NO. En familie i oppløsning, sett gjennom datterens øyne. Familien er Vibeke Løkkebergs tema. I filmene blir vi kjent med familier som kjemper, ofte mot seg selv. Løkkeberg lar kameraet gli ned til de uskyldige og svakeste i konfliktene, barna. Løperjenten...
EN. I do not know about what this film is, in the network synopsis not found. Who can help welcome. Just this Angry Review: Ennek a filmnek nincs egy épelméjű perce sem. Azok a kretén párbeszédek, azok az életidegen helyzetek. A kislány 15 másodperces...
SH. U leto 1968. godine maturant Petar (Slavko Štimac), stasava za ljubav, zaljubljujući se naizmenično i istovremeno u više žena, uglavnom onih zrelih i udatih: apotekarku, pekarku, bibliotekarku, u obe ćerke predsednika suda, svoju profesorku sociologije,...
JP. 東京から急行列車で3時間を要するある地方で、32歳の竹中宗吉は、ようやく、印刷屋の主になるところまで漕ぎつけた。狐のような顔をした妻・お梅との間に、子供はなかった。商売の順調な宗吉は、ある時、料理屋の女中・菊代に惹かれる。何とか菊代を養えそうな気がした宗吉は、彼女と関係を持った。好きな女を囲う身分になれたという充足は出世感に近かった。菊代との間には、3人の子供ができた。しかしその後、近代的な印刷会社の進出や火事により、宗吉の商売は零落する。宗吉から生活費の貰えなくなった菊代が、3人の子を連れて、宗吉の家に乗り込んだため、お梅にも事態が露見する。お梅の仕打ちと女房の前に竦んだ宗吉の腑抜けぶりに、菊代は怒り、出て行ってしまう。...
FR. Une route de campagne, par une belle journée d’été. Une voiture s’arrête sur le bas côté. Le conducteur descend pour changer un pneu crevé et très affairé, ne voit pas s’ouvrir la porte de sa caravane. En sort une jeune étrangère nue comme Vénus....
GE. ეს არის ყველასათვის საყვარელი ფილმი, რომელიც არის ქართული კინემატოგრაფიის ერთ–ერთი შედევრი.. ეს ფილმი 1955 წელს გამოუშვა კინოსტუდია "საქართველოს ფილმმა"... ფილმი გადაღებულია ცნობილი ქართველი მწერლის ეკატერინე გაბაშვილის ამავე სახელწოდების მოთხრობის...
PL. Barbara (Wiesława Mazurkiewicz), jej kilkunastoletni syn Piotrek (Krzysztof Wowczuk) oraz kuzynka Krysia (Katarzyna Kaczmarek) wracają do Polski zza zachodniej granicy. Ich auto jest wypełnione deficytowymi towarami, które chcą sprzedać z zyskiem...
Mexico City circa 1965: Flavia is an aristocratic little girl, who is very lonely and bored. At school she meets and befriends a strange and beautiful girl named Veronica, who dreams of becoming a witch. Their games get increasingly sadistic and macabre,...
SE. Holger & Vilde skildrar den starka vänskapen mellan en pojke och en flicka och hur den förändras på deras väg att bli vuxna. Holger & Vilde spelades in i Linköping, juli 2009 som en pilot för en långfilm. Filmen är producerad av Envis Film med regi...
Spain 1960, the dawn of the country's economic development. Industrial "reorganization" means that many workers have lost their jobs and are forced to emigrate. Martin is one of them. Martin, his wife Pilar and their son Pablito live with Mart'n's parents...
EN. About life in Tbilisi children in prewar and war years. Mika sees off his father to the front and it remains in the family in charge. On his shoulders lie care of his mother and younger brother. Mick and his friends spread letters to soldiers, to...
EN. 11-year-old Jasper may just be starting puberty, but so far he has experienced a lifetime of emotions. On the day his beloved grandfather dies, he is charged with taking care of the elder's pet cat. The local town bully, Mourids, however, has his...
ES. Eugenie, hija única y caprichosa de un rico diplomátivo, se pasea de discoteca en discoteca y de playa en playa, luciendo su joven y esplendoroso cuerpo. Su padre, ha sido destinado a España y ha alquilado una lujosa villa junto al mar. Eugenie siente...
This documentary is about 12 French teenagers who sail a large sailing ship (with the help of two or three adults), following the same course Columbus followed from Spain to the Yucatan Peninsula, with stops at various Caribbean islands. It's an excellent...
The twin sisters Helena and Irene are born in Helsinki during World War II. A few months later their mother, Sirkka, leaves the girls in the care of their grandmother, an old communist, and runs away with a German soldier. Their life under the protection...
ES. Javier, y su padre David, adelantan su regreso al pueblo antes del verano. Su abuela está muy enferma. Javier es un niño muy especial, tanto, que el trato con su propia familia es distante y frío,con todos menos con Laura, su compañera de juegos desde...
A boy from a small town has never kissed a girl. So one day he and his friends decide to go to the 'big city' to see if they have more luck there. In the city, the boys get much more then they bargained for. Fragment, full version is wanted. Director:...
1. A couple of young kids living in Los Angeles (played by Rockwell's children Nico and Lana), decide that they want to see "the river." Setting out alone, their encounters along the way provide the heart and soul of the movie. Moments of wordless play...
"The Aborgine and the girl 30,000 years apart ...together." A privileged British family consisting of a mother, a geologist father and an adolescent daughter and son, live in Sydney, Australia. Out of circumstance, the siblings, not knowing exactly where...
A famed Lithuanian painter expresses the torment of his youth through his paintings. But lately, even his work provides no solace, for he falls into a deep mid-life crises and can find no inspiration. This grim, earnest and arty drama looks back upon...
ES. Chispita (Macarena Camacho) es una niña andaluza, dotada de una voz prodigiosa, cuya madre acaba de fallecer. Pronto descubre, sin embargo, que en realidad era adoptada. Decide entonces encontrar a su verdadera madre, y en esa aventura será ayudada...
Das wunderbunte Vögelchen ist der Liebling aller Bewohner des Kinderheims "Sonnenschein" in Käsebrot. Es ist wertvoller als ein Schatz, denn sein Gesang weckt nicht nur jeden Morgen die Kinder, sondern lässt ringsumher die Blumen blühen, den Springbrunnen...
“Rreziku i ardhjes së njerkës” vjen papritur në jetën e Bledit të vogël. Ky lajm që vogëlushi e mëson rastësisht ishte një shok emocional për të. Nga ana tjetër kjo ndikon në lidhjen shpirtërore midis babait të Bledit Agronit dhe Zanës një kolege e tij...
NO. Hallstein og Sissel bor sammen med foreldrene på et småbruk i en liten bygd. Denne vårnatten skal de for første gang være alene hjemme mens foreldrene er i begravelse i en annen bygd. Det hersker en varm fortrolighet mellom dem og de har gledet seg...
A Jewish family in Germany emigrate short before the Second World War. They move to Kenya to start running a farm, but not all members of the family come to an arrangement with their new life. Shortly after their departure, things are changing in Germany...