AL. Adeas i pëlqen të luajë futboll me djemtë dhe të veshë pantallona të shkurtra sportive. Megjithatë, nëna e saj nuk e miraton dhe e ndalon atë ta bëjë këtë. Vajzat e vërteta nuk luajnë futboll dhe as ecin të veshura si djem të vegjël. Për t'i shpëtuar...
Read moreA documentary purporting to be of instructive value about seхual development from infancy to puberty.This seх education film provides the expected information for youth entering puberty, but does so in an explicit manner. There are no innocuous line drawings...
Read morePessi and Illusia (Finnish: Pessi ja Illusia) is a 1984 Finnish fantasy film directed by Heikki Partanen. The tale about the friendship between a goblin boy Pessi and a fairy girl Illusia is based on the 1944 book by Yrjö Kokko.The film was selected as...
Read moreThe second movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.A musical comedy about the funny adventures of two friends - Petrov and Vasechkin. The guys, inexhaustible in inventions, fourth-grade students, have matured, but every...
Read moreThe second movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.A musical comedy about the funny adventures of two friends - Petrov and Vasechkin. The guys, inexhaustible in inventions, fourth-grade students, have matured, but every...
Read moreThe first movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.This is a two-part children's musical comedy released in 1983. The plot tells about two friends, pioneer schoolchildren, Petya Vasechkin and Vasya Petrov, about their attempts...
Read moreRO. Campioana este un film românesc din 1990 regizat de Elisabeta Bostan. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Izabela Moldovan, Mircea Diaconu, George Mihăiță.La 10 ani, Corina visează să fie admisă la celebra școală de gimnastică de la...
Read moreMarghe and Her Mother (Italian: Marghe e sua madre) is a 2019 British-Italian-Iranian drama film written and directed by Mohsen Makhmalbaf. Starring Ylenia Galtieri,Margherita Pantaleo and Raffaella Gallo.In Italy, Claudia is a young single mother who...
Read moreDE. Um das Jahr 1870 stehen der achtjährige Pelle und sein Vater Lasse an der Reling eines Schiffs, mit großen Erwartungen an einen neuen Lebensabschnitt: Sie lassen ihr armseliges Leben in Schweden zurück und wollen auf die dänische Insel Bornholm übersetzen....
Read more1943, an estate north of Firenze. The weight of the world is on the shoulders of Penny, who's about 10. An orphan, she must watch over her little sister when they go to live with her aunt and uncle. Penny's a Catholic, and worries about her uncle's soul....
Read moreIT. Mare di grano è un film del 2018 diretto da Fabrizio Guarducci.Adam è un bambino di otto anni, si muove tra le colline e le valli della campagna toscana fino a quando un giorno appare misteriosamente in una piccola città vicino a Siena. Qui incontra...
Read moreNo Child of Mine is a 1997 British docudrama-television film on ITV starring Brooke Kinsella. It documents the true case of a girl named Kerry who was sexually abused throughout her childhood.Thirteen-year-old Kerry is repeatedly sexually abused by several...
Read moreToday we are pleased to present to your attention the newest collection of short films number one hundred twenty six. There are 9 mini-films from different countries shot over the past many years - from 1983 to 2024. We are sure that you will like this...
Read moreEight year old Paul and his mother just moved to a skyscraper. After an embarrassing encounter with Anna, Paul meets her in the elevator. Anna makes fun of him and they start to quarrel. They can't arrange about going up or down. The elevator suddenly...
Read moreNO. Badhuset er en svensk kortfilm fra 1989 regissert av Marcelo V. Racana. Manus er basert på en novelle av P.C. Jersilds som ble publisert i novellesamlingen Gåspennan (1983). Filmen ble innspilt på Lidingö av Håkan Holmberg. Fortellingen utspiller...
Read moreEpisode 09. Aus der Familie der Panzerechsen / From the Family of Reptiles. This short film made for television traces the relationship that develops between a troubled, introverted young girl obsessed with the crocodiles at the zoo and the teacher who...
Read moreEpisode 10. Die Insel / The Island. This short film made for television traces the relationship that develops between a troubled, introverted young girl obsessed with the crocodiles at the zoo and the teacher who attempts to reach out to her.After Ute...
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