
    Blumen für den Mann im Mond / Flowers for the Man in the Moon. 1975.
    DE. Der Pionier Adam Ledermann hat eine ausgefallene Idee, er will Blumen für den Mond züchten, damit die Menschen, die einmal dort arbeiten werden, auch ihre Freude haben. Von seinen Freunden wird er als Spinner bezeichnet, aber als er Partner findet für sein fantastisches Projekt, Landwirtschaftsflieger Kondensmaxe und Professor Vitamin, werden auch die anderen vorm Forschungsdrang erfasst. Komplizierte Experimente werden gemacht, auch Fehlschläge müssen verkraftet werden. Aber Begeisterung, Einfallsreichtum und Ausdauer führen zum Ziel: eine wunderbare Mondblume.
    EN. Adam, Evchen, and Manni are looking at the moon through their home-made telescope. Evchen isn't interested, and dismisses the moon as a lump of cheese. Manni, who is a big fan of technology, sees satellites and a car driving over the moon's surface. But Adam hears the moon speak, and hears it ask for flowers to cover its surface. From then on, Adam is determined to breed a kind of flower that can grow on the moon. Although he is made fun of at school and is yelled at by his father, who develops extra-nutritious vegetables for Professor Vitamin, Adam keeps trying. Eventually things take a positive turn. Kondensmaxe, in his airplane, finds Professor Vitamin's old magic greenhouse. It turns out the Professor was herself concerned with developing such a flower, before the war, and is willing to assist Adam in his research. Manni and Evchen support him every step of the way, and so does Adam's grandfather. Eventually Adam's mother even convinces her husband to assist the children...
    Director: Rolf Losansky.
    Cast: Jutta Wachowiak, Stefan Lisewski, Sven Grothe, Annemone Haase, Gerhard Bienert, Dieter Franke, Astrid Heinze, Dirk Förster, Yvonne Dießner, Ronald Schwarz, Carl Heinz Choynski, Dieter Jäger, Carmen-Maja Antoni.
    DDR, DEFA, 1975.
    Language: German.
    Download Blumen für den Mann im Mond / Flowers for the Man in the Moon. 1975.
    Blumen für den Mann im Mond / Flowers for the Man in the Moon. 1975.
    Blumen für den Mann im Mond / Flowers for the Man in the Moon. 1975.



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    Für immer und immer. 1996. HD.
    «Ein Kind, zwei Frauen. Ein Kampf auf Liebe und Tod.»
    DE. "Ich bin deine Mutter", mit diesem Satz bricht Melanie nach fünf Jahren plötzlich in das Leben der kleinen Maria ein. Mit Geschenken, Schmeicheleien und Verführung will sie das Mädchen um jeden Preis aus der heilen Welt ihrer Pflegefamilie herauslocken. Und sie hat die Mittel dazu: Geld und das Gesetz, das ihr die Möglichkeit gibt, ihr Kind zurückzufordern, obwohl sie es seit der Geburt nicht gesehen hat. Maria findet es aufregend, zwei Mütter zu haben. Begeistert geht sie auf die Versprechungen von Melanie ein: ein großes Haus, ein Hundebaby. Schweren Herzens überlassen Marias Pflegeeltern ihrer kleinen Tochter selbst die Entscheidung, über ihr künftiges Zuhause, mit Rücksicht auf das Kindeswohl und weil ihnen klar ist, dass sie Maria sonst einem jahrelangen gerichtlichen Tauziehen aussetzen müssten.
    EN. Drama in which five-year-old Maria appears to have two mothers; one who gave birth to her and one who raised her as her own. But now her biological wants Maria back. No matter what.
    Director: Hark Bohm.
    Cast: Johanna ter Steege, Jeannette Arndt, Heinz Hoenig, Robert Giggenbach, Angela Roy, Ulrike Kriener, Lili Bohm, Hark Bohm, Klaus Rathjens, Patrick Wicher, Mila Mladek, Volker Kühn, Beke Rathjens, David Bohm.
    Germany, 1996.
    Language: German.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Für immer und immer. 1996.
    Für immer und immer. 1996. HD.
    Für immer und immer. 1996. HD.



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    Wrony / The Crows. 1994. FULL-HD.
    PL. Film Doroty Kędzierzawskiej traktuje przede wszystkim o potrzebie miłości. Bohaterkami są dwie fascynujące, małe dziewczynki. Kędzierzawska często pracująca z dziećmi tak o tym mówi: "Myślę, że trudniej porozumiewać się z dorosłymi, którzy udają, zakładają maski. Dziecko jest szczere: jeśli jest złe to krzyczy, płacze i tupie nogami, jeśli jest głodne - mówi, że chce jeść. Dorośli nie są tak otwarci." "Wrony" to opowieść o samotnej dziewczynce, która pozbawiona czułości matki, porywając inną, młodszą od siebie dziewczynkę wchodzi w rolę matki, tak jak sobie tę rolę wyobraża. Wielkością filmu nie jest postawienie diagnozy społecznej. Problem społeczno-psychologiczny opowiedziany został w innej, z pozoru obcej diagnozom socjologicznym poetyce. Bohaterka filmu porusza się w niezwykłej, poetycznej przestrzeni miasta i w obszarze nieograniczonego obszaru morza. Wolność małej pozwala jej w "magiczny" sposób anektować każdą przestrzeń. Porywając inną małą "wronę", z resztą za jej przyzwoleniem, przeżywają jednodniową przygodę. Kiedyś M. Tournier, wielki wielbiciel dzieci, utrzymywał, że dziecko w sposób naturalny odwraca się od rodziców, kierując się ku podbojom świata zewnętrznego. Reżyserka sytuuje obie bohaterki zarówno w krajobrazie Kultury (miasto), jak i Natury (plaża i morze); z tym, że niezwykłe dzieci, wolne i niebezpieczne dla dorosłych zdecydowanie lepiej egzystują w świecie Natury. Ten typ myślenia jest jedną z uniwersalnych figur wyobraźni naszego widzenia dzieci. Bez wątpienia Dorota Kędzierzawska, tak jak L. Carroll uwielbia dzieci "z wyjątkiem małych chłopców." nagrody:Nagroda Specjalna Jury na FPFF Gdynia 1994; nagroda główna za zdjęcia na MFF "Camerimage" Toruń 1994
    EN. Crows (Polish: Wrony) is a 1994 Polish drama film directed by Dorota Kędzierzawska. The film was selected as the Polish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 68th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
    A thin child of about 10, nicknamed "Crow" because she mimics the bird, has no friends and rejects a teacher's hug. At home, she is left on her own, her mom locks her out while entertaining a lover or is asleep. One morning, Crow sees a chubby, cherubic child hugged by both parents as the father leaves for work. When the toddler is left alone, Crow lifts her through the fence and kidnaps her. That day, Crow tries to mother the child, alternately playing with and scolding her, taking her to the beach, leaving shore in a boat, pushing her into the sea in a pique, and eventually carrying the sleeping child back home. Crow returns to her own mother and asks for affection.
    Director: Dorota Kędzierzawska.
    Cast: Karolina Ostrożna, Katarzyna Szczepanik, Małgorzata Hajewska-Krzysztofik, Anna Prucnal, Krzysztof Grabarczyk, Agnieszka Pilaszewska, Antoni Majak, Paul Verkade, Marek Bukowski, Katarzyna Gajewska, Ewa Bukowska, Bartłomiej Topa.
    Poland, 1994.
    Language: Polish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Wrony / The Crows. 1994.
    Wrony / The Crows. 1994. FULL-HD.
    Wrony / The Crows. 1994. FULL-HD.



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    Čekání na déšť. 1978. HD.
    CZ. Veľkomestské sídlisko, zaliate augustovým slnkom, je prázdne a nepríjemné. Dvanásťročnej Alenke je smutno. Priateľky sú ešte na prázdninách, mama chodí do práce a Alenka je celý deň sama. Snaží sa skrátiť si dlhú chvíľu a vymýšľa si úlohu očarujúcej partnerky herca, ktorý býva v susedstve. Zoznámi sa i s mladým vojakom zo susedného balkóna. Jediné pekné chvíle prežíva v spoločnosti slepého invalida pána Taraba, ktorý odchádza do nemocnice a zveruje jej do opatery svojho vlčiaka. Alenkina matka má priateľa, ktorý je dievčatku veľmi nesympatický. Nie je nikto, komu by sa mohla zveriť a kto by ju potešil, a tak víta návrh pána Tarabu, ktorý chce svoj návrat z nemocnice osláviť. Pri nákupe sa Alenka stretáva s vojakom Pavlom a na druhý deň ho vyprevádza na stanicu, kde sa jej zrúti nádej prvého cituvého prebudeniea, keď sa objaví Pavlovo dievča. Alenka tak opäť zostáva sama. Pred domom nájde vlčiaka a dozvie sa, že pána Tarabu zrazilo auto a že je zase v nemocnici. Je to zlá správa, ale spolu s ňou prichdáza niečo, na čo všetci podvedome čakali - dážď. Prší a napätie sa pomaly uvoľňuje... Film Karla Kachyni měl společný rozpočet s filmem "Setkání v červenci".
    EN. Twelve-year-old Alena (Dita Kaplanová) has had to leave the countryside on a blazing hot summer day and come back home to a block of flats on the outskirts of Prague. She spends most of the day on her own, amusing herself daydreaming and imagining, on the blazing hot building roof awaiting the rain. Her mother (Ladislava Kozderková) is at work all day and her friends are still away on holidays. Alena is keen on the actor Budil (Jirí Bartoska) and puts on her best clothes for him each day, running out onto the street carrying her mother's handbag.
    Director: Karel Kachyňa.
    Cast: Dita Kaplanová, Zdeněk Sedláček, Laďka Kozderková, Zdeněk Řehoř, Josef Somr, Michal Hofbauer, Monika Hálová, Ladislav Trojan, Jiří Bartoška, Marie Motlová, Břetislav Slováček, Eliška Velímská, Bára Štěpánová, Marta Richterová, Anna Štrosová, Milada Ježková, Zdenka Smrčková, Jana Krausová, Zuzana Fišerová-Svátková, Hana Kazdová, Pavel Marek, František Michálek, Rudolf Koubek, Bert Schneider, Jaroslav Šmajzl, Josef Vondráček
    Czechoslovakia, 1978.
    Language: Czech.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Čekání na déšť. 1978.
    Čekání na déšť. 1978. HD.
    Čekání na déšť. 1978. HD.



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    Uniformadas / Uniformed. 2010. FULL-HD.
    Margaret is a lonely but very observant girl. Everyday, she is impacted by numerous uniforming messages that try to educate her to fulfill a concrete social role. Nevertheless, Margaret has a little secret. And from the shelter of her room, she will show us the strength and the imagination with which she will overcome the established stereotypes.
    Director: Irene Zoe Alameda.
    Cast: Lowena McDonell, Lucía Caraballo, Pilar Torriente, Ana Hilton, Maria Cuéllar, Lucía Martínez, Lily Morett, Jessica Prado, Eugenia Savchynets.
    Spain, 2010.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Uniformadas / Uniformed. 2010.
    Uniformadas / Uniformed. 2010. FULL-HD.
    Uniformadas / Uniformed. 2010. FULL-HD.



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    Dedicato al mare Egeo / エーゲ海に捧ぐ. 1979.
    Dedicato al mare Egeo is a forgotten and bizarre co-production produced between Italy and Japan from 1979, starring the famous Italian pоrn star Illona Staller (Cicciolina) and directed by the famous Japanese pinter, printmaker and novelist Masuo Ikeda (1934–1997) from his own script based on his novel “Ege-kai ni sasagu”, for which he won the Akutagawa Prize, the most prestigious literary award in Japan. Ikeda’s vigorous artistic activity even included screenplay writing and film directing. With this movie, Masuo Ikeda has undoubtedly left his mark on the ’70s Italian skin cinema.
    Director: Masuo Ikeda.
    Cast: Ilona Staller, Stefania Casini, Olga Karlatos, Claudio Aliotti, Sandra Dobrigna, Maria D'Alessandro, Laura Tanziani, Stefano Rolla.
    Italy, Japan, 1979.
    Languages: Italian, Greek.
    Subtitles: Japanese.
    Download Dedicato al mare Egeo / エーゲ海に捧ぐ. 1979.
    Dedicato al mare Egeo / エーゲ海に捧ぐ. 1979.
     Dedicato al mare Egeo / エーゲ海に捧ぐ. 1979.



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    Elisa / Mother. 2016. FULL-HD.
    Very concise short film 'Elisa' portrays the claustrophobic and extremely painful relationship between nine year old Elisa and her mother.
    Director:  Kristina Shtubert.
    Cast: Anastasia Triller, Susanne Wuest.
    Germany, 2016.
    Language: German.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Elisa / Mother. 2016.
    Elisa / Mother. 2016. FULL-HD.
    Elisa / Mother. 2016. FULL-HD.



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    Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.
     Desaťročná Katka cestuje z Bratislavy na prázdniny. Ide na dedinu ku svojej tete, ktorá ju ale nečaká, pretože ju náhle museli odviezť do nemocnice. Čo teraz? Domov sa vrátiť nemôže, pretože mamička odišla za oteckom do zahraničia. Katky sa ujíma suseda Juríčková, no jej deti ju prijímajú ako nevítaného hosťa. Nakoniec sa nasťahuje k ďalšiemu príbuznému, k ujovi Jožovi a okamžite plánuje, ako mu dá jeho staromládeneckú domácnosť do poriadku...
    Zoznam jednotlivých epizód:
    1. Ujo Jožko
    2. Kamaráti
    3. Vohľady
    4. Nápoj lásky
    5. Kúzelník
    6. Pohroma
    7. Svadba.
    Director: Radim Cvrček.
    Cast: Katka Zatovičová, Jiří Vala, Ida Rapaičová, Emília Steigerová, Norbert Judt, Martin Masner, Ladislav Korený, Eva Krížiková, Jana Drbohlavová, Peter Debnár, Lubomír Kostelka, Ján Kramár, Pavla Severinová, Stanislav Tříska, Jaromír Roštínský, Mária Hájková, Mária Hojerová, Vlasta Mecnarowská, Jolana Hollá, Bohumil Slezáček, Milan Rabas, Jana Hliňáková, Jiřina Bohdalová, Ivan Krivosudský, Adam Matejka, Míla Šulc.
    Czechoslovakia, Televízia Bratislava (CST), 1975.
    Language: Slovak, Russian..
    Subtitles: Russian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes:
    2 parts archive:
    Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.
    Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.


    Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.
    Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.



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    Árvácska / Nobody's Daughter. 1976. FULL-HD.
    HU. Móricz Zsigmond kisregényének megrendítően szép feldolgozása. A kis árvalányt, Csörét a szegény Dudásék az árvaházi kihelyezési díjért veszik magukhoz. A kegyetlen bánásmód elől a kislány megszökik, ismét árvaházba, majd a még embertelenebb Szennyesék portájára kerül. Miután egyetlen támasza, a melegszívű öreg Vénisten meghal, a szerencsétlen gyerek véletlenül felgyújtja kínzatásai színhelyét.
    EN. Árvácska is a Hungarian film released 4 March 1976. Based on a book by Zsigmond Móricz, the film tells the story of Csöre, an orphan girl living among the peasantry of Hungary in the 1930s. It stars Zsuzsa Czinkóczi, then age seven, as main character Csöre, also known as Árvácska ("little orphan").
    Csöre, the seven-year-old orphan, is maltreated by her foster-parents. They punish her severely for every tiny mistake she makes. Csöre runs away and an other family adopt her, nevertheless she is abused more than ever before.
    Directors: László Ranódy, Gyula Mészáros.
    Cast: Zsuzsa Czinkóczi, Anna Nagy, Sándor Horváth, Marianna Moór, József Bihari, Ila Schütz, Ádám Szirtes, Piroska Molnár, József Madaras, László Szacsvay, László György.
    Hungary, 1976.
    Language: Hungarian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Árvácska / Nobody's Daughter. 1976.
    Árvácska / Nobody's Daughter. 1976. FULL-HD.
    Árvácska / Nobody's Daughter. 1976. FULL-HD.



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    Weiser. 2001. FULL-HD.
    PL. Posiadający nadprzyrodzone zdolności żydowski chłopiec, Dawid Weiser, staje się przywódcą grupy rówieśników. Pewnego dnia konstruuje bombę, która niespodziewanie wybucha. Chłopiec przepada bez wieści. Jego przyjaciele wciąż żyją wydarzeniami z dzieciństwa. Po trzydziestu latach Paweł Heller postanawia rozwikłać zagadkę zniknięcia Dawida. Stopniowo traci zainteresowanie pracą i rodziną. Zaczyna obsesyjnie wierzyć, że odszyfrowanie tajemnicy Weisera pomoże mu nadać sens własnemu życiu i wewnętrznie pogodzić się z sobą.
    EN. A man struggles to come to terms with a mystery that has haunted him throughout his adult life in this drama from Poland. In 1967, a 13-year-old boy named Dawid discovered a cache of explosives and began experimenting with them; one day, several of his friends saw Dawid wave to them shortly before a massive explosion went off near a railway tunnel, and no one ever saw the young man again. Thirty years later, one of Dawid's close friends, Pawel, returns to Poland for the first time in 11 years to visit Juliane, a woman he used to love. As Pawel returns home, he discovers his thoughts keeps drifting back to Dawid and what might have happened to him that day. Pawel keeps replaying the explosive incident in his mind, and goes so far as to track down Elka, Dawid's girlfriend, who was with him moments before the explosion, though then as now she refuses to talk about what happened. Pawel is unable to determine for sure just what happened or how Dawid died -- or if he did in fact die at all. Weiser was nominated for the Golden Bear award at the 2001 Berlin Film Festival.
    Director: Wojciech Marczewski.
    Cast: Marek Kondrat, Krystyna Janda, Juliane Köhler, Teresa Marczewska, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Krzysztof Globisz, Michael Mendl, Mariusz Benoit, Marian Opania, Janusz Gajos, Jaroslaw Gajewski, Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska, Piotr Fronczewski, Ewa Wencel, Magdalena Cielecka, Krzysztof Szczerbiński, Zbigniew Waleryś.
    Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, France, 2001.
    Language: Polish, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Weiser. 2001.
    Weiser. 2001. FULL-HD.
    Weiser. 2001. FULL-HD.



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  • Jób lázadása / The Revolt of Job. 1983. FULL-HD.
    HU. Jób és felesége, Róza egy Tisza menti faluban él, tehetős parasztgazdaként. Az idősödő zsidó házaspár, miután már hét gyermekét eltemette, a közeli városka árvaházából örökbe fogad egy szőke, keresztény kisfiút. Lackóra szeretnék hagyni majd mindazt, amit hitben, emberségben és anyagi javakban egész életükön át gyűjtöttek, és ő a reménység, aki az eljövendő megváltás fejében kivárhatja a Messiást. 1943-at írunk, és Jób már sejti a szomorú véget. Egy évük van még, hogy mindenre megtanítsák Lackót, ami számukra fontos, és biztosítsák a jövőjét...
    Zenthe Ferenc Jób megformálásáért megkapta a Magyar Filmkritikusok Díját, Gyöngyössy Imre és Kabay Barna megrendítő, lírai filmjét pedig Oscar-díjra jelölték, San Remóban nagydíjjal jutalmazták, s Cannesban elnyerte az Ökumenikus Zsűri Díját.
    EN. Hungary, 1943. An elderly Jewish couple, Job and Roza, adopt an unruly non-Jewish child to whom they intend to pass on their wealth and knowledge before Nazi oppression engulfs Hungary.
    The story is based on the life experience of the director, as the little boy.
    Directors: Kabay Barna, Gyöngyössy Imre.
    Cast: Zenthe Ferenc, Temessy Hédi, Rudolf Péter, Léticia Cano, Verebes István, Gálffi László, Fehér Gábor, Görbe Nóra, Ambrus András, Oszter Sándor, Blaskó Péter.
    Hungary, 1983.
    Language: Hungarian, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Jób lázadása / The Revolt of Job. 1983.
    Jób lázadása / The Revolt of Job. 1983. FULL-HD.
    Jób lázadása / The Revolt of Job. 1983. FULL-HD.


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    Micike és az Angyalok. 1987. HD.
    HU. Elvira idősödő férjezetlen hölgy, akinek ügyvédje kideríti, hogy a házával szomszédos játszótér nem közterület, hanem az ő tulajdona. Ezen a címen tehát le lehet záratni. De hát akkor hol focizzanak a srácok? A játszóteret ki kell tehát nyittatni - de ezt csak Elvira kisasszony díjnyertes cicája, Micike elrablásával vélik elérhetőnek az angyalok, azaz a három Angyal gyerek. A hadművelet sikerül, Micike azonban megszökik elrablóitól, aminek aztán kemény következményei lesznek.
    EN. An elderly lady who loves no one except her multi-award winning Siamese cat, inherits the land behind her house from her uncle who passed away in the States. The only problem, there is a playground on it where nearby kids play all the time, which she makes private property. In order to get their playground back 3 kids, called Angels kidnap her cat, but before they can scoop the reward, the cat goes missing.
    Director: Miklós Markos.
    Cast: Itala Békés, Róbert Szabó, Szilvia Mester, András Tóth, Gyula Szersén, Zoltán Bezerédy, Gábor Reviczky, István Dégi, Juci Komlós, Judit Karádi, Annamária Detre, Ferenc Dávid Kiss.
    Hungary, Magyar Televízió, 1987.
    Language: Hungarian.
    Subtitles: Hungarian.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Micike és az Angyalok. 1987.
    Micike és az Angyalok. 1987. HD.
    Micike és az Angyalok. 1987. HD.



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    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.
    FR. A Carcassonne, de nos jours. Daniel Dalbret (Daniel Sarky), garagiste, quadragénaire cordial mais manquant un peu de caractère, quitte, après 17 ans de vie commune, sa femme Sarah (Sarah Siritzky) au profit d'une jeune et jolie secrétaire de préfecture : Maité (Anne Letourneau). Mais Daniel et Sarah ont deux filles : Vanessa (Désirée Nosbusch), 16 ans et Lolo (Valérie Dumas), 13 ans qui, n'acceptant pas cet abandon, décident de tout mettre en oeuvre pour récupérer leur père. N'ayant pas réussi à convaincre Daniel de son "erreur", elles vont mettre en place une véritable stratégie. C'est une histoire où se révèlent les points de vue des adolescents (avec "leurs" problème et "leurs" solutions) aussi bien que des femmes adultes et où le fou rire et les facéties succèdent aux serrements de coeur et à la peur. A partir d'une situation dramatique et très quotidienne, c'est une comédie douce amère offrant une vue en coupe de la "nouvelle société", avec toutes les surprises que cela implique...
    EN. Daniel Dalbret, a cordial but pliable 40-year-old mechanic, leaves his wife Sarah after 17 years of living together in favor of a young and pretty prefecture secretary Maite.
    Director: Christian Lara.
    Cast: Valérie Dumas, Désirée Nosbusch, Sarah Siritzky, Daniel Sarky, Anne Létourneau, Gérard Ismaël, François Maistre, Rémi Laurent, Danielle Amerel, Françoise Guillaume, Valérie Kaprisky, Paul-Clément Devigny, André Chanal.
    France, West Germany, 1982.
    Language: German.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.
    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.
    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.


    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.
    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.



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    Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992. HD.
    SE. Miniserie om den allra första kärleken. Daniel ser fram emot ännu en spännande sommar tillsammans med kompisen Anders. Men i år är det annorlunda, Anna, som är döv, har flyttat in med föräldrar i stugan bredvid. För Daniel blir bekantskapen med Anna en ny och märklig upplevelse.
    EN. Första Kärleken is a 1992 Swedish television miniseries created by Leif Magnusson. Starring Linus Åberg, Alexandra Royal and Christopher Luschan. It's loosely based on Hjärtans Fröjd, a novel by Per Nilsson, about a boy who fell in love with a girl.
    Daniel Andersson looks forward to yet another exciting summer together with his friend Anders, but this year he'll be spending most of his time with someone else. Anna, who is deaf, has moved in with her parents in the cottage next door. One day, while Daniel is swimming in a nearby lake, Anna shows up unexpectedly, and the two hit it off immediately. Before long, their friendship develops into a romance. Little do they know, local bad boy Jesper has been spying on them swimming, and Anna has caught his eye. When Jesper tries to move in on Anna, trouble ensues.
    Episode List:
    1. Möten.
    2. Spirande Förälskelse.
    3. Rivalen.
    4. Minne För Livet.
    5. Misshandlingen.
    6. Värre Än Väntat.
    Director: Leif Magnusson.
    Cast: Linus Aaberg, Alexandra Royal, Johan Lilja, Christopher Luschan, Hans Mosesson, Ewa Carlsson, Jimmy Sandin, Bergljót Arnadóttir, Anders Ahlbom Rosendahl, Barbro Kollberg.
    Sweden, 1992.
    Language: Swedish, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992.
    Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992. HD.
    Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992. HD.


    Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992. HD.
    Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992. HD.



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    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.
    FR. A Carcassonne, de nos jours. Daniel Dalbret (Daniel Sarky), garagiste, quadragénaire cordial mais manquant un peu de caractère, quitte, après 17 ans de vie commune, sa femme Sarah (Sarah Siritzky) au profit d'une jeune et jolie secrétaire de préfecture : Maité (Anne Letourneau). Mais Daniel et Sarah ont deux filles : Vanessa (Désirée Nosbusch), 16 ans et Lolo (Valérie Dumas), 13 ans qui, n'acceptant pas cet abandon, décident de tout mettre en oeuvre pour récupérer leur père. N'ayant pas réussi à convaincre Daniel de son "erreur", elles vont mettre en place une véritable stratégie. C'est une histoire où se révèlent les points de vue des adolescents (avec "leurs" problème et "leurs" solutions) aussi bien que des femmes adultes et où le fou rire et les facéties succèdent aux serrements de coeur et à la peur. A partir d'une situation dramatique et très quotidienne, c'est une comédie douce amère offrant une vue en coupe de la "nouvelle société", avec toutes les surprises que cela implique...
    EN. Daniel Dalbret, a cordial but pliable 40-year-old mechanic, leaves his wife Sarah after 17 years of living together in favor of a young and pretty prefecture secretary Maite.
    Director: Christian Lara.
    Cast: Valérie Dumas, Désirée Nosbusch, Sarah Siritzky, Daniel Sarky, Anne Létourneau, Gérard Ismaël, François Maistre, Rémi Laurent, Danielle Amerel, Françoise Guillaume, Valérie Kaprisky, Paul-Clément Devigny, André Chanal.
    France, West Germany, 1982.
    Language: German.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.
    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.
    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.


    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.
    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. FULL-HD.



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    The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995. HD.
    A bus stops and drops off a mother and daughter at a British holiday resort by the sea. Which happens also to be a naturist resort. The girls frolic carefree on the beach. Mother is looking for a new man and her daughter giggles at the different shapes and sizes of the other nude bodies around her. In the evening, mother dances with the local fishmonger. Later that night she spys on them having sex, intrigued by it. In the morning she investigates the sleeping man's body, interrupted prematurely by her mother.
    Director: Philippa Lowthorpe.
    Writer: Lucy Ellmann.
    Cast: Lesley Nightingale, James Larkin, Isabella Nightingale,
    UK, 1995.
    Language: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995.


    The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995. HD.
    The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995. HD.



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    Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992. HD.
    SE. Miniserie om den allra första kärleken. Daniel ser fram emot ännu en spännande sommar tillsammans med kompisen Anders. Men i år är det annorlunda, Anna, som är döv, har flyttat in med föräldrar i stugan bredvid. För Daniel blir bekantskapen med Anna en ny och märklig upplevelse.
    EN. Första Kärleken is a 1992 Swedish television miniseries created by Leif Magnusson. Starring Linus Åberg, Alexandra Royal and Christopher Luschan. It's loosely based on Hjärtans Fröjd, a novel by Per Nilsson, about a boy who fell in love with a girl.
    Daniel Andersson looks forward to yet another exciting summer together with his friend Anders, but this year he'll be spending most of his time with someone else. Anna, who is deaf, has moved in with her parents in the cottage next door. One day, while Daniel is swimming in a nearby lake, Anna shows up unexpectedly, and the two hit it off immediately. Before long, their friendship develops into a romance. Little do they know, local bad boy Jesper has been spying on them swimming, and Anna has caught his eye. When Jesper tries to move in on Anna, trouble ensues.
    Episode List:
    1. Möten.
    2. Spirande Förälskelse.
    3. Rivalen.
    4. Minne För Livet.
    5. Misshandlingen.
    6. Värre Än Väntat.
    Director: Leif Magnusson.
    Cast: Linus Aaberg, Alexandra Royal, Johan Lilja, Christopher Luschan, Hans Mosesson, Ewa Carlsson, Jimmy Sandin, Bergljót Arnadóttir, Anders Ahlbom Rosendahl, Barbro Kollberg.
    Sweden, 1992.
    Language: Swedish, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992.
    Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992. HD.
    Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992. HD.


    Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992. HD.
    Första kärleken / First Love. 6 Episodes. 1992. HD.



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    Cilvēka bērns / The Child of Man. 1991. FULL-HD.
    LV. Romāna “Cilvēka bērns” autora Jāņa Klīdzēja bērnības pasaule, stāsts par Latgales Pāvulānu ģimenes dzīvi, par tradīcijām un vērtībām, kas tiek nodotas no paaudzes uz paaudzi. Galvenais varonis Bonifācijs Pāvulāns, dzīvespriecīgais un zinātkārais Boņuks, kopš agras bērnības mācās veidot attiecības ar ģimenes locekļiem un pārējiem cilvēkiem, ar Dievu un dabu. Filma ieved mūs Latgales sētā, rādot latgaļu zemnieku gudro dzīvesziņu, darbīgo ikdienu un mazās sirds auklēto pirmo mīlestību.
    Trimdas rakstnieka Jāņa Klīdzēja romāna ekranizācija ir īpašs veltījums ne vien bērnībai, bet arī no pārējās Latvijas kultūras savrup stāvošajai katoliskajai Latgalei.
    Šis izjustais slavenā režisora Jāņa Streiča darbs jau sen ieņem pelnītu vietu starplabākajām filmām, kas tapušas Latvijā.
    EN. A story about Pavulans family life in Latgale, traditions and values that are passed down from generation to generation. Little Bonuks from an early age learns to build relationships with family members and others, with God and nature.
    He plots to stop his "sweetheart", a grown-up woman in his pre-World War II Latvian village, from marrying.
    Director: Jānis Streičs.
    Cast: Andris Rudzinskis, Akvelīna Līvmane, Jānis Paukštello, Boļeslavs Ružs, Uva Segliņa, Inese Laizāne, Maija Korkliša, Signe Dundure, Kristaps Streičs, Agnese Latkovska, Andris Korklišs, Nauris Klētnieks, Jānis Streičs, Felikss Deičs, Bērtulis Pizičs, Antons Kūkojs, Indra Roga.
    USSR, Latvia, studio «Tris», 1991.
    Language: Latgalian.
    Subtitles: English, French, Latgalian, Latvian, Russian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Cilvēka bērns / The Child of Man. 1991.
    Cilvēka bērns / The Child of Man. 1991. FULL-HD.
    Cilvēka bērns / The Child of Man. 1991. FULL-HD.



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    Iratan e Iracema. 1987. 6 Episodes.
    Alternative title: Iratan e Iracema – os Meninos mais Malcriados do Mundo.
    PT. Iratan e Iracema (1987) é um filme português de longa-metragem de Paulo Guilherme d'Eça Leal inspirado na obra homónima do seu pai Olavo d'Eça Leal.
    O filme foi agraciado com a Palma de Ouro do Festival de Cinema da Figueira da Foz e o Troféu de Ouro no Festival de Cinema dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa, em Aveiro.
    Série de ficção infantil, baseada numa história de Olavo d'Eça Leal, em que o sonho e a imaginação de duas crianças nos transportam ao mundo excitante da fantasia, muito para além do cinzento da realidade. A ilusão e o sonho são, para eles, ferramentas de precisão - com que manipulam o quotidiano, obtendo resultados inesperados e fascinantes.
    Eis a história que eles - os meninos mais malcriados do mundo - nos contam...
    EN. A children's fiction series, based on a story by Olavo d'Eça Leal, in which the dreams and imagination of two children transport us to the exciting world of fantasy, far beyond the gray of reality.
    Director: Paulo Guilherme d'Eça Leal.
    Casf: Amílcar Bonança, Júlia Correia, Paulo Cruz, João D'Ávila, Paulo Guilherme d'Eça Leal, Álvaro Faria, Baptista Fernandes, Ladislau Ferreira, João Lagarto, Maria Helena d'Eça Leal, José Manuel Rosado, Mónica Monteiro.
    Portugal, 1987.
    Language: Portuguese.
    Download Iratan e Iracema. 1987. 6 Episodes.


    Iratan e Iracema. 1987. 6 Episodes.
    Iratan e Iracema. 1987. 6 Episodes.



    Iratan e Iracema. 1987. 6 Episodes.
    Iratan e Iracema. 1987. 6 Episodes.
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    Laura, les ombres de l'été / Laura, Shadows of a Summer. 1979. HD.
    Laura: Shadows of a Summer or (French: Laura, les ombres de l'été) is a 1979 French romantic and erotic drama film directed by photographer David Hamilton. Hamilton himself made a cameo appearance in the film. It stars a then sixteen-year-old Dawn Dunlap at the time of release, as the title character.
    James Mitchell plays Paul Wyler, a successful sculptor best known for sculpting nude young girls. When he encounters an old flame, Sarah, he is so smitten by her beautiful daughter Laura that he asks Sarah if she will pose for him. Sarah, married but still jealous of the fact that her former lover is more attracted to her daughter, tells Paul that Laura is not interested, even though she is actually quite enthusiastic about doing it. As an alternative to live posing, Sarah takes photos of Laura posing nude and gives them to Paul so that he can sculpt Laura. After a fire at an art exhibit, Paul goes blind and cannot complete the sculpture. In the end, Laura, when going to say goodbye to Paul, allows him to finish his work by feeling her body and sculpting by feeling. This leads to a sexual encounter between the two, and the next morning Laura's mother comes to take her away.
    Director: David Hamilton.
    Cast: Maud Adams, Dawn Dunlap, James Mitchell, Maureen Kerwin, Pierre Londiche, Thierry Redler, Louise Vincent, William Milié, Anja Schüte, Michael Pochna, Bernard Daillencourt, Katia Kofet.
    France, 1979.
    Language: German, French.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Laura, les ombres de l'été / Laura, Shadows of a Summer. 1979.
    Laura, les ombres de l'été / Laura, Shadows of a Summer. 1979. HD.
    Laura, les ombres de l'été / Laura, Shadows of a Summer. 1979. HD.



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    Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000. HD.
     Born in a poor neighborhood, Tony hides hides behind the image of a tough woman. She has a boyfriend, Juanjo, and two pals, a strange couple formed by Maxi, who is obsessed with martial arts, and moco, a terminal junkie. They all decide to hold up a Lottery Administration in Madrid. But Juanjo has another plan: he's going to betray his two friends and escape with Tony and the money. They start their runaway to the South with the excuse of taking Laura, Juanjo's seven year old niece, to see her father, a flamenco singer. But at the beginning of the trip, with Maxi, Moco and the police on their tail, Tony is betrayed by her boyfriend who disappears with the money, abandoning her and Laura in a dismal road side restaurant. With their pursuers close behind them, Tony and Laura are forced to keep running. In the course of their journey, the initial distrust between them will turn into a deep friendship.
    Director: Miguel Hermoso.
    Cast: Laia Marull, Beatriz Coronel, Juan Diego, María Galiana, Miguel Hermoso Arnao, Roberto Cairo, Jesús Olmedo, Antonio Dechent, Santiago Ramos, María Quintanar, Resu Morales.
    Spain, 2000.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.
    Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000. HD.
    Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000. HD.



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    Le baiser sous la cloche / The Kiss Under the Bell. 1998.
    1962. Joseph, 13 years old, a choirboy and a true "light" of religion, set out to become Pope. Not less. Of Spanish origin, Angela and José, her parents, fled their country and misery to settle in a small village around Perpignan. Angela, sensual and beautiful to damn a saint, is an attentive and possessive mother. Joseph, this only son, she feels that she has received him as a gift from heaven. So she puts all her energy and maternal love overflowing to encourage the vocation of her son, unlike José who wishes for him a "normal" life, a life of man, simply. Pensioner at the junior seminary, Joseph is happy to be called, to be part of the elite, even if the atmosphere is not always the one he imagined. Fortunately, there are Louis and Emile, his two friends, and especially Sister Agnès, a young novice, a music teacher who must make her wishes at the end of the year. She will disturb Joseph by informing him of his uncertainties. Then come the questions: what if this vocation was only the desire of a mother not to share her son with other women? Returned a few days of the seminar for misbehavior, Joseph will have the opportunity to live in the village like other children his age and, perhaps to take taste.
    Director: Emmanuel Gust.
    Cast: Gaspard Génard Claus, Ángela Molina, Bernard Alane, Pierre Forest, Jean-Claude Drouot, Estelle Skornik, Charlotte Menville, Jordi Delclos, Marcos Lloveras, Romain Escoy, Florent Faget, Nicole Bousquet.
    France, 1998.
    Language: French.
    Download Le baiser sous la cloche / The Kiss Under the Bell. 1998.


    Le baiser sous la cloche / The Kiss Under the Bell. 1998.
    Le baiser sous la cloche / The Kiss Under the Bell. 1998.
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    Children In Cinema. Part-52.
    A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number 52. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.
    Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections.
    51 clips.
    Download Children In Cinema. Part-52.
    Children In Cinema. Part-52.
    Children In Cinema. Part-52.



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