    A Comédia de Deus / God's Comedy. 1995.

     PT. A Comédia de Deus é um filme português de 1995, realizado por João César Monteiro, a segunda longa-metragem da trilogia que o retrata como alter-ego na figura de João de Deus, sendo a primeira delas Recordações da Casa Amarela e a terceira As Bodas de Deus.
    A trilogia explora, com repetidas referências autobiográficas, num estilo sarcástico, com humor mal humorado, a personagem de Deus, o protagonista, encarnado num bem humano pobre diabo. O resultado pretendido é traçar uma caricatura de alguém menos virtuoso que vicioso, autor e actor de inqualificáveis comédias num mundo hipócrita, com abundantes referências literárias, artísticas e filosóficas.
    Perseguido pelas recordações, «Saído do manicómio, João de Deus prosperou, tornando-se responsável pelo Paraíso do Gelado e inventando mesmo a especialidade da loja. Passa o tempo livre em casa, solitário, com uma colecção de pelos do púbis feminino, que ciosamente guarda num Livro de Pensamentos. A dona do Paraíso, Judite, ambiciona alargar o negócio a uma congénere francesa, contando com uma delícia do protegido, para convencer o virtual sócio parisiense. Mas as coisas correm mal, enquanto o próprio comportamento de Deus começa a deteriorar-se com uma mal sã insanidade. A causa mais próxima é Joaninha, a filha do severo talhante do bairro».
    Em suma, o esforçado João consegue um dia levar lá à casa a linda Joaninha de olhos verdes. Convence-a a tomar um delicioso banho de leite de vaca, porque de burra não há. E dá-lhe tantas guloseimas que a pobre menina tem de ir a correr para a retrete. Tocada pelo desvelo, solicita, ela pergunta então: «Quer que lhe guarde a caquinha?». O João, apreciador de bons perfumes, mas sempre na medida certa, desabafa: «Não, tudo o que é demais cheira mal». Vai-se a rapariga embora. Aproveita ele para coar o leite do banho e meter os púberes pentelhos deixados pela deleitosa donzela no seu Livro Sagrado.
    Porém, o paterno carniceiro, homem musculado, ao topar a marosca, não perdoa o atrevimento e quase deixa o perverso em estado de coma, todo embrulhado em ligaduras. Livra-se o infeliz da morte, mas não de ser posto no olho da rua pela dona do Paraíso. Sai-lhe caro o pecado.
    EN. João de Deus is the manager of an ice-cream shop owned by an ex-prostitute, Paraíso dos Gelados (Ice-Cream Paradise). Through a unmoved desire of perfection, he seeks, through cleansing and purity to attain heaven. The surrounding world, however, does not comply with his decaying vision of lust and decay as a way of achieving his purpose.
    Director: João César Monteiro.
    Cast: Cláudia Teixeira, João César Monteiro, Manuela de Freitas, Raquel Ascensão, Gracinda Nave, Patrícia Abreu, Saraiva Serrano, Maria João Ribeiro, Maria Ester Caldeira.
    Portugal, France, Italy, Denmark, 1995.
    Language: Portuguese.
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    A Comédia de Deus / God's Comedy. 1995.
    A Comédia de Deus / God's Comedy. 1995.

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    Graines d'étoiles / Die Tanzschüler der Pariser Oper. 6 Episodes. 2013. HD.

     FR. La plus célèbre école de danse du monde. Les plus grandes étoiles y sont formées. Sur une année, qu'est-ce qui bouge, vit, se transforme et émerge, parmi les futurs élus, encore adolescents ? Cette série traversera un cycle de scolarité, entre vie quotidienne et spectacle, pour nous plonger dans la ruche d'un apprentissage très spécial, avec le Palais Garnier de Paris comme terre promise.
    EN. The 300-year old Paris Opera Ballet School is today a mythical place with an international reputation. In September 2011, it was home to 130 pupils, aged from 8 to 18, all driven by the same desire – to dance one day at the Paris Opera.
    Our camera was allowed to accompany them for a whole school year. The characters are: the younger students, who are amazingly determined for their age; the older students, who, at the age of 16, are already professional dancers; their teachers, who are often principal dancers; and all those who watch over this very singular world.
    Six episodes x 26 minutes:
    1 - La rentrée.
    2 - Au travail!
    3 - Les progrès.
    4 - Un monde à part.
    5 - En scène.
    6 - Le temps des épreuves.
    Director: Francoise Marie.
    France, Arte France, NHK, Schuch Productions, 2013.
    Language: French, English, Russian.
    1280x720 HD
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    2 parts archive:
    Graines d'étoiles / Die Tanzschüler der Pariser Oper. 6 Episodes. 2013. HD.
    Graines d'étoiles / Die Tanzschüler der Pariser Oper. 6 Episodes. 2013. HD.


    Graines d'étoiles / Die Tanzschüler der Pariser Oper. 6 Episodes. 2013. HD.
    Graines d'étoiles / Die Tanzschüler der Pariser Oper. 6 Episodes. 2013. HD.
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    Angela's Ashes. 1999. HD.

     Angela's Ashes is a 1999 drama film based on the memoir of the same name by Frank McCourt. An international co-production between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, it was co-written and directed by Alan Parker, and stars Emily Watson, Robert Carlyle, Joe Breen, Ciaran Owens, and Michael Legge, the latter three playing the Young, Middle and Older Frank McCourt respectively.
    Based on the best selling autobiography by Irish expat Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes follows the experiences of young Frankie and his family as they try against all odds to escape the poverty endemic in the slums of pre-war Limerick. The film opens with the family in Brooklyn, but following the death of one of Frankie's siblings, they return home, only to find the situation there even worse. Prejudice against Frankie's Northern Irish father makes his search for employment in the Republic difficult despite his having fought for the IRA, and when he does find money, he spends the money on drink.
    Director: Alan Parker.
    Cast: Emily Watson, Robert Carlyle, Joe Breen, Ciaran Owens, Michael Legge, Ronnie Masterson, Pauline McLynn, Liam Carney, Eanna MacLiam, Andrew Bennett, Shane Murray-Corcoran, Devon Murray.
    USA, Ireland, 1999.
    Language: English.
    Subtitles: English, Czech.
    1280x720 HD
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    Angela's Ashes. 1999. HD.
    Angela's Ashes. 1999. HD.

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    Wakolda / The German Doctor. 2013. FULL-HD.

     ES. Wakolda es una película argentina estrenada en 2013. Escrita y dirigida por Lucía Puenzo, está basada en la novela homónima de la directora y trata sobre la historia de una familia argentina que, en el verano de 1960, conoce en su camino a Bariloche a un forastero alemán que termina albergándose en su hostería y que no es otro que Josef Mengele. Esta película fue elegida por la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas como precandidata a "Mejor Película hablada en idioma extranjero" para los premios Óscar por Argentina.
    EN. Patagonia, 1960. A German doctor meets an Argentinean family and follows them on a long desert road to a small town where the family will be starting a new life. Eva, Enzo and their three children welcome the doctor into their home and entrust their young daughter, Lilith, to his care, not knowing that they are harboring one of the most dangerous criminals in the world. At the same time, Israeli agents are desperately looking to bring THE GERMAN DOCTOR to justice. Based on filmmaker Lucía Puenzo's (XXY) fifth novel, the story follows Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death," a German SS officer and a physician at the Auschwitz concentration camp, in the years he spent "hiding", along with many other Nazi's, in South America following his escape from Germany. Mengele was considered to be one of WWII's most heinous Nazi war criminals.
    Director: Lucía Puenzo.
    Cast: Natalia Oreiro, Alex Brendemühl, Diego Peretti, Florencia Bado, Guillermo Pfening, Elena Roger, Ana Pauls, Abril Braunstein, Alan Daicz, Juan I. Martinez, Sebástian Cáneva.
    Argentina, France, Spain, Norway, 2013.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
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    Wakolda / The German Doctor. 2013. FULL-HD.
    Wakolda / The German Doctor. 2013. FULL-HD.

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    Mein erstes Wunder / My First Miracle. 2002.

     DE. Mein erstes Wunder ist ein deutscher Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 2002. Regie führte Anne Wild, das Drehbuch stammt ebenfalls von ihr.
    Die elfjährige Dole trifft im Urlaub am Meer auf den Mittvierziger Hermann. Beide verstehen sich sehr gut und es entwickelt sich mehr als eine Freundschaft, die auch über den Urlaub hinausgeht. Die Familien der beiden haben kein Verständnis dafür, bis schließlich beide Familien darauf dringen, dass der Kontakt zwischen den beiden abgebrochen wird. Eines Tages steht Dole jedoch vor Hermanns Tür und „entführt“ ihn auf eine Reise, die für die beiden dort endet, wo sie begonnen hat: am Meer. Auf der Suche nach den beiden werden Hermanns Frau Margot und Doles Mutter Franziska von Zeugen wundersame Geschichten erzählt.
    EN. When the strong friendship between a precocious eleven year old girl and a middle-aged family man is attacked for being unhealthy and immoral, the two run away together, but their care-free days are numbered.
    Director: Anne Wild.
    Cast: Henriette Confurius, Leonard Lansink, Juliane Köhler, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Devid Striesow, Andreas Patton, Daniel Möllermann, Ferdinand Grözinger.
    Germany, 2002.
    Language: German.
    Download Mein erstes Wunder / My First Miracle. 2002.
    Mein erstes Wunder / My First Miracle. 2002.
    Mein erstes Wunder / My First Miracle. 2002.

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    Viens jouer avec nous. 1986. Episode 3.
    Viens jouer avec nous - Französisch für Kinder is a 15 minute children-documentary-family.
    Die 39-teilige Bildungsserie "Viens jouer avec nous" ("Komm, spiel mit uns") wurde vom Bayerischen Rundfunk produziert, um Kindern mithilfe von Trickfilmen, Marionetten, Liedern sowie Familienszenen die französische Sprache näherzubringen.
    „Komm, spiel mit uns – wir sprechen Französisch, machst du mit?“ Die Aufforderung von Sarah, Marc und den anderen Mitspielern in „Viens jouer avec nous“ richtet sich an Kinder ab 5. Französische Lieder zum Mitsingen und leicht zu verstehende Geschichten mit Marionetten, Zeichentrickfiguren und „echten“ französischen Kindern machen Spaß und laden ein zur spielerischen Annäherung an die französische Sprache.
    Director: Bénédicte Baillot-Hardy.
    Cast: Jacques Pineau, Barthélémy Chapelet, Vanessa Danne.
    Germany, 1986.
    Language: German.
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    Viens jouer avec nous. 1986. Episode 3.
    Viens jouer avec nous. 1986. Episode 3.



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    Anthology of short films. Part 93.

      Another one issue of Anthology of Short Films, number ninety-three now, is ready for viewing. Today here are 6 mini-films of various countries mostly new and in a high resolution.
    1. Pollito Chicken, Gallina Hen. 2012. HD.
    Macarena got her first period. This will became her worst problem and her biggest secret. She will not be able to get over this until she visits a chicken hatch farm.
    Director: Marta Hernaiz Pidal.
    Cast: Antón Araiza, Rebeca Tolsá Bolado, Lety Gómez.
    Mexico, 2012.
    Language: Spanish.
    1280x720 HD
    2. Niño rana. 2019. HD.
    Paula viaja a un pueblo de montaña buscando superar algo que le ha sucedido y así llevar a cabo un trabajo que se le ha asignado. Al llegar a la casa, inmersa en la vegetación, se encuentra con la presencia misteriosa de un niño. Ambos, seres solitarios, comparten el pasar de los días hasta que advierte ciertos comportamiento extraño en el chaval.
    Directors: Laura Zenobi, Lucas Altmann.
    Cast: Ariadna Asturzzi, Balthazar Murillo.
    Argentina, 2019.
    Language: Spanish.
    1280x720 HD
    3. Frontier. 2018. HD.
    After two days alone in the woods, a young girl's reality begins to blend with her favorite comic book.
    Director: Chuck Klevin.
    Cast: Zoe Clarke, Juli Emmons, Matthew H. James.
    USA, 2018.
    Language: English.
    1920x1080 HD
    4. Bizco / Crosseyed. 2019. 4K.
    A pair of anarchic nuns go on a road trip with a coach load of kids.
    Director: Iván Noel.
    Cast: Agustín Quevedo, Carolina Britos, Aída Roisman, Carlos Ibarra, Mariano Martínez, Rafael Vazquez, Tomás Vazquez, Delfina Cardarelli, Camila Núñez, Jazmín Ibarra.
    Language: Spanish.
    Argentina, 2019.
    3840x2160 Ultra-HD
    5. Le cas Perrot. 2019. HD.
    Le Cas Perrot depicts a dreamlike world in a realist manner. It was shot with amateur teenagers in the style of a documentary in order to make fantastical contents seem naturalist. It was hence written and directed adhering to the logic that the brain adopts during sleep.
    Director: Rony Tanios.
    Cast: Alexis Nativel, Laurence Flahault, Stéphanie Vertray, François Godart, Jean-François Collados.
    France, 2019.
    Language: French.
    1920x1080 HD
    6. This Is It. 1970.
    James Broughton's creation myth, THIS IS IT, places a 2-year-old Adam and a bright apple-red balloon in a backyard garden of Eden, and works a small miracle of the ordinary. And since that miracle is what his film is about, he achieves a kind of casual perfection in matching means and ends.
    Director: James Broughton.
    Cast: Orion Broughton, George R. Priest, Stefani Pérez-Guerra.
    USA, 1970.
    Language: English.
    Download Anthology of short films. Part 93.
    Anthology of short films. Part 93.
    Anthology of short films. Part 93.


    Anthology of short films. Part 93.
    Anthology of short films. Part 93.
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    Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.

    Three small documentaries about the summer holidays of pioneers and schoolchildren in East Germany in the era of socialism.
    1. Frohe Ferientage für alle Kinder. 1954.
    Viele Kinder verbrachten ihre Ferien zu DDR-Zeiten im Ferienlager. Dieser Film berichtet über ein  Ferienlager im Spreewald im August 1954. Die Kinder verbringen ihre Zeit mit Wanderungen,  Zeltlagern, Bootsfahrten und sportlichen Wettbewerben.Wettbewerben.
    Director: Max Jaap.
    DDR, DEFA, 1954.
    Language: German.
    2. DDR-Magazin 1975/10: Ferien.
    Ein Bericht über Urlaubsmöglichkeiten in der DDR für Familien mit Kindern.
    Director: Barbara Christa Enseleit.
    DDR, DEFA, 1975.
    Language: German.
    3. Fahrradferien. 1989.
    In Calau beginnt für zwanzig Kinder eine ungewöhnliche Ferienexpedition: Sie fahren mit dem  Rad quer durch den Süden der Republik und schlafen in Zelten, die sie mit dem Rad selbst  transportieren.
    Director: Kurt Barthel.
    DDR, DEFA, 1989.
    Language: German.
    Download Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
    Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
    Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.

    Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
    Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.

    Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
    Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.

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    Tirza. 2010. HD.

     NL. Een paar dagen nadat Tirza en haar vriendje Choukri zijn vertrokken voor een reis door Namibië, heeft haar vader nog niets van hen gehoord. Hij vertrekt naar het Afrikaanse woestijnland om zijn dochter op te sporen en ontmoet daar Kaisa, die hem binnenvoert in haar wrede en bloederige wereld. Samen met haar ontdekt hij wat Tirza is overkomen; een lot dat huiveringwekkender is dan hij in zijn ergste nachtmerries heeft kunnen voorzien.
    EN. Tirza is a 2010 Dutch drama film directed by Rudolf van den Berg and based on the Dutch bestseller of the same name by Arnon Grunberg. The film was selected as the Dutch entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 83rd Academy Awards but it didn't make the final shortlist.
    Jörgen's world is crumbling. Forced into early retirement and harassed by his ex-wife, the only part of his life which makes sense - his beloved daughter Tirza - is shattered when she disappears on holiday in Namibia. After weeks of terrifying uncertainty, Jörgen goes searching for her, but the heat, his drinking and bad memories combine to unhinge him. His only ally is a child prostitute called Kaisa. Together they journey into the wilderness on Tirza's trail to discover her fate.
    Director: Rudolf van den Berg.
    Cast:  Sylvia Hoeks, Abbey Hoes, Johanna ter Steege, Naomi van Es, Jeroen Spitzenberger, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Nasrdin Dchar, Titia Hoogendoorn, Michael Dube, Panduleni Hailundu, Keitumetse Matlabo.
    Netherlands, 2010.
    Language: Dutch, English.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Tirza. 2010.
    Tirza. 2010. HD.
    Tirza. 2010. HD.

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    Die Jahre vergehen. 1980. 2 episodes.

     Die Jahre vergehen ist ein österreichisch-deutscher Fernsehfilm von Peter Keglevic. Der Zweiteiler wurde am 29. Juni und 6. Juli 1981 im ZDF uraufgeführt.
    Teil 1. Gregor Nadolny ist 30 Jahre alt und Touristikmanager. Er war mit seiner zehn Jahre alten Tochter Anna in Italien und sie befinden sich beide auf der Rückfahrt. Seine Tochter hat Fieber. Trotzdem will er nicht nach Hamburg, seinem Wohn- und Arbeitsort, sondern nach Pfauen. Dort hat er vor 20 Jahren einen glücklichen Sommer bei seinen Stiefgroßeltern verbracht und möchte seine alte Liebe wiedersehen.
    Teil 2. Gregor Nodolny trifft in Pfauen Bekannte aus Kindertagen wieder, wobei „ wirklich wichtig … die Begegnungen mit den beiden Kinderfreunden von damals“ sind: So seine alte Liebe Ada, und den Jungen Ila.
    Georg, Ada und Ila unternahmen als Kinder in Pfauen viele Dinge miteinander: So tanzten sie miteinander. Dann saßen sie unter einem gedeckten Tisch und tranken ein „Maß“. Als Ila auf dem Feld eine weiße Flagge vor sich her trug, liefen Ada und Georg ihm hinterher oder beteten kniend miteinander in der Kirche.
    Zwischen Georg und Ada entwickelte sich eine Zuneigung. Die beiden waren viel in der Natur. Sie halfen bei der Feldarbeit, wo beide einen Korb mit einer Mahlzeit für die Feldarbeiter auf das Feld brachten. Später wurden sie vom Regen überrascht und suchten gemeinsam Schutz „unter einer Decke“ Sie gingen in eine Scheune. Ein Bild zeigt beide im Stroh liegend, sich umarmend, während Gregor sich über Ada beugt. Die Kinder „sind verwirrt von ihren Gefühlen“. Am Ende stehen beide in Anzug und weißem Kleid nebeneinander. Georg verliebte sich in Ada und wollte sie heiraten. Später jedoch heiratet er eine andere Frau, vergleicht seine Ehefrau jedoch mit seiner Kinderliebe, die er nach zwanzig Jahren wiedertrifft.
    Director: Peter Keglevic.
    Cast: Wolfram Berger, Elisabeth Danihelka, Herbert Fux, Alexander Guini, Martin Karzel, Pavel Landovský, Ingeborg Lapsien, Manfred Lindlbauer, Bruce Low, Anja Müßiggang, Silvia Reize, Michael Schottenberg.
    Austria, West Germany, 1980.
    Language: German,
    Download Die Jahre vergehen. 1980. 2 episodes.
    Die Jahre vergehen. 1980. 2 episodes.
    Die Jahre vergehen. 1980. 2 episodes.

    Die Jahre vergehen. 1980. 2 episodes.
    Die Jahre vergehen. 1980. 2 episodes.

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    Little Sweetheart / Poison Candy. 1989.

     Having embezzled a small fortune and attempting to lay low, Robert Burger and his mistress Dorothea choose a remote rental property which in unobtrusive. But they soon make the grave mistake of befriending two nine-year-old girls, Thelma and Elizabeth, who live close by. Behind her seemingly cute and innocent façade, Thelma is a scheming, precocious brat who intrudes upon the couple's life and photographs the pair and ultimately discovers their dark little secret. With Elizabeth's help, they proceed to blackmail the bemused, unsuspecting twosome. But events eventually begin to unravel leading the pseudo-angelic brat to resort to twisted and evil crimes, meaning the lives of those associated with her gradually descend in to Hell.
    Director: Anthony Simmons.
    Cast: John Hurt, Karen Young, Cassie Barasch, Ellie Raab, Barbara Bosson, John McMartin, James Waterston, Guy Boyd, Jack Gilpin, Ann McDonough, Gary Basaraba.
    UK, 1989.
    Language: English.
    Download Little Sweetheart / Poison Candy. 1989.
    Little Sweetheart / Poison Candy. 1989.
    Little Sweetheart / Poison Candy. 1989.

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    Fields of Mudan. 2004. FULL-HD.
    A young Asian girl, Mudan, is forced into modern day slavery by a brutal child brothel owner. Mudan soon befriends another young girl in the brothel, and starts dreaming of a better life with her mother in America.
    Director: Stevo Chang.
    Cast: Nicole Nishimoto, Shannon Lu, Yaping, Lawrence Sykkmon, Jane Park Smith, Peter Yeung, Nikki SooHoo, Tiffany Huang, Jenni Wu.
    USA, 2004.
    Language: English.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Fields of Mudan. 2004.
    Fields of Mudan. 2004. FULL-HD.
    Fields of Mudan. 2004. FULL-HD.



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  • Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986. DVD.

     FR. Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez est un film français de Max Pécas sorti en 1986. C'est le deuxième film de la « trilogie tropézienne » du réalisateur, après Les Branchés à Saint-Tropez et avant On se calme et on boit frais à Saint-Tropez.
    Le film débute par la sortie de prison de Paul, condamné à quatre mois de prison à la place de son ami Julius. Afin de changer les idées de Paul, Julius décide de l'emmener à Saint-Tropez. Les deux jeunes hommes "empruntent" au passage une voiture et font sur le trajet la connaissance d'une charmante auto-stoppeuse, Évelyne, dont Julius ne tarde pas à tomber amoureux. Pour Paul, l'amour resurgit sous la forme de son ancienne compagne Milka, aux bras d'un marchand d'art quelque peu désagréable dénommé Saedi. C'est alors qu'on propose à Paul et à Julius de subtiliser deux statuettes pré-colombiennes appartenant à Saedi, qui s'avère en fait être un escroc. Mais le larcin ne se déroulera pas forcément comme prévu par nos deux compères.
    EN. Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez (Two bastards in Saint- Tropez) (1986) is movie a French B movie by Max Pécas.
    It is the second film of his "Saint-Tropez" trilogy. It is the last success of Max Pécas (the last one being a failure).
    Julius takes his best friend Paul, fresh out of prison, to the South of France for a vacation. But new girls, old flames, lies and a couple of stolen statuettes await.
    Director: Max Pécas.
    Cast: Philippe Caroit, Jean-Michel Noirey, Lillemour Jonsson, Caroline Tresca, Denis Karvil, Claude Bruna, Jean Vinci, Stéphanie Billat, Marie Daëms, Gérard Croce, Daniel Mitrecey, Carole Keeper.
    France, 1986.
    Language: French.
    Download DVD Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986:
    2 parts archive:
    Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986. DVD.
    Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986. DVD.
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    Iratan e Iracema. 1987.
    Alternative title: Iratan e Iracema – os Meninos mais Malcriados do Mundo.
    PT. Iratan e Iracema (1987) é um filme português de longa-metragem de Paulo Guilherme d'Eça Leal inspirado na obra homónima do seu pai Olavo d'Eça Leal.
    O filme foi agraciado com a Palma de Ouro do Festival de Cinema da Figueira da Foz e o Troféu de Ouro no Festival de Cinema dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa, em Aveiro.
    Série de ficção infantil, baseada numa história de Olavo d'Eça Leal, em que o sonho e a imaginação de duas crianças nos transportam ao mundo excitante da fantasia, muito para além do cinzento da realidade. A ilusão e o sonho são, para eles, ferramentas de precisão - com que manipulam o quotidiano, obtendo resultados inesperados e fascinantes.
    Eis a história que eles - os meninos mais malcriados do mundo - nos contam...
    EN. A children's fiction series, based on a story by Olavo d'Eça Leal, in which the dreams and imagination of two children transport us to the exciting world of fantasy, far beyond the gray of reality.
    Director: Paulo Guilherme d'Eça Leal.
    Casf: Amílcar Bonança, Júlia Correia, Paulo Cruz, João D'Ávila, Paulo Guilherme d'Eça Leal, Álvaro Faria, Baptista Fernandes, Ladislau Ferreira, João Lagarto, Maria Helena d'Eça Leal, José Manuel Rosado, Mónica Monteiro.
    Portugal, 1987.
    Language: Portuguese.
    Download Iratan e Iracema. 1987. 
    Iratan e Iracema. 1987.
    Iratan e Iracema. 1987.


    Iratan e Iracema. 1987.
    Iratan e Iracema. 1987.



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    Children In Cinema. Part-34.
    A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema". The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.
    41 clips.
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    Children In Cinema. Part-34.
    Children In Cinema. Part-34.


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    ...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987. HD.


      DE. Die elfjährige Lena fährt zum ersten Mal in ein Ferienlager. Direkt auf der Hinfahrt verguckt sie sich in den älteren Wolfgang, und in den folgenden Tagen entwickelt sich eine innige Vertautheit zwischen den beiden. Allerdings treten bald Probleme auf, die ihre Freundschaft auf eine harte Probe stellen. So hat die frühreife Antonia ein Auge auf den hübschen Wolfgang geworfen, außerdem missbilligen sowohl Heimleiter Eichler als auch Lehrerin Busse die Annäherung ihrer Zöglinge.
    Um zu verhindern, dass die beiden Kinder zu viel Zeit miteinander verbringen, steckt man sie in unterschiedliche Gruppen, wodurch der Heimleiter den Zorn von Lena auf sich zieht. Der Konflikt spitzt sich zu, und nach einer Disco-Veranstaltung verschwindet Lena plötzlich. Alle Nachforschungen bleiben zunächst erfolglos, doch Wolfgang glaubt zu wissen, wo Lena ist. Er geht auf die Suche und bringt sie schließlich zurück.
    EN. 11-year old Lena is on her first trip to a vacation camp. Already on the trip to the camp, she develops a crush for the older Wolfgang, and in the following days they become deeply acquainted with each other. But soon, problems arise that put their friendship to a hard test. Precocious Antonia has cast an eye on the good-looking Wolfgang; furthermore housemaster Eichler and teacher Busse disapprove of the relationship of their pupils. To prevent that both children spend too much time with each other, they are put into different groups. Thus, Lena becomes angry with the housemaster. The conflict escalates, and after a disco event, Lena suddenly disappears. Every attempt to find Lena fails until Wolfgang remembers where Lena might be hiding. He starts to look for her and brings her back to the camp.
    Director: Hannelore Unterberg.
    Cast: Ulrike Dräger, Sören Lißner, Cindy Scholp, Ulrike Knabe, Sebastian Hattop, Peter Kube, Susanne Lüning, Günter Naumann, Barbara Dittus, Patrick Bahnemann.
    DDR, DEFA, 1987.
    Language: German.
    1280x720 HD
    Download ...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987.
    ...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987. HD.
    ...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987. HD.

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    Kaplya v more. 1973.
    Old Soviet children's comedy about the first school day of the first grader Vitya Sinitsyn, who with honor passed all the trials and vicissitudes of fate that befell him on this special day.
    Director: Yakov Segel.
    Cast: Arina Aleynikova, Zoya Fedorova, Liliana Aleshnikova, Gennadiy Yalovich, Valentina Telegina, Vladimir Ferapontov, Nikolay Gorlov.
    USSR, Kinostudiya imeni M. Gorkogo, 1973.
    Language: Russian.
    Download Kaplya v more. 1973.
    Kaplya v more. 1973.
    Kaplya v more. 1973.



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    Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.

     A better version of this movie has been found.
    DE. Gesellschaftsdrama nach Thomas Mann.
    Ende der 20er-Jahre: Für den Literaten Bernhard Fuhrmann (Julian Sands), seine Frau Rachel (Anna Galiena) und deren Kinder verläuft der Sommerurlaub im pittoresken Torre di Venere alles andere als angenehm. Die Show des Hypnotiseurs Cipolla (Klaus Maria Brandauer) endet in einer Tragödie…Brandauer enttäuscht mit seiner Adaption: Er ignorierte wichtige Passagen und änderte den Schluss.
    EN. Mario and the Magician (German: Mario und der Zauberer) is a 1994 German-language drama film directed by Klaus Maria Brandauer, based on the novel of the same name. It was entered into the 19th Moscow International Film Festival where Lajos Koltai won the Special Silver St. George for the Director of Photography.
    An enigmatic hypnotist casts a spell over a German family holidaying in Italy. Based on an autobiographical novella by Thomas Mann, the film shows the holiday of well-known liberal German writer Bernhard Fuhrmann and his family of three at the Italian seaside resort town, Torre di Venere, in the 1920s. Italian guests want him and his family moved to a different building, because his daughter took off her clothes on the beach and caused a scandal, even though she's only 8 years old. While they struggle with facism and intolerance as well as the decline of liberal European values, they encounter magician Cipolla, who fascinates and changes the lifes of several characters.
    Director: Klaus Maria Brandauer.
    Cast: Julian Sands, Anna Galiena, Jan Wachtel, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Nina Schweser, Pavel Greco, Valentina Chico, Rolf Hoppe, Philippe Leroy, Ivano Marescotti.
    Austria, France, Germany, 1994.
    Language: German.
    Bonus: documentary behind the scenes.
    Download Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.
    Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.
    Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.
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    Anthology of short films. Part 94. HD.

     The new issue of the Anthology of short films, number ninety-four, is ready to watch. Today the program includes only fresh mini-films and they are all in high resolution 1280x720 and 1920x1080 HD.
    1. Wasp.
    Zoë is a single mother who lives with her four children in Dartford. She is poor and can't afford to buy food. One day her ex-boyfriend drives by and asks her to go on a date with him. Scared that he doesn't want to go out with her, she lies and tells him that she is just babysitting the kids. This will be her first date in years.
    UK, 2003.
    2. Pappajente / Daddy's Girl.
    Lo is fourteen and lives alone with her father at his farm. While he is busy working, Lo is bored and frustrated. She spends her days spying on the hot seasonal workers, exploring her sexuality. One day her father discovers something that totally changes their relationship. Daddy's Girl is a film about lust, shame and parenthood.
    Norway, 2020.
    3. Satans Barn / Children of Satan.
    Louise (11) and Maria (11) make friends at a christian summer camp. When a new girl, Erna, arrives, Louise and Maria are asked to take extra care of her, but they soon realize she is a bit different. They conclude she must be obsessed by Satan. «Children of Satan» is a story about two young girls' need to belong, their lively imagination, and how the combination of the two has a fatal outcome.
    Norway, 2019.
    4. Playa Gaviotas / Seagulls Beach.
    Mexico, 2019.
    5. Lena.
    A 9-year-old girl must translate between her American teacher and her Russian father during a confrontation about her trouble assimilating at school.
    USA, 2019.
    6. Night Swim.
    Three teenage girls break into a closed-off pool on a hot summer night, but when unwanted guests show up, their friendship is tested and one of them is left behind.
    USA, 2019.
    7. Evening News.
    The bond between three sisters gets tested while spending an evening with their grandmother who battles with Alzheimer's disease.
    USA, 2019.
    8. Kaya.
    In a remote Turkish village an ostracised orphan girl seeks out the forbidden Alevi in her quest for faith.
    Australia, Turkey, 2018.
    9. Escondidas.
    Ana is a girl living with her mother and grandfather next to an old mining company. One day, while she plays hide and seek with some local kids, she crosses over into the mining company's property and she meets death: a bony girl who looks about the same age as her. They quickly become friends and start playing hide and seek. Nevertheless, Ana will soon find that playing with death can have fatal consequences.
    Mexico, 2019.
    10. Escondidas.
    Adaptation of the Oscar nominated film: Room (2015). Tells the story of Jun, who cares devoutly and affectionately of his daughter Wen, 8 years old. Like every mother, Jun devotes herself body and soul to Wen's happiness and protection, tucking her in with her love, playing with her and telling her stories. However, their lives, now, have nothing normal; They are trapped, locked in a container. Jun has created a whole universe for Wen in the confines of the container. But as they arrive at their destination, Jun must reveal the truth and devise a plan to protect Wen once more.
    Argentina, 2017.
    Download Anthology of short films. Part 94:
    2 parts archive:
    Anthology of short films. Part 94. HD.
    Anthology of short films. Part 94. HD.


    Anthology of short films. Part 94. HD.
    Anthology of short films. Part 94. HD.
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    Pilona. 2022. FULL-HD.
    ES. Lea, a sus 10 años, aún se orina en la cama. Gloria, su madre, divorciada y casi ausente, le busca una nodriza. Así llega María, una joven que cree con fervor que los buenos deseos se pueden hacer realidad. María tratará de vencer la hostilidad de Lea y en este intento descubrirá un oscuro secreto.
    EN. Lea, a 10-year-old girl, still urinates in bed. Gloria, her mother, divorced and almost absent, is looking for a babysitter. This is how MARIA arrives, a young woman who believes with fervor that good wishes can come true. Maria will try to overcome Lea’s hostility and discover a dark secret.
    Director: July Naters.
    Cast: Uma O Mikati Bernaola, Santa Ventura, Karen Spano, Luis Herrera y José Miguel Arbulú.
    Peru, 2022.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Pilona. 2022.
    Pilona. 2022. FULL-HD.
    Pilona. 2022. FULL-HD.



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  • Children In Cinema.
    Collection of clips from several hundred films with the participation of young actors  aka "Children In Cinema". The name of the clips usually have the name of the films from which they are cut.
    1000+ clips.
    Download Children In Cinema.
    Children In Cinema.
    Children In Cinema.
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    The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. 2004.  FULL-HD.

     The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things is a 2004 drama film co-written and directed by Asia Argento and starring Argento, Jimmy Bennett, Dylan Sprouse, and Cole Sprouse (with Bennett and the Sprouse brothers sharing the role as Jeremiah). The screenplay by Argento and Alessandro Magania is based on JT LeRoy's novel of the same name. The film received a limited theatrical release in North America on March 10, 2006.
    The film concerns a tattered relationship between Sarah, a drug addict, and her young son, Jeremiah. Their life together is marked by Sarah's drug-taking and heavy drinking. The title is taken from Jeremiah 17:9.
    The dysfunctional twenty-three-year-old Sarah takes her six-year-old natural son Jeremiah from the home of his beloved foster parents with the support of the social service to live with her. Along the years, the boy shares her insane and low lifestyle and is introduced to booze and drugs and mentally, physically and sexually abused by Sarah, her lovers and her religiously fanatic family.
    Director: Asia Argento.
    Cast: Asia Argento, Dylan Sprouse, Cole Sprouse, Brent Almond, Jimmy Bennett, Kip Pardue, Jeremy Renner, David Brian Alley, Lydia Lunch, Ornella Muti, Peter Fonda, John Robinson.
    USA, UK, France, Japan, 2004.
    Language: English, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Finnish, German, Russian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. 2004:
    4 parts archive:
    The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. 2004.  FULL-HD.
    The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. 2004.  FULL-HD.

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    Das Eismeer ruft. 1984. FULL-HD.

    DE. Das Eismeer ruft ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm der DEFA von Jörg Foth aus dem Jahr 1984. Er beruht auf dem gleichnamigen Kinderbuch von Alex Wedding.
    Prag 1934. Fünf Kinder hören in ihrem selbstgebastelten Radio die Nachricht, daß der Eisbrecher "Tscheljuskin" im Packeis des Polarmeeres liegengeblieben ist. Spontan beschließen sie, die Schiffbrüchigen zu retten. Aber schon bald gerät ihre Expedition in eine Sackgasse. Ein sympathischer Film über den Idealismus der Kindheit, der durch seine ruhige Erzählweise allerdings konzentriertes Hinsehen voraussetzt.
    EN. This children's adventure movie is a charming tale of a group of youngsters in Prague who hear that Soviet sailors abandoned their failing ship in the Arctic Sea before it went down, but no one had been able to find the sailors yet. Inspired by the efforts to save the men, the youngsters strike out on their own to help in the rescue attempt. One child is in charge of making the potato pancakes, one is in charge of the compass, and others all have their particular tasks to handle. Their progress toward the Arctic Sea is necessarily slow, whether by foot or cart or train, and they have to hole up in a relative's country cottage to spend their first night away from home. Meanwhile, worried parents have been to the authorities and a hunt is on for the children that parallels the hunt for the seamen. The children hear that they have been reported missing in the news on the radio, and they decide to turn back -- not because they have done anything wrong, but because they have to go through a dark tunnel to continue their journey -- and they are all afraid of the dark. Except for a bit of serious footage on the ship and sailors lost at sea -- which detracts from the focus of this story, the film is entertaining for adults and children alike.
    Director: Jörg Foth.
    Cast: Oliver Karsitz, Alexander Rohde, Vivian Schmidt, Thomas Gutzeit, Oliver Peuser, Ilja Kriwoluzky, Heide Kipp, Ute Lubosch, Marie Gruber, Gabriela Wilhelmová, Carl Heinz Choynski, Zdenek Srstka, Thomas Plenert, Hannes Stelzer.
    DDR, DEFA, 1984.
    Language: German.
    Subtitles: English.
    1440x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Das Eismeer ruft. 1984.

    Das Eismeer ruft. 1984. FULL-HD.
    Das Eismeer ruft. 1984. FULL-HD.



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