• 0.jpgAllons enfants / Cléo & Paul. 2018. 
    FR. Allons enfants est un drame réalisé par Stéphane Demoustier, sorti en 2018.
    Il a été notamment sélectionné au Festival International du film de Berlin, ou il a reçu la mention spéciale du jury Génération.
    Dans les jardins de la Villette, Cléo (3 ans et demi) joue avec son frère jumeau Paul. Cléo s’éloigne et se perd. Puis c’est au tour de Paul de se retrouver seul. Perdus dans Paris, Cléo cherche Paul et Paul cherche Cléo. Comment les enfants vont-ils vivre ces quelques heures buissonnières?
    EN. Lost in Paris, Cléo is looking for Paul and Paul is looking for Cléo. A poetic adventure lived in 3-year-old kids' shoes.
    Director: Stéphane Demoustier.
    Cast: Cléo Demoustier, Paul Demoustier, Vimala Pons, Anders Danielsen Lie, Elsa Wolliaston, Sam Louwyck, Oussama Kheddam.
    France, 2018.
    Language: French, English.
    Download Allons enfants / Cléo & Paul. 2018.
    1224.jpgAllons enfants / Cléo & Paul. 2018.
    Allons enfants / Cléo & Paul. 2018.
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  • 0.jpgVšechno nebo nic / Všetko alebo nič / All or Nothing. 2017. 
    CZ. Linda a Vanda jsou pohledné třicítky, nerozlučné kamarádky a taky spolumajitelky malého knihkupectví v centru města. Linda je rozvedená, vzdělaná, praktická, má malou dceru a pocit zodpovědnosti. Ten naopak chybí Vandě, svobodné, veselé, nezávislé krásce, která sice muže přitahuje jako magnet, ale její živelnosti žádný nestačí. A tak hledá toho pravého. Aktivně. V obchodě s nimi pracuje Edo, který taky touží po lásce na věky věků, ale jako plachý, citlivý a introvertní gay to má těžké. Životy téhle trojice nakonec stejně zamotá několik mužů. Lindě charismatický developer Jakub, který není tím, kým se zdá být. Vandě bývalý profesor z vysoké školy Aladar, jehož je ochotná si vzít, "protože ji má rád". A Edo se už zase přizpůsobuje dalšímu příteli, Leovi... Nakonec ale všechno dopadne úplně jinak, než všichni čekali...
    EN. The lives of three best friends - Linda, Vanda and Edo - get all tangled by four attractive men.
    Director: Marta Ferencová.
    Cast: Táňa Pauhofová, Klára Issová, Michał Żebrowski, Paweł Deląg, Ondřej Sokol, Petr Vaněk, Ľuboš Kostelný, Zuzana Kronerová, Luděk Sobota, Jan Budař, Vlastina Kounická Svátková, Petra Hřebíčková, Bronisław Wrocławski, Vladimíra Havlíčková, Marek Salvet, David Piskor, Amélie Pokorná, Václav Upír Krejčí, Leoš Mareš, Ondřej Malý, Karolína Morschlová, Ivan Sochor, Lenka Rzepková.
    Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, 2017.
    Language: Slovak, Czech.
    Download Všechno nebo nic / Všetko alebo nič / All or Nothing. 2017.
    1.jpgVšechno nebo nic / Všetko alebo nič / All or Nothing. 2017.
    Všechno nebo nic / Všetko alebo nič / All or Nothing. 2017.
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  • Susanne und der Zauberring / Zsuzsi és a varázsgyűrű. 1974.
    DE. Die zwölfjährige Susanne ist ein bißchen verträumt und fühlt sich von ihren Mitschülern unverstanden. Sie schüttet dem alten Schleusenwärter, der viel Verständnis hat, ihr Herz aus. Er schenkt ihr einen Ring, der die Fähigkeit haben soll, seinem Besitzer zu helfen. Allerdings muß man ihn zu seinem Vertrauten machen. Susanne glaubt fest an seine Zauberkraft, und einige Wünsche erfüllen sich sogar. Sie bekommt eine Eins in Mathe, und ein richtiges Kamel taucht vor ihr auf. Manchmal versagt die Zauberkraft, aber Susanne hat längst begriffen, worin sie besteht. Man muß nur fest an sich glauben. Als eine Elster den Ring stiebitzt, hat sie bereits soviel Selbstvertrauen, daß sie ihn nicht mehr braucht.
    EN. The twelve-year old Susanne is a dreamer and feels misunderstood by her classmates. She pours out her heart to an old lock keeper, who understands her well. He gives her a ring, which has the ability to help its owner. Susanne believes greatly in its magic power. Some wishes actually come true but others fail.
    Director: Erwin Stranka.
    Cast: Monika Wolf, Ronald Geißler, Thomas Kerrat, Olaf Piesker, Reno Tessin, Rolf Hoppe, Klaus-Peter Thiele, Stefan Lisewski, Gudrun Wendler, Angela Brunner.
    DDR, DEFA, 1974.
    Language: German, Russian.
    Download Susanne und der Zauberring / Zsuzsi és a varázsgyűrű. 1974.
    Susanne und der Zauberring / Zsuzsi és a varázsgyűrű. 1974.
    Susanne und der Zauberring / Zsuzsi és a varázsgyűrű. 1974.
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  • Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. HD.
     IT. A Roma Valentina, una dodicenne soprannominata Pippi, figlia di Cinthya e Marcello arricchiti ma senza ideali, in seguito ad un attacco di epilessia viene ricoverata nel reparto di neuropsichiatria infantile. Un giovane psichiatra, Arturo - appena uscito da una crisi coniugale che sta sforzandosi di esorcizzare - sebbene convinto che il caso sia piuttosto di natura neurologica che psichiatrica, accoglie la ragazzina nel suo reparto, preso da spontaneo interesse per lei. Pippi rivela subito un carattere scontroso e provocatorio, e risulta in difficile rapporto con i genitori, per cui Arturo si propone di tentare con lei una terapia analitica, studiandone attentamente le reazioni al fine di riportarla alla normalità.
    EN. The innovative Italian neuropsychiatrist Marco Lombardo Radice started at treatment movement which draws its name from the unlikely object of worship found in the Peanuts cartoon series, The Great Pumpkin, and it seems likely that this movie and its story represent some kind of homage to his memory. Arturo's wife walked out on him, and now he devotes all his time to his job. He is a professor of psychiatry at the university hospital in Rome, and specializes in children's problems. When Pippi is brought in for a consultation, it is alleged that she is an epileptic, but the good doctor thinks otherwise. He convinces her reluctant parents to leave her in his care, and through a series of brilliant manipulations, he manages to cure her. The world of mental illness and how it is handled in Italy are not seen through rose-colored glasses, here, and reviewers found tht what could have been a mere tear-jerker manages to be a convincing, gripping drama.
    Director: Francesca Archibugi.
    Cast: Sergio Castellitto, Anna Galiena, Alessia Fugardi, Silvio Vannucci, Alessandra Panelli, Victor Cavallo, Maria Consagra, Lidia Broccolino, Raffaele Vannoli, Giacomo Ciarrapico.
    Italy, France, Netherlands, 1993.
    Language: Italian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. FULL-HD:
    3 parts archive:

    1024x576 DVD-Rip
    Download Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. DVD-Rip.
    Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. HD.
    Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. HD.
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  • Nachhilfe für Vati. 1984. HD.
     DE. Das Küken Bettina (Jana Zoller) ist nicht nur kess, sondern hat auch Charme, mit dem es seinen Kopf durchzusetzen versteht. Mit seinem Bruder Sebastian versucht es, den eigenen Vater (Dieter Montag) zurückzuerobern. Das erfinderische Geschwisterpaar nutzt den Ferienaufenthalt beim Vater, um die "Männerwirtschaft" in Ordnung und die geschiedenen Eltern wieder zusammen zu bringen. Die vier romantischen Ferienwochen beginnen mit einem tüchtigen Schwindel und werden zu einer langen Nachhilfestunde für den Vater…
    Bezaubernder Kinderfilm von Regisseurin Karola Hattop ("Ich liebe Victor / Jeder träumt von einem Pferd", "Mensch, Pia!").
    EN. This made for TV children's film is a simple tale of two youngsters who want to reunite their estranged parents. Because of her work commitments, Mum has to leave the children with their absent father for an extended vacation and so he has to learn how to be a proper Dad to them. Meanwhile, the kids do their best to bring the family back together.
    Director: Karola Hattop.
    Cast: Sebastian Paasch, Jana Zoller, Falk Rockstroh, Katrin Saß, Martina Eitner-Acheampong, Odette Bereska, Dieter Montag, Bärbel Röhl, Ilse Nürnberg, Axel Werner, Mathias Kunze.
    DDR, DEFA, 1984.
    Language: German, Russian.
    1280x720 HD
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    Nachhilfe für Vati. 1984. HD.
    Nachhilfe für Vati. 1984. HD.
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  • Feriengewitter / Holiday Thunderstorm. 1989. HD.
     DE. Der 13jährige Dani (Etienne Cahrlé) fährt mit seinen Eltern in den Sommerurlaub. Dort macht er gleich die Bekanntschaft mit Lucie (Sandra Puhlmann) und deren Brüder. Da die drei auch noch über ein Baumhaus verfügen, scheint es für Dani ein spannender und schöner Urlaub zu werden. Doch in diese Idylle schlägt dann die Nachricht wie ein Blitz ein, dass sich seine Eltern (Bärbel Böhl/Joachim Lätsch) scheiden lassen wollen.
    Das ist für den Jungen eine ganz schlimme Mitteilung, und er ist froh, dass er mit Lucie darüber reden kann, weshalb er auch länger im Ferienort bleibt als seine Eltern. Dani ist normalerweise das Leben in der Großstadt gewöhnt, doch jetzt ist er froh, dass er sich in diesem ruhigen Dorf mit der Schreckensnachricht auseinandersetzen kann. Lucie gibt sich große Mühe, für Ablenkungen zu sorgen, spricht ihm Mut zu und versucht, ihm Lösungen für sein Problem zu offerieren. Aber Dani kann sich zum Beispiel nicht entscheiden, bei welchem Elternteil er nach der Scheidung leben soll, was Lucie zu dem Vorschlag verleitet, dass Dani doch bei ihr auf dem Lande bleiben soll. Er ist für sie inzwischen ein guter Freund geworden, so dass sie über eine Trennung zum Ende der Ferien sehr traurig wäre.
    EN. An East Berlin couple who wants to get a divorce at the beginning of the big holiday, does not manage to say this to the 13-year-old son, Dani. Together they drive into the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, only there does the boy learn the truth. He has to decide who he wants to live with in the future. Meanwhile, he meets the village girl Lucie, a naughty, challenging but smart little brat to talk and the old forester, who bring him to other thoughts. The two children do all sorts of things together. If they do not break into the forester's lodge at night to visit the old ranger's mummy, they go swimming or climbing on the trees. Dani is sad and very angry with his parents. Luzie tries her best to distract him, to build him or offer him solutions. Dani believes he will not choose either one of them to live with. When he suffers an accident, this welds the parents together again.
    Director: Karola Hattop.
    Cast: Etienne Charle, Christian Nathe, Joachim Latsch, Sandra Puhlmann, Barbel Rohl, Joachim Latsch, Christoph Engel, Eva Schafer, Michael Deponte, Lars Paul Nathe, Christian Näthe, Albrecht, Gabriele Schäfer, Uwe Geyer, Jürgen Mai.
    DDR, DEFA, 1988.
    Language: German, Russian.
    1280x720 HD
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    Feriengewitter / Holiday Thunderstorm. 1989. HD.
    Feriengewitter / Holiday Thunderstorm. 1989. HD.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 91.
    We present to your attention the following, number ninety-one, Issue of Anthology of Short Films. This time in the collection there are only 4 mini-films, but all are fresh and in high resolution.
    1. Minjonja njanjonja / Boo-boo Boo hoo hoo. 2015. HD.
    HR. Kao i gotovo svakom 13-godišnjaku, Antunu mlađi brat ide na živce. Minjonja njanjonja snimljen je prema pobjedničkom uratku prošlogodišnje Palunkove radionice kratkometražnog igranog filma.
    EN. Just like any other 13-year-old, Antun is irritated by his younger brother.
    Director: Josip Lukić.
    Cast: Marko Nazlić, Andrija Nazlić, Nola Milaković, Melinda Bečić.
    Croatia, 2015.
    Language: Croatian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 HD
    2. Magie noire / Midnight Sun. 2019. HD.
    Solwei, 10, and her brother Louis, 18, have a car accident and find themselves in the middle of the night in an unknown small town. There they meet Alma, a mystical woman whose contact has been given to them. A strange night begins then...
    Director: Zoé Cauwet.
    Cast: Cyrille Mairesse, Racha Baroud, Félix Lefebvre.
    France, 2019.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: English, German.
    1280x720 HD
    3. 댄스영화 / Dance Film. 2019. HD.
    Yuwol is a boy who never stops to dance even for a moment. One day, dance virus begins to spread in his private elementary school and he is accused as the culprit. Yuwol is now being chased by his uptight home room teacher and other members of the faculty.​
    Director: Beff.
    Korea, KNUA, 2019.
    Language: Korean.
    1280x720 HD
     4. August. 2014. HD.
    August is a carefree boy who likes to discover the world and to play outside with his best friend Lize. One day, he encounters the seamy side of life and suddenly Lize doesn't want to see him anymore.
    Director: Jeroen Perceval.
    Cast: Mo Bakker, Aagje Claes, Mil Sinaeve, Tyïan Govaert, Ruth Becquart, Inge van Bruystegem.
    Belgium, 2014.
    Language: Dutch.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 HD
    Anthology of short films. Part 91.
    Anthology of short films. Part 91.
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  • Die oben ohne Story / The Topless Story. 1965.
     DE. Ein arbeitsmüder New Yorker Modeschöpfer wird auf seiner Weltreise nach Europa und Fernost heimlich von der Sekretärin und einer Modejournalistin verfolgt, die überall sofort den nächsten Nudistenstrand aufsuchen. Primitives Filmchen, das seine FKK-Propaganda mit Reisebildern von New York bis Tokio dekoriert.
    EN. A male fashion designer gets ticked off at a female magazine editor and flees New York. The editor and a friend follow him. Everywhere the designer goes, some woman or other strolls around with an exposed breast or two.
    Director: Wolfgang Selnig.
    Cast: Dolly Doreac, Bambi Miller, Birgit Nielsen, John Wala.
    Switzerland, 1965.
    Language: English.
    Download Die oben ohne Story / The Topless Story. 1965.
    Die oben ohne Story / The Topless Story. 1965.
    Die oben ohne Story / The Topless Story. 1965.
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  • Yo niña / El Otro Nombre. 2018. HD. 
    ES. Armonía es una niña pequeña que vive con sus padres. Ellos no encajan con la definición tradicional de familia y viven en una cabaña al sur de la Argentina sin luz, gas ni agua corriente. Son críticos con el sistema capitalista, la «mierda de la ciudad» y con los preceptos socialmente establecidos. Así, la niña intenta vivir su infancia tranquila y feliz pero a la vez duda, sufre y siente un sinfín de abandonos y necesidades. Su grito de auxilio parecería dirigirse hacia el más allá o, incluso, al espacio exterior.
    EN. A couple moves to Patagonia escaping from the impositions of modern capitalist society. At first, the place, the people, the life seems to be what they are looking for. A new world away from everything. But soon they will discover that not everything is so magical or so simple, nor are they prepared to deal with that life. They will think about giving up. They will return to the city, but they do not fit there either: the place they left behind has already changed them. They will make a new attempt, a revealed truth, it will make everything stumble stronger than ever. But as they go through this, they will grow stronger to continue trying a new life.
    Director: Natural Arpajou.
    Cast: Esteban Lamothe, Andrea Carballo, Huenu Paz Paredes.
    Argentina, 2017.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 HD
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    Yo niña / El Otro Nombre. 2018. HD.
    Yo niña / El Otro Nombre. 2018. HD.
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  • Tirlittan / Tweet, Tweet. 1958. HD.
     FL. Maunu Kurkvaaran käsikirjoittama ja ohjaama lastenelokuva perustuu Oiva Paloheimon samannimiseen satukirjaan. Nuori Tirlittan (Tarja Airaksinen) joutuu eroon perheestään salaman iskettyä hänen kotitaloonsa. Uutta kotia etsiessään hän tutustuu ystävälliseen poliisiin (Heikki Savolainen), luuvaloa sairastavaan rouvaan (Sylva Rossi) ja sirkustirehtööriin (Sakari Jurkka). Tirlittan päätyy vetonaulaksi sirkukseen, josta vanhemmat (Pehr-Olof Sirén ja Tuija Halonen) löytävät hänet.
    EN. Tweet, Tweet (Finnish: Tirlittan) is a 1958 Finnish children's film directed and written by Maunu Kurkvaara and starring Tarja Airaksinen. It is based on the 1953 children's book Tirlittan by Oiva Paloheimo.
    The film didn't prove to be a success. It was left in a weak position, as it was not perceived as a children's film, nor as an adult film. The technical quality of the film was also poor and the remarks of the film had to be recorded afterwards. In addition to all this, Paloheimo, who wrote the book, did not appreciate Kurkvaara's film adaptation either.
    Young Tirlittan (Tarja Airaksinen) gets rid of her family after being struck by lightning in her home. While looking for a new home, she meets a friendly policeman (Heikki Savolainen), a woman with gout (Sylva Rossi), and a ringmaster (Sakari Jurkka), with whom Tirlittan ends up performing in a circus.
    Director: Maunu Kurkvaara.
    Cast: Tarja Airaksinen, Aarre Elo, Tuija Halonen, Maria Heikkonen, Sinikka Hannula, Mirjam Himberg, Leena Häkinen, Sakari Jurkka, Teuvo Juuti, Kaarina Koskinen, Tommi Rinne.
    Finland, 1958.
    Language: Finnish.
    1920x1080 HD
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    Tirlittan / Tweet, Tweet. 1958. HD.
    Tirlittan / Tweet, Tweet. 1958. HD.
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  • Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
     Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
    Here are 3,100 photos in three color options: Color, Black & White, Sepia and three resolution options: Large, Medium, Small. Also scans of photo magazines and photo albums of 1971-1999.
    Format: jpg
    Amount: 4500 photos
    Download Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
    Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
    Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
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  • Weiser. 2001.
     PL. Posiadający nadprzyrodzone zdolności żydowski chłopiec, Dawid Weiser, staje się przywódcą grupy rówieśników. Pewnego dnia konstruuje bombę, która niespodziewanie wybucha. Chłopiec przepada bez wieści. Jego przyjaciele wciąż żyją wydarzeniami z dzieciństwa. Po trzydziestu latach Paweł Heller postanawia rozwikłać zagadkę zniknięcia Dawida. Stopniowo traci zainteresowanie pracą i rodziną. Zaczyna obsesyjnie wierzyć, że odszyfrowanie tajemnicy Weisera pomoże mu nadać sens własnemu życiu i wewnętrznie pogodzić się z sobą.
    EN. A man struggles to come to terms with a mystery that has haunted him throughout his adult life in this drama from Poland. In 1967, a 13-year-old boy named Dawid discovered a cache of explosives and began experimenting with them; one day, several of his friends saw Dawid wave to them shortly before a massive explosion went off near a railway tunnel, and no one ever saw the young man again. Thirty years later, one of Dawid's close friends, Pawel, returns to Poland for the first time in 11 years to visit Juliane, a woman he used to love. As Pawel returns home, he discovers his thoughts keeps drifting back to Dawid and what might have happened to him that day. Pawel keeps replaying the explosive incident in his mind, and goes so far as to track down Elka, Dawid's girlfriend, who was with him moments before the explosion, though then as now she refuses to talk about what happened. Pawel is unable to determine for sure just what happened or how Dawid died -- or if he did in fact die at all. Weiser was nominated for the Golden Bear award at the 2001 Berlin Film Festival.
    Director: Wojciech Marczewski.
    Cast: Marek Kondrat, Krystyna Janda, Juliane Köhler, Teresa Marczewska, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Krzysztof Globisz, Michael Mendl, Mariusz Benoit, Marian Opania, Janusz Gajos, Jaroslaw Gajewski, Teresa Budzisz-Krzyzanowska, Piotr Fronczewski, Ewa Wencel, Magdalena Cielecka.
    Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, France, 2001.
    Language: Polish, Russian.
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    Weiser. 2001.
    Weiser. 2001.
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  • Child Bride / Child Bride of the Ozarks. 1938.
     Child Bride, also known as Child Brides, Child Bride of the Ozarks, and Dust to Dust (USA reissue titles), is a 1938 American film directed by Harry Revier and produced by Raymond L. Friedgen. The film was promoted as educational and as an attempt to draw attention to the lack of laws banning child marriage in many states.
    The film is set in a remote town in the Ozarks. It was very controversial at the time—both for its theme and because of a topless and nude swimming scene by then-12-year-old Shirley Mills. The film bypassed the ban of onscreen nudity under the Hays Code by being produced and distributed independently of the studio system, and by claiming to be educational. Although the film was banned in many areas, the movie's controversial nature gave it a certain infamy and it played on the so-called exploitation circuit for many years.
    Jennie is a twelve-year-old girl living with her parents in extremely rural mountain country. Her schoolteacher, Miss Carol, though a mountain girl herself, has gone off to be educated and returned in hopes of stopping the tradition of child marriage which permeates the culture. Jennie's father Ira is a good man who tries to protect Miss Carol from the men who threaten her if she doesn't call off her crusade. One of these men, Jake Bolby, has his eye on little Jennie and plots to make her his bride.
    Director: Harry Revier.
    Cast: Shirley Mills, Bob Bollinger, Warner Richmond, Diana Durrell, Dorothy Carrol, George Humphreys, Frank Martin, George Morrell, Angelo Rossitto, Al Bannon .
    USA, 1938.
    Language: English.
    Download Child Bride / Child Bride of the Ozarks. 1938.
    Child Bride / Child Bride of the Ozarks. 1938.
    Child Bride / Child Bride of the Ozarks. 1938.
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  • ปัญญา เรณู / Panya Raenu. 2011.
    TH. ปัญญา เรณู เป็นภาพยนตร์ไทย เริ่มออกฉายวันที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554 กำกับภาพยนตร์ เขียนบท และบริหารงานสร้างโดย บิณฑ์ บรรลือฤทธิ์ เป็นภาพยนตร์สะท้อนกลิ่นอายวัฒนธรรม วีถีชีวิตความเป็นอีสาน และเป็นภาพยนตร์ที่ใช้ภาษาอีสานเป็นหลักด้วย ภาพยนตร์ทำรายได้ 12.82 ล้านบาท
    EN. Set in a village in Northeastern Thailand, "Panya Raenu" is a story of friendship and dream that centers on a young boy named Panya who has a talent to sing, but who is too poor to afford a local music contest. However, with his endeavor and the support from friends, Panya becomes determined to win while at the same time fending off the advances of a chubby girl named Raenu. One day, a bus carrying students from the capital breaks down near their village and the rich city kids have to spend the night with the rural poor ones.
    Director: Bin Bunluerit.
    Cast: Chothiwat Phonratsamee, Suthida Hongsa, Salinee Duangta, Yeong Lookyee, Worawut Manorat, Supachai Polrassami, Petchtai Wongkamlao.
    Thailand, 2010.
    Language: Thai, Lao.
    ปัญญา เรณู / Panya Raenu. 2011.
    ปัญญา เรณู / Panya Raenu. 2011.
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  • Odveta / Revenge. 1979.
    CZ. První, zpola ještě dětské lásky mohu být vážnější, než by se na první pohled zdálo. Ústřední hrdince je teprve čtrnáct, ale již závistivě pokuje po dívkách jen nepatrně starších, které se již mají s kým objímat. I ona se posléze citově upne na kluka, aniž tuší, že její vyvolený prochází složitým obdobím - vyrovnává s pocitem viny za zranění svého kamaráda. Rádoby poetický, něžný film je však vyprávěn těžkopádně a bez věrohodného zaujetí, výchovné aspekty z něj příliš často zbytečně trčí.
    EN. A teenager gets into a difficult situation due to several causes and tries to hide. His relations to others will decide his further life course.
    Director: Ivan Húšťava.
    Cast: Július Vašek, Zdena Grúberová, Jozef Adamovič, Emil Horváth ml., Božidara Turzonovová, Pavol Mikulík, Zuzana Frenglová, Oľga Zöllnerová, Andrej Šeban.
    Czechoslovakia, 1979.
    Language: Slovak.
    Odveta / Revenge. 1979.
    Odveta / Revenge. 1979.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 90.
     One more issue of Anthology of Short Films number ninety is ready for viewing. Today in this issue are 11 mini-films from around the world both feature and documentary over the past 50 years.
    1. Lolo. HD.
    Germany, 2019.
    2. Madison - Midt imellem. HD.
    Denmark, 2019.
    3. These Things Take Time.
    USA, 2018.
    4. Minä, siili ja trumpetti / The Hedgehog, the Trumpet and Me.
    Finland, 1983.
    5. Have You Seen Charlie.
    USA, 2015.
    6. Iver.
    Norway, 2004.
    7. Opatrnê! / Julia. HD.
    Czech Republic, Sweden, 2004.
    8. The Sea Children.
    UK, 1973.
    9. Rebyonok.
    USSR, 1967.
    10. Klein / Small.
    Netherlands, 2011.
    11. Einschlafgeschichten - Brücken / Bedtime Stories - Bridges. HD.
    Germany, 1977.
    Download Anthology of short films. Part 90.
    Anthology of short films. Part 90.
    Anthology of short films. Part 90.
    Anthology of short films. Part 90.
    Anthology of short films. Part 90.
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  •  Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne ist ein deutscher Kriminalfilm von Rainer Bär aus dem Jahr 1979. Der Fernsehfilm war ursprünglich als Teil der Reihe Polizeiruf 110 geplant, wurde jedoch schließlich als Einzelfilm gesendet.
    Die zehnjährige Brigitte macht mit ihrem Vater Peter Urlaub an der Ostsee. Ihr kleiner Bruder ist bei der Oma und die Mutter muss arbeiten. Die Urlaubstage verlaufen harmonisch, da sich Tochter und Vater sehr gut verstehen. Er nennt sie scherzhaft „Prinzessin“, sie gehen oft schwimmen und Brigitte führt Tagebuch über den gemeinsamen Urlaub. Hin und wieder stellen beide fest, dass ihnen die anderen beiden Familienmitglieder fehlen, doch trübt es den Urlaub kaum. Eines Tages ist ihr Strandkorb von einer fremden Frau besetzt...
    Director: Rainer Bär.
    Cast: Werner Tietze, Horst Drinda, Annegret Siegmund, Michèle Marian, Steffie Spira, Ernst Boese, Dirk Johansen, Roy Meirich, Inge Hesse-Peters, Heinz Schulz, Margarete Schlecht.
    DDR, 1979.
    Language: German.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne. 1979.
    Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne. 1979. HD.
    Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne. 1979. HD.
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  • Agua fria de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010.
     A child with an over-active imagination startles both strangers and herself in this drama from Costa Rican filmmaker Paz Fabrega. Karina is a seven-year-old girl who goes with her father and mother and three siblings on a camping trip near the seaside. After Karina is woken up in the night by a band of noisy horseback riders, she decides to take a walk and falls asleep far from the campsite. Karina is found by another pair of campers, Mariana and Rodrigo, and when they ask her where her parents are, she tells them a startling lie - that her family has been murdered and she ran away from her seхually abusive uncle. Mariana and Rodrigo plan to take the child back to the city with them in the morning for her safety, but before they awake Karina has left and made her way back to her parents' tent. All would seem to be normal again, but when Karina awakes from a nap later the same day, she finds herself in a blind panic she can't shake for reasons she can't fathom.
    Director: Paz Fábrega.
    Cast: Monserrat Fernández, Lil Quesada Morúa, Luis Carlos Bogantes, Adriana Alvarez.
    Costa Rica, France, Spain, Netherlands, Mexico, 2010.
    Language: Spanish, English, Russian.
    Download Agua fria de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010.
    Agua fria de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010.
    Agua fria de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010.
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  • Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.
     Saint Monica is a 2002 Canadian film written and directed by Terrance Odette. It was nominated for Best Lead Performance by a Female actress (Genevieve Buechner) in a Feature Length Drama at the 2002 Leo Awards and won Best Achievement in Music for an Original Song ("Com Estas Asas" by Carlos Lopes) at the 2003 Genie Awards.
    Portuguese-Canadians Icelia and her ten year old daughter Monica have just moved from the Portuguese neighborhood in Toronto's inner city to a small basement suite in the outer suburbs following Icelia's acrimonious break-up with Monica's father, Vincent. While Icelia tries to make ends meet by doing housekeeping work, her brother Albert, who also lives with them sleeping on their living room sofa, is Monica's reluctant guardian and chauffeur. "Reluctant" as he would rather sleep or watch videos than take care of his niece. Icelia is unaware that Albert still associates with Vincent in order to receive what he believes are small favors from Vincent. Meanwhile, Monica, often left to her own devices, is a solitary girl whose primary fascination and focus is Catholicism, most specifically its rituals and symbols...
    Director: Terrance Odette.
    Cast: Genevieve Buechner, Clare Coulter, Maurizio Terrazzano, Krista Bridges, Brigitte Bako, Conrad Coates, Oscar Goncalves, Matt Gordon, Sadie LeBlanc     Sadie LeBlanc.
    Canada, 2002.
    Language: English, Portuguese.
    Download Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.
    Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.
    Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.
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  • Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.
     IT. Un dentista separato con due figli piccoli decide un'estate di farsi una crociera sulla "barca" (acquistata a rate) assieme ai figlioli. Ma è talmente imbranato che la moglie decide di imbarcarsi anche lei per evitare che i figli affoghino. La crociera si rivela comunque disastrosa: la famiglia è presa in ostaggio da due evasi, il cabinato affonda. Ma intanto è rinato l'amore fra i due coniugi, con gran sollievo dei ragazzi.
    EN. I'm Getting a Yacht (Italian: Mi faccio la barca) is a 1980 Italian comedy film directed by Sergio Corbucci.
    As an ex-husband, his wife and their two children take a vacation on the ex's new yacht, the scene is set for disaster when it becomes clear that the ex-husband knows absolutely nothing about yachting. The crew quickly find out that the Mediterranean has its own challenges, and the wife discovers her particular nemesis in a thoroughly unlikeable playboy who has his sights set a little too firmly on her alone. The interaction between the triad of wife, ex-husband, and playboy reaches a final resolution as the yacht moves closer to its own special fate.
    Director: Sergio Corbucci.
    Cast: Laura Antonelli, Johnny Dorelli, Cariddi McKinnon Nardulli, Marco Massoni, Christian De Sica, Itaco Nardulli, Daniela Poggi, West Buchanan, Franco Giacobini, Daniele Formica, Sal Borgese.
    Italy, 1980.
    Language: Italian.
    Download DVD Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980:
    2 parts archive:
    Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.
    Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.
    And another version of this film: higher quality DVD-Rip.
    Language: Italian.
    Subtitles: English.
    Download Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD-Rip.
    And another version of this film: higher quality DVD-Rip.
    And another version of this film: higher quality DVD-Rip.
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  • Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981. HD.
    Tree of Knowledge (Danish: Kundskabens træ) is a 1981 Danish coming-of-age drama directed by Nils Malmros. The film details the lives of 17 teenage schoolmates in 1950s Denmark. Shooting on location at the high school which he had attended, Malmros took two years to film the action, so the cast members reflected the real life physical and emotional development of their characters.
    Despite critical praise, Tree of Knowledge received only two awards: the Danish Film Critics Bodil Award for Jan Weincke's cinematography and the Audience Award at the Lübeck Nordic Film Festival. Tree of Knowledge is one of the top 100 Danish films listed by the Danish Film Institute and is one of ten films listed in the cultural canon of Denmark by the Danish Ministry of Culture.
    End of the 50s in Aarhus, Denmark, the story of a group of children from the 7th to the 9th grade. What they experience are not the grand dramas of life, but the events they do experience affect them more powerfully than at any other time in their lives. The film centers around Elin, the prettiest and most mature girl in the class. She plays on these advantages more or less unconsciously. It makes the girls jealous and the boys unsure. Therefore she becomes the scapegoat for their unresolved sexual awareness.
    Director: Nils Malmros.
    Cast: Eva Gram Schjoldager, Jan Johansen, Line Arlien-Søborg, Marian Wendelbo, Gitte Iben Andersen, Lone Elliot, Astrid Holm Jensen, Brian Theibel, Bo von Der Lippe, Marin Lysholm Jepsen.
    Denmark, 1981.
    Language: Danish.
    Subtitles: Danish, English, Russian.
    1920x1080 HD
    Download Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981:
    2 parts archive:
    Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981. HD.
    Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981. HD.
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  • Hugo. 2016. HD.
     ES. HUGO, la historia de un niño invidente que pasara unas vacaciones en un camping donde acompañada de Maria su mejor amiga, vivirán una experiencia llena de amor, amistad, celos, acosos y envidia. No te lo puedes perder.
    Tras dos meses de verano rodando y esperando que el famoso viento de levante nos dejase, al final ha merecido la pena. doy las gracias a todos los que han colaborado pero en especial a los actores. UNA AMISTAD SINCERA, PUEDE CAMBIARTE LA VIDA.
    EN. HUGO, the story of a blind child who will spend a vacation in a camping where accompanied by Maria his best friend, they will live an experience full of love, friendship, jealousy, harassment and envy.
    Director: Agustin Claros.
    Cast: Sasha Cócola, Samara Claros, Monica Ferrer, Pablo Pereyra, Irene Lopez, Jose Caba, Victoria Luco, Ana Rivas y Lucia, Andrea, Noelia, Alberto, Olga.
    Spain, 2016.
    Language: Spanish.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Hugo. 2016.
    Hugo. 2016. HD.
    Hugo. 2016. HD.
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  • Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.
     IT. Un dentista separato con due figli piccoli decide un'estate di farsi una crociera sulla "barca" (acquistata a rate) assieme ai figlioli. Ma è talmente imbranato che la moglie decide di imbarcarsi anche lei per evitare che i figli affoghino. La crociera si rivela comunque disastrosa: la famiglia è presa in ostaggio da due evasi, il cabinato affonda. Ma intanto è rinato l'amore fra i due coniugi, con gran sollievo dei ragazzi.
    EN. I'm Getting a Yacht (Italian: Mi faccio la barca) is a 1980 Italian comedy film directed by Sergio Corbucci.
    As an ex-husband, his wife and their two children take a vacation on the ex's new yacht, the scene is set for disaster when it becomes clear that the ex-husband knows absolutely nothing about yachting. The crew quickly find out that the Mediterranean has its own challenges, and the wife discovers her particular nemesis in a thoroughly unlikeable playboy who has his sights set a little too firmly on her alone. The interaction between the triad of wife, ex-husband, and playboy reaches a final resolution as the yacht moves closer to its own special fate.
    Director: Sergio Corbucci.
    Cast: Laura Antonelli, Johnny Dorelli, Cariddi McKinnon Nardulli, Marco Massoni, Christian De Sica, Itaco Nardulli, Daniela Poggi, West Buchanan, Franco Giacobini, Daniele Formica, Sal Borgese.
    Italy, 1980.
    Language: Italian.
    Download DVD Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980:
    2 parts archive:
    Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.
    Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.
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