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Helden wie wir / Heroes Like Us. 1999.

Helden wie wir / Heroes Like Us. 1999.

Heroes Like Us presents as heroes ordinary teenagers and young East German adults, who in Thomas Brussig's (the novel and screenplay author) story, caused the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Our young hero falls in love, from an early age, with a girl whose...

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Cipelice na asfaltu / Shoes on Asphalt. 1956.

Cipelice na asfaltu / Shoes on Asphalt. 1956.

Three stories are put together as an omnibus: 1) The adventures of a little girl named Zorica who tries to find her dog while her mother thinks she's in the kindergarten. 2) The clash between a group of boys with the superintendent of a building who doesn't...

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Bolshoye priklyucheniye. 1985.

Bolshoye priklyucheniye. 1985.

A two-part television film about the adventures of the pioneers during the summer holidays. Vasya, Oleg, Igor, Yana, Tanya and the youngest of them, Little Vova with his pet rooster Fyodor, go camping with a tent on their land. Ahead of them will meet...

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Bolshoye priklyucheniye. 1985.

Bolshoye priklyucheniye. 1985.

A two-part television film about the adventures of the pioneers during the summer holidays. Vasya, Oleg, Igor, Yana, Tanya and the youngest of them, Little Vova with his pet rooster Fyodor, go camping with a tent on their land. Ahead of them will meet...

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La Gran Aventura. 1969.

La Gran Aventura. 1969.

A humorous adventure story about two boys chasing after their dog who was kicked out of the church, and facing all kinds of, some real and some imagined, trouble, both for them and the dog. Director : Roberto Rodriguez. Cast: Nino Del Arco, Julián Bravo,...

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Bärenburger Schnurre. 1957.

Bärenburger Schnurre. 1957.

In der Kleinstadt Bärenburg wünschen sich die Kinder ein eigenes Schwimmbad mit Sprungturm – das Saale-Ufer würde sich zu einem Strandbad eignen, ist jedoch mit Bauschutt und anderem Unrat vermüllt. Der Bürgermeister wiegelt ab, plane das Rathaus doch...

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De Witte / Whitey. 1980.

De Witte / Whitey. 1980.

The second movie version, now in color, of Flemish (heimat-)author Ernest Claes' classical novel, titled after the nickname (Dutch 'the White', referring to a blond male) of the main character. The smart but naughty farmhands son's eternal mischief, pranks...

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Ballettguttene / Ballet Boys. 2014.

Ballettguttene / Ballet Boys. 2014.

Ballet Boys takes you through disappointments, victories, forging of friendship, first loves, doubt, faith, growing apart from each other, finding your own way and own ambitions, all mixed with the beautiful expression of ballet. The film follow three...

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Akademia pana Kleksa. 1983.

Akademia pana Kleksa. 1983.

Dziesięcioletni Adaś Niezgódka rozpoczyna właśnie przedziwną naukę w Akademii Pana Kleksa, który poza tym, że jest nauczycielem, jest także czarodziejem i poszukiwaczem przygód, a w Akademii uczą się tylko chłopcy, których imiona zaczynają się na literę...

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Fiorile / Wild Flower. 1993.

Fiorile / Wild Flower. 1993.

Fiorile is a 1993 Italian drama film about a family curse caused by greed. The film was directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, and stars Claudio Bigagli, Galatea Ranzi, and Michael Vartan. It was entered into the 1993 Cannes Film Festival.The title Fiorile...

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Wenn einer was versprochen hat. 1976.

Wenn einer was versprochen hat. 1976.

Die Probleme eines zwölfjährigen Jungen, mit den Anforderungen der Eltern und der Schule und den eigenen Interessen übereinzustimmen. Der Vater von Jens hatte sich für einen Einsatz an der Erdöltrasse »Drushba« in der Sowjetunion gemeldet. Bevor er seine...

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L'ours et la poupée / The Bear and the Doll. 1970. DVD.

L'ours et la poupée / The Bear and the Doll. 1970. DVD.

FR. L'Ours et la poupée est un film français réalisé par Michel Deville, sorti sur les écrans en 1970. Gaspard, violoncelliste myope et bougon, rencontre Félicia, belle femme capricieuse et snob, par la grâce d'un accrochage automobile. Félicia, sûre...

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Borgen skole. 1989. Episode 4. HD.

Borgen skole. 1989. Episode 4. HD.

Borgen skole var en norsk TV-serie for barn som gikk på NRK Fjernsynet fra 1989 til 1990. Den var fast føljetong i barne- og ungdomsprogrammet Midt i smørøyet. Regi var ved Kalle Fürst og manus ved Bernt Kristian Børresen. Handlingen var lagt til en Oslo-skole...

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Underbara kvinnor vid vatten / Amazing Women by the Sea. 1998.

Underbara kvinnor vid vatten / Amazing Women by the Sea. 1998.

In the early 1960s, Bella, her husband Kajus and their young son, Thomas, spend seemingly endless holidays together. Next year the arrival of new neighbours, Rosa and Gabe and their two daughters, start changing their lives. Director : Claes Olsson. Cast:...

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Felipe ha gli occhi azzurri / Felipe a les yeux bleus. 1991.

Felipe ha gli occhi azzurri / Felipe a les yeux bleus. 1991.

Felipe ha gli occhi azzurri è una serie televisiva nata da una coproduzione fra Italia e Germania nel 1991, distribuita da Red Film Group/Beta Film e diretta da Gianfranco Albano e Felice Farina. Felipe è un bambino di 8 anni, proveniente da Manila e...

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The Favourite Game. 2003.

The Favourite Game. 2003.

1. Leo is a free spirit with childlike eyes, who likes to write poems about his feelings in the Here and Now, and the intense moments that he shares with women. They feel attracted to him, fall in love with him, but as their relationship evolves, they...

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The Birth. 1981.

The Birth. 1981.

An obscure sex education rare docu that takes you through the process of birthing to puberty. Director: Marcer Andersen. Cast: Jannie Nielsen, Dorte Frank, Lise Kirk, Sten Nilsson, Jan Nilsson, Rikke Salling, Katja Kofoed, Lars Lindberg Christensen, Eva...

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Tendre adolescente / Zarte Knospen / La prima esperienza / Tender Teenager. 1983.

Tendre adolescente / Zarte Knospen / La prima esperienza / Tender Teenager. 1983.

An older adolescent girl has a number of sexual adventures in France, then moves on to Montreal and New York, there finding erotic pleasure, love and danger. Flashbacks place our heroine at approximately eight years of age and perhaps suggest that her...

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水书物语 水で書かれた物語 / Mizu de kakareta monogatari / A Story Written with Water. 1965.

 水书物语 水で書かれた物語 / Mizu de kakareta monogatari / A Story Written with Water. 1965.

A mother and son have a strong, almost sexual, bond through moments present and past. The father of the past (who has died of Tuberculosis, revealed shockingly), the mother's current liaison, and the son's wife all re-enforce roles of sexual inadequacy...

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Saunasta sisua. 1957.

Saunasta sisua. 1957.

Saunominen on suomalaiselle sekä taidetta että tiedettä. Kun maassa on lähes kaksi miljoonaa saunaa, erilaisia höyryhuoneita riittää joka lähtöön. Finland, 1957. Language: Finnish. Download Saunasta sisua. 1957. Saunasta sisua. 1957.

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Roula. 1995.

Roula. 1995.

In this German psychological drama, troubled Roula finds herself drawn to Leon, an author of children's books who has suffered an enormous emotional and creative blockage ever since his wife died in a motorcycle accident two years before. Leon has only...

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