• Le viol d'une jeune fille douce / The Rape of a Sweet Young Girl / In Trouble. 1968.
     FR. Le Viol d'une jeune fille douce est un film québécois réalisé par Gilles Carle, sorti en 1968. Il met en vedette Julie Lachapelle, Katerine Mousseau et Donald et Daniel Pilon. Produit par Onyx Films, il fut réalisé clandestinement les fins de semaines à l'insu des propriétaires de la société de production, André et Pierre Lamy.
    Julie (Julie Lachapelle) est une jeune adulte, artiste-dessinatrice, vivant à Montréal. Avec son ami Tancrède (Jacques Chenail), Julie s'ennuie et trouve qu'il ne lui arrive jamais rien. En visite chez le docteur (Claude Jutra), elle apprend qu'elle est maintenant enceinte. Elle organise une rencontre avec une avorteuse, mais se désiste à la dernière seconde.
    Durant sa grossesse, on suit Julie dans son quotidien variant les amants et les amis. Il y a Katerine (Katherine Mousseau), son amie et colocataire, qui la quitte pour son nouvel amant et qui finira par revenir lorsque sa relation se termine. Jacques (Jacques Cohen), son amoureux marocain, qui lui aussi finit par l’abandonner. Ses frères, Gabriel (Donald Pilon), Raphaël (Daniel Pilon) et Joachim (André Gagnon) viendront alors à sa rescousse. Ayant comme objectif de faire tabula rasa des idéaux artistiques de Julie, ils détruisent les objets excentriques de son appartement pour mettre fin à sa vie d’artiste. Ils veulent retrouver le père de l'enfant et lui donner une leçon. Julie, qui ne sait pas qui est le père, forcée à parler par ses frères, improvise : il est français et il conduit une Jaguar bleue. Les Lachapelle Brother, au volant de leur Camaro décapotable, parcourent les routes du Québec à la recherche de ce père supposé, sous le regard indifférent, à peine inquiet de Julie. Sur la route, ils embarquent Marie, une auto-stoppeuse peu bavarde que les frères Lachapelle violeront dans un champ en bordure de route, avant de continuer leur chemin. Arrivés chez le supposé père, Joachim, Gabriel et Raphaël le passent à tabac, sans même expliquer leurs actes.
    De retour à Montréal, l'enfant de Julie, nommé Xanthippe, a maintenant deux mois. Elle considère l'option de donner son bébé en adoption, mais encore une fois se désiste après quelques rencontres de parents candidats et se résout à l’élever elle-même, avec son ami Tancrède dans un nouvel appartement qu’elle décore à son goût.
    EN. Julie is an 18-year old technical designer living in Montreal. Liberal and carefree, one day she finds herself pregnant as a result of her sexual promiscuity and is unsure who the father is. She meets and falls in love with a Moroccan-born man recently immigrated and moves in with him. She decides upon the course of an illegal abortion but her lover steals the money she saved for it and disappears. Her three brothers, Raphael, Gabriel, and Joachim arrive from the country and seeing her pregnant and not married, they decide that she has been raped and vow to punish the man responsible to reclaim the honor of their family. Julie accompanies them on their mission and watches as her brothers beat up the wrong man and then inexplicably rape a random young girl themselves. Julie is left alone and must decide whether to keep her baby, abandon it, or give it up for adoption.
    Director: Gilles Carle.
    Cast: Julie Lachapelle, Jacques Cohen, Katerine Mousseau, Daniel Pilon, Donald Pilon, André Gagnon, Jacques Chenail, Suzan Kay, Claude Jutra, Larry Kent.
    Canada, 1968.
    Language: French
    Download Le viol d'une jeune fille douce / The Rape of a Sweet Young Girl / In Trouble. 1968.
    Le viol d'une jeune fille douce / The Rape of a Sweet Young Girl / In Trouble. 1968.
    Le viol d'une jeune fille douce / The Rape of a Sweet Young Girl / In Trouble. 1968.
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  • La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977.
     ES. La guerra de papá es una película española dirigida por Antonio Mercero basada en la novela de Miguel Delibes El príncipe destronado.1​ A pesar del gran éxito obtenido en su estreno por el público, es una obra bastante desconocida en aquellos años al ser categorizada por la prensa como film blanco.​ El interés por toda la actualidad sobre la Transición española, silenció cualquier obra que estuviera al margen de conflictos políticos.
    El protagonista es un niño de facciones angelicales interpretado por Lolo García, que hace constantes travesuras en un intento de llamar la atención a sus padres, ya que siente celos de su hermana más pequeña.
    Como se estilaba en los años 70 en España se dobló todo el sonido, lo cual produce una desincronización entre los labios de los actores y la voz.
    EN. Based on a novel by one of the greater Spanish writers of the XX century (Miguel Delibes), "La Guerra de Papá" (Dad's War)
    Spain, March 1964: Quico is a very naughty child of three belonging to a wealthy middle-class family. Since Cristina's birth, he feels he has lost the privileged position of "prince" of the house for his eight months old sister. So, with his brother Juan, who is eight years old and is quite disobedient, spend their time committing prank after prank, causing the resulting anger of his mother, the nanny and the old housemaid. The rest of the family members are two much older brothers, his resigned mother and a retrograde father of authoritarian ideas. But many years have passed, and the civil war that won the despot Don Pablo is simply for their children "Dad's war".
    Director: Antonio Mercero.
    Cast: Lolo García, Teresa Gimpera, Héctor Alterio, Rosario García Ortega, Vicente Parra, Queta Claver, María Isbert, Eugenio Chacón, Marcos von Wachten, Agustín Navarro.
    Spain, José Frade Producciones Cinematográficas S.A., 1977.
    Language: Spanish
    Subtitles: English.
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    La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977.
    La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977.
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  • Anton. 1996.
     DK. 'Anton' er et stærkt og smukt familiedrama.
    Antons far, der var jægerpilot, er død i en ulykke. Antons mor har sagt til ham at hans far nu flyver rundt oppe i himlen. Anton har tgaet det meget bogstaveligt og nu er fly alt hvad han går op i.
    Faktisk er Anton i gang med at bygge et fly i garagen, så han kan flyve op til sin far.
    Filmen får på børns præmisser blandet humor med action og alvor til en historie om venskaber, fjender og den første kærlighed.
    EN. Anton is 10 years old. Anton's father was a jet fighter pilot who died in an accident. Anton's mother told Anton that his father is flying angels around in heaven. Anton is obsessed with aeroplanes (his bedroom is full of models and posters) and is (re-)building a full-size aeroplane in the Garage. He plans to use this aeroplane to fly up to his father. The film is about Anton coming to terms with his father's death and about friends, enemies and first love.
    Director: Aage Rais-Nordentoft.
    Cast: Jacob Krarup, Stig Günther, Sofie Maria Ahlgren, Peder Holm Johansen, Fie Kruse, Sven Ole Schmidt, Kristian Nyholm Schmidt, Jens Albinus, Bjarne Henriksen.
    Denmark, 1996.
    Language: Danish, Russian.
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    Anton. 1996.
    Anton. 1996.
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  • Les démons. 2015. HD.
     FR. Félix, dix ans, enfant imaginatif et sensible, termine son année scolaire dans une banlieue d’apparence paisible. Félix a peur de tout : du possible divorce de ses parents, des maniaques qui s’en prennent aux petits garçons, des voisins louches, et même du sida. Peu à peu, les démons imaginaires de l’enfant côtoient les démons d’un monde réellement inquiétant.
    EN. The Demons (French: Les Démons) is a 2015 Canadian drama film, written and directed by Philippe Lesage.
    Based in part on Lesage's own childhood, the film stars Édouard Tremblay-Grenier as Félix, a ten-year-old boy living with his family in a quiet suburb of Montreal who is prone to excessive worry. As a series of child abductions begins to grip the town, however, his vague and needless fears begin to give way to something much more real.
    Director: Philippe Lesage.
    Cast: Édouard Tremblay-Grenier, Pier-Luc Funk, Vassili Schneider, Sarah Mottet, Laurent Lucas, Pascale Bussières, Victoria Diamond, Yannick Gobeil-Dugas, Alfred Poirier, Mathis Thomas, Théodore Pellerin, Rose-Marie Perreault.
    Canada, 2015.
    Language: French, Russian.
    Subtitles: Russian, English, French.
    1920x1080 HD
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    Les démons. 2015. HD.
    Les démons. 2015. HD.
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  • Dann steig' ich eben aus... 1977.
     In der literarischen Vorlage für diese TV-Produktion (das Buch “Doppelzweier”, erschienen im Kinderbuchverlag der DDR) hatte Hans-Ulrich Lüdemann Fragen aufgeworfen, die für viele Kinder und Jugendliche von Interesse waren: Ist es im Leistungssport ein freiwilliger Kampf um den Sieg oder werden die Betreffenden “gedrillt”? Welche Mittel sind im Kampf mit den sportlichen Rivalen erlaubt?
    In diesem Fernsehspiel nun steht der Junge Klas (Karsten Köhler) im Mittelpunkt; er ist der sportlich Beste in seiner Mannschaft. Leider sind ihm seine Erfolge in den Kopf gestiegen, so dass sich der Trainer (Herbert-Wolfgang Krause) veranlasst sieht, Klas in den Doppelzweier umzusetzen, wo er zusammen mit Heiner (Bernd Jurke) ein Team zu bilden hat. Aber um auch in dieser Bootskategorie zu siegen, wendet Klas faule Tricks an. Doch seinem Umfeld gelingt es schließlich, Klas nach sportlichen und persönlichen Niederlagen und nach Abklärung aller damit verbundenen Probleme und Missverständnisse auf den richtigen Weg zurückzuführen, und zur bevorstehenden Spartakiade wollen Klas und Heiner gemeinsam um den Sieg kämpfen.
    Director: Fred Noczynski.
    Cast: Rieke (Hella Barknecht), Klas (Karsten Köhler), Heiner (Bernd Jurke), Frank (Udo Niedziella), Thomas (Jens Richter), Fiene, Heiners Schwester (Mandy Helle), Breiting, Übungsleiter (Herbert-Wolfgang Krause), Bootswart (Rudi Reich), Herr Miggelsen, Klas` Vater (Hans-Dieter Krone), Frau Miggelsen, Klas` Mutter (Jutta Spychalski), Drews, Klassenlehrer (Wolfgang Seher), Käpt`n vom Dampfer (Karl Wilcke), Frau Kruse (Helga Krystek), Übungsleiter der Mädchen (Anne Basknecht), Übungsleiter der Jungen, Gruppe I (Olaf Stief), Übungsleiter der Jungen, Gruppe II (Gerhard Paul).
    DDR, Fernsehen der DDR, 1977.
    Language: German.
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    Dann steig' ich eben aus... 1977.
    Dann steig' ich eben aus... 1977.
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  • Micike és az Angyalok. 1987.
     Elvira idősödő férjezetlen hölgy, akinek ügyvédje kideríti, hogy a házával szomszédos játszótér nem közterület, hanem az ő tulajdona. Ezen a címen tehát le lehet záratni. De hát akkor hol focizzanak a srácok? A játszóteret ki kell tehát nyittatni - de ezt csak Elvira kisasszony díjnyertes cicája, Micike elrablásával vélik elérhetőnek az angyalok, azaz a három Angyal gyerek. A hadművelet sikerül, Micike azonban megszökik elrablóitól, aminek aztán kemény következményei lesznek.
    Director: Miklós Markos.
    Cast: Itala Békés, Róbert Szabó, Szilvia Mester, András Tóth, Gyula Szersén, Zoltán Bezerédy, Gábor Reviczky, István Dégi, Juci Komlós, Judit Karádi, Annamária Detre.
    Hungary,  Magyar Televízió, 1987.
    Language: Hungarian.
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    Micike és az Angyalok. 1987.
    Micike és az Angyalok. 1987.
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  • Der zehnte Sommer / The Tenth Summer. 2003.
    DE. Der zehnte Sommer (Internationaler Titel: The Tenth Summer) ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm aus dem Jahr 2003. Die Literaturverfilmung des Regisseurs Jörg Grünler, nach dem Kinderroman Der zehnte Sommer des Kalli Spielplatz von Dieter Bongartz, hatte ihre Uraufführung beim Kinderfilmfest der Berlinale im Februar 2003.
    Es ist Sommer in einer Kleinstadt am Niederrhein des Jahres 1960. Der 9-jährige Kalli Spielplatz, ein überzeugter König in seinem Kinderreich, hat entsprechend große Pläne: Nicht nur will er mit seinen Freunden Polli und Walter einen geheimen Ferien-Zoo gründen – Hauptattraktion ist das Äffchen Kappu –, Kalli hat sich außerdem in die Nachbarstochter Franzi verliebt. Zuhause aber drücken der verletzt aus dem Krieg heimgekehrte Vater Karl und seine prekäre Arbeitssituation die Stimmung, und als auch noch Kappu erkrankt, drohen die Sommerträume des kleinen Königs zu platzen. Doch König Kalli findet unverhofft Hilfe. Gerade die missachtete und mit einem schlechten Ruf geschlagene Nachbarsfrau Hilfers und ihre beiden Töchter werden zu Retterinnen in der Not: Der König und seine "drei Hexen" meistern alle Unbill, und nach diesem Sommer wird nichts mehr sein wie zuvor.
    EN. Summer holidays have always been magical. Perhaps because they idealize the memory of adults at the time of the greatest possible freedom: no school, no work, but room for a lot of new experiences, adventure, and first romances. Whether in the world of Astrid Lindgren, which seems to be always set in summer vacation, or in somewhat rougher renditions such as "Stand by Me," a single summer can define one's whole life. The tenth summer of Kalli is certainly one of these magical experiences. Along with his friends, he initially planned great things, including opening a zoo - however, one that not only offers the ordinary creeping or fluttering items in a preserving jar, but a true sensation. And suddenly there appears a little monkey, from dubious origins. But where to keep it? Kalli has an idea and his thoughts turn to his mysterious neighbors. The strange neighbor Mrs. Hilfers and her daughters, who have earned both an extremely wicked reputation and also a surprisingly warm reaction to Kalli's father, agrees to Kalli's plan: She takes in the monkey during the day. And so things can take their course during Kalli's special summer: a family crisis, a first kiss, and some challenging new friendships. Kalli's tenth summer takes place in 1960, and one of the greatest pleasures of the film is the artistry of Bernd Lepel, who created unobtrusive, but lovingly decorated long shots. In general, there is a lot to see in Jörg Grünler's family film, whose story appeals to audience of all ages.
    Director: Jörg Grünler.
    Cast: Kai Wiesinger, Katharina Böhm, Martin Stührk, Erika Marozsán, Michelle Barthel, David Kötter, Pino Severino-Geysen, Camilla Renschke, Nadja Bobyleva, Christina Schumacher.
    Germany, 2003.
    Language: German, Russian.
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    Der zehnte Sommer / The Tenth Summer. 2003.
    Der zehnte Sommer / The Tenth Summer. 2003.
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  • Mariana, Mariana. 1987. HD.
     The story runs in the 1940s Mexico City. A schoolboy (Carlos) falls in love with his best friend's mother (Mariana). Carlos is impressed because this family is not like the ordinary mexican families of the time, because they have many expensive American things, although they are not rich. The drama begins when Carlos gets out of school to go to declare his love to Mariana, and is discovered by his teachers.
    Director: Alberto Isaac.
    Cast: Pedro Armendáriz Jr., Elizabeth Aguilar, Isabel Andrade, Miguel Cane, Dinorah Corti, José Luis Cruz, Ángeles González, Aarón Hernán, Roberto Palazuelos.
    Mexico, 1987.
    Language: Spanish, Russian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 HD
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    Mariana, Mariana. 1987. HD.
    Mariana, Mariana. 1987. HD.
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  • Verde. 2018. HD.
     ES. Emilia y Martina siempre han sido inseparables, sin embargo, durante un fin de semana con sus primos, Emilia se da cuenta que las prioridades de su hermana están cambiando.
    EN. Emilia and Martina have always been inseparable, but when their cousins come over on a hot summer day, Emilia learns that her sister's priorities might be changing.
    Director: Victoria Rivera.
    Cast: Johan Esteban Díaz, Samantha Medellin, Sara Pinzón, María Elvira Ramírez, Maria Cristina Restrepo.
    Colombia, USA, 2018.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
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    Verde. 2018. HD.
    Verde. 2018. HD.
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  • Urwisy z Doliny Młynów / Die Kinder vom Mühlental. 1985.
     Urwisy z Doliny Młynów – telewizyjny serial dla dzieci, produkcji polsko-zachodnioniemieckiej, nadawany po raz pierwszy na przełomie lat 1985 i 1986. W roku 1986 powstał jego trzynastoodcinkowy sequel pt. Klementynka i Klemens – gęsi z Doliny Młynów.
    Przygody – czasami zabawne, innym razem dramatyczne – grupki dzieci na typowej polskiej wsi.
    Zrealizowany w koprodukcji polsko-zachodnioniemieckiej pogodny serial o przygodach grupki dzieci, mieszkających na wsi (zdjęcia realizowano w malowniczych plenerach w Dąbrowie nad Czarną, a także w piaskowych pieczarach koło Sulejowa). Największą atrakcją okolicy jest zabytkowy młyn wodny, który dla rozbrykanej gromadki staje się wspaniałym miejscem zabaw. Jak to zwykle bywa na wsi, jej równoprawnymi mieszkańcami są - obok ludzi - zwierzęta. Nic zatem dziwnego, że mali bohaterowie zaprzyjaźniają się z nimi. I tak płyną im wspólnie dni. Niemal każdy z nich niesie ze sobą nową, niesamowitą i niespodziewaną przygodę. Dziecięca wyobraźnia sprawia bowiem, że nawet zwyczajne wydarzenia nabierają posmaku bajkowości i tajemnicy. Dzięki talentowi małoletnich aktorów oraz reżysera Janusza Łęskiego ("Rodzina Leśniewskich", "Na tropach Bartka", "Przygrywka", "Janka") owa aura niezwykłości szybko udziela się także widzowi.
    Episode List:
    4. Kapitan Groźny.
    5. Mustang.
    6. Ściana.
    7. Dziki.
    8. Kryjówka.
    Director: Janusz Łęski.
    Cast: Jacek Wójcicki, Wiktor Zborowski, Bronislaw Pawlik, Roman Klosowski, Jolanta Zólkowska, Zdzislaw Szymborski, Jerzy Michotek.
    Poland, West Germany, 1985.
    Language: Polish, German.
    Download Urwisy z Doliny Młynów / Die Kinder vom Mühlental. 1985.
    Urwisy z Doliny Młynów / Die Kinder vom Mühlental. 1985.
    Urwisy z Doliny Młynów / Die Kinder vom Mühlental. 1985.
    Urwisy z Doliny Młynów / Die Kinder vom Mühlental. 1985.
    Urwisy z Doliny Młynów / Die Kinder vom Mühlental. 1985.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 28.
    The twenty-eighth collection of short fiction films, traditionally from different countries and nations, from different times - from retro to new products and completely different content that does not look at each other, exactly 5 short films - the oldest and most amusing of them in 1932...
    1. Sokolik / Vanadzins.
    By the same story by Vilis Latsis.
    The film tells about a little boy, the son of a fisherman, whom his father calls Sokolik. Every day, the father goes to sea, and the boy is left alone...
    Director: Janis Dzenitis.
    Cast: Ainars Gailis, Daumants Milgravis, Leva Murniece, Janis Jaudzems, Modris Verners, Vilnis Rozentals, Andris Bickovskis.
    USSR, Riga Film Studio, 1978.
    Language: Latvian.
    2. War Babies.
    A group of soldiers in a cafe watch a dancer as she entertains them, but later two of them become rivals over her.
    Director: Charles Lamont.
    Cast Shirley Temple, Georgie Billings, Eugene Butler
    USA, 1932.
    3. Rotkappchen.
    Little Red Riding Hood lives with her mother and five brothers in a village house on the outskirts of the forest. Since the father died, the brothers work as loggers to provide for the family. A girl helps her mother in the household...
    Director: Walter Janssen.
    Cast: Maren Bielenberg, Elinor von Wallerstein, Ellen Frank, Wolfgang Eichberger, Питер Леманн / Peter Lehmann, Michael Beutner, Rudolf Gerhofer, Готц Вульф / Gotz Wolf, Helge Lehmann.
    West Germany, 1956.
    Language: German.
    4. Veo veo.
    Argentina, 1977. A class project leads 8-year-old Juancho to discover the shocking truth behind his father's two year absence.
    Director: Benjamin Avila.
    Argentina, 2011.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    5. Tabu.
    Short film, Danish, fresh, 2011, the content should remain taboo ...)))
    Anthology of short films. Part 28.
    Anthology of short films. Part 28.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 30.
     Another, thirtieth in a row, a collection of short films, mostly documentaries. 7 mini-films, scandalous and surreal, strange and interesting, generally good and different.
    1. Nordmennenes Egen Historie: Fra 1905 Til I Dag - Opplevelser fra Oslo.
    Norwegian's own history told through the memories of people close to the events as they happened. This gives a unique description of the history of Oslo over the last 100 years.
    Norway, 2005.
    2. Summerhill at 70.
    An insight into the unorthodox Suffolk boarding school where lessons are optional, swearing is common, and it's the pupils who decide the rules.
    UK, 1992.
    3. Underage.
    Underage is a video documentation aimed at understanding the minds of underage male prostitutes in a most candid and visceral way. Author wanted the process to uncover a bit of the life, choice, and consequences that these young boys are experiencing.
    Directors: Danny Linsner, Ohm Phanphiroj.
    Thailand, 2010.
    4. Hunger.
    A small authentic and strange film tells a short and sad story about two brothers....
    Director: Carolina Hellsgard.
    Cast: Dennis Seiler, Robin Langert.
    Germany, 2009.
    5. Teluki.
    Terrible Brunei(!) Film about the ghost Teluki, who catches and eats children.
    Director: Abdul Zainidi.
    Cast: Fadzile bin Izzul Iman, Abdul Zainidi.
    Brunei, 2013.
    6. Sumo Kids.
    This National Geographic documentary film includes original footages from several championships, interviews and comments of the sumo wrestlers and their relatives and illustrates the hopes of coaches while sending their sumo wrestlers to international championships. Among all, the Wanpaku Sumo championship always attracts wrestlers from all over the Japan. This film shows the special preparations made by the sumo wrestlers and their coaches for these championships so that their sumo wrestlers can be selected by the potential adopters who can take them to international championships or provide them with more diversified trainings.
    Director: Hideyuki Tokigawa.
    USA, 2009.
    7. Boy.
    About what this short film let remains a terrible secret...))
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    Anthology of short films. Part 30.
    Anthology of short films. Part 30.

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  • Anthology of short films. Part 69.
     New release by Anthology of short films number 69, today there are 6 minifilms.
    1. El nudista / The Nudist. 2015.
    Raul looks absorbed at a naked couple at the beach. When he was just 10 years old, stripped of all kind of prejudice, he understands the relationship between human body and nature. The taboo that nudity represents is a big burden for Raul, who must get rid of the vision that has taunted him in order to achieve his goal: to be nude.
    Director: Alex Waudby.
    Cast: Leo Aguilar, Manuel Bobis, Carlos Álvarez-Nóvoa, Inmaculada Moral, Leonardo Aguilar Marés.
    Spain, 2015.
    Language: Spanish.
    1280x720 HD
    2. Siemiany. 2009.
    Andrzej and Michal are two young teenagers who come together every summer in the small tourist village Siemiany on the countryside. Their friendship has grown into years of great memories. And the boredom of the countryside and the feeling of unity amongst the boys, takes their friendship to a new level of sexually loaded intimacy.
    Director: Philip James McGoldrick.
    Cast: Damian Ul, Michal Wlodarczyk, Aleksandra Radwanska, Kamil Grenda, Joanna Opozda, Roman Pozoga.
    Belgium, Poland, 2009.
    Language: Polish, Russian.
    1024x576 HD
    Subtitles: English.
    3. Treitum. 2003.
    Ser TREITUM es lo peor que te puede pasar y Blas, un niño de 10 años, vive atemorizado por ello. El Jose, líder indiscutible de la pandilla, dicta las reglas con autoridad: si juegas con las niñas o no eres del Barça, serás automáticamente considerado TREITUM con las consecuencias que esto acarrea…
    Director: Javier Ruiz Caldera.
    Cast: Héctor Castellnau, Ramon Alconada, Enrique Benz, Xus Estruch, Manel Bronchund, Dani Villegas, Javier Gavilan, Javier Torres, Marc Ferràs, Manuel Giménez, Jesus Moreno, Dolors Duque, Ona.
    Spain, 2003,
    Language: Spanish.
    4. Rocco. 2017.
    Los problemas de Carlos aumentan cuando al llegar a casa se entera que Rocco, su perro, ha mordido al hijo de sus caseros. Mientras Luis, su hijo, le cuenta una versión que exime al perro de toda culpa, los caseros amenazan con acabar con él de una vez por todas. Las circunstancias llevan a Luis a ser el único que puede salvar a Rocco.
    Director: Gerard Nogueira.
    Cast: Jesús Lloveras, Josep Julien, Tamara Casellas, Nico Castañal.
    Spain, 2017.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 HD
    5. Upír. 2016.
    Quand Arthur, un petit garçon de 8 ans, est persuadé que sa nounou est un vampire…
    Director: Laura Rembault.
    Cast: Thomas Millot, Virginia Atenza, Virginie Lisb, Matthieu Lancian.
    France, 2016.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 HD
    6. Pommel. 2018.
    Set within the world of competitive gymnastics, Pommel is a coming-of-age drama about the tumultuous relationship between two young east Asian brothers as they compete for recognition and approval in an up coming gymnastics competition. When their Coach begins to recognise potential in Noah, Isaac, his older brother and a gifted gymnast, begins to develop deep feelings of jealousy and resentment. Noah suffers under the harsh treatment of a scornful Isaac as the two vie for recognition; Isaac seeking the approval of his Coach, and Noah, unbeknownst to Isaac, works desperately to gain his acknowledgment.
    Director: Paris Zarcilla.
    Cast: Ian Reddington, Orion Lee, Micheal Tang, William Tang.
    Croatia, Singapore, UK, 2018.
    Language: English.
    1920x1080 HD
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    Anthology of short films. Part 69.
    Anthology of short films. Part 69.
    Anthology of short films. Part 69.
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  • Abel, twój brat / Abel, Your Brother. 1970.
     PL. Tragiczna historia dwunastolatka, który nie potrafi dopasować się do łobuzerskiego stylu rządzącej klasą "paczki" kolegów. Karol Matulak (Filip Łobodziński) to chłopiec bardzo wrażliwy, który pragnie wyzwolić się od nadmiernej troskliwości matki. Chce zdobyć względy grupy wiodącej prym w klasie. Zostaje przez kolegów namówiony do pobicia małego chłopca. W szkole spotyka go za to kara, jednak lojalnie nie wydaje inicjatorów napadu. Kiedy pod presją zdradza matce prawdziwych winowajców, spotyka go okrutna zemsta...
    EN. Karol is a newcomer to the class and instantly called "sissy". He makes himself disliked by correcting his classmates and eating sandwiches, while everybody else eats dry bread and onions. He tries to make friends with class bully called Balon, and eventually succeeds. The group uses him to steal lollipops and later for an assault on a small child. The victim's mother seeks out the responsible and Karol is identified. He eventually confesses to his mother and names his accomplices. Branded now as a "squealer" he is avoided by his former friends. During a concert Karol collapses and is carried off.
    Director: Janusz Nasfeter.
    Cast: Filip Lobodzinski, Edward Dymek, Henryk Golebiewski, Roman Mosior, Wojciech Skut, Andrzej Boczula, Wojciech Andrulewicz, Anna Nowak, Dorota Czajko, Bohdan Graczyk.
    Poland. 1970.
    Language: Polish Russian.
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    Abel, twój brat / Abel, Your Brother. 1970.
    Abel, twój brat / Abel, Your Brother. 1970.
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  • Vremya schastlivykh nakhodok. 1969.
     “Vremya schastlivykh nakhodok” (Lucky finds time) is a Soviet film based on the stories of Fazil Iskander.
    12-year-old Sandrik lives in Sukhumi. He is in the fifth grade. The boy wants to help everyone and find the lost things. First, at the bottom of the sea, he finds an ancient Greek stone slab, then - money on the street, after - a neighbor's chicken. On holidays, his parents send him to the Abkhaz village. There he finds a lost local goat. Residents of the village learn about the ability of Sandrik and begin to come to him with requests to find their lost things.
    Director: Genrikh Gabay.
    Cast: Sofya Agumava, Oleg Avidzba, Mikhail Badzagua, Ruslan Basariya, Timur Dzidziguri, Pavel Fanidis, Gogi Gegechkori, Rita Gladunko, Sergey Martinson, Evgeniya Rubanovskaya, Boris Tsipuria.
    USSR, Mosfilm, 1969.
    Language: Russian.
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    Vremya schastlivykh nakhodok. 1969.
    Vremya schastlivykh nakhodok. 1969.
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  • Sweet Movie. 1974. DVD.
     Sweet Movie is a 1974 avant-garde art house comedy-drama film written and directed by Yugoslavian director Dušan Makavejev.
    An international co-production of companies from France, Canada, and West Germany, the film follows two women: a Canadian beauty queen, who represents a modern commodity culture, and a captain aboard a ship laden with candy and sugar, who is a failed communist revolutionary.
    One narrative follows Miss Monde 1984/Miss Canada, who wins a contest of the "most virgin"; her prize is the marriage to a milk industry tycoon. However, following his degrading puritanical introduction to intercourse, she vents her intention to leave to her mother-in-law who, at that point, nearly has her killed. The family bodyguard takes her away, further humiliates her, and finally packs her in a trunk bound for Paris. She finds herself on the Eiffel Tower, where she absently meets and has intercourse with a Latin singer, El Macho. The sexual act is interrupted by touring nuns who frighten the lovers into penis captivus. In her post-coital shocked state, she is adopted into an artist community led by Otto Muehl, where she finds affectionate care. The commune practices some liberating sessions, where a member, with the assistance of the others, goes through a (re)birth experience, cries, urinates and defecates like a baby, while the others are cleaning and pampering him. Later she is seen acting for an obscene advertisement, in which she is naked, covered in liquid chocolate.
    The second narrative involves a woman, Anna Planeta piloting a candy-filled boat in the canals of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with a large papier-mache head of Karl Marx on the prow. She picks up the hitchhiking sailor Potemkin, though she warns him that if he falls in love, she will kill him. He ignores her many suggestions for him to leave and their relationship evolves. Eventually, in the state of love making, she stabs him to death in their nidus of sugar. She also seduces children into her world of sweets and revolution. She is eventually apprehended and arrested by the police who lay down plastic sacks containing the children's bodies on the side of the canal, implying they too have been killed by Planeta. The film ends with the children, unseen by the others, being reborn from their plastic cocoons.
    Director: Dušan Makavejev.
    Writers: France Gallagher (collaboration), Dušan Makavejev.
    Cast: Carole Laure, Pierre Clémenti, Anna Prucnal, Sami Frey, Jane Mallett, Roy Callender, John Vernon, Hansi Roll, Therese Schulmeister, Renata Steiger, Berndt Stein, Herbert Stumpfl, Otto Muehl, Catherine Sola, Louis Bessières.
    France, Canada, West Germany, 1974.
    Language: English, French, Polish, Spanish, Italian, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
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    Sweet Movie. 1974. DVD.
    Sweet Movie. 1974. DVD.
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  • Csutak és a szürke ló. 1961.
     Csutakkal mindig csak baj van, a kisfiút még társai sem szívesen veszik be a játékba. Magányosan telik a szünidő, míg egy nap el nem köti a fuvaros nő vágóhídra való rozzant gebéjét. Az új jövevény társasága már belépőt jelent a gyerekcsapatba, együtt próbálják elhelyezni a lovat. Először a lakótelepen, majd Katiék pincéjében rejtegetik, végül a szigeten, egy elhagyott lakókocsiban találnak neki helyet. A gyerekek minden idejüket itt töltik. A fuvaros nő azonban nyomozni kezd a gebe után. A ló egy nap eltűnik a gyerekek elől, s a felnőttek világa a szigetet is kezdi birtokba venni. Mire kezdődik az iskola, már csak az emlékek maradnak. Csutak azonban nincs többé egyedül, a nyári kaland óta ő a gyerekek vezére.
    Director: Zoltán Várkonyi.
    Cast: Ferenc Kiss, Anna Báró, Ferenc Kállai, Mari Szemes, Erzsi Orsolya, Gábor Veress, Tibor Polgár, Tünde Bedö, István Bánfalvi, Csaba Braun, Gábor Lorenc, Zoltán Veress.
    Hungary, Budapest Filmstúdió, 1961.
    Language: Hungarian.
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    Csutak és a szürke ló. 1961.
    Csutak és a szürke ló. 1961.
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  • El día que resistía / The Endless Day. 2018.
    ES. Entre fiestas con caramelos, juegos de escondidas y paseos con su perro Coco, los hermanos Fan (9 años), Tino (7) y Claa (5) disfrutan de la ausencia de sus padres y le dan rienda suelta a la imaginación. Fan lleva sin dificultades la voz cantante, leyéndoles Hansel y Gretel a sus hermanos y advirtiéndoles del riesgo de adentrarse en el bosque que rodea a la misteriosa casa que habitan. De a poco, la libertad da paso a la alienación mientras los padres siguen sin aparecer: los roles de los tres hermanos se ponen en conflicto y la oscuridad que evitaban comienza a avanzar sobre ellos.
    EN. Alone in an isolated country house, Fan (9), Tino (7), and Claa (5) wait for their parents to come home. The wait feels endless, the solitude unsettling. Gradually the apparently innocent and playful world of the children transforms as its darker side unfolds. El día que resistía is inspired by the singularity of the childhood experience explored close-up through an unconventional narrative.
    Director: Alessia Chiesa.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 68.
    A new edition of the collection of short films in which 5 mini-films.
    1. Boy-Razor. 2016.
    SE. En mobbad pojke försöker ge igen på sina plågoandar genom att sticka in ett upphittat rakblad på undersidan av rutschbanan han och hans fritidskompisar åker i. En historia om hur moralen får ta ett steg tillbaka när känslorna får styra. Och att när vi väl passerat gränsen har allt ett pris.
    EN. A bullied boy tries to get even with his tormentors by sticking a razorblade through a crack in a waterslide. When he realizes his revenge is out of proportion he starts a race against time to set things right again.
    Director: Peter Pontikis.
    Cast: Emanuel Addis, Frida Boström, Casper Engström, Kewin Engström, Ida Giorgi.
    Sweden, 2016.
    Language: Swedish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    2. Princess. 2017.
    When gang leader Ole (11) and his buddies Marco (10) and Milan (12) nicked twelve year old Davie's school bag, Ole would never in his wildest dreams have imagined that a short time later he would appear on stage with Davie at a school karaoke contest dressed as a princess with makeup on... neither could his friends.
    Director: Karsten Dahlem.
    Cast: Phillip Breu, Noah Lakmes, Emil Pai Pötschke, Avo Taremizod.
    Germany, 2017.
    Language: German.
    1280x720 HD
    3. Alicia. 1994.
    A naked teen girl is sitting on a chair while listening to the radio, when she suddenly starts to bleed. Then, two men dressed in latex drug her and take her away…
    Director: Jaume Balagueró.
    Cast: Danae, Ana Luna, Elena Luna, Pedro Antonio Segura.
    Spain, 1994.
    Language: English.
    Subtitles: Russians.
    4. Nezabyvaemiy den / Unforgetable day.
    Good old, yet Soviet, Georgian cinema - to the village from a city came the girl. She met with the two boys, brothers, who roam on local surroundings and scare women "wolf howl".
    Director: Tengiz Magalashvili.
    USSR, Georgia-Film, 1978.
    Language: Russian.
    5. Beauty. 2014.
    Animator Rino Stefano Tagliafierro tackles the emotions evoked by classic art. Take a selection of classic, centuries old paintings, captured moments of great beauty, and bring them to life, ever so gently, so as not to disturb or somehow cheapen the emotions they evoke. That's exactly what Rino Stefano Tagliafierro did in his short film. Through the use of modern digital tools, Rino lifts from the immobility of the canvas the expressive force behind the original subjects.
    Director: Rino Stefano Tagliafierro.
    Italy, 2014.
    Language: None.
    1280x720 HD
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    Anthology of short films. Part 68.
    Anthology of short films. Part 68.
    Anthology of short films. Part 68.
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  • Aislados / Isolated. 2000. HD.
    Documentary TV Series Amazonîa, última llamada / Amazonia: Last Call.
    Episode 2. Aislados / Isolated.
    The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we will see how is your relationship with the environment around them and with their own kind. We will live for several months along with 184 members of this ethnic group, one of the last groups living in the countryside, ignoring our history and reigning over the Amazon jungle for centuries.
    This series (Amazonia: Last Call) travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: the Amazon.
    The filming of the first point of contact with an isolated race, the Zo'E, the encroachment on areas of the Amazonian forest previously uncaptured on film, the evidence relating to the development of the illegal trafficking of species or the recording of the immeasurable value of Brazil's natural spaces; these are just excerpts from the series. The underlying theme is the conflict between the development and conservation of one of the key natural areas underpinning the stability of the planet.
    Director: Luis Miguel Domínguez.
    Spain, 2000.
    Language: Spanish.
    1280x720 HD
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    Aislados / Isolated. 2000. HD.
    Aislados / Isolated. 2000. HD.
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  • Path to Manhood: The Mek, Papua New Guinea. 2004.
     High in the rugged highlands of the New Guinea rainforests live an elusive tribe called the Mek. Their villages cling to mountain peaks, which soar to a staggering fifteen thousand feet. The Mek\'s recent history is one of cannibalism and tribal warfare. They still maintain their ancestral customs, virtually untouched by the outside world. This is the story of one of the elders, Barnabas, and the coming of age of two young Mek boys, Mabet and Dimius.
    Director: John Miles.
    UK, 2004 (2002).
    Language: English.
    Subtitles: Portuguese.
    Warning: poor quality video.
    Download Path to Manhood: The Mek, Papua New Guinea. 2004.
    Path to Manhood: The Mek, Papua New Guinea. 2004.
    Path to Manhood: The Mek, Papua New Guinea. 2004.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 67.
     The new issue of the anthology of short films number 67 online now. Today this collection contains 8 minifilms both old and new, both documentaries and feature films from around the world.
    1. Rakastan Annaa / I Love Anna. 2016.
    Santeri (13) looks on as older guys are driving their motor bikes and wants to be part of their world. He combs his hair and goes to meet his friend Anna (13). At Anna's home childhood's anarchy meets puberty.
    Director: Joonas Rutanen.
    Cast: Sebastian Ruotanen, Anna Kare, Hilla Pekkarinen.
    Finland, 2016.
    Language: Finnish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 HD
    2. The Maiden Affair. 2014.
    The film captures the life of Coddy, a 12 year old boy, who is immensely attracted to his Nanny. A classic story of love at first sight.
    Director: Amit Chandra.
    Cast: Nazar Atay, Leila Rusciani, Ana Carolina Lima, Matthew De Cola.
    USA, 2014.
    Language: English.
    1920x1080 HD
    3. Tin & Tina. 2013.
    Tin and Tina are not eating the purée tonight.
    Director: Rubin Stein.
    Cast: Ana Blanco de Córdova, Sasha Di Bendetto, Manolo Cuervo.
    Spain, 2013.
    Language: Spanish, English.
    1280x720 HD
    4. Dag vreemde man / Hello, Stranger. 2016.
    Arthur is a single dad, struggling with the care for his seven-year-old son Max and the combination of his secret life as a drag queen.
    Director: Anthony Schatteman.
    Cast: Delfine Bafort, Tobias Giët, Wim Opbrouck, Arend Pinoy, Tine van den Brande.
    Belgium, 2016.
    Language: Dutch.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    5. Peterchen auf Rügen. 2014.
    Peterchen besucht seinen Cousin Paul auf Rügen, dort gehen sie mit Pauls bestem Freund Robert an einen FKK-Strand. Zuerst sieht es nach einem tollen Tag aus ... doch dann erwacht Peterchen am Strand und ist ganz allein und nackt! Was soll er jetzt bloß tun? Am Horizont ziehen bereits erste dunkle Wolken auf, und so steuert er eine Bushaltestelle an, um mit dem Bus nach Hause fahren zu wollen ... Doch da hat Peterchen seine Rechnung ohne die zahlreichen Erwachsenen gemacht, die ihn mit Verwürfen konfrontieren, warum er hier an der Haltestelle nackt sitzt und auf den Bus wartet ... Ein schreckliches Tohuwabohu nimmt seinen Lauf, das Peterchen nicht versteht. Denn noch vor 10 Minuten war es völlig in Ordnung, nackt an einem Strand zu liegen ... Erste Erwachsene ergreifen Partei für den Jungen und die Geschichte nimmt einen sonderbaren Verlauf ... bis sie sich auf magische Weise in Wohlgefallen auflöst...
    Director: Marlon Baker.
    Cast: Philipp Redöhl, Iris Schröter, Steven Kleinert.
    Germany, 2014.
    Language: German
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    6. En el espejo del cielo / In the Mirror of the Sky. 1998.
    A reflection on a young boy's steps toward maturity. A boy of seven or eight lives with his mother in a small house in rural Mexico. He wants to capture a jet airplane that flies over the fields every day. He tries to grab its reflection when it passes across the animals' watering hole. First, he tries leaping astride the reflection, another day he flings one of his mother's blankets over it as it passes. Then, he builds a box with a side flap he can close as the plane's reflection travels the surface of the pond. With success comes responsibility: what should he do with the plane once he's captured it in his box?
    Director: Carlos Salcés.
    Cast: Malcom Vargas, Alicia Laguna.
    Mexico, 1998.
    Language: None.
    7. Bilakoro. 1989.
    A group of children get together after school in a makeshift workshop, where they make toys: cars, catapults, guns, etc. This film takes us into their world: their games, their fights, their separations and reconciliations.
    Director: Dani Kouyate, Issa Traore
    Cast: Not available.
    Burkina Faso, 1989.
    Language: French.
    8. Dasihâ Zumze.
    Dasihâ Zumze - um registro da infância Xerente: vídeo faz um registro sobre as antigas brincadeiras infantis da Aldeia Porteira, etnia Xerente, localizada em Tocantínia, TO. Realizado dentro da disciplina de Projeto Experimental II, Curso de Comunicação Social - Jornalismo, da UFT - Universidade Federal do Tocantins.
    Produção e Roteiro: Edvaldo Xerente, Joana D'arc Oliveira, José do Patrocínio e Juliana Carneiro.
    Imagens: Bob Maia; Edição: Joana D'arc Remígio; Projeto Acadêmico: Flávia Melo; Orientação: Profas. Dras. Liana Vidigal e Edna Mello.
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    Anthology of short films. Part 67.
    Anthology of short films. Part 67.
    Anthology of short films. Part 67.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 31.
    On the screens of the country and the world is a new, thirty-first in a row, issue of a collection of short films. All minifilms are new, or almost, as always, of different countries and peoples with the most diverse problems - from fiction and horror to lyrics and fun, so in this collection exactly 7 short films.
    1. I Love Sarah Jane.
    Jimbo is thirteen and he has a crush on Sarah Jane, the girl of his dreams. She still doesn't want to hear of him. But Jimbo is persistent. He will make Sarah Jane fall for him, no matter how long it must take. And what does he care if he lives in a post-apocalyptic environment? If all the adults are dead? If the place is infested with zombies? Jimbo loves Sarah Jane. That's that.
    Director: Spencer Susser.
    Cast: Brad Ashby (Jimbo), Mia Wasikowska (Sarah Jane), Vladimir Matovic (Joey), Richard Mueck (Zombie).
    Australia, 2008.
    1024x576 HD.
    2. Julian.
    Set in a year 4 classroom in 1981, "Julian" explores a day in the life of a 9-year-old boy. Julian's need to speak his truth and his strong urge to do what he thinks is right begins to unravel his world. Throughout the day Julian is forced to deal with a bully, an impatient teacher turning a blind eye and a principal with a secret. As Julian faces these challenges we begin to see the qualities that will inform the man he is to become.
    Director: Matthew Moore.
    Cast: Ed Oxenbould (Julian), Leon Ford (Mr. Braybon), Morgana Davies (Cassandra), Will Cottle (Carl), Christopher Stollery (Mr. Dexter).
    Australia, 2012.
    3. Sortie de route / Off the road.
    Paul, fourteen, neglects his studies to spend all his time on his moped, to the consternation of his parents. When his beloved moped disappears, none of his nearest and dearest seem to realize what this means to him. Paul soon tracks down the thief, Karim, a young apprentice mechanic of his own age. From this an unexpected relationship develops.
    Director: Tristan Aymon, David Maye.
    Cast: Benjamin Eggenberg, Samir Melly, Eric Chappot, Allan Gapany, Stefanie Gunther.
    Switzerland, 2014.
    Language: French.
    1280x720 HD.
    4. Kus.
    Boy accompanies his father to the war.
    Director: Joost van Ginkel.
    Cast: Koen Dobbelaer, Thijs Romer, Margien van Doesen.
    Netherlands, 2009.
    Language: Dutch.
    5. Tits.
    Sam is a 13-year-old boy. He goes to a school for boys where the corridors seem to exude centuries-old testosterone. In that world of small uniformed men, Sam grows a pair of tits. His desperate attempts to hide the monstrosity in his body fail when he is forced to take swimming lessons. The belts, the t-shirts and the shirts with which Sam kept his secret will no longer be of any use. Blythe, the class bully, has discovered why the new kid is so reserved. Blythe and Sam test each other, fear each other, each of them is, to the other, a glance of what they'll become and, in that suspicion, they find themselves being accomplices to their own insecurities.
    Director: Alex Winckler.
    Cast: Josh Beaney-Ford, Arthur Byrne, Juliet Cowan.
    UK, 2013.
    Language: English.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    6. All Flowers in Time.
    "I am not from this place," declares a French cowboy. An old toothless man asks, "Do you know why you're here?" These shape-shifting personalities infect young children with an evil signal in the form of a Dutch TV show. The red-eyed girls and boys believe they can now become other people and monsters, much to their delight.
    Director: Jonathan Caouette.
    Cast: Chandler Frantz, Carolyn Bosco, Joshua Caouette.
    USA, Canadn, 2010.
    Language: English.
    1280x720 HD.
    7. Valuri.
    A beautiful Western woman asks a Gypsy to watch her four-year-old child while she is taught how to swim by a flirtatious married man.
    Director: Adrian Sitaru.
    Cast: Sergiu Costache, Roberto Bors, Adrian Titieni, Vlad Voda, Clara Voda.
    Romania, 2007.
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    Anthology of short films. Part 31.
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