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Kamaráti bez slov. 1995. Episodes 1, 3. FULL-HD.

Kamaráti bez slov. 1995. Episodes 1, 3. FULL-HD.

SK. Pôvodný hraný seriál večerníčkov o deťoch a zvieratkách. EN. Rare Slovak TV Mini Series about children and animals. Episode List.1. Korytnačka.3. Zajac. Director: Zoro Laurinc st. Cast: Dušan Cinkota, Henrieta Mičkovicová, Gabriela Škrabáková-Kreutz,...

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Anthology of short films. Part 129. HD.

Anthology of short films. Part 129. HD.

The newest issue of Anthology of short films number one hundred twenty nine is ready for viewing. There are just 5 mini-films from different countries shot over many years - from 1956 to 2024. We are sure that you will like this collection.Enjoy watching.喜欢看!見るのを楽しむ!즐겁게...

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Mentiste Amanda / Amanda, you lied. 2024. FULL-HD.

Mentiste Amanda / Amanda, you lied. 2024. FULL-HD.

ES. Amanda y Virgi son dos amigas inseparables. Pero nada volverá a ser lo mismo cuando una tarde un hombre se cruza en su camino. EN. Amanda and Virgi are two inseparable friends, but nothing will ever be the same again when, one afternoon, a man crosses...

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Fontána pro Zuzanu. 1985. FULL-HD.

Fontána pro Zuzanu. 1985. FULL-HD.

CZ. Hrdiny příběhu je parta patnáctiletých školáků, kteří právě ukončili základní školu a prožívají své poslední prázdniny před tím, než se rozejdou na různé střední školy. Středobodem všeho je opuštěná vyschlá fontána uprostřed sídliště, u níž se všichni...

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Paradistorg / Summer Paradise. 1977. FULL-HD.

Paradistorg / Summer Paradise. 1977. FULL-HD.

SE. Paradistorg är namnet på ett sommarställe i Roslagens famn, en idyll av frisk grönska, jordgubbar och hänförande solnedgångar där läkaren Katha varje sommar samlar fyra generationer av släkt och vänner. Hennes eget Sverige i miniatyr tycks ha bergfasta...

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A Flor do Buriti / Crowrã / The Buriti Flower. 2023. FULL-HD.

A Flor do Buriti / Crowrã / The Buriti Flower. 2023. FULL-HD.

PT. Através dos olhos da filha, Patpro vai percorrer três épocas da história do seu povo indígena, no coração da floresta brasileira. Incansavelmente perseguidos, mas guiados pelos seus ritos ancestrais, pelo seu amor pela natureza e pela sua luta para...

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Amazon. 1990. FULL-HD.

Amazon. 1990. FULL-HD.

Amazon is a 1990 drama that was directed by the Finnish film director Mika Kaurismäki, who co-wrote the script with Richard Reitinger, with John Reaves contributing additional writing. The movie premiered at the Toronto Festival of Festivals in September...

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La seduzione / Seduction. 1973. FULL-HD.

La seduzione / Seduction. 1973. FULL-HD.

Giuseppe commits to love a woman he hasn't seen in 15 years, amid dangers of seduction from her daughter.A middle-age man returns from France to his hometown in Sicily where he begins an affair with his former sweetheart, who is now a widow. He just can't...

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Pa negre / Black Bread. 2010. FULL-HD.

Pa negre / Black Bread. 2010. FULL-HD.

Black Bread (Catalan: Pa negre) is a 2010 Catalan-language Spanish drama film written and directed by Agustí Villaronga. The screenplay is based on the homonymous novel by Emili Teixidor, with elements of two other works by him, Retrat d'un assassí d'ocells...

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ガラスのうさぎ / Garasu no Usagi / The Glass Rabbit. 1979.

ガラスのうさぎ / Garasu no Usagi / The Glass Rabbit. 1979.

JP. 十二歳の少女の体験を通して戦争を知らない子供たちに、戦争の悲惨さと恐ろしさを訴える。高木敏子が母が子に語る戦争体験として書いた同名の小説の映画化で脚本は「わが青春のとき」の立原りゅう、監督は「教室二〇五号」の橘祐典、撮影も同作の山本駿がそれぞれ担当。 EN. Garasu no Usagi (ガラスのうさぎ, The Glass Rabbit) is a Japanese autobiographical novel by Toshiko Takagi, who lost her sister...

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Schatten der Zeit / সময়ের প্রতিচ্ছবি / Shadows of Time. 2004.

Schatten der Zeit / সময়ের প্রতিচ্ছবি / Shadows of Time. 2004.

Shadows of Time (German: Schatten der Zeit, Bangla: সময়ের প্রতিচ্ছবি) is a 2004 Bengali language German romance film directed by Florian Gallenberger in his directorial debut. Filmed in Calcutta, India, the film stars Prashant Narayanan, Tannishtha Chatterjee,...

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Kauwboy / Jackdaw Boy. 2012. FULL-HD.

Kauwboy / Jackdaw Boy. 2012. FULL-HD.

NL. Jojo, een levenslustige jongen van 10 uit een gebroken gezin waar de vader stemmingswisselingen heeft en de moeder afwezig is, vindt troost in een onverwachte vriendschap met een jonge kauw. Hij moet de kauw verborgen houden voor zijn vader, want...

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Il sole nella pelle / Summer Affair. 1971. FULL-HD.

Il sole nella pelle / Summer Affair. 1971. FULL-HD.

IT. Lisa è una ragazza emancipata che ama la compagnia dei suoi amici hippy ed i party spensierati con la chitarra. Il papà Marco ha una mentalità opposta alla figlia: mentre lei non distingue gli amici in base alle condizioni sociali, egli detiene un...

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Baixio das Bestas / Bog of Beasts. 2006. FULL-HD.

Baixio das Bestas / Bog of Beasts. 2006. FULL-HD.

PT. Baixio das Bestas é um filme brasileiro de 2006, do gênero drama, dirigido por Cláudio Assis e direção de fotografia de Walter Carvalho. O filme, com cenas fortes e bastante explicitas, reflete sobre a condição da mulher desprotegida, abordando temas...

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Bejbi blues / Baby Blues. 2012. FULL-HD.

Bejbi blues / Baby Blues. 2012. FULL-HD.

PL. W kolorowej i pełnej możliwości Warszawie nietrudno znaleźć zmianierowanych i szukających ciągłych podniet nastolatków. Do tego grona należy Natalia, która towarzyszące jej uczucie pustki postanawia wypełnić „czymś do kochania” i świadomie zachodzi...

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Numéro deux / Number Two. 1975.

Numéro deux / Number Two. 1975.

FR. Godard parle de son travail, le travail du film, celui-ci sur la vie d'un jeune couple, sous la forme de tableaux entrecoupes d'images de leurs enfants et de leurs grands-parents. EN. Number Two (French: Numéro deux), by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie...

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Mauvaises fréquentations / Bad Company. 1999. HD.

Mauvaises fréquentations / Bad Company. 1999. HD.

FR. A quinze ans Delphine n'a rien et attend tout de la vie. Tout a coup, l'amour arrive avec Laurent, l'amitie avec Olivia et les choses qui vont avec tels le sexe, la musique, les discussions a n'en plus finir. Elle a enfin la permanente sensation d'exister....

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Children In Cinema. Part-87.

Children In Cinema. Part-87.

The newest part of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Eighty Seven. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1981-2023. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from...

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Actress. 2023. FULL-HD.

Actress. 2023. FULL-HD.

PT. Sofia tem 13 anos e seu sonho é ser atriz. Ela cuida da irmã caçula Emily, de 6 anos. Sua mãe trabalha como empregada doméstica. Eles moram em uma favela no Rio de Janeiro. EN. Sofia is 13 years old. Her dream is to be an actress. She takes care of...

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La piel pulpo / Octopus Skin. 2022. HD.

La piel pulpo / Octopus Skin. 2022. HD.

Iris and Ariel are 15-year-old twins, who live with their mother and older sister in an old house in the middle of a rocky island covered with molluscs and birds. The teenagers have grown up isolated from the mainland, in a sibling relationship that surpasses...

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À la place du coeur / Where the Heart Is. 1998. HD.

À la place du coeur / Where the Heart Is. 1998. HD.

FR. À la place du cœur est un film français réalisé par Robert Guédiguian, sorti en 1998.Même s'ils sont jeunes, Clémentine et Bébé ont bien l'intention de se marier. Seulement Bébé est accusé d'avoir violé une jeune femme. Bébé, enfant adopté, noir de...

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