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心泉 / Xin quan / Spring in the Heart. 1982. FULL-HD.

心泉 / Xin quan / Spring in the Heart. 1982. FULL-HD.

CN. 暑假,苗族小朋友卡里到荔江市城西小学蒙小民家做客。他们与邻居小艺去采集昆虫标本,找到一种很有研究价值的大肩瓢虫,受到城西小学老师赞扬。严教授对此标本产生兴趣,来到小民家,奶奶把功劳全归于小民,并教他编出谎话,使小民获得一等奖。母亲温莹对小民的行为很生气,但又怕事情败露而伤他的自尊,只好瞒了实情。小艺不小心对老师讲出实情,卡里为了朋友否认了。温莹不想孩子们因为此事心理有阴影,便说出实情。严教授找到出走的小民,大家都意识到错误,共同获得名符其实的一等奖。 EN. A Lijing City elementary...

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Les pionniers. 2017.

Les pionniers. 2017.

Zyto and Momo, both eleven years old, are both circumcised. But Zyto feels that his difference from other boys holds him back from fitting in. To help his friend get over his insecurities, Momo hatches a far-fetched plan. Director: Gaby Ohayon. Cast:...

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Domingo violeta / Violet Sunday. 2011. FULL-HD.

Domingo violeta / Violet Sunday. 2011. FULL-HD.

ES. Un domingo por la mañana Ana se despierta en una casa donde su madre está ausente. Se encuentra sola con su hermana Violeta, a menudo extraña y muy juguetona. Entre la complicidad y rivalidad, su misteriosa relación fraternal las marca para siempre...

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Matadoras. 2020. FULL-HD.

Matadoras. 2020. FULL-HD.

Two German-Argentine sisters break free from the world built by adults. The baptism into a new life takes place in the family bathtub, the Virgin is carefully washed and Christian girls dance to mark the end of childhood. Director: Sophia Mocorrea. Cast:...

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Diabolo menthe / Die kleinen Pariserinnen / Peppermint Soda. 1977. FULL-HD.

Diabolo menthe / Die kleinen Pariserinnen / Peppermint Soda. 1977. FULL-HD.

FR. Frédérique et Anne Weber, respectivement âgées de 15 et 13 ans, retrouvent les bancs du lycée Jules-Ferry, à Paris, en cette rentrée de septembre 1963. La vie reprend son cours, même si cette année s'annonce différente des précédentes. Frédérique...

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Krigernes børn / Children of the Warriors. 1979. FULL-HD.

Krigernes børn / Children of the Warriors. 1979. FULL-HD.

DK. Krigernes børn er en dansk ungdomsfilm, som havde premiere den 27 august 1979, instrueret af Ernst Johansen efter Hans Ovesens roman Krigerdrengen Nelo. Den har en spilletid på 89 minutter.Den handler om at fem unge fra et brutalt og utrygt krigersamfund,...

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Stikk / Sting. 2007.

Stikk / Sting. 2007.

13-year-old Alexander is the smallest kid in his eighth grade class. A tough girl cell-films him in the shower and shares the video with the class, earning him the nickname "Mini". Alexander is, naturally, humiliated, until the new kid in class helps...

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13. 2023. FULL-HD.

13. 2023. FULL-HD.

Mica (13) is in her last swimming class before summer. She immerses us in her adolescent world through the subjective camera, her mobile being an extension of herself. Through the friends' chat, they talk about a mysterious video that some want to upload...

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Number One. 1976.

 Number One. 1976.

Two little girls hide in the boys' bathroom at school so they can find out what happens there. When two boys come in, the four gradually talk each other into taking off their clothes. The principal catches them, and angrily berates them for what they've...

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The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane. 1976. FULL-HD.

The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane. 1976. FULL-HD.

In a little seaside town, thirteen year-old Rynn Jacobs is celebrating her birthday alone on a Halloween night. She and her father had arrived from England recently and leased the house for three years from Mrs. Cora Hallet. Out of the blue, Mrs. Hallet's...

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არდადეგებზე / Ardadagebze / Kanikuly / Holidays. 1962. HD.

არდადეგებზე / Ardadagebze / Kanikuly / Holidays. 1962. HD.

GE. საზაფხულო არდადეგების გასატარებლად რეზო და დარო მამას სოფელში ჩაყავს. და-ძმას სოფლის ბავშვებთან თამაში და გართობა უნდა, მაგრამ მამა შვილებს მკაცრ რეჟიმს უწესებს და აიძულებს მთელი დღე მეცადინეობაში გაატარონ. და-ძმაზე მეტად რეჟიმის დაცვა მამას უჭირს....

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Pink Pyjamas. 2001.

Pink Pyjamas. 2001.

All Deborah wants for her thirteenth birthday is a pair of pink pyjamas. In the week leading up to her special day, this childhood dream is shattered as everything around her changes. Director: Elissa Down. Cast: Samarah Clements-Sheperd, Angelique Malcolm,...

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Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003. FULL-HD.

Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003. FULL-HD.

I'm Not Scared (Italian: Io non ho paura) is a 2003 Italian crime mystery thriller film directed by Gabriele Salvatores. Francesa Marciano and Niccolò Ammaniti wrote the script, basing it on Niccolò Ammaniti's successful 2001 Italian novel with the same...

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Gde ty, Bagira? 1977. HD.

Gde ty, Bagira? 1977. HD.

The old Soviet movie, romantic melodrama, children's cinema classics. Returning with friends from school, Tanya saw a huge, viciously barking big, shaggy dog. Thus began the friendship between the girl and the dog Bagira... Director: Vladimir Levin. Cast:...

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Den sommeren jeg fylte 15 / The summer I turned 15. 1976. FULL-HD.

Den sommeren jeg fylte 15 / The summer I turned 15. 1976. FULL-HD.

Den sommeren jeg fylte 15 (The summer I turned 15) is the story Peter is telling the about a special summer, when he is invited over to summer holiday from bickering parents, to his aunt and uncle in th country. He's been there before, but this summer...

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Le Voyage en douce / A Sweet Journey. 1980. FULL-HD.

Le Voyage en douce / A Sweet Journey. 1980. FULL-HD.

Lucia and Elena are best friends since childhood. They take a car trip from Paris to the country. Their conversations are overtly intimate, but more revealing is their tacit understanding of each others' personality and desires.Released outside of France...

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Children In Cinema. Part-85.

Children In Cinema. Part-85.

Children In Cinema. Part-85. The newest part of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Eighty Five. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1969-2022. The names of the clips usually have...

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Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.

 Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.

Found a good quality version of this film. FI. Perusteellinen aamupesu on vähintä mitä jokaiselta terveydestään kiinni pitävältä voi vaatia. Puhtaus alkaa käsien pesusta. EN. Versatile nutrition and flattering in fresh air are the foundation of good health...

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Gracious Curves / Naisenkaari. 1997.

 Gracious Curves / Naisenkaari. 1997.

At the age of 46 the Finnish director Kiti Luostarinen philosophises about the question what it means to live in a female body and what it is like to develop from a girl to a woman, to bloom, to age and eventually to die. At her age she can review her...

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A Second Chance / A 2nd Chance. 2011. FULL-HD.

A Second Chance / A 2nd Chance. 2011. FULL-HD.

A young girl and her coach overcome adversity to make their way into the National Australian Gymnastics Squad.Hiding from the pain of secrets in her own gymnastics past, Kate (Nina Pearce) reluctantly takes over the middle school gymnastics team after...

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The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.

The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.

This children's adventure is set in South Africa and chronicles the bond between a boy and his cheetah. The two have been pals for a long time, so when the cat is taken and placed in a traveling circus, the boy does all he can to free it. Mayhem ensues,...

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