Milka - A Film About Taboos. 1980.

FL. Eletään harvaanasutulla maaseudulla jossa ihmiset ovat yhtä luonnon kiertokulun kanssa. Tytöstä naiseksi kypsyvä Milka hiihtää talvisessa koivikossa ja rukoilee ""Jumala, anna mulle rakkaus."" Kesällä Milkan rukous toteutuu kun kylään ilmaantuu Kristus-Perkeleeksi...

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Cipriana. 2015. HD.

Cipriana. 2015. HD.

ES. Cipriana, una chica de 12 años, se enfrenta a la burla de sus compañeros y el deseo de los adultos debido al tamaño de sus pechos. Sus cambios físicos la sumergen y acabara por inundar todo a su paso. EN. Cipriana, a 12-year-old girl suffers mockery...

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Malva. 2014. FULL-HD.

Malva. 2014. FULL-HD.

Estela is an eight-year-old girl who faces her first approach to death when witnessing the death of her best friend during a car accident. Estela seems to face in a very peculiar way these situations related to mortality, while she discovers herself on...

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Naerata ometi / Igry dlya detey shkolnogo vozrasta / Well, Come On, Smile. 1985. FULL-HD.

 Naerata ometi / Igry dlya detey shkolnogo vozrasta / Well, Come On, Smile. 1985. FULL-HD.

EE. Mari ema on surnud ja isa joob. Elu lastekodus tundub talle võimatu, kuid minna pole kuhugi. Tal tuleb harjuda elama kodusoojuseta, jõhkravõitu kaaskasvandike seas. Õnneks on seal Tauri, kes käitub hästi, kuid keda miskipärast eriti ei armastata....

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Szamárköhögés / Whooping Cough. 1987. FULL-HD.

 Szamárköhögés / Whooping Cough. 1987. FULL-HD.

HU. 1956 októberében, a forradalom ideje alatt játszódik a cselekmény. Egy testvérpár, Tomi és Annamari annak örül, hogy nem kell iskolába menniük. Apa hazajön a munkahelyéről, és elújságolja, hogy felpofozta az egyik munkatársát. A nagymama kenyeret...

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Divine enfant. 1989.

Divine enfant. 1989.

FR. Une fillette de 6 ans, Sarah, s'enfuit de son orphelinat. Elle ne veut pas se séparer de son petit chien, Toto, qui lui donne beaucoup d'affection. Elle rencontre alors Aurélien Brada, ancien pilote de Formule 1, dont la carrière fut brisée à cause...

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Uova di garofano / Sweet War, Farewell. 1991. FULL-HD.

Uova di garofano / Sweet War, Farewell. 1991. FULL-HD.

A man walks with his child on the grass of a hill. He reaches an old country house, where years before he had spent his childhood during World War II. The deserted and desolate rooms make him travel back in memory to the time when the war was ending....

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Uskyld / All That Matters Is Past. 2012. FULL-HD.

 Uskyld / All That Matters Is Past. 2012. FULL-HD.

NO. Janne møter William som hun var kjæreste med som ung og forlater sin samboer for å tilbringe sommeren med ham. Senere på høsten, langt inne i urskogen, finner en kanopadler ved en tilfeldighet Janne igjen. Hun er svært medtatt og sammen med henne...

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Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988. HD.

Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988. HD.

NO. I Margrethe Robsahms debutfilm møter vi syv år gamle Marin, som bor på en idyllisk sørlandsøy sammen med moren sin og to brødre. Det er i slutten av 40-årene, og Marins far er i fengsel for angivervirksomhet under krigen. Marin opplever de voksnes...

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Kahdeksan peiliä. 1982.

Kahdeksan peiliä. 1982.

Anna-Maijaa haukutaan koulussa lehmäntatiksi, mutta äiti ja isä eivät tiedä sitä. Kiusaaminen paljastuu, kun äiti ostaa kaupasta kahdeksan peiliä.Anna-Maijan kiusaaminen alkaa koulun kuusijuhlassa, kun Anna-Maijan ihastus suutelee kesken joulunäytelmän....

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Island of Lost Girls. 2022. FULL-HD.

Island of Lost Girls. 2022. FULL-HD.

The story of three young girls trying to stick together as they get trapped in a sea cave filled with crashing waves, hundreds of sea lions, and monstrous elephant seals.With the whole film’s focus on the three girls, it was critical that they are engaging...

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Le tombeau des filles / The Girls' Grave. 2011. HD.

Le tombeau des filles / The Girls' Grave. 2011. HD.

Sissi and Victoria are sisters. Whereas the younger is slowly emerging from the world of childhood, the elder tries in vain to be a grown up. In the room they share, Sissi is preparing for her gymnastic competition and Victoria has boys coming and going....

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