
    Ballet Blanc. 2019. FULL-HD.
    An innocent-looking young boy named Coco (Colter Carlborn-Mann) mysteriously appears in a nondescript small town as the town recovers from recent storms. He was left behind by a ballet troupe that passed through, suddenly strange things start happening. Coco is set to unleash his own reign of terror…
    The film is intensely effective for most of its running time, stumbling only in the final act. Here, the tightly-knit story begins to unravel a bit as some conventional horror movie elements creep in to undermine our anticipation of a fully original and surprising finale.
    Director: Anne-Sophie Dutoit.
    Cast: Brian Woods, Catherine Lassesen, Chloe Paatz, Colter Carlbom-Mann, Franco Fox, Lilly Paatz, Ronin Mace Pendleton, Shawn Eugene Pendleton, Shelley Starrett, Tanis St. Michael Pendleton.
    USA, 2019.
    Language: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Ballet Blanc. 2019.
    Ballet Blanc. 2019. FULL-HD.
    Ballet Blanc. 2019. FULL-HD.



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    Mi chiamo Maya / My Name Is Maya. 2015. FULL-HD.
    IT. Mi chiamo Maya è un film del 2015 diretto da Tommaso Agnese e prodotto dalla Magda Film, in coproduzione con Rai Cinema.
    Mi chiamo Maya è la storia di Niki, una sedicenne che, dopo l'improvvisa morte della madre Lena, fugge dalla casa famiglia che la ospita e dall'assistente sociale Cecilia Fornari portando con sé la sorellina Alice. Sarà un viaggio alla ricerca della libertà attraverso mondi romani noti o sconosciuti e storie in bilico tra sballo e ribellione, punteggiato da incontri con persone diverse delle quali il regista racconta le storie vere raccolte con lo sceneggiatore Massimo Bavastro: la spregiudicata cubista Sara, la viziata Elisabetta, l'artista di strada Marc Bresson e l'oscura punk Bea. Una “traversata iniziatica” che, tra mille difficoltà, traghetterà Niki e Alice verso una nuova vita.
    EN. After a tragic event, Niki,a16 years old girl, decides to run away from home with her little 8 years old sister Alice. the two take on a trip, discovering over a well known Rome a new city, full of very different characters: punks, street artists, go go dancers. And among the difficulties with in this initiation trip, Niki and Alice's lives will change forever. source- European Union film festival 2016
    Director: Tommaso Agnese.
    Cast: Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Valeria Solarino, Carlotta Natoli, Laura Adriani, Chicco Agnese, Giulia Aloé, Giovanni Anzaldo, Giada Arena, Luigi Di Fiore.
    Italy, 2015.
    Language: Italian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Mi chiamo Maya / My Name Is Maya. 2015.
    Mi chiamo Maya / My Name Is Maya. 2015. FULL-HD.
    Mi chiamo Maya / My Name Is Maya. 2015. FULL-HD.



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    Restos de viento / Wind Traces. 2017. FULL-HD.
    ES. En una casa de una pequeña ciudad de provincias mexicana, Daniel (7) y su hermana Ana (10) viven con su madre, Carmen, quien pone siempre en la mesa un plato que queda intacto. Ana le explica a una amiga que ese lugar es para cuando su padre regrese. Sin lograr conciliar el sueño, Carmen deambula por la casa y Daniel la encuentra una noche sentada en la sala, mirando hacia la puerta de entrada. Esta será la primera de muchas noches en las que Carmen espera en la sala.
    EN. Carmen, depressed and unable to take care of her children, awaits the return of her husband. Daniel, the youngest child receives an unexpected visit, which goes beyond the limits of reality and his imagination. Ana, the oldest child rejects adult life. Together, the three of them will try to accept what they cannot see.
    Director: Jimena Montemayor.
    Cast: Dolores Fonzi, Paulina Gil, Ruben Zamora, Julieta Egurrola, Diego Aguilar, Anajosé Aldrete Echevarria, Martha Claudia Moreno, Itari Marta, Karla Rico.
    Mexico, 2017.
    Language: Spanish.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Restos de viento / Wind Traces. 2017.
    Restos de viento / Wind Traces. 2017. FULL-HD.
    Restos de viento / Wind Traces. 2017. FULL-HD.



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  • Native Boy. 2013. FULL-HD.
    A retired firefighter turned children's book author brings a magical heart-wrenching story to life. A story about a boy on a quest to capture the sun. As the boy's endless chase for nature's wonder blurs into the man's past, memories of a haunting tragedy reveal a connection between the two.
    Director: Henry Roosevelt.
    Cast: Clay Story, Bill Brewer, David Henry, Amanda Bullis, Austin Carr, Mike Goldstein, Jose Negron, Erin Colter, James Coker, Suni Reyes, William H. Walker III.
    USA, 2013.
    Language: English.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Native Boy. 2013.
    Native Boy. 2013. FULL-HD.
    Native Boy. 2013. FULL-HD.

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    Munted. 2011. HD.

     Innocence and prejudice weave together in a child’s story of betrayal.
    Munted is an unusual story about an accusation of pedophilia and its terrible consequences. Set in 1961 in a remote rural community, it tells the story of a ten-year old girl and her friendship with a brain damaged artist. Told through erosions between film and drawing the film is a lyrical and brutal account of the cost of rumour and prejudice.
    Set in the early 1960s Munted is an unusual film that tells the story of a mother who returns to retrieve Katrina, her almost feral daughter, from her sister’s farm. When it is evident that her sister is not going to give the child up, the mother’s attention is drawn to the child’s strange relationship with a brain-damaged botanical artist who rents a small cottage on the property.
    Across the years of her childhood Katrina has befriended this man.
    The artist, who can barely speak, paints delicate if somewhat discordant pictures of the world that surrounds him and it is via these that the story is told. For the first part of the film we are not sure of the safety of their relationship, but following a revelation, we see the cost of rumour on the innocence of their world. As an accusation of pedophilia takes hold the film builds to a dramatic and unforgiving climax.
    Director: Welby Ings.
    Cast: Ella Edward, Phil Peleton, Tammy Lee, Lise Baldwin, Erroll Shand, Yvonne Stewart, Katrina Ings, Tess Renneberg, Kayla Renneberg, Amy Bridson, Nathaniel Lee, Brian Gordon.
    New Zealand, 2011.
    Language: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Munted. 2011.

    Munted. 2011. HD.
    Munted. 2011. HD.



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    Een meisje wordt vrouw / A girl becomes a woman. 1978.
    NL. Een programma seхuele voorlichting over de verandering van het vrouwelijke lichaam van klein meisje tot vrouw. Een grafische inleiding tot de vrouwelijke anatomie.
    EN. A seхual education program about the evolution of the female body from little girl to woman. Graphic introduction to the female anatomy.
    Director: Walter Gansemans.
    Netherlands, 1978.

    Language: Dutch, Flemish.
    Download Een meisje wordt vrouw / A girl becomes a woman. 1978.
    Een meisje wordt vrouw / A girl becomes a woman. 1978.
    Een meisje wordt vrouw / A girl becomes a woman. 1978.



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  • Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2014. FULL-HD.
     Ellos Volvieron (aka They Returned) is a beautifully touching and unnerving story about the unexplained disappearance of three children, two boys and one girl, and their reappearance three days later in a semi-autistic state. Not even the children themselves are able to help anyone understand what happened. No clues or signs are left, other than the fact that, as we discover later, two of them were mutilated.
    As the police carry out their investigation, and the town slowly sinks into a deep state of suspiciousness, small community of children - classroom colleagues of the missing three - run their own parallel search.
    Only one person is a potential suspect: the children’s own classroom teacher, recently arrived from another town. He does not help his case when he attempts to make the school psychologist understand that the children were in fact murdered...
    Director: Iván Noel.
    Cast: Valentina Sartorelli, Juan Ignacio Molina, Lauro Veron, Camila Cruz, Julio Mendez, Rosana Rossotti, German de Goycoechea, Edmee Aran, Romina Pinto, Jorge Booth.
    Argentina, 2014.
    Language: Spanish, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    1920x804 FULL HD
    Download Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2014.
    Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2014. FULL-HD.
    Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2014. FULL-HD.
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    Children In Cinema. Part-54.


     Children In Cinema. Part-54.
    A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors Children In Cinema number 54. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.
    Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections.
    37 clips.
    Download Children In Cinema. Part-54.
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    Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.
     Nicolas is a young adventurer filmmaker. He arrives in an Indian village in the heart of the Rio Xingu valley with the aim of shooting a documentary there about an ancestral tribal ceremony, Kuarup.
    He immediately falls in love with Luacema, the daughter of Chief Ayupu. Watched over by Roberto, the director of the Toa Toari reserve, Nicolas and Ruben, his guide as ridiculous as he is incompetent, settle in the village. In order to get closer to the woman he secretly loves, Nicolas slowly integrates into the villagers’ daily life. After being initiated into local customs, he is made aware of the threat weighing on his new friends and the woman he loves: deforestation.
    Ayupu then drags him into their struggle against loggers, responsible for the devastation of the forests that date back to the Palaeozoic era. After several intimidation tactics against Olympio Ferra and his men, Ayupu realizes that Nicolas’s camera is a formidable weapon that could be put to use for their cause.
    They leave together for Rio de Janeiro where they hope to be able to impress upon younger generations the danger hanging over their environment and their future.
    Nicolas finds the heroic strength to transform his unrequited love for Luacema into a desire to protect her people. This Amazonian adventure gives a meaning to his life and propels him into a fight against ignorance and reckless destruction around the world.
    Director: Jean-Pierre Dutilleux.
    Cast: Aurélien Wiik, Chief Ayupu, Murilo Elbas, Tapi Iawalapiti, Assalu Mehinaco, Rodrigo Penna, Jose Steimberg, Anna Carolina Vigo, Leo Mehinaco.
    France, Brazil, 2004.
    Language: English, French, Portuguese, Tupi.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004.
    Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.
    Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.



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  • Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1990.
     RO. Campioana este un film românesc din 1990 regizat de Elisabeta Bostan. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Izabela Moldovan, Mircea Diaconu, George Mihăiță.
    La 10 ani, Corina visează să fie admisă la celebra școală de gimnastică de la Deva. Mai întâi respinsă, Corina reușește, prin antrenament și sacrificii, să treacă testul de admitere, la fel ca prietena sa cea mai bună, Maria. Dar adevărata luptă de-abia acum începe: să ajungă cele mai bune din lume. Corinei nu-i lipsesc curajul și voința și vrea să-i demonstreze celei mai bune antrenoare din țară, Lili Oprescu, că are stofă de campioană. De la bârna din sala de antrenament
    FR. À 10 ans, Corina rêve d'être admise à la célèbre école de gymnastique de Deva, une petite ville de Roumanie réputée pour avoir formé un nombre impressionnant de championnes olympiques. Tout d'abord refusée, Corina réussit, à force d'entraînement et de sacrifices, à passer le test d'entrée tout comme sa meilleure amie Maria. Dès lors, débute pour elles la véritable épreuve: devenir les meilleures au monde.
    EN. At the age of 10, Corina dreams of being admitted to the famous gymnastics school of Deva, a small town in Romania renowned for having trained an impressive number of Olympic champions. First refused, Corina succeeds, by force of training and sacrifices, to pass the test for entry.
    Director: Elisabeta Bostan.
    Cast: Mircea Diaconu, Carmen Galin, Diana Lupescu, George Mihăiţă, Maria Ploae, Dinu Manolache, Luminiţa Gheorghiu, Petrică Nicolae, Ileana Popovici, Costel Constantin, Ileana-Stana Ionescu, Dorina Done, Aurel Giurumia.
    Canada, Romania, 1990.
    Language: English.
    Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1990.
    Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1990.
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  • Juillet août / July-August / The Summer of All My Parents. 2016. FULL-HD.
    FR. C’est l’été. Les familles migrent et se recomposent.
    Laura, 14 ans, et Joséphine, 18 ans, partent en juillet avec leur mère dans le Sud, puis en août chez leur père en Bretagne.
    La cohabitation entre ados et adultes ne manque ni de tendresse, souvent non-dite, ni d’exaspération, parfois bruyante…
    Car les filles ont leurs secrets, qui n’ont pas grand-chose à envier aux problèmes de leurs parents et de leurs beaux-parents.
    C’est l’été de tous les dangers? Pas tout à fait. Quoique.
    EN. It's summer. Families migrate and recompose.
    Laura, 14, and Joséphine, 18, leave in July with their mother in the South, then in August with their father in Brittany.
    The cohabitation between teenagers and adults does not lack tenderness, often unspoken, nor exasperation, sometimes noisy...
    Because girls have their secrets, which have little to envy the problems of their parents.
    Is it the summer of all dangers? Not quite. Whatever.
    Director: Diastème.
    Cast: Luna Lou, Pascale Arbillot, Alma Jodorowsky, Patrick Chesnais, Thierry Godard, Jérémie Laheurte, Lou Chauvain, Ali Marhyar, Délia Espinat-Dief, Nicolas Wanczycki, Antoine Dito, David Faure.
    France, 2016.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 HD
    Download Juillet août / July-August / The Summer of All My Parents. 2016.
    Juillet août / July-August / The Summer of All My Parents. 2016. FULL-HD.
    Juillet août / July-August / The Summer of All My Parents. 2016. FULL-HD.
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    Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006. HD.

     DK. Lille mand, Mathias på 8 år, er ved at skrive verdens vigtigste opgave i skolen: "Sådan er kvinder" en håndbog af Mathias'.
    CZ. Osmiletý Mathias dostal za úkol napsat do školy esej, kterou nazval "Jak porozumět ženám". Jeho práce se ale ukáže celkem složitou, a v průběhu psaní práce se zamiluje do své spolužačky Marie.
    Director: Esben Tønnesen.
    Cast: Nikolaj Rasmussen, Malene Rasmussen, Lotte Bergstrøm, Beate Bille, Philip Gjedde, Sofie Helqvist.
    Denmark, Enclave films, 2006.
    Language: Russian (Danish).
    1280x720 HD
    Download Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006.
    Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006. HD.
    Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006. HD.
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  • Saliva. 2007.
     PT. Uma viagem na mente de uma menina de 12 anos prestes a dar seu primeiro beijo. Duvidas e medos mergulhados em saliva.
    EN. A journey into the mind of a 12 year old girl about to give her first kiss: doubts and fears engulfed in saliva.
    Director: Esmir Filho.
    Cast: Maya Comunale, Gabriel Cavicchioli, Hellen Vasconcelos.
    Brazil, 2007.
    Language: Portuguese.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    Download Saliva. 2007.
    Saliva. 2007.
    Saliva. 2007.
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    Pějme píseň dohola / Let's All Sing Around. 1990. FULL-HD.
    CZ. Ještě ani ne osmnáctiletý Ondra přijede se svým kamarádem Markem na pionýrský tábor. Ondra si slibuje, že právě tady přijde konečně o své panictví. Marek se tam vloni seznámil se svou zdravotnicí Vendulkou a to je důkaz, že pionýrský tábor je pro sexuální začátky tím pravým místem. Už seznámení s vedením tábora je pro Ondru velkým zážitkem. Tábor vede svérázný Bizon, který má k ruce několik vedoucích, zdravotnici Vendulku a táborovou uklízečku. A tak Ondra během následujících dvaceti dnů zažije šmírování ve sprchách, sundávání vlajky ze stožáru, zapalování ohně či táborovou diskotéku. Marek po hádce s Vendulkou z tábora odjede, a tak má Ondra volné pole působnosti. Tou pravou, která by ho mohla připravit o panictví, je právě Vendulka. Jenže o ni stojí i jiní, a tak má Ondra co dělat, aby se prosadil. Jeho situaci komplikuje i dívka Lucie, která se právě do něj beznadějně zamilovala...
    EN. A comedy on a typical children summer camp from the socialist time, telling the truth about it: combination of strange cynical leaders, absent-minded young assistants with complexes, teenage girls desperately in love with them etc. What a pioneer camp pretended to be and what it really was about. All this produces many embarrassing situations.
    Director: Ondřej Trojan.
    Cast: Václav Chalupa, Ulrika Kotajná, Ladislav Brothánek, Jan Procházka, Radek Říha, Jiří Strach, Jitka Andělová, Aňa Geislerová, Martin Janouš, Andrea Sousedíková, Jan Semotán, Karel Huráb, Karel Sládek, Jiří Šašek, Jiří Remeš, Martin Chmátal, Tereza Hubená, Robert Hudecký.
    Czechoslovakia, 1990.
    Language: Czech.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Pějme píseň dohola / Let's All Sing Around. 1990.
    Pějme píseň dohola / Let's All Sing Around. 1990. FULL-HD.
    Pějme píseň dohola / Let's All Sing Around. 1990. FULL-HD.



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    Muidhond / Tench. 2019. FULL-HD.
    NL. Jonathan, een zachtaardige jongeman, wordt bij gebrek aan bewijs vrijgelaten uit de gevangenis. Hij keert terug naar zijn moeder die in een klein huis bij de duinen woont. Jonathan wil het verleden vergeten en neemt zich stellig voor een ander, beter mens te worden. Maar ook al houdt hij zich strikt aan de regels, zijn goede intenties worden al snel op de proef gesteld als er een moeder met haar dochtertje naast hen komt wonen.
    EN. Adaptation of Inge Schilperoord's controversial novel Muidhond about 23-year-old paedophile Jonathan, who has just been released from prison due to a lack of evidence. With his mother and in a new apartment, he tries to put his life back on track whilst controlling his urges. To keep his mind off things he takes care of a muidhond, a carp with supposedly healing properties. Unfortunately, though, the 10-year-old girl next door is determined to be his friend.
    Jonathan's inner struggle is made tangible by the camera perspective that alternates between what he sees and an intense focus on him. The film, supported by John Parish's measured soundtrack, delves deeply into the emotional life of a man who doesn't want to be what he is, but – as he desperately puts it – "cannot be anything else".
    Director: Patrice Toye.
    Cast: Line Pillet, Greet Verstraete, Tijmen Govaerts, Ina Geerts, Julia Ghysels, Dominique Van Malder, Filip Hellemans, Julia Brown, Peter Seynaeve.
    Belgium, Netherlands, 2019.
    Language: Dutch.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Muidhond / Tench. 2019.
    Muidhond / Tench. 2019. FULL-HD.
    Muidhond / Tench. 2019. FULL-HD.


    Muidhond / Tench. 2019. FULL-HD.
    Muidhond / Tench. 2019. FULL-HD.



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  • Træneren / The coach. 2009.
     A small-town tale of Niels, a 14-year-old boy with nothing on his mind but handball. His coach, recognizing his great goal-keeping talent, takes special care of him. On the night of the qualification rounds for the final Danish championships, the coach throws a party for the whole team and lets Niels and his girlfriend Pernille use his bedroom, but Niels falls asleep and things take a surprising turn, which puts Niels under pressure both on and off the field.
    Director: Lars Kristian Mikkelsen.
    Cast: Jens Albinus, Marina Bouras, Christian Bæk, Nikolaj Falkenberg-Klok, Nico Hansen, Mathias Jensen, Frederik Christian Johansen, Mads Larsen, Laura Bundgaard Rosenqvist.
    Denmark, 2009.
    Language: Danish.
    Subtitles: English.
    Download Træneren / The coach. 2009.
    Træneren / The coach. 2009.
    Træneren / The coach. 2009.
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    Allons enfants / Cléo & Paul. 2018.
    FR. Allons enfants est un drame réalisé par Stéphane Demoustier, sorti en 2018.
    Il a été notamment sélectionné au Festival International du film de Berlin, ou il a reçu la mention spéciale du jury Génération.
    Dans les jardins de la Villette, Cléo (3 ans et demi) joue avec son frère jumeau Paul. Cléo s’éloigne et se perd. Puis c’est au tour de Paul de se retrouver seul. Perdus dans Paris, Cléo cherche Paul et Paul cherche Cléo. Comment les enfants vont-ils vivre ces quelques heures buissonnières?
    EN. Lost in Paris, Cléo is looking for Paul and Paul is looking for Cléo. A poetic adventure lived in 3-year-old kids' shoes.
    Director: Stéphane Demoustier.
    Cast: Cléo Demoustier, Paul Demoustier, Vimala Pons, Anders Danielsen Lie, Elsa Wolliaston, Sam Louwyck, Oussama Kheddam.
    France, 2018.
    Language: French, English.
    Download Allons enfants / Cléo & Paul. 2018.
    Allons enfants / Cléo & Paul. 2018.
    Allons enfants / Cléo & Paul. 2018.



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    Agua fría de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010. FULL-HD.
    ES. Rodrigo y Mariana, una pareja joven, van a la costa del Pacífico, en el sur de Costa Rica, para pasar las vacaciones del año nuevo. Perdidos en medio de la noche, descubren a una niña, Karina, dormida sobre hierbas salvajes. Deciden pasar el resto de la noche en este lugar.
    EN. A child with an over-active imagination startles both strangers and herself in this drama from Costa Rican filmmaker Paz Fabrega. Karina is a seven-year-old girl who goes with her father and mother and three siblings on a camping trip near the seaside. After Karina is woken up in the night by a band of noisy horseback riders, she decides to take a walk and falls asleep far from the campsite. Karina is found by another pair of campers, Mariana and Rodrigo, and when they ask her where her parents are, she tells them a startling lie - that her family has been murdered and she ran away from her seхually abusive uncle. Mariana and Rodrigo plan to take the child back to the city with them in the morning for her safety, but before they awake Karina has left and made her way back to her parents' tent. All would seem to be normal again, but when Karina awakes from a nap later the same day, she finds herself in a blind panic she can't shake for reasons she can't fathom.
    Director: Paz Fábrega.
    Cast: Monserrat Fernández, Lil Quesada Morúa, Luis Carlos Bogantes, Adriana Alvarez, Jaleel Francisco Espinoza Alfaro, Luis Felipe Bone Brizuela, Freddy Gerardo Chavarria Araya, Alejandro Solórzano.
    Costa Rica, France, Spain, Netherlands, Mexico, 2010.
    Language: Spanish, English.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Agua fría de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010.
    Agua fría de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010. FULL-HD.
    Agua fría de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010. FULL-HD.

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    Yo niña / El Otro Nombre / I Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.
    ES. Armonía es una niña pequeña que vive con sus padres. Ellos no encajan con la definición tradicional de familia y viven en una cabaña al sur de la Argentina sin luz, gas ni agua corriente. Son críticos con el sistema capitalista, la «mierda de la ciudad» y con los preceptos socialmente establecidos. Así, la niña intenta vivir su infancia tranquila y feliz pero a la vez duda, sufre y siente un sinfín de abandonos y necesidades. Su grito de auxilio parecería dirigirse hacia el más allá o, incluso, al espacio exterior.
    EN. A couple moves to Patagonia escaping from the impositions of modern capitalist society. At first, the place, the people, the life seems to be what they are looking for. A new world away from everything. But soon they will discover that not everything is so magical or so simple, nor are they prepared to deal with that life. They will think about giving up. They will return to the city, but they do not fit there either: the place they left behind has already changed them. They will make a new attempt, a revealed truth, it will make everything stumble stronger than ever. But as they go through this, they will grow stronger to continue trying a new life.
    Director: Natural Arpajou.
    Cast: Esteban Lamothe, Andrea Carballo, Huenu Paz Paredes.
    Argentina, 2017.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Yo niña / El Otro Nombre / I Girl. 2018.
    Yo niña / El Otro Nombre / I Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.
    Yo niña / El Otro Nombre / I Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.



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    Coeurs vaillants / Valiant Hearts. 2021. FULL-HD.
    FR. COEURS VAILLANTS retrace l’odyssée de 6 enfants juifs cachés pendant la guerre, partis trouver refuge là où personne ne pense à aller les chercher... dans le château et le parc du domaine de Chambord, au milieu des œuvres d’art cachées du Louvre. A cœur vaillant rien d’impossible...
    EN. In August 1942, during World War II, six Jewish children flee the Nazi regime and go to find refuge in Chambord, where the artwork from the Louvre is being stored.
    Director: Mona Achache.
    Cast: Camille Cottin, Maé Roudet Rubens, Leo Riehl, Ferdinand Redouloux, Lila-Rose Gilberti, Asia Suissa-Fuller, Luka Haggège, Félix Nicolas, Swann Arlaud, Patrick d'Assumçao, Anne-Lise Heimburger.
    France, Belgium, 2021.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Coeurs vaillants / Valiant Hearts. 2021.


    Coeurs vaillants / Valiant Hearts. 2021. FULL-HD.
    Coeurs vaillants / Valiant Hearts. 2021. FULL-HD.



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    Stockholm. 2016. FULL-HD.
    ES. Un sicario, por orden de su jefe, secuestra a una niña, hija de un vendedor de drogas que no ha pagado una carga. Pero el dinero no aparece y los días pasan.
    EN. Desperation and debt causes a man to kidnap a little girl for her ransom. It is a bold and dangerous move, but does he have what it takes to see it through to the end? Does he have it in him to do the unthinkable if necessary?
    Director: Mario Savanco.
    Cast: Damian Grassi, Malena Otta, Fernando D'Assero, Elivia Dugatto, Valeria Re, Diego Otta, Pablo Allende, Gabriel Panero, Ariadna Otta.
    Argentina, 2016.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Stockholm. 2016.
    Stockholm. 2016. FULL-HD.
    Stockholm. 2016. FULL-HD.



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    Favolacce / Bad Tales. 2020. FULL-HD.
    IT. Favolacce, film diretto da Damiano e Fabio D'Innocenzo, è una favola dark ambientata nella periferia meridionale di Roma, uno spazio suburbano isolato, nel quale ogni cosa è talmente banale da diventare monotona, mentre la vita scivola via insipida. Qui vive una piccola comunità di famiglie e i loro giovanissimi figli, che all'età di 12 anni iniziano ad affacciarsi all'adolescenza. Protagonista della storia è una famiglia composta da Bruno (Elio Germano), Dalia (Barbara Chichiarelli) e i loro diligenti figli dodicenni, che frequentano la scuola della zona. Questo normalissimo e tranquillo ritratto di famiglia nasconde, però, un'irrequietezza per nulla confortante e che, come un castello di carte, rimane in piedi in un equilibrio precario, che rischia di venire a mancare con la prima folata di vento. I figli della coppia, infatti, sono dei buoni studenti, cosa che renderebbe orgoglioso ogni genitore, ma i ragazzi non sono felici, si sentono soli. Vittime della passività colpevole degli adulti, i giovani sentono una profonda angoscia e uno sconforto che si tramuta velocemente in rabbia. Sono incastrati nella vita ideale voluta dai genitori, che non hanno capito che la felicità non si può costruire artificialmente.
    EN. Bad Tales (Italian: Favolacce) is a 2020 Italian-Swiss drama film written and directed by Damiano and Fabio D'Innocenzo. It was selected to compete for the Golden Bear in the main competition section at the 70th Berlin International Film Festival, where the D'Innocenzo brothers were awarded with the Silver Bear for Best Screenplay.
    A few families living out on a limb in the suburbs of Rome. Tensions here can explode at any time; ultimately it's the children who bring about the collapse.
    Directors: Damiano D'Innocenzo, Fabio D'Innocenzo.
    Cast: Elio Germano, Barbara Chichiarelli, Lino Musella, Gabriel Montesi, Max Malatesta, Tommaso Di Cola, Giulietta Rebeggiani, Justin Korovkin, Barbara Ronchi.
    Italy, Switzerland, 2020.
    Language: Italian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Favolacce / Bad Tales. 2020.



    Favolacce / Bad Tales. 2020. FULL-HD.
    Favolacce / Bad Tales. 2020. FULL-HD.



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    O vacanță la mare / Holiday at the Seaside. 2013. FULL-HD.

     RO. O vacanță la mare, de Cristina Groșan, este un scurtmetraj care a avut premiera la Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Sarajevo, câștigând cel mai important premiu al categoriei la care a participat (Cel mai Bun Scurt Metraj Atlantic Group). Cu Andreea Vasile, Ștefan Statnic și Mara Purza în rolurile principale, O vacanță la mare a participat la peste 30 de festivaluri internaționale.
    Amalia (13) se pregătește să plece la mare cu familia, când se confruntă cu un eveniment neașteptat: prima menstruație. Având o relație distantă cu mama, Amalia se ocupă de una singură de “problemă”. Foarte curând însă, asta va fi cea mai mică problemă a ei.
    EN. Amalia, a girl of thirteen, gets her first period one day before leaving for the seaside with her parents.
    Director: Cristina Groșan.
    Cast: Andreea Vasile, Ștefan Statnic și Mara Purza.
    Romania, 2013.
    Language: Romanian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 HD
    Download O vacanță la mare / Holiday at the Seaside. 2013.
    O vacanță la mare / Holiday at the Seaside. 2013. FULL-HD.
    O vacanță la mare / Holiday at the Seaside. 2013. FULL-HD.

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