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Tendres cousines / Tender Cousins / Cousins in Love. 1980. FULL-HD.

Tendres cousines / Tender Cousins / Cousins in Love. 1980. FULL-HD.

The highest quality version of this movie has been found. This is BDRemux from Japanese Blu-ray. Tendres Cousines (English: Tender Cousins) is a 1980 French film directed by David Hamilton. The film was released as Cousins in Love in the United Kingdom.Summer...

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Bakaláři. Tatínek. 1979. FULL-HD.

Bakaláři. Tatínek. 1979. FULL-HD.

CZ. Děti umí někdy pořádně překvapit! Povídka z oblíbeného cyklu Bakaláři 1979.Season 8, Episode 39. Tatínek.Malá Renatka (N. Švédová) dává svému novému tatínkovi (L. Frej) otevřeně najevo, že ho nemá ráda a považuje ho za cizího člověka. Žárlí, že nemá...

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Lumikuningatar / The Snow Queen. 1986. FULL-HD.

Lumikuningatar / The Snow Queen. 1986. FULL-HD.

FI. H.C. Andersenin samannimiseen teokseen perustuva elokuva kertoo Kertun matkasta Kain luokse lumoavan Lumikuningattaren valtakuntaan. Lumikuningatar hamuaa viimeistä Vihreää Kiveä kruunuunsa voidakseen hallita koko maailmaa, mutta hän voi saavuttaa...

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Asfour Stah / Halfaouine: L'Enfant des Terrasses / Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces. 1990. FULL-HD.

Asfour Stah / Halfaouine: L'Enfant des Terrasses / Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces. 1990. FULL-HD.

A coming-of-age comedy/drama set in Tunisia. Twelve-year-old Noura is an impressionable boy who must learn to reconcile two conflicting worlds - the loving world of Muslim women and the vastly different, harsher world of men - while also dealing with...

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Naissance des pieuvres / Water Lilies. 2007. FULL-HD.

Naissance des pieuvres / Water Lilies. 2007. FULL-HD.

FR. Naissance des pieuvres est un film dramatique français écrit et réalisé par Céline Sciamma sorti en 2007.Il s'agit du premier long métrage de la réalisatrice, basé sur son scénario de fin d'étude à la Fémis.Pendant l'été de leurs quinze ans, trois...

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Paskutinė atostogų diena / Devochka i ekho / The Girl and the Echo. 1964. FULL-HD.

Paskutinė atostogų diena / Devochka i ekho / The Girl and the Echo. 1964. FULL-HD.

A restorated copy of the film, a classic of the Lithuanian Soviet cinema. LT. Ši poetinė Arūno Žebriūno drama pasakoja apie jaunos mergaitės Vikos jausmų pasaulį. Ji - svajotoja, kuri dažnai lankosi pajūryje ir klausosi tarp uolų skardenančio aido. Nors...

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დღესასწაული დღესასწაულის მოლოდინში / Dgesastsauli dgesastsaulis molodinshi / Prazdnik ozhidaniya prazdnika / Holiday in Expectation of a

დღესასწაული დღესასწაულის მოლოდინში / Dgesastsauli dgesastsaulis molodinshi / Prazdnik ozhidaniya prazdnika / Holiday in Expectation of a

GE. ფილმი მეოცე საუკუნის 30-იანი წლების ერთი სოხუმური ოჯახის ისტორიას მოგვითხრობს. ფილმის მთავარი გმირია უმამოდ დარჩენილი ბიჭუნა. EN. Three-part film based on the stories of Fazil Iskander depicts the life of an Abkhaz family in the 1930s. Despite all...

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Der Fluch / The Curse. 1988. FULL-HD.

 Der Fluch / The Curse. 1988. FULL-HD.

DE. Ein als idyllischer Ausflug geplanter Trip in die Berge wird für eine Familie zum Albtraum. Melanie, acht Jahre alt, hört eine unheimliche Kinderstimme und hat Visionen. Die Einwohner des Dorfs legen ein mysteriöses Verhalten an den Tag. Als die Familie...

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Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.

Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.

A higher quality video version of this film has been found. However, I continue to look for this film in better quality, if you have any suggestions, write to me, I’m ready to buy. Ángeles y Querubines is the first feature directed by Rafael Corkidi,...

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Toni / Tony. 1991. FILL-HD.

Toni / Tony. 1991. FILL-HD.

BG. „Тони“ е български игрален филм (драма) от 1991 година на режисьора Димитър Петров, по сценарий на Рада Москова. Оператор е Крум Крумов. Музиката във филма е композирана от Георги Генков.Малката Тони няма баща, а за майка си е само пречка. Детето...

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Children In Cinema. Part-74.

Children In Cinema. Part-74.

Children In Cinema. Part-74. A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Seventy Four. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats...

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Limbo. 2010. FULL-HD.

Limbo. 2010. FULL-HD.

Limbo is a Norwegian drama film, written and directed by Maria Sødahl.The movie takes place in the 1970s and depicts a so-called expatriate-group at Trinidad, associated with the oil industry. 1973. After moving with her kids from Norway to Trinidad,...

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Vracenky / Lenin, Lord and Mother. 1990. FULL-HD.

 Vracenky / Lenin, Lord and Mother. 1990. FULL-HD.

CZ. Z pamětí pražského uličníka aneb co v dějepise nebylo. Píší se padesátá léta a v Praze na Letné vyrůstá obří Stalinův pomník. Desetiletý Honzík Domnosil se stěhuje z maloměsta do Prahy ke své mamince. Je to pěkný rošťák, už během prvních několika...

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Ekko / Echo. 2007. FULL-HD.

 Ekko / Echo. 2007. FULL-HD.

DK. Politimanden Simon (Kim Bodnia) har efter en skilsmisse mistet forældremyndigheden over sin 6-årige søn Louie (Villads Milthers Fritsche). I desperation kidnapper Simon sønnen og tager ham med til Møn, hvor de skjuler sig i et tomt sommerhus. Simon...

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Kid Svensk / That Special Summer. 2007. FULL-HD.

Kid Svensk / That Special Summer. 2007. FULL-HD.

SE. Kid Svensk är en svensk-finländsk dramafilm från 2007 i regi av Nanna Huolman med Mia Saarinen i huvudrollen. Året är 1984. Tolvåriga Kirsi bor i Göteborg med sin finskspråkiga mamma. Hennes pappa har nyligen omkommit i en drunkningsolycka. Kirsi...

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Anthology of short films. Part 120. Big!

Anthology of short films. Part 120. Big!

Today we are pleased to present to your attention the largest collection of short films number one hundred twenty. There are 22 mini-films from different countries shot over the past many years - from 1946 to 2023. This time we will not publish either...

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Le souffle au coeur / Murmur of the Heart. 1971. HD.

 Le souffle au coeur / Murmur of the Heart. 1971. HD.

FR. Dijon 1954. Une famille bourgeoise parmi d'autres. Le pere est gynecologue et particulierement absorbe par son travail. La mere est gaie et legere, les trois fils sans histoires. Laurent le plus jeune est particulierement intelligent et souffre de...

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Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987. FULL-HD.

Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987. FULL-HD.

Kam doskáče ranní ptáče je československý film z roku 1987 režírovaný Drahomírou Reňákovou-Královou. Trochu bláznivá, trochu fantastická komedie pro děti: Působením blesku a dalších záhadných okolností se nadaný žák šesté třídy začne objevovat v dalších...

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Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997. FULL-HD.

 Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997. FULL-HD.

«Kære Gud giv mig et bevis på at du ikke eksisterer...» DK. 1958 på et nonnekloster. Johannes mor kan ikke have hende, så hun kommer på kloster for at få uddannelse og opdragelse indtil moren er klar igen. Det bliver et helt nyt liv for Johanne, som ikke...

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The Finishing Line. 1977. HD.

The Finishing Line. 1977. HD.

The Finishing Line is a short film produced in 1977 by British Transport Films, warning about the dangers children face on railway lines. Although it is not strictly a public information film, it is often considered to be so by fans of the genre. It was...

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Smil mand! 1972.

Smil mand! 1972.

DK. Om kostskoledrenge i den tidlige pubertet. Hovedpersonen Ole er kommet på kostskole, efter at hans mor er blevet alene. Han finder snart ud af, at de andre drenge også har deres problemer. EN. Teenage Ole is sent to boarding school by his single mother...

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