ES. Lea, a sus 10 años, aún se orina en la cama. Gloria, su madre, divorciada y casi ausente, le busca una nodriza. Así llega María, una joven que cree con fervor que los buenos deseos se pueden hacer realidad. María tratará de vencer la hostilidad de...
Read moreCollection of clips from several hundred films with the participation of young actors aka "Children In Cinema". The name of the clips usually have the name of the films from which they are cut. 1000+ clips. Download Children In Cinema. Children In Ci...
Read moreThe Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things is a 2004 drama film co-written and directed by Asia Argento and starring Argento, Jimmy Bennett, Dylan Sprouse, and Cole Sprouse (with Bennett and the Sprouse brothers sharing the role as Jeremiah). The screenplay...
Read moreDE. Das Eismeer ruft ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm der DEFA von Jörg Foth aus dem Jahr 1984. Er beruht auf dem gleichnamigen Kinderbuch von Alex Wedding.Prag 1934. Fünf Kinder hören in ihrem selbstgebastelten Radio die Nachricht, daß der Eisbrecher "Tscheljuskin"...
Read moreIn a small Georgian village shortly after WWI, Patsura, one of 5 orphan children struggling to live independently after the death of their parents, runs away after an altercation about a dress that each covets but only one can wear. Ingratiating herself...
Read moreSE. Leken är en svensk kortfilm från 1994. Den är regisserad av Myriam Braniff och manus är skrivet av Birgitta Stenberg. Filmen handlar om Birgitta och hennes relationer till män. Hon upptäcker förförelseleken mellan kvinnor och män och går från att...
Read moreCollection of clips number seventy-two. Today this issue contains the most piquant scenes from the German erotic comedies of 1972. All clips have the names of the movies from which they are cut. 10 clips (including in HD). Download Clips from films. Part...
Read moreTV Mini-Series, 3 Episodes. 12-year-old Errol is found by police in a wardrobe in a drug parade on New Year's Eve. No one knows who he is or where he comes from and it takes months before he gives his name or talks at all. In his first foster family,...
Read moreMadeleine and Rosy, age 15, both have issues with boys and sex, which they want to resolve this summer. They are vacationing at a cabin on Loon Lake in Maine. When they meet two local guys at the general store they naively accept an invitation to a secret...
Read moreMockingbird Don't Sing is a 2001 American independent film based on the true story of Genie, a modern-day feral child. The film is told from the point of view of Dr. Susan Curtiss (whose fictitious name is Sandra Tannen), a professor of linguistics at...
Read moreElvis! Elvis! is a 1976 Swedish drama film directed by Kay Pollak. It was entered into the 10th Moscow International Film Festival.Tale of a boy, roughly eight, who experiences a number of problems due to his estranged relationship with his mother. Mom...
Read moreAddition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton . Here are 3,100 photos in three color options: Color, Black & White, Sepia and three resolution options: Large, Medium, Small. Also scans of photo magazines and photo albums of 1971-1999....
Read moreDavid Hamilton. Complete Photo Collection . The archive contains a complete collection of Hamilton`s photoworks, over 7,000 photographs, as well as scans of magazines PHOTO and calendars over the years. Format : jpg, bmp550x550 - 2500x1900File Size :...
Read moreTendres Cousines (English: Tender Cousins) is a 1980 French film directed by David Hamilton. The film was released as Cousins in Love in the United Kingdom. Summer 1939 in the Provence, France: the 14 years old Julien has a crush on his cousin Julia,...
Read moreA Summer in St. Tropez or Un été à Saint-Tropez (original French title) is a 1983 French film directed by photographer David Hamilton. In an isolated country house close to the shore near Saint-Tropez, seven young women share a bedroom. Over two days,...
Read moreFirst Desires or Premier Desirs (original French title) is a 1984 French/West German film and the last film directed by photographer David Hamilton. Three teenage girls decide to visit a romantic island and find love. They get shipwrecked and end up on...
Read moreJP. 自分を捨て出て行った母と、父親とは別の男との間に生まれた妹と偶然出会い、激しく揺れ動く思春期の少女の痛みを繊細に描き出している。 EN. Minako is still at school. Whe she was a little girl, her mother ran off with another man. Now Minako lives with her father, who has remarried, and her younger half-sister, Yu, who...
Read moreIn 1972, Rupert, 8 and Evert, 6 are two lovable and wildly imaginative brothers, lost in their cowboys-and-Indians fantasies and in the playground romances with the neighborhood girls. In the background is the warm but explosive and unstable mother, and...
Read moreIn a small village in the Dominican Republic, Anna, a 12 year old girl, is living a difficult childhood, she is faced with the absence of an irresponsible mother. She must take care of her two young sisters. Her dream is to make her first communion and...
Read moreFR. Nos plus belles vacances est une série télévisée française en 14 épisodes de 20 minutes, produite en 1996 et diffusée sur France 3, dans l'émission Les Minikeums du 30 juin 1997 au 16 juillet 1997. Cette série met en scène un groupe d’enfants âgés...
Read moreDK. Ulvepigen Tinke er en dansk film fra 2002, skrevet og instrueret af Morten Køhlert efter Cecil Bødkers roman Hungerbarnet. Historien foregår i år 1850. Den handler om en 9 år gammel pige, ved navn Tinke (Sarah Juel Werner). En beskidt og sulten lille...
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