Eine Art Selbsthilfegruppe trifft sich jeden Donnerstag in der Sauna von Jost und Nadine (Charly Hübner und Christiane Paul). Da geben der Langzeitarbeitslose Toni (Andreas Schmidt), die frisch vom Himmel ins Arbeitsamt gefallene Stewardess Dani (Esther Zimmering) und Monika (Laura Tonke), die promovierte Sozialhilfeempfängerin, einander Einkaufstipps. Stammgast Norbert (Edgar Selge) darf immerhin noch für seine Frau Reden schreiben, und nur Karin (Steffi Kühnert) glaubt, dem Kapitalismus in seiner vollen Pracht gewachsen zu sein.
Mit lakonischem Humor und einer gesunden Prise Sex nähert sich der in Berlin ansässige irische Filmregisseur Eoin Moore (Pigs will fly) dem vom Kino eher selten behandelten Thema Arbeitslosigkeit.
Director: Eoin Moore.
Cast: Charly Hübner, Steffi Kühnert, Christiane Paul, Andreas Schmidt, Edgar Selge, Laura Tonke, Esther Zimmering, Franziska Walser, Kathleen Gallego Zapata, Thorsten Merten.
Germany, 2005.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Im Schwitzkasten. 2005.
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It found a high-quality version of this film Bluray 1080p (full version uncensored).
IT. Durante le vacanze due adolescenti scoprono il sesso. L'arrivo di una coetanea sconvolge i loro rapporti, dando luogo ad un triangolo che si concluderà in tragedia.
Fabrizio è un ragazzo che vive solo con un cane. D'estate, la bella e romantica Laura (Lara Wendel) viene a trascorrere le vacanze con i suoi genitori nella loro casa estiva nelle vicinanze, incontra il ragazzo e si innamora di lui, non ricambiata. Lui abusa sadicamente di lei. Con l'arrivo di un'altra ragazza, Sylvia (Eva Ionesco), prepotente e crudele, Fabrizio pensa di aver trovato la sua partner giusta: entrambi impongono i giochi più bizzarri alla debole Laura, che si sottomette per continuare a stare vicino al ragazzo che ama.
EN. Spielen wir Liebe, the 1977 Pier Giuseppe Murgia German/Italian coming-of-age love triangle melodrama (about three young teens who experiment with sex and sadomasochism and animal torture, and the sad results of their relationships; not for those who shock easily, or those who find such subjects offensive; kind of a combination of "Lord of the Flies" and "Last Summer") starring Lara Wendel, Eva Ionesco, Martin Loeb, and Xylot
A teen boy grows from playing and fighting with his German-shepherd dog, to playing kids and adult games with two equally young girls, in a dream-like forest which eventually turns eerie, and somber.
Director: Pier Giuseppe Murgia.
Cast: Lara Wendel, Eva Ionesco, Martin Loeb, shepherd Xylot.
Italy, Germany, 1977.
Language: Italian, German, Russian.
Subtitles: Portuguese, Vietnamese.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977:
3 parts archive:
Part-3Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. FULL-HD. Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. FULL-HD.
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XXY is a 2007 Argentine-Spanish-French drama film written and directed by Lucía Puenzo. Starring Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli, Inés Efron, and Martín Piroyansky, the film tells the story of a 15-year-old intersex person, the way her family copes with her condition and the ultimate decision that she must eventually make as she struggles to define her own gender identity amongst a society that expects certain behaviors.
In a small coastal town of fishermen in Uruguay, the biologist Kraken works and lives in a house at the sea side with his wife Suli and their aggressive fifteen year-old daughter Alex. When Suli welcomes her former best friend Erika that comes with her husband, the surgeon Ramiro and their teenage son Alvaro from Argentina to spend a couple of days with her family, Kraken learns of the real reason for their visit, for Ramiro to operate on Alex. The reason being that Alex was born with both male and female sex organs. During the visit Alex and Alvaro grow closer in attraction to one another and eventually have sexual intercourse which causes even more confusion for the both of them. This film follows this period of time in Alex's life as she deals with constant questions about her gender identification, a pursuit of love and how to cope with her uniqueness.
Director: Lucia Puenzo.
Cast: Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli, Germán Palacios, Jean Pierre Reguerraz, César Troncoso, Carolina Pelleritti, Martín Piroyansky, Inés Efron, Guillermo Angelelli.
France, Spain, Argentina, 2007.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English, Bulgarian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch.
1280x720 HD
Download XXY. 2007:
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Děti umí někdy pořádně překvapit! Povídka z oblíbeného cyklu Bakaláři 1997.
Ne každá zábava na letním táboře je předem připravena. Nejlepší jsou ty improvizované... Bakalářský příběh vypráví o první lásce na skautském táboře. Kluci jsou svěřeni na jedno odpoledne mladé praktikantce. Když se dívka koupe, uplavou jí plavky a oni jí odmítnou dát ručník. Pak s chutí pozorují, jak se s tím dívka vyrovná. Jeden gentleman se mezi nimi ale přece jen najde…
Director: Jan Hřebejk.
Cast: Jakub Prachař, Marek Morvai-Javorský, Johan Kolínský, Vendula Ježková, Josef Kolínský, Zdeněk Roháček, Jiří Červenka, Jan Škvor.
Czechoslovakia, 1997.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Bakaláři. Past. 1997.Bakaláři. Past. 1997. FULL-HD.
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Dazed by her mother's death, 9-year-old Hanali travels with her father to a remote town where she meets Rosa, a mother who recently lost her child. Under the weight of their grief, delusion takes hold - pulling the two together as they seek to find what they've lost.
Director: Virginia Urreiztieta.
Cast: Samantha Castillo, Andrés Castro, Martín Gornés, Victoria Da Silva.
Venezuela, 2016.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Panorama. 2016.Panorama. 2016. HD.
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ES. Javier, y su padre David, adelantan su regreso al pueblo antes del verano. Su abuela está muy enferma. Javier es un niño muy especial, tanto, que el trato con su propia familia es distante y frío,con todos menos con Laura, su compañera de juegos desde siempre. La vuelta de Javier coincidecon la muerte del abuelo de Laura y la llegada de unos visitantes que todos conocen y que ningunose atreve a nombrar… la Genti di Muerti.
EN. Sometimes it is not easy to know who you are...
Director: Rubén González Barbosa.
Cast: Lara Corrochano, Pepa Gracia, Alba Guerrero, Sergi Méndez, Selica Torcal, Juan Carlos Vellido, Carlos Álvarez-Nóvoa.
Spain, 2014.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Genti di muerti. 2014.Genti di muerti. 2014. HD.
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FR. Frédérique et Anne Weber, respectivement âgées de 15 et 13 ans, retrouvent les bancs du lycée Jules-Ferry, à Paris, en cette rentrée de septembre 1963. La vie reprend son cours, même si cette année s'annonce différente des précédentes. Frédérique et Anne ne voient en effet plus guère leur père depuis le divorce de leurs parents. Et leur mère, chargée de leur éducation, ne parvient pas toujours à gagner leur confiance. Proches, mais déjà distantes, les deux adolescentes suivent chacune leur voie. Frédérique ne parle que de «surboums», écrit beaucoup à son flirt et commence, confusément, à s'éveiller aux réalités du monde. Anne, irritée d'être la cadette et de n'être encore point femme, se montre plus solitaire et se réfugie dans la lecture...
EN. Peppermint Soda (French: Diabolo menthe) is a 1977 French film directed by Diane Kurys. This autobiographical film was her directorial debut, and it won the Prix Louis-Delluc. The high school where the film takes place is the Lycée Jules-Ferry in Paris, France.
In the fall of 1963, Anne is becoming a teenager. She lives in Paris with her mother and her older sister, Frédérique. They're just back from summer at the beach with their father. School starts. For Frédérique it's the year of her first serious love, her first foray into politics (the Algerian question and "ban the bomb"), her first kiss from an older man, her first friend who runs away, and her first loss of friendship over values. For Anne, who watches her sister closely, it's a year of her first period and of learning to talk to boys, dealing with unfair teachers, and sorting things out with mom after getting in trouble.
Director: Diane Kurys.
Cast: Eléonore Klarwein, Odile Michel, Anouk Ferjac, Michel Puterflam, Yves Rénier, Robert Rimbaud, Marie-Véronique Maurin, Corinne Dacla, Coralie Clément, Valérie Stano, Jacqueline Boyer, Dora Doll, Tsilla Chelton, Nadine Alari, Denise Péron, Dominique Lavanant, Marthe Villalonga, Frédérique Meininger.
France, 1977.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Diabolo menthe / Die kleinen Pariserinnen / Peppermint Soda. 1977:
2 parts archive:
Part-2Diabolo menthe / Die kleinen Pariserinnen / Peppermint Soda. 1977. FULL-HD. Diabolo menthe / Die kleinen Pariserinnen / Peppermint Soda. 1977. FULL-HD.
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Sissy is one of the most beautifully crafted shorts now hitting the festival circuit.
The film, an Italian production penned and helmed by award-winning filmmaker Eitan Pitigliani, is a touching tale revolving around Luca, who is forced to cope, together with his father Antonio, with the passing of his mother.
After her death, Luca hits rock bottom and lives on the streets among the homeless. One day, he finally decides to go back home for his father’s birthday, where something magical is going to happen.
Here, a seven-year-old girl appears out of the blue. She is ready to challenge Luca but also to provide some answers to his questions.
Director: Eitan Pitigliani.
Cast: Fortunato Cerlino, Mirella D'Angelo, Dea Lanzaro, Vincenzo Vivenzio.
Italy, 2021.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Sissy. 2021.Sissy. 2021. FULL-HD.
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PL. Bohaterką filmu jest Iwona (Gabriela Muskała). Ma męża i dwie córeczki. Stanowią pospolitą polską rodzinę mieszkającą w typowym, jak na polskie warunki, blokowisku. Iwona pracuje jako kasjerka w supermarkecie spożywczym. Jej mąż, Janusz (Jacek Braciak), jest bezrobotny i tylko od czasu do czasu dorabia pomagając przy przeprowadzkach. Brak pieniędzy i ciągłe kłótnie są w tej rodzinie na porządku dziennym. Pewnego dnia do Iwony dzwoni jej dawny przyjaciel Wojtek i proponuje wyjazd do niego, do Londynu i rozpoczęcie nowego życia. Dla Iwony ta propozycja z czasem staje się coraz bardziej kusząca...
EN. It's a story of a young woman from Warsaw - Iwona who has two children and works in a supermarket. He lives with his unemployed husband in a block of flats. They are always short of money - that causes many quarrels and destroys their relationship . One day Iwona receives a great offer from her old friend - Wojtek. He wants her to move to London and start a brand new life.
Director: Dariusz Glazer.
Cast: Gabriela Muskala, Jacek Braciak, Karolina Paczynska, Katarzyna Paczynska, Maria Maj, Slawomir Orzechowski, Slawomir Grzymkowski, Aleksandra Poplawska.
Poland, 2006.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Podróż / Journey. 2006.Podróż / Journey. 2006. HD.
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Soviet documentary film about the organization of children's recreation in Anapa during the summer holidays on the coast of the Black Sea.
Director: Andrey Dobrovolsky.
USSR, TO Ekran, 1979.
Language: Russian.
Download Gorod shchedrogo solntsa. 1979.Gorod shchedrogo solntsa. 1979.
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ES. Este cortometraje realizado en Estados Unidos recrea la relación de cariño entre una nana latina y un niña norteamericana que se encuentra a su cuidado. Con una marcada presencia del agua como elemento que une al corto, la película deja en evidencia la contradicción que existe en esta relación, ya que aunque se acompañan con ternura, ambos personajes añoran estar con sus propios familiares.
EN. Little Claire kills time while waiting for her mother’s arrival with María, her Ecuadorian nanny.
Director: Manuela Martelli.
Cast: Ximena Mieles, Rebeca Sandler.
Chile, 2015.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.Apnea. 2015.
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IT. Un bimbo, una bimba e il vagabondare sospeso tra gli indizi dellТestate. Agosto ш unТatmosfera, ш il caldo che dilata il tempo e lascia esplodere i luoghi negli occhi dei due piccoli protagonisti.
FR. Deux enfants, la campagne. Les heures que s’écoulent, lentes dans un chaud mois d’août. Leur désir d’aventure.
EN. For the courageous idea to narrate the magical suspension of childhood expanded time, Agosto received the Jury Special Mention. The short film is the first collaborative work between Adriano Valerio and Eva Jospin. It is about two children and their adventures in the countryside during a very hot month of August spent in Northern Italy.
Directors: Eva Jospin, Adriano Valerio.
Cast: Ada Thoretton, Oscar Thoretton.
France, Italy, 2015.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Italian.
1280x720 HD
Download Agosto / August. 2015.Agosto / August. 2015. HD.
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ES. Fernando y Pablo son dos hermanos con una relación divertida e infantil. En una noche como cualquiera, sus juegos cotidianos toman un sendero diferente para convertirse en algo real y completamente desconocido.
EN. Fernando and Pablo are two brothers with a fun and childish relationship. One night, their usual games take a different path, becoming something real and completely unknow.
Director: Santiago Celorio.
Cast: Rodolfo Calderón, Emanuel Latanzio.
Mexico, 2016.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Un juego / A Game. 2016.Un juego / A Game. 2016. FULL-HD.
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SI. Učna leta izumitelja Polža je 89-minutni slovenski celovečerni film, ki je bil posnet in premierno predvajan 1. januarja 1982. Režiral je Jane Kavčič, sceniral pa Željko Kozinc. Takoj po snemanju pa je v prometni nesreči umrl glavni igralec, Miha Petrovčič.
Osnovnošolec Jani, ki ga prijatelji kličejo Polž, se ukvarja s precej utopičnimi poskusi. Tako med drugim že kot otrok skoči z balkona z uporabo dežnikov kot padala, povzroči eksplozijo televizorja in eksperimentira z elektriko. Skoraj z vsakim neuspelim poskusom doma zakuha kako nesrečo, ki je nadvse komična, saj ga ob vsakem poskusu okara ali celo našeška oče. Njegova najnovejša ideja predvideva pretvorbo nekoristne energije ultrazvočnega valovanja v električno energijo, kar bi zmanjšalo onesnaževanje zaradi uporabe fosilnih goriv.
Ob strani mu stojijo mama, sošolca Hojka in Fitipaldi ter soseda Violeta, glasbeno nadarjena punca, nobenega razumevanja za njegove poskuse pa ne pokažeta oče in učitelj fizike. Kljub temu vztraja s poskusi in se odloči, da gre do konca.
Na koncu naprava za pretvorbo ultrazvoka v električno energijo začne skoraj delovati, vendar nato eksplodira, kar prinese tudi konec eksperimentiranja doma. Film se konča, ko Polžev mlajši brat Luka z dežnikoma odskoči z balkona, kar kaže na to, da bo očitno nekoč sledil bratovim stopinjam.
EN. Jani, called just Polz by his fellows, is a sincere elementary schoolboy. He likes his schoolmate Hojka, but especially drawn to inventiveness. He is suported by his mother, his schoolmate Hojka and Fitipaldi. The rest of them, on the other hand his father, a teacher of physics at the top of list, show no recognition of his efforts whatsoever. When seeminghly on the verge of his first success, his device explodes and thus concludes his life of home expirimentation. Polz remains a kind of rebel and fanatic in the eyes of adults, but his younger brother is already promising to follow in his footsteps.
Director: Jane Kavčič.
Сast: Miha Petrovčič, Bogdan Zupan, Jožica Avbelj, Ivo Ban, Uroš Basta, Livio Bogatec, Jure Čamernik, Damjana Černe, Marjeta Gregorač, Matjaž Gruden, Janez Hočevar, Boris Juh, Vladimir Jurc, Janez Hočevar - Rifle, Tina Šubic, Rudolf Čamernik, Marina Kocjančič.
Yugoslavia, 1982.
Language: Slovenian.
Download Učna leta izumitelja Polža / Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polz. 1982.Učna leta izumitelja Polža / Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polz. 1982.
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Det er en rigtig dum dag. Grå-gammel-leverpostej-karklud-januar-mandag-morgen. Fanny er også lidt snotnæset, så det er nok rarere at blive hjemme under dynen. Fanny spiller syg, og mor hopper på den. Men lige lidt hjælper det, for mor skal på arbejde, og så må Fanny slæbes til dagsygeplejersken og børnepasseren fru Helger. Der er dømt nederlag. Men så sker miraklet. Fru Helger er til fest og farver og eventyr. Og dagen flyver af sted i store kjoler, balsale og badekar - og der er naturligvis også en hvid ridder på en hvid hest!
Director: Natasha Arthy.
Cast: Martin Brygmann, Anne Marie Helger, Timian Kaysø, Sidse Babett Knudsen.
Denmark, 1997.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Fanny Farveløs. 1997.Fanny Farveløs. 1997. HD.
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FR. Le Voleur d'enfants est un film franco-italo-espagnol réalisé par Christian de Chalonge, sorti en 1991. Il s'inspire du roman Le Voleur d'enfants.
En 1925, le colonel Philemon Bigua, cinquante ans, est un riche argentin, exile politique, qui ne rêve que de retourner vivre dans son pays ou il fut jadis un héros. Comme il ne peut pas avoir d'enfant, il vole ceux des autres. Pas n'importe lesquels cependant : des enfants martyrs, et uniquement des garçons. Il s'est recrée ainsi une famille qui l'idolâtre, car le colonel est charmant. il n'impose aucune contraintes : ses petites "victimes" sont libres de rester ou de la quitter .
Tout va pour le mieux jusqu'au jour ouu un ami dans le besoin lui vend sa fille Gabrielle, agee de 16 ans.
EN. In 1925 Paris, the Colonel kidnaps unhappy or abandoned boys, providing them and his wife with comfort and joy in his rich mansion. Then things become complicated when he adopts a girl.
Director: Christian de Chalonge.
Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Ángela Molina, Michel Piccoli, Virginie Ledoyen, Loïc Even, Nada Strancar, Cécile Pallas, Daniel Martin, Gabriele Tinti, Massimo Giuliani, Caspar Salmon, Benjamin Doat.
France, Italy, Spain, 1991.
Language: Italian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Le voleur d'enfants / Il ladro di ragazzi / The Children Thief. 1991.Le voleur d'enfants / Il ladro di ragazzi / The Children Thief. 1991. FULL-HD.
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Good Health is an ITV and later Channel 4 schools TV series from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, covering PSHE for primary school pupils.
Health education films for children of 8-12, often using dramatised real-life situations and documentaries about family life.
Episode 18. Fit and Healthy. 1980.
Episode 31. What Next? 1985.
Episode 88. The Great Clean Up. 1988.
UK, BBC, 1974-1998.
Language: English.
Download Good Health. 1974-1998.Good Health. 1974-1998.
Good Health. 1974-1998.
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HU. Igazi retro csemege 1976-ból Gothár Péter rendezésével, Usztics Mátyás főszereplésével.
Ifjúsági TV film egy kisdobos örs különös napjairól.
Fekete-fehér, a hang nem tökéletes...de a látvány megéri.
Gothár Péter is megjelenik a filmben!
EN. Real retro delicacy from 1976, directed by Peter Gothar, starring Matthias Usztics.
Youth TV movie special days of a drummer patrol.
Black and white, the sound is not perfect, but the view is worth it.
Peter Gothar also appears in the movie!
Director: Péter Gothár.
Cast: Mátyás Usztics, Péter Gothár, children.
Hungary, 1976.
Language: Hungarian.
960x720 HD
Download Égi csikón léptet a nyár. 1976.Égi csikón léptet a nyár. 1976. HD.
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Amanda, a 7-year old girl, has to go to open heart surgery as she has had heart surgery since birth. She is very afraid and tries to get away from it, but in the hospital she meets another young child Tomi, who also has heart disease. With friendship of Tomi and the guidance of hospital staff she is now less frightened about the operation.
Director: Timo Lampinen.
Cast: Eedit Patrakka, Juha-Pekka Mikkola, Matias Lindfors, Salla Kozma, Taisto Sarkola, Ilkka Mattila, Tiina Liukkonen, Katri Ylijoki, Saara Niklander.
Finland, 2015.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Amanda ja Tomi. 2015.Amanda ja Tomi. 2015. HD.
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NL. De 12-jarige Katelijne groeit eind jaren tachtig op in een strenggelovig boerengezin in Zeeland. Als enig meisje tussen zes broers wordt ze nauwelijks bij het boerenwerk betrokken. Hierdoor gaan ook de gesprekken aan tafel grotendeels aan haar voorbij. Terwijl haar verlangen om mee te doen onverminderd groot blijft, gaan haar gedachten hun eigen gang. Daarbij laat ze zich meeslepen door verhalen. Voor haar is lezen, en leren, dé manier om haar leven op de boerderij achter zich te kunnen laten.
EN. The young Katelijne grows up in a strict Protestant peasant family. As the only girl between six brothers, she is hardly involved in farm work and is excluded from daily conversations. Hereby she lets her imagination run free by surrendering to Biblical stories, gossip and even fairy tales, although she is not allowed to read them. During her brother's wedding, however, she overwhelms her family with literature, saying goodbye to her childhood.
Director: Tallulah Hazekamp Schwab.
Cast: Hendrikje Nieuwerf, Suzan Boogaerdt, Steven van Watermeulen, Yannick de Waal, Tom van Kessel, Marie Louise Stheins, Genio de Groot, Beate Uma Haije, Peter Barlage.
Netherlands, Belgium, 2014.
Language: Dutch.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Dorsvloer vol confetti / Confetti Harvest. 2014:
2 parts archive:
Part-2Dorsvloer vol confetti / Confetti Harvest. 2014. FULL-HD.
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In the countryside of Pernambuco, in a small village nearby a sugarcane plantation and an alcohol plant, the despicable and cheap Heitor abuses of his sixteen year-old granddaughter Auxiliadora, submitting her to slavery and humiliations during the days, and every now and then exposing her naked body to truck drivers in a gas station in the night to raise additional money. The group of potheads leaded by Everardo spends their time in violent orgies with prostitutes, drinking booze and smoking marijuana, and the mean and sadistic Cícero desires the virgin Auxiliadora.
Director: Cláudio Assis.
Cast: Fernando Teixeira, Caio Blat, Matheus Nachtergaele, Dira Paes, Marcelia Cartaxo, Hermila Guedes, Conceição Camaroti, João Ferreira, Irandhir Santos, Zezita Matos.
Brazil, 2006.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: English.
Download Baixio das Bestas / Bog of Beasts. 2006.Baixio das Bestas / Bog of Beasts. 2006.
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Language of Love (Swedish: Ur kärlekens språk) is a 1969 Swedish sex educational film directed by Torgny Wickman. It was an international success.
It gained publicity when 30,000 people gathered on Trafalgar Square in London to protest against a nearby movie theatre showing it, one of the protesters being pop singer Cliff Richard. Lord Longford and Raymond Blackburn decided to pursue a matter of pornography classification for the film Language of Love into the Court of Appeal and lost the writ of mandamus against the Police Commissioner, who had refused to intrude upon the British Board of Film Classification remit. United States customs were known to have confiscated copies of the film. Following such events, it was marketed as a sexploitation film of the "white coater" variety in some places — a pоrnographic film masquerading as a documentary or scientific film.
The film had two sequels, Mera ur kärlekens språk in 1970 and Kärlekens XYZ in 1971. In 1973 the three films were edited together into a new film, Det bästa ur Kärlekens språk-filmerna ("The Best from the Language of Love Films").
Mera ur kärlekens språk (More from the Language of Love) had equally successful box office though it dealt more with alternate sexuality and lifestyles and also with the disabled.
Director: Torgny Wickman.
Cast: Inge Hegeler, Sten Hegeler, Maj-Brith Bergström-Walan, Sture Cullhed, Kim Anderzon, Julie Bernby, Ewert Granholm, Göthe Grefbo, Margaretha Henriksson.
Sweden, 1969.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Ur kärlekens språk / Language of Love. 1969.Ur kärlekens språk / Language of Love. 1969. HD.
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FR. Marie, enfant vive d'une douzaine d'années passionnée d'astronomie, est fille de parents séparés. Son père, reporter photographe envoyé au Brésil, la laisse seule dans leur appartement de l'avenue Foch, la confiant à son ami Pierre, tandis que sa mère, très occupée par son restaurant, la voit de loin en loin.
Marie est très proche de Véronique, une camarade d'école délurée et plus au fait qu'elle en ce qui concerne le sexe, sujet qui recueille l'intérêt des deux adolescentes.
Observant beaucoup, Marie s'intéresse au manège des prostituées travaillant sur la contre-allée faisant face à son immeuble. Traversant la rue, elle est renversée par la voiture de l'une d'entre elles, Lilas, une belle femme désabusée qui se partage entre la rue, le bar de Mme Yvette et son chien Pierrot. Après cette prise de contact brutale, Marie va rechercher la compagnie de Lilas.
EN. Lilas, a prostitute, overthrows Marie, a little girl of twelve. The girl's father, a great reporter, often leaves her alone. Marie decides to go talk to her. A friendship is born between the woman and the girl.
Director: Isabel Sebastian.
Cast: Caroline Cellier, Jacqueline Maillan, Jacques Perrin, Massimo Ghini, Jennifer Covillaut, Pénélope Schellenberg, Chantal Perrin, Brigitte Chamarande, Stéphanie Murat, Patrick Floersheim, Jean Grécault, Henri-Paul Korchia.
France, 1991.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download La contre-allée / Both Sides of the Street. 1991.La contre-allée / Both Sides of the Street. 1991. HD.
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