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De rode zwaan / The Red Swan. 1999. DVD.

De rode zwaan / The Red Swan. 1999. DVD.

NL. De rode zwaan is een Nederlandse speelfilm uit 1999, geregisseerd door Martin Lagestee. Het is gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek van Sjoerd Kuyper, die eerder Het Zakmes schreef.Na jaren in Frankrijk te hebben gewoond, keert grootvader Jakob terug...

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Die Unerzogenen / The Unpolished. 2007. FULL-HD.

Die Unerzogenen / The Unpolished. 2007. FULL-HD.

DE. Stevie, ein eigenwilliges, 14-jähriges Mädchen, landet völlig unvorbereitet aus dem Süden Europas in einer deutschen Kleinstadt. Von Heute auf Morgen muss sie in dieser provinziellen Fremde mit der Haltlosigkeit ihrer leichtlebigen Eltern zurechtkommen....

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Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985. FULL-HD.

Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985. FULL-HD.

My Life as a Dog (Swedish: Mitt liv som hund) is a Swedish drama film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 12 December 1985, directed by Lasse Hallström. It is based on the second novel of a semi-autobiographical trilogy by Reidar Jönsson. It tells...

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Ole dole doff / Who Saw Him Die? 1968. FULL-HD.

Ole dole doff / Who Saw Him Die? 1968. FULL-HD.

Who Saw Him Die? (Swedish: Ole dole doff) is a 1968 black-and-white Swedish film about a liberal teacher struggling with the demands of teaching a classroom of unruly children. The screenplay is by Clas Engström, based on his own novel. The film won the...

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Busters verden / Buster's World. 1984. FULL-HD.

Busters verden / Buster's World. 1984. FULL-HD.

Busters verden (Buster's World) is a Danish children's television series and movie from 1984. Based on a play by Bjarne Reuter, Buster's verden deals with the experiences of young Buster Oregon Mortensen. The television series was a break-through for...

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El nido / The Nest. 1980. FULL-HD.

El nido / The Nest. 1980. FULL-HD.

The Nest (Spanish: El Nido) is a 1980 Spanish drama film written and directed by Jaime de Armiñán, starring Héctor Alterio and Ana Torrent. The plot follows the emotionally intense relationship between an old widower and a precocious thirteen-year-old...

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Polina, danser sa vie. 2016. FULL-HD.

Polina, danser sa vie. 2016. FULL-HD.

A young girl from a modest Russian family studies classical ballet. After many difficulties, she succeeds as a young woman to enter the prestigious Bolchoi. However she turns to modern dance, then improvisation, then choreography. The movie includes beautiful...

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Anthology of short films. Part 115.

Anthology of short films. Part 115.

Today we are glad to present to your attention a new collection of short films number one hundred and fifteen. In this archive we have collected six European mini-movies, mostly fresh, in high definition and with English subtitles.Enjoy watching! 1. Tjejernas...

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Cadavre exquis. 2013. FULL-HD.

Cadavre exquis. 2013. FULL-HD.

FR. Maëlys, huit ans, habite dans une campagne reculée avec ses parents. Insolente et solitaire, elle passe sa vie dans les bois et les marais. Un jour, elle découvre le cadavre d'une jeune fille nue au milieu des roseaux. Fascinée par sa beauté et sa...

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Pusling / Crybaby. 2008. HD.

Pusling / Crybaby. 2008. HD.

DK. Piv går i 3 klasse. Hun er en stille pige, der ofte bliver mobbet af den stride Mia og hendes veninder. En aften har Pivs forældre inviteret en af deres gamle venner på middag. Vennen har taget sin datter med, som til Pivs rædsel viser sig at være...

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Martha... Martha. 2001. HD.

Martha... Martha. 2001. HD.

FR. De marché en marché, de coin de pêche en partie de monopoly, Martha, Reymond et leur fille Lise vivent et s'aiment à contre-courant. Le bonheur semble à portée de main.Mais les fantômes de l'enfance guettent, et Martha, traquée, entraîne son petit...

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모서리 / The Corner. 2022. FULL-HD.

모서리 / The Corner. 2022. FULL-HD.

KR. 학교 책상에 엎드린 채 잠을 자고 있던 송이, 송이는 잠에서 깬 후 물을 뜨러 가던 중 동영이 밀던 책상에 음부를 부딪히게 되고 책상 모서리를 통해 생전 처음 느낀 기분을 느낀 송이는 그 기분을 다시 느끼기 위해 부딪힌 책상을 찾으려 고군분투한다. EN. On Song-yi’s way of getting water, she bumps her private area on the corner of the desk Dong-yeong was pushing....

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소나기 / Sonagi / The Shower. 1979. FULL-HD.

소나기 / Sonagi / The Shower. 1979. FULL-HD.

Rain Shower, also "Shower" or "Sonagi" is a Korean short story written by Korean writer Hwang Sun-won in 1959. "Rain Shower" is a translation of the Korean title “Sonagi”. A sonagi is a brief but heavy rain shower that starts suddenly, usually on a hot...

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Anthology of short films. Part 114.

Anthology of short films. Part 114.

Now we are pleased to present to your attention a new collection of short films number one hundred and fourteen. On this day, we have collected seven mini-films from around the world, mostly fresh and in high definition.Enjoy watching! 1. Ghettoprinsesse...

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Pusling / Crybaby. 2008.

Pusling / Crybaby. 2008.

10-year-old Piv is introvert and having a hard time during school. The strong and suppressing Mia is controlling her class. Mia is bullying Piv. She is offensive and totally boundary breaking. Piv avoids the attacks and often takes the blame.One day,...

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Anthology of short films. Part 113.

Anthology of short films. Part 113.

Today we are pleased to present to your attention a new collection of short films number one hundred and thirteen. On this day, we have collected five mini-films from various countries around the world, including one very rare documentary about the upbringing...

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L'estrany / The Strange. 2020. FULL-HD.

 L'estrany / The Strange. 2020. FULL-HD.

Amadeu, a 9-year-old boy, goes on his first summer camp. The first days are difficult, but Nil, the most experienced instructor gives him confidence enough and helps him fit in in the group. When Amadeu is finally finding his own place in the summer camp,...

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Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. HD.

Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. HD.

Uncut version. A writer returns home from World War I. He has developed a very bad case of post traumatic stress disorder. His genitalia was also blown away during the war. He contemplates suicide, but becomes interested in the 12 year old niece of the...

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Vasárnapi szülök / Sunday Daughters. 1980.

Vasárnapi szülök / Sunday Daughters. 1980.

HU. A tizenéves Juli egy szigorú nevelőintézet lakója. Mint minden korabeli lány, ő is rettenetesen vágyik a szabadságra és a szeretetre. EN. The characters of this fiction of sociogra-phic accuracy live in the reformatory school for girls in Rákospalota....

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Mes petites amoureuses / My little loves. 1974. FULL-HD.

Mes petites amoureuses / My little loves. 1974. FULL-HD.

My Little Loves (French: Mes Petites Amoureuses from a poem by Arthur Rimbaud) is a French drama film written and directed by Jean Eustache, his second and last feature. It was released in 1974 and stars Martin Loeb (Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe...

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13+. 2016.

13+. 2016.

Janka is on the verge of puberty and preoccupied with dancing classes she attends with her friend Zorana. While Zorana only has kissing, clothes, and parties on her mind, Janka is trying to retain her childish innocence. Experiencing problems which seem...

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