SE. Miniserie om den allra första kärleken. Daniel ser fram emot ännu en spännande sommar tillsammans med kompisen Anders. Men i år är det annorlunda, Anna, som är döv, har flyttat in med föräldrar i stugan bredvid. För Daniel blir bekantskapen med Anna...
Read moreLV. Romāna “Cilvēka bērns” autora Jāņa Klīdzēja bērnības pasaule, stāsts par Latgales Pāvulānu ģimenes dzīvi, par tradīcijām un vērtībām, kas tiek nodotas no paaudzes uz paaudzi. Galvenais varonis Bonifācijs Pāvulāns, dzīvespriecīgais un zinātkārais Boņuks,...
Read moreAlternative title: Iratan e Iracema – os Meninos mais Malcriados do Mundo. PT. Iratan e Iracema (1987) é um filme português de longa-metragem de Paulo Guilherme d'Eça Leal inspirado na obra homónima do seu pai Olavo d'Eça Leal.O filme foi agraciado com...
Read moreLaura: Shadows of a Summer or (French: Laura, les ombres de l'été) is a 1979 French romantic and erotic drama film directed by photographer David Hamilton. Hamilton himself made a cameo appearance in the film. It stars a then sixteen-year-old Dawn Dunlap...
Read moreBorn in a poor neighborhood, Tony hides hides behind the image of a tough woman. She has a boyfriend, Juanjo, and two pals, a strange couple formed by Maxi, who is obsessed with martial arts, and moco, a terminal junkie. They all decide to hold up a Lottery...
Read more1962. Joseph, 13 years old, a choirboy and a true "light" of religion, set out to become Pope. Not less. Of Spanish origin, Angela and José, her parents, fled their country and misery to settle in a small village around Perpignan. Angela, sensual and...
Read moreA collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number 52. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections. 51 clips....
Read moreThe forest, the dunes, the ocean. Thomas and Simon, 12 and 9 years old, pedal fast. They know she comes to sunbathe here everyday, naked, on the beach. Away from the rest of the world. Director: Annarita Zambrano. Cast: Audrey Bastien, Léo Castell, Django...
Read moreGR. Ένα μικρό αγόρι το σκάει από το αναμορφωτήριο και κρύβεται στο σπίτι μιας κοπελίτσας. Όταν κατά τύχη θα περάσει από την περιοχή ο περιοδεύων θίασος των γονιών του μικρού, εκείνοι θα τον ανακαλύψουν και θα τον πάρουν μαζί τους. EN. A young boy runs...
Read moreSissi and Victoria are sisters. Whereas the younger is slowly emerging from the world of childhood, the elder tries in vain to be a grown up. In the room they share, Sissi is preparing for her gymnastic competition and Victoria has boys coming and going....
Read moreSet in 1962, during the Berlin crisis, the film kicks off with the flighty Carmen and her kid brother Adrian, whom she calls Babyface, living blissfully happy lives. Father is a ceramist, Mom a generous, life-embracing Mother Earth character, and they...
Read moreFire-Eater (Finnish: Tulennielijä) is a 1998 Finnish film directed and written by Pirjo Honkasalo. It tells a story of two orphaned sisters who end up working in a travelling circus. The film received several international awards, including the Grand...
Read moreCZ. Príbeh trinásťročného chlapca, jeho prvej lásky a jeho túžby prekonať svoj vlastný strach. EN. The story of a thirteen-year-old boy, his first love and his desire to overcome his own fear. Director: Ľudovít Filan. Cast: Tomáš Dolínek, Richard Stanke,...
Read moreToday we present to your attention the next issue of the Anthology of Short Films number one hundred and five. Like last time only the names of mini-films without synopsis and other information, and there are a lot of them - 16 pieces. Almost all shorts...
Read moreCZ. Malý vesnický chlapec touží po "opravdovém otci", protože žije sám jen s matkou. A skutečně má vedle sebe mladého traktoristu, který mu ztělesňuje vysněný ideál - je odvážný, kamarádský i pracovitý. Zatímco hoch jej zbožňuje, okolí již není tak nadšeno...
Read moreSI. Učna leta izumitelja Polža je 89-minutni slovenski celovečerni film, ki je bil posnet in premierno predvajan 1. januarja 1982. Režiral je Jane Kavčič, sceniral pa Željko Kozinc. Takoj po snemanju pa je v prometni nesreči umrl glavni igralec, Miha...
Read moreAviya's Summer (Hebrew: הקיץ של אביה ; translit. Ha-Kayits Shel Aviya) is a Hebrew-language book that became a bestseller. The 1985 autobiographical novel by theater actress Gila Almagor was made into a film released in 1988. The 96-minute film acts as...
Read moreFilm podle scénáře F. Pavlíčka a v režii V. Hudečka divákům nabídne hrubínovsky laděný letní obrázek malé vesnice a jejích obyvatel, kde se prolíná několik milostných vztahů. Na léto ke svému otci přijíždí mladá vdova s dospívající dcerou. Matka má románek...
Read moreFR. Éric, 10 ans, est placé pour la énième fois dans une famille d'accueil par la DDASS. Cet enfant, considéré comme difficile, échoue cette fois chez les Pertuis, à Royan. Supportant mal ces déplacements forcés, le gamin décide de s'inventer une autre...
Read moreA collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema". The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.33 clips. Download Children In Cinema. Part-38. Children In Cinema. Part-38.
Read moreFR. Embrasse-moi est un film français réalisé par Michèle Rosier et sorti en 1989.La vie d'une enfant de douze ans vivant chez sa mere est perturbee par l'arri vee chez elle d'un tres jeune homme. Alors que ses sentiments deviennent confus et que les...
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