• 翻滚吧!男孩 / Fan gun ba! Nan hai / Jump Boys. 2005.
    CN. 说起体操,不少人总会想到大陆或东欧选手,其实台湾也有人从事小选手培训。纪录片「翻滚吧!男孩」就记录一位教练在宜兰县罗东镇公正国小带着七位小男孩苦练,并拿到全国国小体操团体金牌的故事,有泪水、欢笑,也充满梦想。「翻滚吧!男孩」里的金牌教练,恰巧就是导演的哥哥林育信。导演说,哥哥从小就很会翻滚、跳跃,看着哥哥俐落的身影,崇拜又羡慕,也想学体操。但父母认为一个孩子学就够了,坚决反对,甚至因此替他转学到 另一所小学,他的体操梦就此断绝。 长大后,导演从事影像工作,哥哥林育信回母校罗东公正国小担任体操教练。有一次导演回家,整理旧相簿时发现一张哥哥小时候与体操队同学参加一场比赛后的合照,哥哥说当年的小选手而今早已各奔东西,只有少数几位还留在体操界。如今哥哥选择回到母校,培训一群跟他当年照片中一样大的小男孩,似乎是为了延续小时候未完成的梦想。于是导演展开了这部纪录片的拍摄工作,替哥哥与他训练的小选手留下珍贵回忆。
    EN. Best Documentary Film of Golden Horse Awards 2005, Special Jury Prize and Audience Award, Taipei Film Festival 2005 "Jump! Boys," a warm and engaging documentary about young boys training for gymnastics competition, brought out tears and laughter when it was shown in local theaters.
    Director: Yu-Hsien Lin.
    Cast: 李智凯 / 黄克强 / 林信志 / 黄靖 / 杨育铭.
    Taiwan, 2005.
    Language: Mandarin.
    Download 翻滚吧!男孩 / Fan gun ba! Nan hai / Jump Boys.
    翻滚吧!男孩 / Fan gun ba! Nan hai / Jump Boys. 2005.
    翻滚吧!男孩 / Fan gun ba! Nan hai / Jump Boys. 2005.
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  • Свампе / Svampe. 1990.
     This is actually a movie originally made for children. A Norwegian one, too. Wow! You might think, this is probably weird. And it is, indeed. The story changes between fiction and real life. A magician is one of the main characters and so are two ravens. The whole story seem to have its foundation in old, Norse tales, but with numerous twists and "modernizations".
    Director: Martin Asphaug.
    Cast: Martin Bliksrud, Karl Sundby, Øyvin Bang Berven, Edith Carlmar, Brit Elisabeth Haagensli, Tone Helly-Hansen, Bjørn Jenseg, Sverre Anker Ousdal, Erlend SandemEspen Skjønberg.
    Norway, 1990.
    Language: Norwegian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
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    Свампе / Svampe. 1990.
    Svampe. 1990.

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  • Время взрослеть / Ballagó idö. 1976.
     Mail for translation. Mester Pista izgalmas kalandok kozepette tolti el a vakaciot barataival. Az o erdemuk tobbek kozott az is, hogy elfogjak a kornyek veszedelmes bunozojet. A kisfiu rendszeresen kirandul a padlasra is, ahol regi ruhak, butorok jovoltabol megelevenedik elotte a csalad esemenydus multja. Igy telik el kepzelet es valosag mezsgyejen a vakacio.
    Director: Tamás Fejér.
    Cast: Sándor Tóth, Nóra Káldi, Klári Tolnay, Margit Makay, Antal Páger, József Bihari, Irma Patkós,  Zoltán Latinovits, Lajos Öze.
    Hungary, 1976.
    Language: Hungarian, Russian.
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    Время взрослеть / Ballagó idö. 1976.
     Ballagó idö. 1976.
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  • Ronja Rövardotter / Ronja Robbersdaughter. 1984. DVD.
     Borka and his band and Mattis's band of robbers are rivals. Birk, his parents and their band live in the wild in Mattisforrest. They move in to Metis-stronghold, which belonged to his ancestors, in an attempt to escape being caught by the king's men. The children have to learn to live in the woods.
    The film won Reader Jury of the "Berliner Morgenpost" and the Silver Berlin Bear ("For a movie of extraordinary fantasy") at the 35th Berlin International Film Festival in 1985. The film was also nominated for a Golden Bear.
    Director: Tage Danielsson.
    Writer: Astrid Lindgren.
    Cast: Hanna Zetterberg, Dan Håfström, Börje Ahlstedt, Lena Nyman, Per Oscarsson, Med Reventberg, Allan Edwall, Ulf Isenborg, Henry Ottenby, Björn Wallde, Tommy Körberg, Rune Andersson, Rolf Dahlgren, Bo Bergstrand.
    Sweden, Norway, 1984.
    Language: Swedish, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Swedish, Russian.
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    Ronja Rövardotter / Ronja Robbersdaughter. 1984. DVD.
    Ronja Rövardotter / Ronja Robbersdaughter. 1984. DVD.
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  • Le nécrophile. 2004.
    Necrophilia, incest, cannibalism, pedophilia and many others little perversions presents in this cult horror comedy which can be made only at France. And - of course - there will be a bunch of dancing zombies at the end. It is the story of a very ordinary man who just happens to be necrophile. (He is also like to eat cockroaches.) Problems begins when his pretty orphan cousin came to live with him... Great tribute to german expressionism with touch of very contemporary dark humor.
    Director: Philippe Barassat.
    Cast: Freddy Bournane, Ilona Szabo, Mohammed Aamoun, Jenny Bel'Air, Sissi Duparc (Sylviane Duparc), Morgane Maugran, Alain Burosse.
    France, 2004.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: Russian, English, Spanish.
     Download Le Necrophile.
    Le nécrophile. 2004.
    Le nécrophile. 2004.

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  • 良家妇女 / Liangjia funu / Woman of the Good Family. 1986.
     CN. 解放前夕偏僻的黔北山区农村,一顶花轿将18岁的姑娘杏仙抬进易家寨做童养媳。婆婆五娘只比她大8岁,小丈夫易少伟只有6岁。杏仙的婆婆善良、温和,但脸上少有笑容。杏仙与少伟一家相处融洽,并发现寨子里有不少怪事。农忙季节五娘的娘家.
    EN. The film shows a story of struggle between the traditions of arranged marriage and love. Xingxian is a 18 year old girl who finds herself engaged to a 8 year old boy. When a young man her age comes to town, she falls in love. They eventually elope and she become the first girl from her village to break the tradition of arranged marriage.
    The phrase Women of the Good Family is used to emphasize that the women is not a hooker. Women are discriminated against in the traditional Confucian teaching already and there was no help in the old Chinese society to help those prostitutes who wanted to get out of the business. The naming of the title of this movie is excellent in that it reflects the cultural introspection that was the hidden theme of this movie.
    Director: Jian-zhong Huang.
    Cast: Shan Cong, Weixin Zhang, Jiayi Wang, Yan Liang.
    China, 1986.
    Language: Mandarin.
    Download 良家妇女 / Liangjia funu / Woman of the Good Family.
    良家妇女 / Liangjia funu / Woman of the Good Family. 1986.
    良家妇女 / Liangjia funu / Woman of the Good Family. 1986.
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  • Wenn süß das Mondlicht auf den Hügeln schläft / When Sweet Moonlight Is Sleeping in the Hills. 1969.
     Wenn süß das Mondlicht auf den Hügeln schläft ist ein deutscher Spielfilm von Wolfgang Liebeneiner aus dem Jahr 1969. Als Vorlage diente der gleichnamige Roman des britischen Autors Eric Malpass. Er setzt die erste Romanverfilmung Morgens um sieben ist die Welt noch in Ordnung von Kurt Hoffmann über das Leben der Familie Pentecost fort. Fünf weitere Werke aus derselben Romanreihe blieben unverfilmt.
    Die Großfamilie Pentecost verliert ein Mitglied durch einen Flugzeugabsturz. Die Umstände verhindern, dass der angekündigte Urlaub nicht wie geplant stattfinden kann. Darunter leidet der Familienfrieden. Besonders der kleine Gaylord ist genervt von seiner Kusine Emma...
    Director: Wolfgang Liebeneiner.
    Cast: Archibald Eser, Irina von Bentheim, Werner Hinz, Luitgard Im, Werner Bruhns, Diana Körner, Rolf Zacher, Susanne Uhlen, Jürgen Lentzsch, Ilse Fürstenberg, Gerd Lohmeyer, Richard Haller, Wolfgang Petry.
    West Germany, 1969.
    Language: German.
    Download Wenn süß das Mondlicht auf den Hügeln schläft / When Sweet Moonlight Is Sleeping in the Hills.
    Wenn süß das Mondlicht auf den Hügeln schläft / When Sweet Moonlight Is Sleeping in the Hills. 1969.
    Wenn süß das Mondlicht auf den Hügeln schläft / When Sweet Moonlight Is Sleeping in the Hills. 1969.
    Wenn süß das Mondlicht auf den Hügeln schläft / When Sweet Moonlight Is Sleeping in the Hills. 1969.
    Wenn süß das Mondlicht auf den Hügeln schläft / When Sweet Moonlight Is Sleeping in the Hills. 1969.
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  • Die Entführung. 1976.
     Diese TV-Produktion basierte auf einem authentischen Fall aus dem Jahre 1973, der vor einem Bezirksgericht der DDR verhandelt wurde. Neben der Authentizität des Stoffs erlangt der Film seine besondere Wirkung auch aus dem emotionalbetonten spannenden Handlungsablauf, in dessen Fokus das Schicksal von vier Kindern steht, die in die skrupellosen Geschäfte von westdeutschen Menschenhändlern hinein gezogen wurden.
    Kornbichler (Dietmar Richter-Reinick), einer der Verbrecher, ist in Sorge. Zwar lief die “Aktion” bis jetzt nach Plan ab, doch nun stellt Dagmar (Constanze Engelhardt), die in Kornbichlers Auto sitzt, unbequeme Fragen nach Figuren aus dem DDR-Fernsehen. Woher sollte er diese als BRD-Bürger aber kennen?
    Kornbichler ist der Komplize eines gewissen Kürschner (Frank Schenk), mit anderem Namen auch Schneider. Sie wollen einen raffiniert ausgeklügelten Plan von Auftraggebern aus der BRD in die Tat umsetzen. Diese Leute sind Menschenhändler, und ihr Geschäft ist ein einträgliches. Aus diesem Grund müssen Dagmar und ihr Bruder Dieter (Christoph Heidmann) mit dem Ganoven im Auto mitfahren, eine Sache, an der sie keine Freude haben …
    Director: Ingrid Sander.
    Cast: Wolfgang Dehler, Constanze Engelhardt, Karin Gregorek, Dorit Gäbler, Christoph Heidmann, Rolf Hoppe, Konstantin Kilger, Dietmar Richter-Reinick, Frank-Otto Schenk, Marianne Wünscher.
    DDR, DEFA, 1976.
    Language: German.
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    Die Entführung. 1976.
    Die Entführung. 1976.
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  • Том и Лола / Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. DVD.
    FR. Tom et Lola, neuf ans, vivent dans des bulles médicales depuis leur naissance. Sans défense naturelle, ils sont ainsi protégés, mais surtout prisonniers, et nourrissent en secret le rêve de découvrir l'Alaska. Une nuit d'orage, ils parviennent à sortir de leurs bulles...
    EN. Their immune systems tragically damaged at birth, Tom and Lola are two beautiful children forever isolated in plastic bubbles. But neither cold urethane nor chillier hospital technicians can keep down the beguiling spirit of these indomitable siblings. Nor can anything stop their quest to one day run naked and truly free, unbound from the medical shackles that bind them. Magnifique!
    Trivia. Late in the film when the pair are traveling, they come upon a group of siblings who are all completely naked in their own home. Despite claims to the contrary, this is perfectly normal for European preteens.
    This is the full version 93 min.
    Director: Bertrand Arthuys.
    Cast: Cécile Magnet, Marc Berman, Catherine Frot, Celian Varini, Neil Stubbs, Mélodie Collin, Sophie Arthuys, Olivier Belmont, Nadia Chapuis, Edouard Dequesne, Nicolas Haure, Quiterie Lejosne, Junior John Levis, Gwenaelle Quelme, Janine Souchon.
    France, 1990.
    Language: French, Russian.
    Subtitles: English.
    Download  DVD Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola.
    Том и Лола / Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. DVD.
     Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. DVD.
    Том и Лола / Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. DVD.
     Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. DVD.
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  • Učna leta izumitelja Polža / Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polz. 1982.
    SI. Učna leta izumitelja Polža je 89-minutni slovenski celovečerni film, ki je bil posnet in premierno predvajan 1. januarja 1982. Režiral je Jane Kavčič, sceniral pa Željko Kozinc. Takoj po snemanju pa je v prometni nesreči umrl glavni igralec, Miha Petrovčič.
    Osnovnošolec Jani, ki ga prijatelji kličejo Polž, se ukvarja s precej utopičnimi poskusi. Tako med drugim že kot otrok skoči z balkona z uporabo dežnikov kot padala, povzroči eksplozijo televizorja in eksperimentira z elektriko. Skoraj z vsakim neuspelim poskusom doma zakuha kako nesrečo, ki je nadvse komična, saj ga ob vsakem poskusu okara ali celo našeška oče. Njegova najnovejša ideja predvideva pretvorbo nekoristne energije ultrazvočnega valovanja v električno energijo, kar bi zmanjšalo onesnaževanje zaradi uporabe fosilnih goriv.
    Ob strani mu stojijo mama, sošolca Hojka in Fitipaldi ter soseda Violeta, glasbeno nadarjena punca, nobenega razumevanja za njegove poskuse pa ne pokažeta oče in učitelj fizike. Kljub temu vztraja s poskusi in se odloči, da gre do konca.
    Na koncu naprava za pretvorbo ultrazvoka v električno energijo začne skoraj delovati, vendar nato eksplodira, kar prinese tudi konec eksperimentiranja doma. Film se konča, ko Polžev mlajši brat Luka z dežnikoma odskoči z balkona, kar kaže na to, da bo očitno nekoč sledil bratovim stopinjam.
    EN. Jani, called just Polz by his fellows, is a sincere elementary schoolboy. He likes his schoolmate Hojka, but especially drawn to inventiveness. He is suported by his mother, his schoolmate Hojka and Fitipaldi. The rest of them, on the other hand his father, a teacher of physics at the top of list, show no recognition of his efforts whatsoever. When seeminghly on the verge of his first success, his device explodes and thus concludes his life of home expirimentation. Polz remains a kind of rebel and fanatic in the eyes of adults, but his younger brother is already promising to follow in his footsteps.
    Director: Jane Kavčič.
    Сast: Miha Petrovcic, Bogdan Zupan, Jozica Avbelj, Ivo Ban, Uros Basta, Livio Bogatec, Jure Cemernik, Damjana Cerne, Marjeta Gregorac, Matjaz Gruden, Janez Hocevar, Boris Juh, Vladimir Jurc.
    Yugoslavia, 1982.
    Language: Slovenian.
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    Učna leta izumitelja Polža / Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polz. 1982.
    Učna leta izumitelja Polža / Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polz. 1982..
    Učna leta izumitelja Polža / Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polz. 1982.
    Učna leta izumitelja Polža / Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polz. 1982.
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  • Mehrmals täglich / Several Times Daily. 1969.
     Mehrmals täglich (auch Darf ich Sie zur Mutter machen?) ist eine deutsche Filmkomödie aus dem Jahr 1969 mit Dieter Hallervorden und Rotraud Schindler in den Hauptrollen. Der Film lief am 18. Februar 1969 in den deutschen Kinos an.
    Der Student Ulrich Vogler (Dieter Hallervorden) und sein fünfjähriger Sohn (Dieter Hallervorden jun.) haben durch ein Scheidungsurteil Ehefrau und Mutter verloren. Nun suchen beide dringend eine Nachfolgerin, denn die Nachbarin hetzt ihnen das Jugendamt auf den Hals. Dieses möchte einen Nachweis über eine intakte Ehe, ansonsten müsse der Sohn in ein Heim.
    Einzige Voraussetzung für die neue Ehefrau und Mutter: sie muss gute Königsberger Klopse machen können. Ulrichs Freund Lothar (Rolf Bauer) bietet bei der Suche seine Hilfe an. Allerdings beweist er dabei nicht gerade ein goldenes Händchen. Er sucht in Nachtbars, Museen und sogar in einem Ruderboot nach der Traumfrau - aber vergeblich. Die Zeit drängt und die Katastrophe nimmt ihren Lauf.
    Until 2005 this film was never released on any home video format. Only then the film was released on DVD by Turbine Medien as part of their "Dieter Hallervorden Collection".
    Director: Ralf Gregan.
    Cast: Dieter Hallervorden, Rotraud Schindler, Rolf Bauer, Editha Horn, Heidrun Kussin, Helga Ballhaus, Helga Schlack, Günter Glaser, Marina Lorrendt, Hans O. Rombach, Jutta Simon, Guido Weber, Ethel Reschke, Ursula Kessler, Bruno Hampel, Chris Palm.
    West Germany, 1969.
    Language: German.
    Subtitles: German.
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    Mehrmals täglich / Several Times Daily. 1969.
    Mehrmals täglich / Several Times Daily. 1969.
    Mehrmals täglich / Several Times Daily. 1969.
    Mehrmals täglich / Several Times Daily. 1969.
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  • Marhuľový lekvár. 1988.
     SK.Televízna adaptácia poviedky F. Kárinthyho o tom, ako je dôležité mať niekde pocit domova. Marhuľový lekvár symbolizuje domov, rodinnú pohodu, po ktorej nevýslovne túži malý chlapček Ferko, žijúci so svojimi rodičmi v jednom maďarskom mestečku 30-tych rokov 20.storočia. Matka s nenaplnenou túžbou stať sa slávnou klavíristkou a otec s ešte vzdialenejším snom byť svetoznámym a bohatým spisovateľom na syna nemajú ani chvíľku čas, ani jediné láskavé slovo. Milujúcou spoločníčkou mu je len slúžka Manci, ktorá však pre nedorozumenie s pánmi odchádza. Ferko zostáva sám, sklamaný a neochotný prijať ponúkané priateľstvo novej slúžky Rózy. Lenže aj on má svoj veľký sen a práve Róza mu ho pomôže splniť.
    EN. Television adaptation of F. Kárinthyho's story about how important it is to have a sense of home. The apricot jam symbolizes the home, family well-being, which the little boy Ferko, living with his parents in a Hungarian town of the 30's of the 20th century, desperately hopes for. A mother with an unfulfilled desire to become a famous pianist and a father with an even more distant dream to be a world-famous and wealthy writer to a son have no time or even a loving word. His loving companion is only Manci, who, however, leaves for misunderstanding with his lords. Ferko remains alone, disappointed and reluctant to accept the friendship of a new maid of Rózy. But he also has his great dream, and Róza will help him meet him.
    Director: Zoro Laurinc.
    Cast: Zdena Studenková, František Kovár, Alexander Maďar, Adela Gáborová, Alena Michalidesová, Milan Kiš, Deana Horváthová-Jakubisková, Ivo Gogál, Vladimír Obšil, Ivan Béla Vojtek, Juraj Ďurdiak, Juraj Szabadoš, Dušan Kaprálik, Oľga Vronská, Ľudovít Reiter, Marta Rašlová, Peter Barták.
    Czechoslovakia, 1988.
    Language: Slovak.
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    Marhuľový lekvár. 1988.
    Marhuľový lekvár. 1988.
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    I Want to Be Famous. 1976.
    Independent British cinema, a brief view of an unhappy childhood.
    Steve is the smallest eleven year old in his class, thinks girls are soppy and prefers painting. He creates an exciting but violent fantasy world of his own, but in reality he is lonely and introspective. Stuart, his best mate, is the most solid thing thing about a comfortless world where people argue too much - usually about him - and, with studied indifference, both boys establish and re-establish their devotion to each other.
    Director: Roger Lambert.
    Cast: Stephen Bratt, Stuart Elliot, Andy Gough, Joyce Pemberton, Keith Groom, Ted Gray, Steve Handforth, Vanessa Doran, Brian Warrilow, Eric Ball, Matthew Barlow, Arnold Bratt.
    UK, 1976.
    Language: English.
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    I Want to Be Famous. 1976.
    I Want to Be Famous. 1976.
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  • Merette. 1981.
    Merette is a pretty child, living within a patrician, strictly Calvinist family in the Switzerland of the 19th century. She is happy, until her mother dies, and Merette blames God, and gives up her religion. Her family turns against her, the villagers reject her, and her priest drives her into isolation.
    Tragedy (in the strict sense) about what religion does to a community, and how the community deals with conflicts. Excellent acting by Anne Bos and Jean Bouise.
    Director: Jean-Jacques Lagrange.

    Cast: Anne Bos, Jean Bouise, Isabelle Sadoyan, Patrick Lapp, Catherine Eger, Yvette Theraulaz, Charlie Nelson, Christine Wipf, Richard Vachoux, Michele Gleizer.
    France, Switzerland, 1981.

    Language: French.
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    Merette. 1981.
    Mérette. 1981.
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  • L'annee de mes sept ans. 2003.
     My name is Helene and 1952 was not an easy year for me. First, because my parents decided to leave Montpellier for Paris but without taking me and my big brother Michel along with them. Why, I don't know... The fact remains that I had to leave the south for Lille, in the North, where my grandmother Yaya (her true name is Alice but this is the way call her) and my grandfather Georges were living. What I disliked most was that Yaya had a preference for Michel and that Granddaddy was too grumpy. In Lille I also got very upset when pupils at the catholic school I attended told me I was... Jewish. Jewish? I didn't even know that Jews even existed. And when I knew better about them (Michel was more informed than I was), what a shock it was when I learned that my two other grandparents had been sent to a concentration during the war. A little too much for a little girl like me. A sure thing is that I will never forget the year 1952, the year when I was seven....
    Director: Irene Jouannet.
    Cast: Marie-Jose Nat, Gilles Segal, Clemence Meyer, Arthur Pellisier, Olivier Sitruk, Vanessa Larre, Sophie Le Tellier, Victor Haim, Attica Guedj.
    France, 2003.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: Russian, German, French, Dutch, Swedish.
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    L'année de mes sept ans. 2003.
    L'année de mes sept ans. 2003.
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  • El rey de los gorilas. 1977.El rey de los gorilas. 1977.
     A spin-off of Tarzan in this Mexican jungle film. An African safari is attacked by savage natives and the sole survivor is an infant who is adopted and raised by gorillas. As he is growing up, his only human friend is a native boy he happens to meet in a chance encounter. He grows to be a young adult, discovers white civilization, and meets a beautiful white girl who becomes his mate. They have a son who becomes the second jungle boy in the movie, and the three of them prevail through perilous adventures.
    Director: Rene Cardona Jr.
    Cast: Martin Espinosa (Little White Ape), Aurelio Sparrow (Notoku), Jorge Graham (White Ape's son), Hugo Stiglitz.
    Mexico, 1977.
    Language: Spanish.
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    El rey de los gorilas. 1977.
    El rey de los gorilas. 1977.
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  • Манана / მანანა / Manana. 1958.
    GE. ანცი გოგონა მანანა თავის ნებაზე ათამაშებს მოხუც ბებიასა და ბაბუას, რომლებიც დედის სიკვდილის შემდეგ ზედმეტად ანებივრებენ შვილიშვილს. ბავშვი გაკვეთილებს აცდენს, მამას, მეზობლებს და ამხანაგებს ატყუებს. საკუთარ ტყუილებში გახლართული მანანა ყველას უსიამოვნებაში გარევს და მიხვდება, რომ ასე გაგრძელება აღარ შეიძლება. ის პატიებას ითხოვს და პირობას დადებს, რომ ამიერიდან სამაგალითო მოსწავლე გახდება.
    EN. Old Georgian funny comedy on the theme of "what is good and what is bad," a summary of the network: since his wife died of sea captain Sergo, grandparents endlessly indulged his nine year old daughter Manana. To forgive her all pranks and even deception. One day, to take time off from school early, she invented that grandparents are very sick.
    After school classmates came to Manana, to help a friend in trouble. The news of the illness of parents came up to Manana's father, who left an urgent job, hurried home. But it turned out to be cheated. After this act people stopped believing girl. And she felt: a person hard to live when he does not believe. And she had to completely change their behavior.
    Directors: ზაქარია გუდავაძე / Zaza Gudavadze, შალვა მარტაშვილი / Shalva Martashvili.
    Cast: Nanuli Sarajishvili, Sesilia Takaishvili, Aleksandre Jorjoliani, Yakov Tripolsky, Medea Chakhava, Ipolite Khvichia, Lamzira Chkheidze, Aleksandre Kuprashvili, D. Kuchaidze, Revaz Baramidze, Zaza Gachechiladze.
    USSR, Georgia-Film, 1958.
    Language: Russian.
    Манана / მანანა / Manana. 1958.
     მანანა / Manana. 1958.
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  • Река первой любви / 雨鱒の川 / Amemasu no kawa / River of First Love. 2004.
     8-year old boy, Shimpei, who loves fishing and painting, lives with his beautiful mother, surrounded by nature. His mother, Satsuki, has a weak constitution and lost her husband years ago. She takes care of her son lovingly but sometimes strictly, on her own. Shimpei's childhood sweetheart, Sayuri, is deaf, but somehow they can understand each other and they always spend time together.
    One day, big news comes to their town: Shimpei's picture received the Grand Prize in a Children's Pictures Exhibition in Paris. On the night that Sayuri's father, Takakura, holds a celebration party for Shimpei, Satsuki leaves her son in Takakura's care and goes out of the house. Feeling uneasy, Shimpei goes to look for her but finds his mother dead, lying calmly and peacefully in the beautiful, white snow...Fast forward to the future, Shimpei has been offered a fake job in Tokyo. Sayuri's father arranged everything so that Shimpei would not interfere with Sayuri's marriage.
    Director: Itsumichi Isomura.
    Cast: Hiroshi Tamaki - Sinpei Kato, Haruka Ayase - Sayuri Takakura, Shunsuke Matsuoka - Kawashima, Hiroshi Abe - Shiro Takakura,   Miki Nakatani - Satuki Kato, Akira Emoto - Hidejiro Tasaki, Ayumi Ito - Mika Inoue, Yuriko Hoshi - Matsuko Takakura, Mirai Shida - Sayuri - adolescent, Kenta Suga - Sinpei - adolescent, Daisuke Honda, Tadashi Sakata.
    Japan, 2004.
    Language: Japanese.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Download 雨鱒の川 / Amemasu no kawa / River of First Love.
    Река первой любви / 雨鱒の川 / Amemasu no kawa / River of First Love. 2004.
     雨鱒の川 / Amemasu no kawa / River of First Love. 2004.
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  • Даниэль и Анна / Daniel y Ana / Daniel and Ana. 2009.
     Daniel and Ana, brother and sister, best friends. Both are at pivotal, defining moments in their contented lives. Ana is about to be married, Daniel is a gregarious teenager discovering his personal and sexual identity. Yet their harmony is instantly shattered when they are kidnapped and something shocking happens which forces them to confront their desires and fears. Suddenly their old lives are a distant memory. Now, nothing they have known will ever be the same again.
    Director: Michel Franco.
    Cast: Dario Yazbek Bernal, Marimar Vega, Jose Maria Torre, Luis Miguel Lombana, Montserrat Ontiveros, Verónica Langer, Jéssica Castelán, Cristobal Martínez Yáñes.
    Mexico, Spain, 2009.
    Language: Spanish,
    Subtitles: English.
    Даниэль и Анна / Daniel y Ana / Daniel and Ana. 2009.
     Daniel y Ana / Daniel and Ana. 2009.
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  • Нене / Nenè. 1977.
     In the Catholic and traditionalist Italy, two teen-agers covertly discover new prohibited games.
    Savatore Samperi is considered one of Italy's best directors in the comedy-drama genre.
    This movie is set in the late 1940's, a few years after the trauma of WWII and during 1948 Italian elections when the Italian Communist Party was surprising defeated at the polls (an election many now believe was stolen by the American CIA). The political events are mostly kept in the background, however, as this story is told from the perspective of a precocious nine-year-old boy, "Ju". His parents are both emotionally damaged from the deprivations of war--there's an uncomfortable scene where he watches his mother (Paola Senatore) sexually service his father (Ugo Tognazzi), marks on her backside evident from the switch his abusive father likes to use on his family members (especially the female ones). The boy's larger awakening into adulthood, however, comes courtesy of his orphaned older cousin "Nene" (Leanora Fani), who comes to stay with his family. The teenage girl lets him sleep in her bed and confides him about her burgeoning sexuality and the illicit affair she is having with a local mulatto hood.
    Director: Salvatore Samperi.
    Cast: Alberto Cancemi, Leonora Fani, Rita Savagnone, Tino Schirinzi, Paola Senatore, Sven Valsecchi, Vittoria Valsecchi.
    Italy, 1977.
    Download Nenè.
    Нене / Nenè. 1977.
     Nenè. 1977.
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  • Долгий путь в школу / Der lange Ritt zur Schule. 1982.
     Alex is a bright, but dreamy boy. At a school meeting he is reprimanded by the principal for coming too late to school on too many occasions. His achievements in sports are not mentioned and this annoys him. His sports teacher puts all his hopes on Alex as he is the school's biggest hope to winning the gold medal at the next inter-school tournament. The next morning Alex leaves for school, together with his friend Maren. Although he leaves the house on time he soon get's distracted as there is so much to see on the way to the school. There is, for example, the horse keeper. A nice old man who is driving with his old horse and the carriage. And he meets the pupils of the other school that participates in the tournament. In his fantasy, his bike becomes a horse and the bad guys want to steal the gold (medals). In his quest to thwart the robbing, his American-Indian blood brother Red Milan is there to assist.
    Director: Rolf Losansky.
    Cast: Frank Träger, Iris Riffert, Klaus Piontek, Barbara Schnitzler, Dieter Franke, Fritz Marquardt, Gojko Mitic, Klaus Manchen, Günter Schubert, Ellen Hellwig, Rolf Hoppe, Alfred Struwe, Jörg Panknin.
    DDR, DEFA, 1982.
    Долгий путь в школу / Der lange Ritt zur Schule. 1982.
    Der lange Ritt zur Schule. 1982.
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  • Дoчь смотрителя кладбища / Surnuaiavahi tutar. 2011.
     EE. Lucia elu ühes Eesti alevikus on lõbus ja vaba, kuid koolis on õpetajad mures, sest hinded on tal halvad. Tema isa, surnuaiavaht Kaido putitab autosid ja teeb muid juhutöid, ema Maria peab töö kaotamisest saadik teiste omasugustega pidu. Lucia kooliasjade jaoks pole kummalgi aega. Juba on asi lastekaitseinspektori laual, kui pere ootamatult kutsutakse Soome külla. Nädal aega elavad nad kirikuõpetaja Sirpa juures, ja Lucia ettekujutus kodust muutub põhjalikult. Tagasi Eestisse jõudes võtavad sündmused sellise pöörde, et tüdruk peab valima, millises kodus elada.
    EN. A snapshot of one segment of Estonian present-day life, shown through the eyes of a child: LUCIA is leading a jolly and naughty Pippi-Longstocking-style life in a small town in Estonia. Her father KAIDO, a graveyard keeper, can hardly provide for the family, her mother MARIA is a drunk. Then the family receives an unexpected invitation to spend a week in Finland, in the house of the female pastor SIRPA. This week will change everybody's life in unexpected ways...
    Director: Katrin Laur.
    Cast: Maria Avdjushko, Epp Eespäev, Kertu-Killu Grenman, Katrin Jarv, Ülle Kaljuste, Eva Klemets, Anti Kobin, Kersti Kreismann, Arvo Kukumägi, Carolina Kuris, Esther Kõiv, Kristel Leesmend, Mait Lepik, Haide Männamäe.
    Estonia, Finland, 2011.
    Language: Estonian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Download Surnuaiavahi tütar.
    Дoчь смотрителя кладбища / Surnuaiavahi tutar. 2011.
    Surnuaiavahi tütar. 2011.
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  • Клипы из театра. Часть-2. / Clips from theater. Part-2.
     A collection of clips number 39, this time as fragments and full-length movies from various theater productions, performances and other "live" performances, the most interesting moments with full or partial exposure of participants, known and not. In this collection of 8 clips, all the videos in a different, usually a good, quality.
    Download Clips from films. Part-39.
    Клипы из театра. Часть-2. / Clips from theater. Part-2.
     Clips from films. Parts-39.
    Клипы из фильмов. Часть-40. / Clips from movies. Part-40.
     Collection of clips number forty, now go through the 1970-80's films, many of which have become classics and many of the actresses - the stars of the first magnitude. As is usually made up of small pieces of normal, non-erotic, feature films, with the most interesting and a little (or a little more than a bit) erotic moments, and not so famous actress will appear in their "natural beauty" or "costume of Eve", as well as in a pleasant and varied communication with partners of the opposite sex, as well as his. In this part of the clips 8 films of good quality all the rollers, some of which have a translation system. All clips are the names of the movies from which they are cut, plus the names of actresses (not all).
    Download Clips from movies. Part-40.
    Клипы из фильмов. Часть-40. / Clips from movies. Part-40.
    Clips from movies. Part-40.
    Клипы из фильмов. Часть-41. / Clips from movies. Part-41.
    Collection of clips number forty-one, continue the theme 1970-80's films, many of which have become classics and many of the actresses - the stars of the first magnitude. As is usually made up of small pieces of normal, non-erotic, feature films, with the most interesting and a little (or a little more than a bit) erotic moments, and not so famous actress will appear in their "natural beauty" or "costume of Eve", as well as in a pleasant and varied communication with partners of the opposite sex, as well as his. In this part of the clips 10 films of good quality all the rollers, some of which have a translation system. All clips are the names of the movies from which they are cut, plus the names of actresses (not all).
    Download Clips from movies. Part-41.
    Клипы из фильмов. Часть-41. / Clips from movies. Part-41.
    Clips from movies. Part-41.
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