Par CineMatrix le 7 August 2020 à 13:41IT. Mi chiamo Maya è un film del 2015 diretto da Tommaso Agnese e prodotto dalla Magda Film, in coproduzione con Rai Cinema.
Mi chiamo Maya è la storia di Niki, una sedicenne che, dopo l'improvvisa morte della madre Lena, fugge dalla casa famiglia che la ospita e dall'assistente sociale Cecilia Fornari portando con sé la sorellina Alice. Sarà un viaggio alla ricerca della libertà attraverso mondi romani noti o sconosciuti e storie in bilico tra sballo e ribellione, punteggiato da incontri con persone diverse delle quali il regista racconta le storie vere raccolte con lo sceneggiatore Massimo Bavastro: la spregiudicata cubista Sara, la viziata Elisabetta, l'artista di strada Marc Bresson e l'oscura punk Bea. Una “traversata iniziatica” che, tra mille difficoltà, traghetterà Niki e Alice verso una nuova vita.
EN. After a tragic event, Niki,a16 years old girl, decides to run away from home with her little 8 years old sister Alice. the two take on a trip, discovering over a well known Rome a new city, full of very different characters: punks, street artists, go go dancers. And among the difficulties with in this initiation trip, Niki and Alice's lives will change forever. source- European Union film festival 2016
Director: Tommaso Agnese.
Cast: Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Valeria Solarino, Carlotta Natoli, Laura Adriani, Chicco Agnese, Giulia Aloé, Giovanni Anzaldo, Giada Arena, Luigi Di Fiore.
Italy, 2015.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Mi chiamo Maya / My Name Is Maya. 2015.Mi chiamo Maya / My Name Is Maya. 2015. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 4 August 2020 à 03:15FR. Nos plus belles vacances est une série télévisée française en 14 épisodes de 20 minutes, produite en 1996 et diffusée sur France 3, dans l'émission Les Minikeums du 30 juin 1997 au 16 juillet 1997.
Cette série met en scène un groupe d’enfants âgés de huit à treize ans en colonie dans un camp de vacances situé dans une abbaye durant l'été.
Dans le premier épisode, Bruno, le moniteur de la colonie, doit partir d'urgence à cause de problèmes familiaux et Léo, un des enfants du groupe, s’arrange pour qu'il n'y ait pas de remplaçant, et ils se retrouvent ainsi seuls à l'abbaye.
Les enfants se retrouvent chaque jour dans une grotte située derrière l'abbaye et échangent leur fameux : « Je jure de garder le secret de l'abbaye, de ne dire à personne que Bruno est parti, que je sois englouti si j'ai menti, on est ici pour s'amuser, rigoler, et que tous ensemble réunis, on passe les plus belles vacances de notre vie ! ».
Quel enfant n'a pas rêvé d'un monde sans adultes, sans autorité ni contraintes ? Une utopie qui va ainsi devenir réalité pour ce groupe d'enfants, le temps d'un camp d'été. Ils sont bien décidés à mettre tous les moyens en œuvre pour que personne ne vienne troubler leurs vacances ! Mais passée l'ivresse de la liberté, il leur faut affronter la dure réalité, et apprendre les gestes de la vie : se nourrir, protéger les plus petits, affronter les dangers... et, déjà, maîtriser les luttes de pouvoirs internes. Les enfants vont aussi, au cours de leurs deux mois de vacances, vivre de nombreuses aventures toutes plus passionnantes les unes que les autres.
EN. A group of children are left alone at a summer camp in an abbey when the person who is responsible for monitoring them has to leave urgently because of family problems.
Episode List.
1. Le Départ de Bruno
2. La Campagne
3. L'Arrivée d'Antoine
4. L'Enquête
5. Pour ou contre
6. Pierre et le chien
7. Les Anglais en vacances
8. Profit personnel
9. L'Anniversaire de Sophie
10. Le Piégeur piégé
11. L'Équimobile
12. Le Vol
Director: Bernard Dumont.
Cast: Cristina Barget, Dominique Jacson, Jan Vancoillie, David Babin, Adeline Bodo, Julie Boulanger, Elise Tayar, Cédric Frouin.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
Download Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.
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Par CineMatrix le 3 August 2020 à 17:44DK. Ulvepigen Tinke er en dansk film fra 2002, skrevet og instrueret af Morten Køhlert efter Cecil Bødkers roman Hungerbarnet.
Historien foregår i år 1850. Den handler om en 9 år gammel pige, ved navn Tinke (Sarah Juel Werner). En beskidt og sulten lille pige. Begge hendes forældre (Karin Rørbech & Morten Nørby) er døde og kun ved et mirakel har hun overlevet i ødemarken. Hun møder en hyrdedreng, Larus (Peter Jeppe Hansen), der giver hende mælk og brød. Han får lidt efter lidt hendes tillid og forstår at hun vil sulte ihjel, hvis ikke han hjælper hende. Larus tager Tinke med tilbage til gården hvor han arbejder. Bonden (Erik Wedersøe) vil sende hende på fattiggården, men hans kone (Lisbeth Dahl) derimod vil beholde Tinke og opdrage hende som den datter, hun aldrig fik. Men Tinke er vild som et dyr og svær at lære gode manerer - for hun har andre planer, en plan hun har haft siden moderens død: På moderens dødsleje, modtager Tinke en værdifuld halskæde fra hende. Moderen fortæller at hun stammer fra en meget rig familie, men at hun flygtede med Tinkes far og sidenhen aldrig så sine forældre igen. Hun fortæller Tinke at hun ved hjælp af halskæden skal finde sine bedsteforældre. Da bonden finder ud af at Tinke kommer fra en rig familie, beslutter han sig for at finde bedsteforældrene, for at få dem til at betale for hende. edsteforældrene bliver fundet og de tager Tinke med hjem, men Tinke har svært ved at bevise at hun er deres barnebarn. Hun har ved et uheld mistet halskæden...
EN. Little Big Girl (Danish: Ulvepigen Tinke) is a 2002 Danish children's film based on the book Hungerbarnet by Cecil Bødker.
Denmark 1850. Tinke, a 9-year-old orphan from the wilderness, struggles to find her unknown, rich grandparents. She comes from nothing and finally gets everything, but - Tinke isn't Cinderella. Tinke is more than that.
Director: Morten Køhlert.
Cast: Sarah Juel Werner, Peter Jeppe Hansen, Lisbet Dahl, Erik Wedersøe, Birthe Neumann, Bent Mejding, Jonas Oscarsson, Kjeld Nørgaard, Arne Anton Faxhøj, Karin Rørbeck, Trine Pallesen, Lotte Andersen, Sarah Boberg, Pelle Koppel.
Denmark, Sweden, 2002.
Language: Danish, German.
Subtitles: English, Danish.
1280x720 HD
Download Ulvepigen Tinke / Little Big Girl. 2002.Ulvepigen Tinke / Little Big Girl. 2002. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 2 August 2020 à 18:07Fresh issue of Anthology of Short Films number ninety-five is ready for viewing. This time in the collection there are 6 mini-films including the old rare Danish documentary on school education.
1. Paul et Virginie. 2014. HD.
Paul lives alone with his mother Virginie. Weakened by disease, she is unable to go about their daily life anymore. Paul, driven by the unbreakable bond of love that exists between him and his mother, tries to take matters into his own hands.
Director: Paul Cartron.
Cast: Igor van Dessel, Edith Van Malder, Laurence Warin.
Belgium, 2014.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
2. L'enclume. 2010. HD.
Once upon a time, in the evening of his Birthday, a little boy got from his parents a strange gift: an Anvil from which he would never separate. An uncomfortable load to carry, which will make his life particularly troubled, preventing him from doing what he wants, and even from approaching the girl he loves. But we are in a fairytale...And in fairy tales, everybody get a second chance.
Director: Thierry Nevez.
Cast: Estelle Brehon, Vincent Desprat, Nicolas Kersiak.
France, 2010.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD
3. Le cours de danse. 2011. HD.
Le premier cours de danse d'un jeune garçon prend une tournure inattendue...
Director: Vincent Bourassa.
Cast: Trystan Bouthiller, Nathalie-Ève Roy.
Canada, 2011.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD
4. Solomon Islands. Remote Kwaio Tribes. 2019. HD.
The Kwaio are one of the very last melanesian tribes holding on to their traditions. Some groups still remain in the hidden, as they call it, and live according to Kastom -their indigenous culture-, rejecting church and modern life.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
5. Užgesus šviesoms / When the Lights Go Out. 2019. HD.
"When the Lights Go Down" is a fantasy movie based on a personal experience of the film director. The film tells a story about a teen boy who is being bullied in school. A boy named Mantas creates his own guardian demon, who protects him from the bullies. Although it is not letting the boy to live a normal life. Film's timeline portrays one day at school, when the classmates of Mantas assault and beat up him badly. And here it comes, the guardian demon ready to revenge.
Director: Jonas Trukanas.
Cast: Nojus Stankevicius, Mija di Marco, Ainius Marazas.
Lithuania, 2019.
Language: Lithuanian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
6. Skolerne på Lolland-Falster / The Schools on Lolland-Falster. 1950. HD.
DK. Optagelser fra forskellige skoler på Lolland-Falster. Billeder af leg i skolegården. Undervisning i sløjd, håndarbejde, husholdningslære, musik og gymnastik med hop over buk i slowmotion. Rundbold i skolegården og anden leg. Skøjtning på frossen sø. Drengegymnastik i sal med reb-øvelser i slowmotion. Piger springer over træplint m.m. Fra omkring 1950'erne.
EN. Recordings from various schools on Lolland-Falster. Pictures of play in the schoolyard. Teaching in handicrafts, needlework, home economics, music and gymnastics with jump over belly in slow motion. Round ball in the schoolyard and other play. Skating on frozen lake. Boys gymnastics in hall with rope exercises in slow motion. Girls jump over wooden plinth m.m. From around the 1950s.
Denmark, 1950.
1920x1080 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 95.Anthology of short films. Part 95. Anthology of short films. Part 95.
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Par CineMatrix le 1 August 2020 à 20:37DE. Mit ihrem Alltag kann die 13-jährige Paula nicht viel anfangen. Mit ihrer Mutter lebt sie in einer Kleinstadtsiedlung, umgeben von freundlichen Nachbarn, gepflegten Gärtchen und pubertierenden Mitschülern. Alles ist scheinbar in Ordnung, und jetzt, nur noch wenige Tage vor den großen Ferien gibt es eigentlich keinen Grund zu klagen. Aber Paula beobachtet scharf, und sie traut dem Frieden nicht. Sie hat da ihre Vermutungen. Mit ihrem durch umfangreiche Horrorfilmstudien geschärften Blick sieht sie scheinbar als Einzige die drohende Gefahr: Außerirdische infiltrieren die Menschheit, schleichend bemächtigen sie sich der Erdbewohner und verwandeln sie in einfältige, emotionslose und freundliche Wesen. Aber es gibt einen, der scheint noch nicht Opfer der außerirdischen Machenschaften geworden zu sein - Jens. Er ist wütend und verschlossen und das fasziniert Paula. Sie findet heraus, dass er bei einem Unfall seine Eltern verloren hat. Je länger sie ihn beobachtet, desto sicherer ist sie: Jens ist nicht infiltriert. Doch Jens hat nicht gerade auf sie und ihre Theorien gewartet. Um ihm näher zu kommen, erfindet Paula den Tod ihres Vaters. Zusammen brennen die beiden mit dem Kleintransporter vom Schwimmbad durch. Das Ziel der Reise ist der Unfallort seiner Eltern. Am Ende wird Jens erkennen, dass man Seelenfrieden nicht so einfach erreicht, wie einen
EN. There's no such thing as an average everyday existence for 13-year-old Paula, who lives with her mother in a small town. Paula's view of things has been sharpened by an extensive and consistent diet of horror films. According to her, extra-terrestrials are busy infiltrating humankind and transformin
Director: Katalin Gödrös.
Cast: Karoline Teska, Jacob Matschenz, Sabine Timoteo, Peter Lohmeyer, Barbara Philipp, Dominique Sghair, Ludmilla Lencés, Rebecca Scheurle.
France, Germany, 2002.
Language: German.
Download Mutanten / Mutants. 2002.Mutanten / Mutants. 2002.
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Par CineMatrix le 1 August 2020 à 12:16CN. 《红樱桃》是一部叶大鹰执导的中国电影,1995年公映。该影片根据二战时期史实改编而成,女主角原型为朱德之女朱敏。该片是比较少见的关系二战欧洲战场的中国国产影视作品,内容主要讲述了在1940年,13岁的女孩楚楚(郭柯宇饰)和12岁的男孩罗小蛮被送入莫斯科近郊的伊万诺夫国际儿童院学习,及其后二人在二战中艰苦而悲惨的经历。 此片是1995年中國本土電影票房冠軍,后获得1996年百花奖最佳故事片奖和最佳女主角奖,更入圍了德國柏林影展的官方項目。EN. Red Cherry (simplified Chinese: 红樱桃; traditional Chinese: 紅櫻桃; pinyin: Hóng Yīngtáo) is a 1995 film directed by Ye Ying (also known as Daying Ye). The Director of Photography was Zhang Li, a fifth generation filmmaker and classmate of Chen Kaige. Red Cherry won Best Picture at the 1996 Golden Rooster Awards.The film was made in China in 1995 under the title Hong ying tao starring Ke-Yu Guo, Vladmill Nizmiroff, Xu Xiaoling. The movie was based on the true story of Chuchu, a 13-year-old Chinese girl, and Luo Xiaoman, a 12-year-old Chinese boy, who were sent to Moscow, Russia in the 1940s and enrolled into an international boarding school. There they had so many great and difficult experiences as they tried to survive during World War II.The children's real encounter with fate began as kanikuli (summer break) arrived, Chuchu accompanied her class to a children’s camp in Belarus, while Xiaoman remained in Moscow. Then, Russia was invaded by Germany's Operation Barbarossa. Red Cherry is basically an account of the two orphans’ parallel experiences of the war.The film was China's biggest box office hit in 1995. Internationally, the film was selected in the Panorama section of the Berlin International Film Festival in 1996. The film also won Audience Choice award (Best Foreign Language Film) in Palm Springs International Film Festival in 1996. The film was selected as the Chinese entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 68th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.Director: Daying Ye.Cast: Ke-Yu Guo, Hsiao-Ling Hsu, Vladmill Nizmiroff, Ervant Arzumanyan, Anzhela Belyanskaya, S. Butenko, Natalia Krachkovskaya, Sergey Kulikov, Pavel Ledogorov.China, 1995.Language: Russian, German, Mandarin.Subtitles: English, Chinese.1920x1080 HDDownload 红樱桃 / Hóng Yīngtáo / Red Cherry. 1995:2 parts archive:
红樱桃 / Hóng Yīngtáo / Red Cherry. 1995. HD. 红樱桃 / Hóng Yīngtáo / Red Cherry. 1995. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 31 July 2020 à 16:29IT. L'uomo che verrà è un film del 2009 diretto da Giorgio Diritti; è stato distribuito nelle sale cinematografiche italiane il 22 gennaio 2010. Nella versione originale il film è in dialetto bolognese con sottotitoli in italiano.
Nell'inverno 1943-1944 sull'Appennino emiliano, la piccola Martina, di otto anni, vive con i genitori e con la numerosa famiglia contadina, che fatica ogni giorno per sopravvivere. Dalla morte del fratello più piccolo Martina ha smesso di parlare e questo la rende oggetto di scherno da parte dei coetanei, tuttavia il suo sguardo sul mondo che la circonda è molto profondo. La seconda guerra mondiale arriva anche sulle sue colline ricoperte di neve, con la presenza sempre più invadente di soldati tedeschi e squadre di partigiani. Lena, la madre della bambina, resta nuovamente incinta e Martina segue con attenzione i nove mesi della gestazione, mentre le complesse vicende della guerra si intersecano con la quotidianità della vita contadina: il bucato, le ceste intrecciate nella stalla, la macellazione del maiale, gli amoreggiamenti dei giovani, la Prima comunione...
EN. Winter 1943. Martina is small child, who stopped talking since the death of her infant brother some years before. She lives in a rural area of central Italy. Her mother is pregnant again and Martina lives for the arrival of her new brother. Meanwhile, the war is getting closer and closer, forcing the people of the village to tread a difficult path, torn between the partisan brigades and the Nazi Army. On practically the same day as the birth of Martina's brother, the SS start a massive roundup of civilians in the area, an infamous event that will come to be known as the Marzabotto massacre during which more than 770 people were killed in houses, cemeteries and churches.
Director: Giorgio Diritti.
Cast: Greta Zuccheri Montanari, Claudio Casadio, Alba Rohrwacher, Maya Sansa, Vito, Bernardo Bolognesi, Stefano Croci, Zoello Gilli, Francesca Gnech, Timo Jacobs, Giovanni Macchiavelli.
Italy, 2009.
Language: Italian, German, Latin.
Subtitles: Italian.
1280x720 HD
Download L'uomo che verrà / The Man Who Will Come. 2009.L'uomo che verrà / The Man Who Will Come. 2009. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 31 July 2020 à 01:09DE. In einem kleinen Dorf in den fünfziger Jahren wollen sechs Freunde in den Sommerferien das große Abenteuer erleben. Lisbeth, Gretel, Friedhelm, Heini, Gustav und Alfred machen sich auf und veranstalten eine große Tauschaktion, gestalten eine Badewanne für eine Floßfahrt um oder führen beim alljährlichen Dorffest ein Theaterstück auf.
EN. "Správná sestka (1992)" is a small czech serie in 6 parts...
In a small village in the 50ies six friends (four boys and two girls) wants to experience some adventures in the summer holidays. Lisbeth, Friedhelm, Gretel, Heini, Gustav and Alfred arranging a bathtub for a float journey or performing a theatre at the yearly village party...
Episode List.
Správná šestka a vesnická slavnost.
Správná šestka a vana.
Správná šestka a nový muž.
Správná šestka a narozeniny.
Správná šestka a zásnuby.
Správná šestka a cirkus.
Director: Karel Smyczek.
Cast: Vladimír Javorský, Eugen Jegorov, Lubomír Lipský st., Radan Rusev, Jiří Strach, Miroslav Táborský, Oldřich Vlach, Václav Vydra nejml., Zdeněk Žák, Ljuba Krbová, Jitka Smutná, Gabriela Wilhelmová, Valérie Zawadská, Stella Zázvorková, Stanislav Zindulka, Mojmír Maděrič, Jiří Krytinář, Jiří Němeček, Adam Novák, Sandra Nováková, Jakub Hladík, Eva Sitteová, Zdeněk Vronský, Ludmila Zábršová-Molínová, Jaroslav Pauer, Hana Kusnjerová, Marcela Rojíčková, Jan Müller, Ellen Schulz, Tana Schanzara, Joachim Hermann Luger.
Germany, Czechoslovakia, 1993.
Language: German.
Download Sechs Richtige / Správná šestka. 1993. 6 Episodes.Sechs Richtige / Správná šestka. 1992. 6 Episodes. Sechs Richtige / Správná šestka. 1992. 6 Episodes.
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Par CineMatrix le 28 July 2020 à 01:29
Bilitis. 1977. HD.
IT. La giovanissima Bilitis lascia il collegio e la sua amichetta "particolare" per andare a trascorrere le vacanze presso la ricca Melissa e il di lei rozzo marito Pierre. Qui la ragazzina riprenderà i suoi giochi saffici malgrado la presenza di un giovane fotografo di cui è innamorata. Il soggetto è tratto malamente da una raccolta di poemetti in prosa del francese Pierre Louys.
FR. La découverte de l'amour et des plaisirs d'une jeune pensionnaire d'école privée, au travers l'objectif du photographe Lucas.
EN. The story takes place in England around the beginning of the 20th Century. Sensually exploring a young schoolgirl's awakening to love during her summer vacation. The young girl, Bilitis, is shocked when she witnesses her friend Melissa and her husband making love. Melissa encourages Bilitis to discover the aspect of love by seeing a young photographer, Lucas. He tries to make love to Bilitis, and she rebuffs him and runs to Melissa, who in comforting Bilitis finds herself responding to her kisses. But she tells Bilitis there must be nothing more between them. Bilitis discovers Melissa's husband is with another woman, so she decides to find another man for Melissa. Doing so Bilitis is realising she is not yet ready herself for adulthood. The English photographer David Hamilton has achieved unusual visual beauty in making his first motion picture enhanced by the music of Francis Lai.
Director: David Hamilton.
Cast: Patti D'Arbanville, Mona Kristensen, Bernard Giraudeau, Gilles Kohler, Mathieu Carrière, Irka Bochenko, Jacqueline Fontaine, Marie-Thérèse Caumont, Germaine Delbat, Madeleine Damien, Camille Larivière, Catherine Leprince, Mirella Rancelot.
France, Italy, 1977.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: German.Format : MKV / 1920x1080 FULL HD
File Size : 11,7 GB
Download Bilitis. 1977. HD:
3 parts archive:
Part-3David Hamilton. Filmography. ========================================================
Laura, les ombres de l'été / Laura, Shadows of a Summer. 1979.
Laura: Shadows of a Summer or (French: Laura, les ombres de l'été) is a 1979 French romantic and erotic drama film directed by photographer David Hamilton. Hamilton himself made a cameo appearance in the film. It stars a then sixteen-year-old Dawn Dunlap at the time of release, as the title character.
Sculptor Paul meets a former great love again after a long time - but is much more impressed by her 15-year-old daughter, Laura, who looks like her mother when Paul was in love with her. Laura likes him very much too, but her jealous mother prevents any further contact. She allows him to make a sculpture of Laura, but only from photos.
Director: David Hamilton.
Cast: Maud Adams, Dawn Dunlap, James Mitchell, Maureen Kerwin, Pierre Londiche, Thierry Redler, Louise Vincent, William Milie.
France, 1979.
Language: German.
Download Laura, les ombres de l'été / Laura, Shadows of a Summer. 1979.
David Hamilton. Filmography.=============================================
Tendres cousines / Cousins in Love. 1980. DVD.
Tendres Cousines (English: Tender Cousins) is a 1980 French film directed by David Hamilton. The film was released as Cousins in Love in the United Kingdom.Summer 1939 in the Provence, France: the 14 years old Julien has a crush on his cousin Julia, who lives together with his family in their small hotel. Unfortunately she ignores him, because she's several years older. Then the hotel guest Charles enters the competition, a slimy twenty-something who lusts for the girl, despite the fact that he's engaged.Director: David Hamilton.Cast: Thierry Tevini, Anja Schüte, Valérie Dumas, Évelyne Dandry, Elisa Servier, Jean-Yves Chatelais, Macha Méril, Hannes Kaetner, Silke Rein, Laure Dechasnel, Pierre Vernier, Jean Rougerie, Catherine Rouvel.France, Germany, 1980.Language: French, Russian.Download DVD Tendres cousines / Cousins in Love. 1980:2 parts archive:==============================================
Un été à Saint-Tropez / Summer In Saint Tropez. 1983. DVD.
A Summer in St. Tropez or Un été à Saint-Tropez (original French title) is a 1983 French film directed by photographer David Hamilton.In an isolated country house close to the shore near Saint-Tropez, seven young women share a bedroom. Over two days, they wake, shower, breakfast, play dress up, bathe in the sea, picnic, ride bikes, pick flowers, have a pillow fight, run on the strand, practice ballet stretches, groom themselves and each other, and laugh. Anne returns a horse to Renaud; the next day, he's in a rowboat and meets her by the pier. By the film's end, all are celebrating with the lovers.The film contains no dialogue at all, although the characters occasionally laugh and giggle. The soundtrack is the music of Benoit Wiedemann. Stills from the film can be seen in Hamilton's book The Dance. Some shots in the film are taken from his books Sisters and Dreams of a Young Girl.The film was shot at and around David Hamilton's own house in Saint Tropez, which is 800 years old.Director: David Hamilton.Cast: Anne, Renaud, Monica Broeke, Joan, Hélène, Esther, Ellen, Cyrilla, Catherine.France, West Germany, 1983.Language: None.Dоwnload DVD Un été à Saint-Tropez / Summer In Saint Tropez. 1983:2 parts archive:Un été à Saint-Tropez / Summer In Saint Tropez. 1983. DVD.
Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1984. DVD.
First Desires or Premier Desirs (original French title) is a 1984 French/West German film and the last film directed by photographer David Hamilton.Three teenage girls decide to visit a romantic island and find love. They get shipwrecked and end up on different sides of the island. Each girl begins her own romantic adventure either with a man, a boy or even another girl...Many images from the film First Desires appear in Hamilton's collections, including Twenty Five Years of an Artist.Director: David Hamilton.Cast: Monica Broeke, Patrick Bauchau, Inge Maria Granzow, Anja Schüte, Emmanuelle Béart, Bruno Guillain, Stephane Freiss, Charly Chemouny, Serge Marquand, Nathalie Defendente.France, Germany, 1984.Language: German, French, Russian.Subtitles: English.Dоwnload DVD Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1984:2 parts archive:David Hamilton. Filmography.
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Par CineMatrix le 26 July 2020 à 03:26Mockingbird Don't Sing is a 2001 American independent film based on the true story of Genie, a modern-day feral child. The film is told from the point of view of Dr. Susan Curtiss (whose fictitious name is Sandra Tannen), a professor of linguistics at University of California, Los Angeles. Although the film is based on a true story, all of the names are fictitious for legal reasons (e.g. the pseudonym "Genie" has been changed to "Katie"). The film was released to US theaters on May 4, 2001. It won first prize for best screenplay at the Rhode Island International Film Festival (tied with Wings of Hope).
On November 4, 1970 on The CBS Evening News, Walter Cronkite reported on a true, horrific story that was about to rock the country. A 13-year-old girl was discovered in the small Los Angeles suburb of Arcadia who was still in diapers, barely able to walk and unable to speak. Kept in severe isolation by her parents with virtually no human contact for more than 10 years, she was confined to her bedroom, tied to her potty-chair and left to fend for herself. As Cronkite noted, it was one of the most horrendous cases of child abuse ever to surface. Much like an animal, the girl spat, sniffed and clawed. She had none of the traits or characteristics of conventional human behavior, nor could she comprehend such modern societal conveniences as silverware or bathroom etiquette. Her emotional development was practically non-existent, and she could not speak. With this heartbreaking story, the world was being introduced to a fragile, beautiful teenager who seemed and behaved like an infant, or Wild Child.
Director: Harry Bromley Davenport.
Cast: Melissa Errico, Michael Lerner, Joe Regalbuto, Michael Lerner, Sean Young, Kim Darby, Tarra Steele, Laurie O'Brien, Ed Brigadier, Lora Anne Criswell, Ben Messmer, Jack Betts.
USA, 2001.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Mockingbird Don't Sing. 2001.Mockingbird Don't Sing. 2001. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 25 July 2020 à 17:21TV Mini-Series, 3 Episodes.
12-year-old Errol is found by police in a wardrobe in a drug parade on New Year's Eve. No one knows who he is or where he comes from and it takes months before he gives his name or talks at all. In his first foster family, he thrives over time, and just as confidence has begun to grow strong, Errol finds out that the placement is only temporary. In desperation, he flees to Stockholm, where he is confronted with the harsh life on the street and in the doorways, utilized by dirty boots with features borrowed by Fagin and hiding from the police. Together with Alfons, who came from Germany during the war, he hangs himself as a small criminal circus artist...
Director: Stephan Apelgren.
Cast: Tom Ljungman, Anders Beckman, Christopher Bigen, Maria Bolme, Elisabet Carlsson, Jesper Christensen, Eunice Fenteng, Eva Fritjofson, Henry Geywu, Aida Gordon, Nathalie Kullenberg.
Sweden, 2003.
Language: Swedish.
1280x720 HD
Download Errol. 2003.Errol. 2003. HD. Errol. 2003. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 25 July 2020 à 13:04Madeleine and Rosy, age 15, both have issues with boys and sex, which they want to resolve this summer. They are vacationing at a cabin on Loon Lake in Maine. When they meet two local guys at the general store they naively accept an invitation to a secret rendez-vous at a secluded pond on a mountaintop for skinny dipping. After the meeting goes wrong, the girls get lost in the woods and as night falls a happy outing turns into a nightmare. The girls struggle to find their way, in a metaphoric journey towards maturity....
Director: Mary Sellers.
Cast: Dimitri Kouri, Diego Laurenti Sellers, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers, Lucia Luna, Saphia Stoney.
Italy, USA, 2012.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Loon Lake. 2012.Loon Lake. 2012. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 24 July 2020 à 15:17The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things is a 2004 drama film co-written and directed by Asia Argento and starring Argento, Jimmy Bennett, Dylan Sprouse, and Cole Sprouse (with Bennett and the Sprouse brothers sharing the role as Jeremiah). The screenplay by Argento and Alessandro Magania is based on JT LeRoy's novel of the same name. The film received a limited theatrical release in North America on March 10, 2006.
The film concerns a tattered relationship between Sarah, a drug addict, and her young son, Jeremiah. Their life together is marked by Sarah's drug-taking and heavy drinking. The title is taken from Jeremiah 17:9.
The dysfunctional twenty-three-year-old Sarah takes her six-year-old natural son Jeremiah from the home of his beloved foster parents with the support of the social service to live with her. Along the years, the boy shares her insane and low lifestyle and is introduced to booze and drugs and mentally, physically and sexually abused by Sarah, her lovers and her religiously fanatic family.
Director: Asia Argento.
Cast: Asia Argento, Dylan Sprouse, Cole Sprouse, Brent Almond, Jimmy Bennett, Kip Pardue, Jeremy Renner, David Brian Alley, Lydia Lunch, Ornella Muti, Peter Fonda, John Robinson.
USA, UK, France, Japan, 2004.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Finnish, German, Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. 2004:
4 parts archive:
Part-4The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. 2004. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 24 July 2020 à 02:41ES. En una casa de una pequeña ciudad de provincias mexicana, Daniel (7) y su hermana Ana (10) viven con su madre, Carmen, quien pone siempre en la mesa un plato que queda intacto. Ana le explica a una amiga que ese lugar es para cuando su padre regrese. Sin lograr conciliar el sueño, Carmen deambula por la casa y Daniel la encuentra una noche sentada en la sala, mirando hacia la puerta de entrada. Esta será la primera de muchas noches en las que Carmen espera en la sala.
EN. Carmen, depressed and unable to take care of her children, awaits the return of her husband. Daniel, the youngest child receives an unexpected visit, which goes beyond the limits of reality and his imagination. Ana, the oldest child rejects adult life. Together, the three of them will try to accept what they cannot see.
Director: Jimena Montemayor.
Cast: Dolores Fonzi, Paulina Gil, Ruben Zamora, Julieta Egurrola, Diego Aguilar, Anajosé Aldrete Echevarria, Martha Claudia Moreno, Itari Marta, Karla Rico.
Mexico, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 HD
Download Restos de viento / Wind Traces. 2017.Restos de viento / Wind Traces. 2017. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 20 July 2020 à 23:52SE. Leken är en svensk kortfilm från 1994. Den är regisserad av Myriam Braniff och manus är skrivet av Birgitta Stenberg. Filmen handlar om Birgitta och hennes relationer till män. Hon upptäcker förförelseleken mellan kvinnor och män och går från att vara en inställsam 12-åring till en provokativ 15-åring som förför män på den dagliga tågturen.
EN. The teenage Birgitta discovers the game between men and women and she turns from a shy 12-year old to a provocative 15-year-old, seducing the men she meets on the daily train ride.
Director: Myriam Braniff.
Cast: Moa Lagercrantz, Lil Terselius, Thomas Hanzon, Niklas Hjulström, Therese Segerstedt, Katinka Hollenberg, Peter Alvérus, Bertil Magner, Johnny Söderberg.
Sweden, 1994 (1995).
Language: Swedish.
Download Leken. 1994.Leken. 1994.
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Par CineMatrix le 20 July 2020 à 16:27Collection of clips number seventy-two. Today this issue contains the most piquant scenes from the German erotic comedies of 1972.
All clips have the names of the movies from which they are cut.
10 clips (including in HD).
Download Clips from films. Part 72.
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Par CineMatrix le 20 July 2020 à 02:26The new issue of the Anthology of short films, number ninety-four, is ready to watch. Today the program includes only fresh mini-films and they are all in high resolution 1280x720 and 1920x1080 HD.
1. Wasp.
Zoë is a single mother who lives with her four children in Dartford. She is poor and can't afford to buy food. One day her ex-boyfriend drives by and asks her to go on a date with him. Scared that he doesn't want to go out with her, she lies and tells him that she is just babysitting the kids. This will be her first date in years.
UK, 2003.
2. Pappajente / Daddy's Girl.
Lo is fourteen and lives alone with her father at his farm. While he is busy working, Lo is bored and frustrated. She spends her days spying on the hot seasonal workers, exploring her sexuality. One day her father discovers something that totally changes their relationship. Daddy's Girl is a film about lust, shame and parenthood.
Norway, 2020.
3. Satans Barn / Children of Satan.
Louise (11) and Maria (11) make friends at a christian summer camp. When a new girl, Erna, arrives, Louise and Maria are asked to take extra care of her, but they soon realize she is a bit different. They conclude she must be obsessed by Satan. «Children of Satan» is a story about two young girls' need to belong, their lively imagination, and how the combination of the two has a fatal outcome.
Norway, 2019.
4. Playa Gaviotas / Seagulls Beach.
Mexico, 2019.
5. Lena.
A 9-year-old girl must translate between her American teacher and her Russian father during a confrontation about her trouble assimilating at school.
USA, 2019.
6. Night Swim.
Three teenage girls break into a closed-off pool on a hot summer night, but when unwanted guests show up, their friendship is tested and one of them is left behind.
USA, 2019.
7. Evening News.
The bond between three sisters gets tested while spending an evening with their grandmother who battles with Alzheimer's disease.
USA, 2019.
8. Kaya.
In a remote Turkish village an ostracised orphan girl seeks out the forbidden Alevi in her quest for faith.
Australia, Turkey, 2018.
9. Escondidas.
Ana is a girl living with her mother and grandfather next to an old mining company. One day, while she plays hide and seek with some local kids, she crosses over into the mining company's property and she meets death: a bony girl who looks about the same age as her. They quickly become friends and start playing hide and seek. Nevertheless, Ana will soon find that playing with death can have fatal consequences.
Mexico, 2019.
10. Escondidas.
Adaptation of the Oscar nominated film: Room (2015). Tells the story of Jun, who cares devoutly and affectionately of his daughter Wen, 8 years old. Like every mother, Jun devotes herself body and soul to Wen's happiness and protection, tucking her in with her love, playing with her and telling her stories. However, their lives, now, have nothing normal; They are trapped, locked in a container. Jun has created a whole universe for Wen in the confines of the container. But as they arrive at their destination, Jun must reveal the truth and devise a plan to protect Wen once more.
Argentina, 2017.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 94:
2 parts archive:
Part-2Anthology of short films. Part 94. HD. Anthology of short films. Part 94. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 19 July 2020 à 16:45A better version of this movie has been found.
DE. Gesellschaftsdrama nach Thomas Mann.
Ende der 20er-Jahre: Für den Literaten Bernhard Fuhrmann (Julian Sands), seine Frau Rachel (Anna Galiena) und deren Kinder verläuft der Sommerurlaub im pittoresken Torre di Venere alles andere als angenehm. Die Show des Hypnotiseurs Cipolla (Klaus Maria Brandauer) endet in einer Tragödie…Brandauer enttäuscht mit seiner Adaption: Er ignorierte wichtige Passagen und änderte den Schluss.
EN. Mario and the Magician (German: Mario und der Zauberer) is a 1994 German-language drama film directed by Klaus Maria Brandauer, based on the novel of the same name. It was entered into the 19th Moscow International Film Festival where Lajos Koltai won the Special Silver St. George for the Director of Photography.
An enigmatic hypnotist casts a spell over a German family holidaying in Italy. Based on an autobiographical novella by Thomas Mann, the film shows the holiday of well-known liberal German writer Bernhard Fuhrmann and his family of three at the Italian seaside resort town, Torre di Venere, in the 1920s. Italian guests want him and his family moved to a different building, because his daughter took off her clothes on the beach and caused a scandal, even though she's only 8 years old. While they struggle with facism and intolerance as well as the decline of liberal European values, they encounter magician Cipolla, who fascinates and changes the lifes of several characters.
Director: Klaus Maria Brandauer.
Cast: Julian Sands, Anna Galiena, Jan Wachtel, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Nina Schweser, Pavel Greco, Valentina Chico, Rolf Hoppe, Philippe Leroy, Ivano Marescotti.
Austria, France, Germany, 1994.
Language: German.
Bonus: documentary behind the scenes.
Download Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.
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Par CineMatrix le 19 July 2020 à 03:26PT. A Comédia de Deus é um filme português de 1995, realizado por João César Monteiro, a segunda longa-metragem da trilogia que o retrata como alter-ego na figura de João de Deus, sendo a primeira delas Recordações da Casa Amarela e a terceira As Bodas de Deus.
A trilogia explora, com repetidas referências autobiográficas, num estilo sarcástico, com humor mal humorado, a personagem de Deus, o protagonista, encarnado num bem humano pobre diabo. O resultado pretendido é traçar uma caricatura de alguém menos virtuoso que vicioso, autor e actor de inqualificáveis comédias num mundo hipócrita, com abundantes referências literárias, artísticas e filosóficas.
Perseguido pelas recordações, «Saído do manicómio, João de Deus prosperou, tornando-se responsável pelo Paraíso do Gelado e inventando mesmo a especialidade da loja. Passa o tempo livre em casa, solitário, com uma colecção de pelos do púbis feminino, que ciosamente guarda num Livro de Pensamentos. A dona do Paraíso, Judite, ambiciona alargar o negócio a uma congénere francesa, contando com uma delícia do protegido, para convencer o virtual sócio parisiense. Mas as coisas correm mal, enquanto o próprio comportamento de Deus começa a deteriorar-se com uma mal sã insanidade. A causa mais próxima é Joaninha, a filha do severo talhante do bairro».
Em suma, o esforçado João consegue um dia levar lá à casa a linda Joaninha de olhos verdes. Convence-a a tomar um delicioso banho de leite de vaca, porque de burra não há. E dá-lhe tantas guloseimas que a pobre menina tem de ir a correr para a retrete. Tocada pelo desvelo, solicita, ela pergunta então: «Quer que lhe guarde a caquinha?». O João, apreciador de bons perfumes, mas sempre na medida certa, desabafa: «Não, tudo o que é demais cheira mal». Vai-se a rapariga embora. Aproveita ele para coar o leite do banho e meter os púberes pentelhos deixados pela deleitosa donzela no seu Livro Sagrado.
Porém, o paterno carniceiro, homem musculado, ao topar a marosca, não perdoa o atrevimento e quase deixa o perverso em estado de coma, todo embrulhado em ligaduras. Livra-se o infeliz da morte, mas não de ser posto no olho da rua pela dona do Paraíso. Sai-lhe caro o pecado.
EN. João de Deus is the manager of an ice-cream shop owned by an ex-prostitute, Paraíso dos Gelados (Ice-Cream Paradise). Through a unmoved desire of perfection, he seeks, through cleansing and purity to attain heaven. The surrounding world, however, does not comply with his decaying vision of lust and decay as a way of achieving his purpose.
Director: João César Monteiro.
Cast: Cláudia Teixeira, João César Monteiro, Manuela de Freitas, Raquel Ascensão, Gracinda Nave, Patrícia Abreu, Saraiva Serrano, Maria João Ribeiro, Maria Ester Caldeira.
Portugal, France, Italy, Denmark, 1995.
Language: Portuguese.
Download A Comédia de Deus / God's Comedy. 1995.A Comédia de Deus / God's Comedy. 1995.
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Par CineMatrix le 18 July 2020 à 16:34FR. La plus célèbre école de danse du monde. Les plus grandes étoiles y sont formées. Sur une année, qu'est-ce qui bouge, vit, se transforme et émerge, parmi les futurs élus, encore adolescents ? Cette série traversera un cycle de scolarité, entre vie quotidienne et spectacle, pour nous plonger dans la ruche d'un apprentissage très spécial, avec le Palais Garnier de Paris comme terre promise.
EN. The 300-year old Paris Opera Ballet School is today a mythical place with an international reputation. In September 2011, it was home to 130 pupils, aged from 8 to 18, all driven by the same desire – to dance one day at the Paris Opera.
Our camera was allowed to accompany them for a whole school year. The characters are: the younger students, who are amazingly determined for their age; the older students, who, at the age of 16, are already professional dancers; their teachers, who are often principal dancers; and all those who watch over this very singular world.
Six episodes x 26 minutes:
1 - La rentrée.
2 - Au travail!
3 - Les progrès.
4 - Un monde à part.
5 - En scène.
6 - Le temps des épreuves.
Director: Francoise Marie.
France, Arte France, NHK, Schuch Productions, 2013.
Language: French, English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Graines d'étoiles / Die Tanzschüler der Pariser Oper. 6 Episodes. 2013:
2 parts archive:
Part-2Graines d'étoiles / Die Tanzschüler der Pariser Oper. 6 Episodes. 2013. HD. Graines d'étoiles / Die Tanzschüler der Pariser Oper. 6 Episodes. 2013. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 18 July 2020 à 03:04Angela's Ashes is a 1999 drama film based on the memoir of the same name by Frank McCourt. An international co-production between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, it was co-written and directed by Alan Parker, and stars Emily Watson, Robert Carlyle, Joe Breen, Ciaran Owens, and Michael Legge, the latter three playing the Young, Middle and Older Frank McCourt respectively.
Based on the best selling autobiography by Irish expat Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes follows the experiences of young Frankie and his family as they try against all odds to escape the poverty endemic in the slums of pre-war Limerick. The film opens with the family in Brooklyn, but following the death of one of Frankie's siblings, they return home, only to find the situation there even worse. Prejudice against Frankie's Northern Irish father makes his search for employment in the Republic difficult despite his having fought for the IRA, and when he does find money, he spends the money on drink.
Director: Alan Parker.
Cast: Emily Watson, Robert Carlyle, Joe Breen, Ciaran Owens, Michael Legge, Ronnie Masterson, Pauline McLynn, Liam Carney, Eanna MacLiam, Andrew Bennett, Shane Murray-Corcoran, Devon Murray.
USA, Ireland, 1999.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English, Czech.
1280x720 HD
Download Angela's Ashes. 1999:
2 parts archive:
Part-2Angela's Ashes. 1999. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 17 July 2020 à 20:22FR. C’est l’été. Les familles migrent et se recomposent.
Laura, 14 ans, et Joséphine, 18 ans, partent en juillet avec leur mère dans le Sud, puis en août chez leur père en Bretagne.
La cohabitation entre ados et adultes ne manque ni de tendresse, souvent non-dite, ni d’exaspération, parfois bruyante…
Car les filles ont leurs secrets, qui n’ont pas grand-chose à envier aux problèmes de leurs parents et de leurs beaux-parents.
C’est l’été de tous les dangers? Pas tout à fait. Quoique.
EN. It's summer. Families migrate and recompose.
Laura, 14, and Joséphine, 18, leave in July with their mother in the South, then in August with their father in Brittany.
The cohabitation between teenagers and adults does not lack tenderness, often unspoken, nor exasperation, sometimes noisy...
Because girls have their secrets, which have little to envy the problems of their parents.
Is it the summer of all dangers? Not quite. Whatever.
Director: Diastème.
Cast: Luna Lou, Pascale Arbillot, Alma Jodorowsky, Patrick Chesnais, Thierry Godard, Jérémie Laheurte, Lou Chauvain, Ali Marhyar, Délia Espinat-Dief, Nicolas Wanczycki, Antoine Dito, David Faure.
France, 2016.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Juillet août / July-August / The Summer of All My Parents. 2016:
2 parts archive:
Part-2Juillet août / July-August / The Summer of All My Parents. 2016. HD.
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Par CineMatrix le 17 July 2020 à 14:30ES. Wakolda es una película argentina estrenada en 2013. Escrita y dirigida por Lucía Puenzo, está basada en la novela homónima de la directora y trata sobre la historia de una familia argentina que, en el verano de 1960, conoce en su camino a Bariloche a un forastero alemán que termina albergándose en su hostería y que no es otro que Josef Mengele. Esta película fue elegida por la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas como precandidata a "Mejor Película hablada en idioma extranjero" para los premios Óscar por Argentina.
EN. Patagonia, 1960. A German doctor meets an Argentinean family and follows them on a long desert road to a small town where the family will be starting a new life. Eva, Enzo and their three children welcome the doctor into their home and entrust their young daughter, Lilith, to his care, not knowing that they are harboring one of the most dangerous criminals in the world. At the same time, Israeli agents are desperately looking to bring THE GERMAN DOCTOR to justice. Based on filmmaker Lucía Puenzo's (XXY) fifth novel, the story follows Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death," a German SS officer and a physician at the Auschwitz concentration camp, in the years he spent "hiding", along with many other Nazi's, in South America following his escape from Germany. Mengele was considered to be one of WWII's most heinous Nazi war criminals.
Director: Lucía Puenzo.
Cast: Natalia Oreiro, Alex Brendemühl, Diego Peretti, Florencia Bado, Guillermo Pfening, Elena Roger, Ana Pauls, Abril Braunstein, Alan Daicz, Juan I. Martinez, Sebástian Cáneva.
Argentina, France, Spain, Norway, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Wakolda / The German Doctor. 2013.Wakolda / The German Doctor. 2013. HD.
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