«Gotta always somehow make good outta what can poison you.» Hounddog is a 2007 coming-of-age drama film written, directed, and produced by Deborah Kampmeier and starring Dakota Fanning, Isabelle Fuhrman, Robin Wright Penn, and Piper Laurie, among others....
Read morePT. Quatro crianças Ikpeng apresentam sua aldeia respondendo à vídeo-carta das crianças da Sierra Maestra em Cuba. Com graça e leveza, elas mostram suas famílias, suas brincadeiras, suas festas, seu modo de vida. Curiosas em conhecer crianças de...
Read moreFR. Daniel court avec son ami Colin pour arriver à l'école. Dans sa course folle, du sang s'écoule de son nez. Une simulation anti-attentat aura lieu aujourd'hui, peut-être durant la répétition du spectacle de cet après-midi. De retour de l'infirmerie,...
Read moreFollows a precocious, eleven-year-old Allan, who tries desperately to keep his dysfunctional, rural family together during the social upheavals of the early seventies. Allan reveres his father, Henry, the local milkman, and can't understand why others...
Read moreFR. C’est l’été 82. Garance a onze ans et vit dans un hameau reculé des Cévennes où ses parents tentent de mener une vie alternative. Quand deux activistes italiens braquent une banque dans les environs, cela tourne mal. Cet évènement vient chambouler...
Read moreBlanka (Cydel Gabutero) makes her living on the street of Manila from small thefts and tricks. She dreams of saving enough money to "buy" a mom. When she meets talented Peter (Peter Millari), a blind gambling musician, her life takes an unexpected direction....
Read moreDE. Wenn süß das Mondlicht auf den Hügeln schläft ist ein deutscher Spielfilm von Wolfgang Liebeneiner aus dem Jahr 1969. Als Vorlage diente der gleichnamige Roman des britischen Autors Eric Malpass. Er setzt die erste Romanverfilmung Morgens um sieben...
Read moreNO. Handlingen i denne visuelt storslåtte filmen er lagt til året 1885 og et sterkt mannsdominert øysamfunn. Her bor Vilde (spilt av Løkkeberg selv) og hennes ti år gamle datter som er et resultat av blodskam: Vildes forhold til sin egen stefar. Barnet...
Read moreDK. Når mor kommer hjem er en dansk børnefilm fra 1998, instrueret af Lone Scherfig. Manuskriptet er skrevet af Jørgen Kastrup efter Martha Christensens roman af samme navn fra 1995. Linda, der er enlig mor til tre børn, skal i fængsel for at afsone en...
Read moreES. Gema se ha quedado sin trabajo. Su hija Zoe sueña con tener alas. Gema desea volar con ella, salir de ese lugar que asfixia, que alimenta el miedo. Ambas imaginan un nuevo hogar pintado de rojo, alejado del ruido, cerca de ellas mismas. EN. Gema is...
Read moreTwelve year-old Vincent is not a child quite like the others: he has an IQ significantly higher than the average. Solitary, he spends a lot of time to reflect. Its exceptional power of analysis enables him to understand at once those who surround him....
Read moreThe newest issue of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Ninety One. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1967-2005. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from...
Read moreDE. Das Eismeer ruft ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm der DEFA von Jörg Foth aus dem Jahr 1984. Er beruht auf dem gleichnamigen Kinderbuch von Alex Wedding. Prag 1934. Fünf Kinder hören in ihrem selbstgebastelten Radio die Nachricht, daß der Eisbrecher "Tscheljuskin"...
Read moreES. Cosme, un chico de quince años, vive con sus padres y su hermana en un chalet adosado. La monotonía de su vida cambia cuando se enamora de su vecina Merche, una hermosa mujer que tiene casi veinte años más que él. EN. Cosme, a 15-year-old boy, sets...
Read moreIT. Il film racconta una storia tutta al femminile, attraverso il rapporto di due donne e una bambina tramite una perdita in famiglia. Come molti Napoletani negli anni С80 trascorrevano le vacanze nei posti limitrofi di villeggiatura. L'ultimo giorno...
Read moreES. Con trece años, en el borde del precipicio de la edad adulta, un niño subido en un trampolín, se enfrenta al abismo. EN. Having just turned thirteen, Leo sets himself a personal challenge and decides to jump off the highest diving board. As he waits...
Read moreIT. Alice, che nel film precedente era stata rapita, scopre che il padre non era intenzionato a pagare il riscatto per liberarla. Questo fatto la fa dubitare che l'uomo sia davvero suo padre. Inizia a indagare sul passato della madre fino a scoprire Lucio,...
Read moreA better quality copy of this film has been found. SH. Djevojčica odlazi u dom za nezbrinutu djecu u kojem se osjeća kao stranac. Jedanaestogodišnja izvanbračna kći ratom unesrećene žene, naslućuje da je suvišna u životu poočima i majke. Iz okrutne sredine...
Read moreDu sel sur la peau / Salt on the Skin. 1984. FULL-HD. The universally recognized topic of this light comedy is the struggle between refusing to fall in love only to be rejected, and falling in love, regardless. After a computer operator (Richard Bohringer)...
Read moreA Brazilian short film about domestic violence. A cruel and seхually anxious head of a family does bad things to his young daughter and the result is a tragedy. Director: Marcello Sampaio. Сast: Ingrid Cairo, Ricco Lima, Karine Barros, Rafaela Mell, Ana...
Read moreCZ. Príbeh trinásťročného chlapca, jeho prvej lásky a jeho túžby prekonať svoj vlastný strach. EN. The story of a thirteen-year-old boy, his first love and his desire to overcome his own fear. Director: Ľudovít Filan. Cast: Tomáš Dolínek, Richard Stanke,...
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