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Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.

 Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.

Found a good quality version of this film. FI. Perusteellinen aamupesu on vähintä mitä jokaiselta terveydestään kiinni pitävältä voi vaatia. Puhtaus alkaa käsien pesusta. EN. Versatile nutrition and flattering in fresh air are the foundation of good health...

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Gracious Curves / Naisenkaari. 1997.

 Gracious Curves / Naisenkaari. 1997.

At the age of 46 the Finnish director Kiti Luostarinen philosophises about the question what it means to live in a female body and what it is like to develop from a girl to a woman, to bloom, to age and eventually to die. At her age she can review her...

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A Second Chance / A 2nd Chance. 2011. FULL-HD.

A Second Chance / A 2nd Chance. 2011. FULL-HD.

A young girl and her coach overcome adversity to make their way into the National Australian Gymnastics Squad.Hiding from the pain of secrets in her own gymnastics past, Kate (Nina Pearce) reluctantly takes over the middle school gymnastics team after...

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The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.

The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.

This children's adventure is set in South Africa and chronicles the bond between a boy and his cheetah. The two have been pals for a long time, so when the cat is taken and placed in a traveling circus, the boy does all he can to free it. Mayhem ensues,...

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Když má svátek Dominika. 1967. HD.

Když má svátek Dominika. 1967. HD.

CZ. Hudební anekdota o tom, jak vyměnit bratříčka za kocoura. Honzík vymění svého čtyřletého bratříčka Míšu za kocoura Kajetána. Kocour je ale kradený. Děvčátko, které kocoura vymění, se jmenuje Dominika a má ke všemu svátek. Protože rodiče Honzíka a...

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Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.

Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.

NO. Filmen er basert på sagnet om Jostedalsrypa. Den store pesten i Norge ble kalt svartedauen og herjet i Europa rundt 1350. Den rammet Norge svært hardt og to tredjedeler av befolkningen døde. En av de viktigste bærerne av håpet om en nasjonal gjenfødelse...

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Gražuolė / The Beauty. 1969. FULL-HD.

Gražuolė / The Beauty. 1969. FULL-HD.

LT. Negražią, šlakuotą mergaitę Ingą, gyvenančią su vieniša mama – mašininke mėgsta visi kiemo vaikai, ir žaidžiant (ratu susėdę vaikai vidury šokantįjį apipila pagyromis arba patyčiomis) ją visada išrenka „gražuole“. Ji – širdingiausia ir tiesiog spindinti...

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Anthology of short films. Part 105.

Anthology of short films. Part 105.

Today we present to your attention the next issue of the Anthology of Short Films number one hundred and five. Like last time only the names of mini-films without synopsis and other information, and there are a lot of them - 16 pieces. Almost all shorts...

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Hodja fra Pjort / The Magic Carpet. 1985. FULL-HD.

Hodja fra Pjort / The Magic Carpet. 1985. FULL-HD.

DK. Eventyrfilm om en dreng, Hodja, som får et magisk tæppe af en gammel tæppemager. En ond og magtbegærlig sultan vil have fingre i tæppet, og sammen med pigen Smaragd må Hodja igennem mange prøvelser. EN. Adventure film about the boy Hodja who gets...

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Tata / Dad. 2022. HD.

 Tata / Dad. 2022. HD.

Michal is a truck driver and a single father raising his daughter Miska. Long hours behind the wheel, loneliness and constant life on the road are his everyday life. The most important thing is to get the goods on time. When he is on the road, his Ukrainian...

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子どものころ戦争があった / Kodomo no koro sensô ga atta / There Was a War When I Was a Child. 1981. HD.

 子どものころ戦争があった / Kodomo no koro sensô ga atta / There Was a War When I Was a Child. 1981. HD.

JP. 『子どものころ戦争があった』(こどものころせんそうがあった)は、1981年公開の日本の戦争映画。太平洋戦争中、アメリカ人の父と日本人の母の間に生まれたことから迫害され、土蔵に閉じ込められて暮らす混血の少女とその家族を描く。日本児童文学者協会と日本子どもを守る会が編集した「語りつぐ戦争体験」の中の「泥血の少女の死」を基に映画化。 EN. Weeks before the end of World War II, a boy finds an American girl hidden in the...

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Anthology of short films. Part 125.

Anthology of short films. Part 125.

Anthology of short films. Part 125. The newest collection of short films number one hundred twenty five. There are 10 mini-films from different countries filmed in recent years from 1975-2015. We are sure that you will like this collection.Enjoy watching.喜欢看。見るのを楽しむ。...

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Das Schulgespenst / School Ghost. 1986. FULL-HD.

Das Schulgespenst / School Ghost. 1986. FULL-HD.

Carola is a mischievous girl who doesn't care much for school - except for sports and recess, of course. Without her good friend Willi to keep her on the straight and narrow, she would really be in trouble. One day at school, Carola has an idea. She invents...

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En flicka på halsen / Saddled with a Girl. 1982.

En flicka på halsen / Saddled with a Girl. 1982.

Johan works at a laboratory, where his boss never calls him by the same name twice. One day, he discovers that one of his neighbors, Bengt, has left his little daughter, Pia, in his care, since he's on the run from the two clumsy villains Kurt and Felix....

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Eksperimentet / The Experiment. 2010. FULL-HD.

Eksperimentet / The Experiment. 2010. FULL-HD.

Eksperimentet (English: The Experiment) is a 2010 Danish drama film written and directed by Louise Friedberg, and starring Ellen Hillingsø. The film premiered on 28 August 2010 in the Katuaq Culture Centre in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. The release...

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Sweetwater. 1988. FULL-HD.

 Sweetwater. 1988. FULL-HD.

As a result of many years of searching, a high-quality copy of this film was finally found! NO. I Sweetwater etter den store krigen eller det store krakket. Den unge arkitekten Allan Ung bestemmer seg for å flytte sin lille familie ut av byen, til det...

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Va voir maman, papa travaille / Your Turn, My Turn. 1978. FULL-HD.

Va voir maman, papa travaille / Your Turn, My Turn. 1978. FULL-HD.

FR. Va voir maman, papa travaille est un film français réalisé par François Leterrier, sorti en 1978.Inspiré du roman de Françoise Dorin, Va voir maman, papa travaille est un film de 1978. Mère de famille et épouse modèle, Agnès percute un véhicule alors...

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Muž přes palubu. 1980.

Muž přes palubu. 1980.

CZ. Desetiletý David se stává členem dětského jachtařského klubu. Cvičí s ostatními dětmi a pomáhá stavět další plachetnice, ale skutečného plachtění si zpočátku moc neužije. Časem však vedoucí oddílu Vala rozhodne, že bude jezdit s jeho synem Oldou místo...

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Ladybirds. 2006.

Ladybirds. 2006.

“When I was little I believed that ladybirds turned into ladies, tigersnakes turned into tigers, dragonflies turned into dragons…”Ladybirds is a charming and poignant story about a young girl reminiscing about her childhood. She looks back on babies popping...

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Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972. FULL-HD.

Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972. FULL-HD.

HU. Gera, a sikeres cigány festő otthagyja kivételezett helyzetét és festményei elégetése után visszatér nyomorban tengődő társai közé. Az a terve, hogy megreformálja a cigányok életét. De senki sem lehet próféta a saját hazájában. Szándékait, céljait...

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Sweetwater. 1988.

 Sweetwater. 1988.

SE. Sweetwater är en norsk-svensk science fiction-, drama- och thrillerfilm från 1988 i regi av Lasse Glomm och med manus av Glomm och Petter Skavlan. I rollerna ses bland andra Bentein Baardson, Petronella Barker och Alphonsia Emmanuel. Efter ett stort...

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