IT. Mare di grano è un film del 2018 diretto da Fabrizio Guarducci.Adam è un bambino di otto anni, si muove tra le colline e le valli della campagna toscana fino a quando un giorno appare misteriosamente in una piccola città vicino a Siena. Qui incontra...
Read moreDanny Lyon is one of America's great photographers, best known for his series on Chicago bike gangs and his on-going series of death row inmates in the Texas prison system. Lyon was partners with Robert Frank in a company they formed to make documentaries...
Read moreBlack Bread (Catalan: Pa negre) is a 2010 Catalan-language Spanish drama film written and directed by Agustí Villaronga. The screenplay is based on the homonymous novel by Emili Teixidor, with elements of two other works by him, Retrat d'un assassí d'ocells...
Read moreThe summer sun sets in rural Appalachia as 12-year-old Cadie and her neighbor, Sarah, redefine their friendship on the eve of burgeoning sexuality. Director: Nathalie Álvarez Mesén. Cast: Ewan Fleck, Cece Kelly, Kinsey Kunkel, Rohan Myers. France, Sweden,...
Read moreThe story runs in the 1940s Mexico City. A schoolboy (Carlos) falls in love with his best friend's mother (Mariana). Carlos is impressed because this family is not like the ordinary mexican families of the time, because they have many expensive American...
Read moreDocumentary TV Series Amazonîa, última llamada / Amazonia: Last Call. Episode 2. Aislados / Isolated. The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions,...
Read moreSaunominen on suomalaiselle sekä taidetta että tiedettä. Kun maassa on lähes kaksi miljoonaa saunaa, erilaisia höyryhuoneita riittää joka lähtöön. Finland, 1957. Language: Finnish. Download Saunasta sisua. 1957. Saunasta sisua. 1957.
Read moreA sixteen-year-old girl swims all alone in a remote forest lake. What attracts her to a quiet bathing near Moscow? This is her secret - The early gray, charming and ironic artist leads a lonely and withdrawn life. Sometimes he goes to paint in the suburbs,...
Read moreThe Emerald Forest is a 1985 British drama film set in the Brazilian Rainforest, directed by John Boorman, written by Rospo Pallenberg, and starring Powers Boothe, Meg Foster, and Charley Boorman with supporting roles by Rui Polanah, Tetchie Agbayani,...
Read moreDE. Der Baader Meinhof Komplex ist ein Politdrama von Uli Edel mit Martina Gedeck, Moritz Bleibtreu und Johanna Wokalek.In dem historischen deutschen Drama Der Baader Meinhof Komplex werden Geschichte und Hintergründe der linksradikalen Organisation RAF...
Read moreInnocence is a 2004 French mystery drama film written and directed by Lucile Hadžihalilović, inspired by the novella Mine-Haha, or On the Bodily Education of Young Girls by Frank Wedekind, and starring Marion Cotillard. The film follows a year in the...
Read moreFR. Félix, dix ans, enfant imaginatif et sensible, termine son année scolaire dans une banlieue d’apparence paisible. Félix a peur de tout : du possible divorce de ses parents, des maniaques qui s’en prennent aux petits garçons, des voisins louches, et...
Read morePresence of Mind is a 1999 Spanish-American drama film directed by Antoni Aloy. The film is based on the story The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. A woman is hired to watch over two recently orphaned children, Flora and her brother Miles (played by...
Read moreŠestidílný seriál Když se slunci nedaří se odehrává převážně v nemocnici, jejímiž pacienty jsou děti nejrůznějšího stáří. Autoři seriálu, Eva a Ivo Pelantovi, se záměrně vyhnuli těžkým a beznadějným případům a jejich nemocnici většinou opouštějí uzdravené...
Read moreKdyž se slunci nedaří je český šestidílný televizní seriál z roku 1995, natočený režisérem Hynkem Bočanem podle scénáře Iva Pelanta. Šestidílný seriál Když se slunci nedaří se odehrává převážně v nemocnici, jejímiž pacienty jsou děti nejrůznějšího stáří....
Read moreVinner av Juryens spesialpris av Drama Internasjonale Kortfilmfestival, Hellas.Filmatisering av novellen Mannen i Buskene av Nordisk Råds Litteraturprisvinner Merethe Lindstrøm.Fluenes herre i i pubertal taktil jenteversjon. En lummer dag på stranden...
Read morePL. Film opowiada historię 11 - latki z Petersburga, której marzeniem jest dostanie się do szkoły baletowej - Akadamii Waganowej. Dziewczynka idzie na egzaminy wstępne i nie dostaje się, ma jednak drugą szansę. Zdeterminowana, z pomocą matki ciężko ćwiczy...
Read moreDE. Die zwölfjährige Diana stößt am frühen Morgen auf einen seltsamen Fund im Wald. Eine junge Frau liegt regungslos im Moos, die Beine verkratzt. Doch sie erwacht. Diana fragt nicht, sie kümmert sich. Sie spürt, die andere braucht Hilfe.Die 23-jährige...
Read moreSexy girl seduces all the members of her family. She indirectly causes the failure of his father's marriage, for her stepmother falls in love with her. Then, she has affairs with her father's stepson, and with the farm housekeeper. She and some friends...
Read moreFR. La Rivière est un court métrage réalisé par Michel Houellebecq et diffusé en 2001 sur Canal+ dans la série « L'Érotisme vu par... ». EN. An artistic erotic short film showing five women enjoying themselves by a river. Director: Michel Houellebecq....
Read moreDE. Ein Film über Sex im geteilten Deutschland und die Frage, auf welcher Seite des Eisernen Vorhangs man „besser“ war. 40 Jahre Trennung haben vielerorts Spuren hinterlassen – auch in deutschen Schlafzimmern. Am Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs waren die...
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