• Der kalte Himmel. 2001.
     DE. Hallertau, 1967. Der sechsjährige Felix, Sohn des einfachen Hopfenbauers Paul, ist ein introvertierter Einzelgänger. Allein für sich lauscht er dem Radio und kennt alle Wetterberichte des vergangenen Jahres auswendig. Kaum jemand ahnt, dass der Sonderling auf seine Weise hochintelligent ist: Felix hat eine große Vorliebe für Zahlen, kann blitzschnell kopfrechnen, obwohl es ihm niemand beibrachte. Bei seiner Einschulung scheitert er jedoch an den einfachsten Aufgaben. Er kann nicht still sitzen und versteht nicht, was die Lehrerin von ihm will. In den Augen anderer Eltern ist er schlecht erzogen, der Rektor will ihn auf die Hilfsschule schicken, die abergläubische Großmutter organisiert mit dem Dorfpfarrer gar eine Teufelsaustreibung. Allein seine Mutter Marie stemmt sich gegen diese Wand der Ablehnung, denn sie ahnt, dass ihr Felix weder besessen noch schwachsinnig ist. Maries letzte Hoffnung ist der idealistische, junge Kinderpsychiater Niklas Cromer.
    EN. In 1967 Germany a farmer woman does whatever she can, against heavily stacked odds, to save her 6-year-old boy, because she recognizes that he is intelligent and not treated right by the people trying to control him. She travels first to Munich, then to Berlin to find advice from psychiatrists. Whenever she sees that the doctors don't do him any good, she pulls him out and moves on.
    Finally a young psychiatrist in Berlin comes to a helpful diagnosis, but at the time public health insurance does not pay for psychiatric treatment. This has to change.
    TV movie, two parts, 89 min each.
    Director: Johannes Fabrick.
    Cast: Christine Neubauer, Eric Hermann, Marc Hermann, Tim Bergmann, Marcus Mittermeier,  Natascha Paulick, Monika Baumgartner, Joelle Rose Kleber, Wolfgang Hubsch, Wolfgang S. Zechmayer, Johanna-Christine Gehlen.
    Germany, 2001.
    Language: German, Russian.
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    Der kalte Himmel. 2001.
    Der kalte Himmel. 2001.
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  •  Les amitiés particulières / This Special Friendship. 1964.
     EN. THIS SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP tells of the tender relationship between a twelve-year-old boy and the upperclassman who is the object of his desire. All set in the rigid atmosphere of a Jesuit run school.
    The movie is based on Roger Peyrefitte's book. Peyrefitte studied in religious schools during his childhood, lived older/younger male to male love with a fan of his book, and outed many homosexual celebrities of his time, including his friend Henry de Montherlant, whose book (later a movie) La Ville Dont le Prince Est un Enfant has some coincidences with Les Amities Particulières.
    FR. L'amitié particulière entre Georges, jeune aristocrate ambitieux, et Alexandre, bel étudiant en cinquième année, dans un Collège de Pères.
    Director: Jean Delannoy.
    Cast: Francis Lacombrade, Didier Haudepin, François Leccia, François Leccia, Dominique Maurin, Louis Seigner, Michel Bouquet, Lucien Nat.
    France, 1964.
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    Les amitiés particulières / This Special Friendship. 1964.
    Les amitiés particulières / This Special Friendship. 1964.
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  • Afrodita. 1993. HD.
     CZ. Jedenáctiletý Michal Ronec žije po smrti matky s otcem - řidičem náklaďáku, který je často na cestách. Ani ve škole to Michal nemá jednoduché, spolužáci jsou k němu nepřátelští. Michal se seznámí s chlapem jménem Vojta, který se svým koněm Afroditou rozváží po městě pečivo. Rozvine se přátelství mezi chlapcem a mužem a také mezi chlapcem a koněm. Spolužáci, kteří se snaží Michalovi ztrpčovat život, se však nevzdávají a chystají se k úderu.
    Jde o slovenský film pro děti a mládež, natáčení ovšem probíhalo v Mikulově na jižní Moravě
    Filmový príbeh nielen o priateľstve chlapca a koňa, ale aj o hodnotách charakteru i hľadaní porozumenia medzi deťmi, dospelými a všade okolo nás.
    EN. Being constantly bullied by his peers, 11-yr old Michal Ronec develops a friendship with a man and the man's horse Aphrodite.
    Director: Ľubo Kocka / Lubomir Kocka.
    Cast: Juraj Hrčka, Ondřej Pavelka, Jan Polášek Dominik Mysak, Marcela Fuksova, Bohdan Krnac, Vladislav Zaborsky, Maroš Rexa, Ružena Holečková, Sabina Králová.
    Slovakia, 1993.
    Language: Slovak.
    960x720 HD.
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    Afrodita. 1993. HD.
    Afrodita. 1993. HD.
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  • 27 Украденных поцелуев / L'été de mes 27 baisers / 27 Missing Kisses. 2000. DVD.
     EN. The summerly adventures of teen Sybilla, who falls in love with a middle-aged father, while being romanced by the his teen son.
    FR. C'était un été pas comme les autres, à la fois romantique et électrique, en Europe de l'Est. C'était l'été de l'éclipse.
    Sybille (Nino Kukhanidze), quatorze ans, débarque dans une petite ville pour passer ses vacances chez sa tante. Là, elle tombe follement amoureuse d'Alexander (Yevgeni Sidikhin), un astronome veuf et solitaire. Il a 41 ans et pense que Sybille est trop jeune pour connaître l'amour.
    Mickey (Shalva Iashvili), le fils d'Alexander, lui aussi âgé de quatorze ans, succombe au charme de Sybille, mais celle-ci ne le prend pas au sérieux. C'est comme si l'adolescente avait soudainement bouleversé la vie de cette petite communauté.
    L'instituteur est victime d'une crise cardiaque alors qu'il se trouve en compagnie de sa maîtresse et le gardien de nuit connaît une mésaventure avec un anneau métallique. L'arrivée d'un capitaine de navire français (Pierre Richard) et une projection secrète du film Emmanuelle mèneront tout ce petit monde au bord de la crise.
    DE. Sybilla ist anders als die meisten Mädchen in ihrem Alter. Sie ist wilder, ungezähmter - und hat trotz ihrer vierzehn Jahre schon eine enorme Wirkung auf Männer. An einem Sommermorgen steigt sie in einem kleinen Städtchen in den Bergen aus dem Bus, um die Ferien bei ihrer Tante Martha zu verbringen. Doch Sybilla hat etwas an sich, das die Sinne komplett verwirrt, und bringt mit ihrer ungestümen Art die Bewohner des Städtchens aus ihrem gewohnten Rhythmus. Es passieren seltsame Dinge: Die ganze Stadt scheint sich plötzlich neu zu verlieben und überall werden unterdrückte Wünsche und Sehnsüchte wach. Mickey erwischt er als ersten. Er verliebt sich Hals über Kopf in das Mädchen. Doch die hat nur Augen für Alexander, seinen attraktiven Vater. Aber Mickey lässt nicht locker. Sybilla hat ihm schließlich 100 Küsse versprochen, und davon stehen noch eine Menge aus.
    Director: Nana Djordjadze.
    Csat: Nutsa Kukhianidze, Evgeniy Sidikhin, Shalva Iashvili, Pierre Richard, Amaliya Mordvinova, Levan Uchaneishvili, Davit Gogibedashvili, Elguja Burduli, Baia Dvalishvili, Khatuna Ioseliani.
    Germany, Georgia, UK, France, 2000.
     Language: Georgian, Russian.
    Subtitles: English.
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    27 Украденных поцелуев / L'été de mes 27 baisers / 27 Missing Kisses. 2000. DVD.
     L'été de mes 27 baisers / 27 Missing Kisses. 2000. DVD.
    27 Украденных поцелуев / L'été de mes 27 baisers / 27 Missing Kisses. 2000. DVD.
    L'été de mes 27 baisers / 27 Missing Kisses. 2000. DVD.
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  • 囧男孩 / Jiong nan hai / Orz Boyz. 2008.
     CN. 兩位囧男孩在學校常作弄女生欺騙同學,而被老師分別稱為「騙子一號」與「騙子二號」。本片透過一號與二號的童真之眼,追求虛構的異次元空間同時,而在現實的充滿悲劇環境下成長,用詼諧的手法來陳述他們所面臨的生離死別。 電影大致上分為三個段落,一號暗戀對象林艾莉媽媽的過世與艾莉的離開,二號對大人的賴皮而預謀妹妹的綁架事件,最後一段是卡達天王與異次元抉擇,讓一二號之間關係破裂,最後一號偷竊而被警察帶走.
    EN. More than just naughty, they play tricks on classmates, tease girls at school, fight with other boys, and lie to everyone until their teacher breaks down. They are named Liar No. 1 and Liar No. 2. The most important act planned in their life is to go to the mysterious water park, where they can leap through the portal at the end of the water slide to the fairy-tale world OZ and live as grown-ups happily ever after. However, the commitment is torn by a careless betrayal.
    Director: Yang Ya-Che.
    Cast: Bamboo Chu-Sheng Chen, Chi-wen Hsu, Kuan-yi Lee, Na-Dou Lin, Chih-Hsiang Ma, Fang Mei, Chin-Yu Pan, Na-Do, Chen Chia-Hsiang.
    Taiwan, 1 Production Film, 2008.
    Language: Chinese (Mandarin).
    Download 囧男孩 / Jiong nan hai / Orz Boyz.
    囧男孩 / Jiong nan hai / Orz Boyz. 2008.
     囧男孩 / Jiong nan hai / Orz Boyz. 2008.

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  •  Jack bestelt een broertje. 2015.
     Jack (8) heeft twee moeders, is enig kind en kan totaal niet alleen zijn. Jack’s grootste wens is dan ook een broertje. Maar dit broertje komt er maar niet. Hoe vaak hij zijn moeders er ook om smeekt. Uit protest heeft Jack twee konijnenoren opgezet, die hij pas afzet als zijn moeders hem geven wat hij wil. Als Jack ontdekt dat zijn moeders hem via internet besteld hebben gaat er een wereld voor hem open. Hij kan dus gewoon zelf een broertje bestellen! Dit besef resulteert in een reis vol wonderlijke ontmoetingen met de meest vreemde figuren, waarbij Jack ontdekt dat hij zelf eigenlijk best leuk gezelschap is.
    Director: Anne de Clercq.
    Cast: Matsen Montsma, Yenthe Bos, Jelka van Houten, Georgina Verbaan, Rick Paul van Mulligen, Bram Verhoofstad, Mehdi Fakirni, Daim Niehorster, Tygo Gernandt, Patrick Stoof, Gijs Naber, Dick van den Toorn, Eva van der Gucht.
    Netherlands, 2015.
    Language: Dutch.
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    Jack bestelt een broertje. 2015.
    Jack bestelt een broertje. 2015.

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  • Толстый Финн / Fatty Finn. 1980.
     Fatty Finn is a 1980 Australian film, directed by Maurice Murphy and starring Ben Oxenbould with Rebecca Rigg. It is based on the 1930s cartoon-strip character, Fatty Finn, created by Syd Nicholls and is loosely based on the 1927 silent film, The Kid Stakes.
    Set in inner-city Woolloomooloo in Sydney, New South Wales in 1930, the neighbourhood nice guys are led by Fatty (real name Hubert Finn), an ambitious 10-year-old with an eye for making a quid. From shady frog jumping contests to a fixed goat race, Fatty uses his enterprise to raise enough money to buy a crystal set (radio without a separate power supply) that's worth seventeen shillings & sixpence (17/6), more than his Dad earns in a year. Bruiser Murphy the bully and his gang try to stop him. Fatty uses his brains against his enemies' brawn to eventually triumph.
    Director: Maurice Murphy.
    Cast: Ben Oxenbould, Rebecca Rigg, Jeremy Larsson, Martin Lewis, Hugo Grieve, Sandy Leask, Greg Kelly, Melita Simec, Christian Robinson, Murray Shultz, Miguel Lopez.
    Australia, 1980.
    Language: English, Russian.
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    Толстый Финн / Fatty Finn. 1980.
    Fatty Finn. 1980.
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  • Neberte nám princeznú. 1981.
     SK. Hrdinka príbehu Katka sa naozaj nemôže na nič sťažovať. Má dostatok všetkého, môže žiť bezstarostne, rodičia jej kúpia, na čo si len spomenie. A predsa... Katkini rodičia si vo víre povinností a záľub nenájdu čas na to najdôležitejšie - na vlastné dieťa. A Katku to, samozrejme, veľmi trápi.
    EN. Modern version of Snowhite fairytale. Girl Katka is frustrated and restless. She escapes from home and find herself in the orphanage. Seven orphan boys hide her and call her "Princess". But Katka is soon uncovered and her frantic mother is on the way...
    Director: Martin Hoffmeister.
    Cast: Marika Gombitová, Miroslav Žbirka, Marie Rottrová, Luděk Sobota, Petr Nárožný, Ľudovít Tóth, Mária Hájková, Jozef Vrábel, Viera Hladká, Matúš Cinzer, Roman Haša, Ján Kovačič, Hana Talpová, Karel Dvořák.
    Czechoslovakia, 1981.
    Language: Slovak.
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    Neberte nám princeznú. 1981.
    Neberte nám princeznú. 1981.
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  • Суббота и воскресенье / Subbota i voskresenie / Saturday and Sunday. 1982.
    «Saturday and Sunday» is a Soviet short-length television feature film, the only director's work of cameraman Konstantin Apryatin.
    Using no dialogue and with a lyrical score, this sweet film shows a weekend in the life of a young family with a small boy and his determined quest for a pet.
    Director: Konstantin Apryatin.
    Cast: Andrei Kuznetsov, Irina Alfyorova, Aleksandr Abdulov, Roman Filippov, Valentin Gaft, Vladimir Basov, Tamara Derbeneva.
    USSR, Ekran, 1982.
    Language: Russian.
    Download Subbota i voskresenie / Saturday and Sunday.
    Суббота и воскресенье / Subbota i voskresenie / Saturday and Sunday. 1982.
     Subbota i voskresenie / Saturday and Sunday. 1982.
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  • Unsere Penny. 1975. Episodes 4, 5, 12, 13.
     13-teilige Serie von Bestseller-Autorin Ann Ladiges.
    Für das ehrgeizige Ehepaar Klaus und Elke Martin wird das Familienleben gehörig durcheinandergebracht, als Elke neben dem Haushalt und der Erziehung der beiden Kinder Christian und Tinke auch noch eine zweite Berufsausbildung beginnen möchte. Schnell wird klar, dass sie ohne fremde Hilfe aufgeschmissen sind, da selbst Opa Jansens allzu gutgemeinte Unterstützung mehr Chaos verursacht als beseitigt. Die Martins beschließen daher, ein Au-Pair-Mädchen aufzunehmen. Mit der jungen Engländerin Penny bekommt die Familie zwar sehr angenehme Unterstützung, doch andererseits sorgt sie auch immer wieder für Aufregung und setzt jede Menge turbulente Ereignisse in Gang ...
    Episode List:
    4. Die Fünf im Diktat.
    5. Nicole aus Frankreich.
    12. Der große Knall.
    13. Der Abschied.
    Director: Rudolf Jugert.
    Cast: Uwe Ochsenknecht, Thomas Alberti, Stephanie Daniel, Kurt Dommisch, Eva Hagenbäumer, Peter Hagenbäumer, Gerda-Maria Jürgens, Rüdiger Lichti, Henny Reinheimer.
    West Germany, 1975.
    Language: German.
    Download Unsere Penny. 1975. Episodes 4, 5, 12, 13.
    Unsere Penny. 1975. Episodes 4, 5, 12, 13.
    Unsere Penny. 1975. Episodes 4, 5, 12, 13.
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  • Я вам покажу! / Euch werd ich's zeigen. 1973.
     Der 13jährige Bernd Gaedke zieht mit seinen Eltern von Rostock in das kleine Städtchen Fichtenhainigen. In seiner neuen Klasse läuft nicht alles nach seinen Vorstellungen, es kommt zu Auseinandersetzungen, bei denen sich die Gruppenratsvorsitzende Doris auf seine Seite stellt. Die Rivalitäten fordern zu Mutproben heraus, und der "Neue" blamiert sich - beim Sprung vom 10-Meter-Turm. Judotrainer Kien nimmt ihn in seine Gruppe auf, und Bernd hofft, es den anderen bald "zeigen zu können". Seine Eltern jedoch verbieten ihm das Training, zu oft hat er schon etwas begonnen und nicht zu Ende geführt. Er geht heimlich, verstrickt sich in Lügen. Das Vertrauen des Trainers und der Kameraden bringt ihn in Gewissenskonflikte, und so beschließt er, Mut zu zeigen und seine Fehler einzugestehen.
    Director: Rolf Losansky.
    Cast: Friedhelm Barck, Frank Wuttig, Carmen Pioch, Holger Teupel, Manfred Karge, Wolfgang Winkler, Brigitte Beier, Ernst Meincke, Bruno Carstens.
    DDR, DEFA, 1973.
    Language: German.
    Я вам покажу! / Euch werd ich's zeigen. 1973.
    Euch werd ich's zeigen. 1973.

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  • Мое любимое апельсиновое дерево / Meu Pé de Laranja-Lima. 1970.Мое любимое апельсиновое дерево / Meu Pé de Laranja-Lima. 1970.
    A book as unforgettable as this is difficult to find; what makes it all the more remarkable is that every word of it is true. Utterly moving and universally appealing, this book is worth its weight in diamonds. Zeze, a precocious five-year-old born to a very poor family in the slums of Brazil, taught himself to read at that tender age and wants to grow up to be `a poet with a bow tie'. His intelligence is only matched by his penchant for mischief, and Zeze's ingenious pranks, which includes making `snakes' out of stockings to frighten adults with, will make you chuckle out loud. Beneath his naughtiness, however, is a child with a heart of gold. Zeze cares for plants and animals and the suffering of other people. He helps out his family by shining shoes, is saddened by the death of the family hen that was slaughtered for soup, shares the stuffed cruller that his pitying teacher bought him with a destitute little black girl who no one else plays with, steals flowers from rich folks' gardens for his teacher and sings in the street to help a songbook salesman sell his wares. Poverty has taught young Zeze a lot, and when he cries upon seeing that he has received nothing for Christmas and has thus hurt his father's feelings, he shines shoes for a few pennies to buy his father a box of cigarettes with. The title of the book comes from a small, sweet-orange tree growing in the garden of Zeze's home. Feeling left out by his numerous brothers and sisters, the imaginative Zeze adopts the tree as a playmate. The plot grows when Zeze befriends the town millionaire, Portuga, and soon the two are inseparable. A tragedy occurs, and we follow the sorrowful and moving way Zeze deals with it. For the record, no book has ever made me cry so much. That this book is no longer in print is also a great tragedy. I strongly recommend searching secondhand bookshops and flea markets to see if anyone is foolish enough to give this gem away. His/her loss is your gain.
    Director: Aurélio Teixeira.
    Cast: Júlio César Cruz, Aurélio Teixeira, Henrique José Leal, Leilane Chediak, Júlio Hofacker, Janet Chermont, Iva West, Elisa Fernandes, Catulo De Paula, Jorge Luiz Trannin, Vitório Veríssimo.
    Brazil, 1970.
    Language: Portuguese.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Мое любимое апельсиновое дерево / Meu Pé de Laranja-Lima. 1970.
    Meu Pé de Laranja-Lima. 1970.

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  • Kde padají hvězdy / Where Stars Fall. 1996.
     O Sandře, Lojzovi, Kristýně a ostatních, kteří se sešli v dětské ozdravovně.
    Do ozdravovny pro děti s respiračními chorobami přijíždí nový turnus. Vstupní prohlídky v ordinaci MUDr. Kryštofa naznačují, které děti budou mít v příběhu dominantní role. Je to především Sandra, sebejistá a úspěšná gymnastka, která se cílevědomě připravuje na závratnou sportovní kariéru, momentálně má ale nohu v sádře. Dalším hrdinou je Lojza, sympatický kluk, který se chce stát žokejem. Vrací se do ozdravovny už potřetí. Má tu věrnou kamarádku Kristýnu, neteř správce ozdravovny, která žije se svým tátou a maminku má ve Švýcarsku.
    Episode List:
    1. Už to začíná.
    2. Cizinci.
    3. V pasti.
    4. Špatné zprávy.
    5. Střelec.
    6. Modlitba závodníka.
    7. Co mě nezabije, to mě posílí.
    Director: Jan Hřebejk.
    Cast: Magdalena Reifová, Miroslav Vladyka, Vladimír Škultéty, Svatopluk Beneš, Alena Vránová, Eva Holubová, Bohumil Klepl, Rostislav Čtvrtlík, Jitka Asterová, Sylvie Koblížková, Marek Morvai-Javorský, Miroslava Pleštilová, Taťána Schottnerová, Jaroslava Hanušová, Anežka Pohorská, Martin Jurčík, Ludmila Forétková, Jiří Kaňák, Vendula Ježková.
    Czech Republic, 1996.
    Language: Czech.
    Download Kde padají hvězdy / Where Stars Fall.
    Kde padají hvězdy / Where Stars Fall. 1996.
    Kde padají hvězdy / Where Stars Fall. 1996.
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  • Veckopeng eller kyss / Truth or Dare. 2005.
     SE. Veckopeng eller kyss? är en svensk kortfilm från 2005. Den regisserades av Malou Schultzberg, som även skrivit filmens manus och producerat den.
    En tjej slår vad med killarna. Vinnaren får välja – veckopeng eller kyss? Men bara han som klarar av den svåra utmaningen – att gå genom damernas nakenbad. Vågar de det?
    EN. It is summer in Sweden and two boys are given a dare by a girl they know: If they go into the women's area at the pool for naked bathers they will win a prize, if not the girl win one. And the prizes are either pocket money or a kiss.
    Director: Malou Schultzberg.
    Cast: Ester Sjögren, Buster Söderström, Filip Österlund, Jonas Kruse, Kajsa Svensson, Michaela Darliden, Kristina Thilén, Annelie Ekendahl Gierlöff, Ulla-Britt Norrman-Olsson.
    Sweden, 2005.
    Language: Swedish.
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    Veckopeng eller kyss / Truth or Dare. 2005.
    Veckopeng eller kyss / Truth or Dare. 2005.
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  • Крысолов / Ratcatcher. 1999.
     Glasgow, summer, 1973. Dustmen are striking; bags of garbage add to the blight of council flats and a fetid canal. Ryan, who's about 12, drowns during a play fight with his neighbor, the jug-eared James. James runs home, a flat where he lives with his often-drunk da, his ma, and sisters, who live in hope of moving to newly-built council flats. The slice-of-life, coming-of-age story follows James as he tags along with the older lads; has a friendship with his quirky wee rodent-loving neighbor, Kenny; spends time with Margaret Anne, myopic, slightly older, the local sexual punching bag; and, has a moment or two of joy. The strike may end, but is there any way out for James?
    Director: Lynne Ramsay.
    Cast: Tommy Flanagan, Mandy Matthews, William Eadie, Michelle Stewart, Lynne Ramsay Jr., Leanne Mullen, John Miller, Jackie Quinn, James Ramsay, Anne McLean, Craig Bonar, Andrew McKenna, James Montgomery, Thomas McTaggart.
    UK, France, 1999.
    Language: English, Russian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
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    Крысолов / Ratcatcher. 1999.
    Ratcatcher. 1999.
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  • Не говори папе / 돈텔파파 / Don't Tell Papa. 2004.
    Don't Tell Papa tells the story of a third-rate DJ who finds his relationship with his young son rapidly deteriorating.
    After a one night stand high school boy Chul Soo (Jung Woong-In) and Ae Lang (Chae Min-Seo) go their separate ways. However, approximately one year later, a basket with a baby is delivered to Chul's class room. As Ae has left Korea to commence studies in the US, Chul has no choice but to look for a part time job in order to raise the temporarily motherless child??
    High school student Chul-Soo (Jung Woong-In) has a one night stand with Ae-Ran (Chae Min-Seo). Since then, he has not heard from her since. A year later, a basket is delivered to the classroom where Chul-Soo studies. In the basket is a baby conceived by Chul-Soo and Ae-Ran. Chul-Soo tries to find Ae-Ran, but she is now studying in the United States.
    Meanwhile, Chul-Soo is expelled from school due to baby. He raises his son Cho-Won by working as a DJ at a night club.
    7 years later, Cho-Won (Yoo Seung-Ho) is now an elementary school student. Ae-Ran comes back to South Korea. She misses Cho-Won and watches him from afar without revealing her identity. Chul-Soo becomes frightened that he might lose his son to Ae-Ran and decides to work at another club in another area. Because of a small case, Chul-Soo becomes involved in a big case.
    Director: Sang-hoon Lee.
    Cast: Woong-in Jeong, Seung-ho Yoo, Min-seo Chae, So-hee Hong, Eung-kyung Lee, Ho Lim, Kim Jin-Ho, Jung Bo-Suk.
    South Korea, 2004.
    Language: Korean.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Download 돈텔파파 / Don't Tell Papa.
    Не говори папе / 돈텔파파 / Don't Tell Papa. 2004.
     돈텔파파 / Don't Tell Papa. 2004.
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  • Ti-Koyo e il suo pescecane / Tiko and the Shark. 1962.
     Filmed in French Polynesia with a Hawaiian cast, the story revolves around the adventures and romances of a young Polynesian boy as he grows up. As a child he raises and trains a baby shark as a pet, which he shares with his island playmate Diana. After a decade the three are reunited, but the world has changed: Tiko and Diana have become adults; the shark has become a dangerous man-eater; and civilization has encroached on the tropical island.
    Director: Folco Quilici.
    Cast: Dennis Pouira, Diane Samsoi, Roau, Marlene Among, Al Kauwe.
    Italy, France, 1962.
    Language: Italian.
    Download Ti-Koyo e il suo pescecane / Tiko and the Shark.
    Ti-Koyo e il suo pescecane / Tiko and the Shark. 1962.
    Ti-Koyo e il suo pescecane / Tiko and the Shark. 1962.

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  • Андре Валенте / André Valente. 2004.
    Not a brilliant movie but just an authentic and convincing story of a small boy, son of a disrupted young couple, with all the typical hostile reactions about his mother's new love relationship and a behaviour showing a mixture of love and resentment towards her, ending in a curious and somewhat moving friendship between the child and a Russian migrant worker who in a certain way replaces his estranged father. These feelings and relations are not very deeply analysed but the reactions shown are evident enough to make us understand what is behind them. The acting is rather good including the performance of the young boy who plays the role of the protagonist.
    Director: Catarina Ruivo.
    Cast: Leonardo Viveiros, Rita Durão, Dmitry Bogomolov, Pedro Lacerda, Camila Bessa, Ricardo Aibéo, André Caramujo, Tiago Castro, Carla Chambel, Marta Mateus, Lavínia Moreira.
    Portugal, 2004.
    Language: Portuguese, Russian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
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    Андре Валенте / André Valente. 2004.
    André Valente. 2004.
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  •  Dirty Paradise. 2009.
     The true story of the Wayana people, French Indians of Amazonia who are cursed by living in a region rich in gold. Consequently, the uncontrolled exploitation of this wealth has brought about a severe deterioration of the forest's ecosystem, the irreversible pollution of streams, as well as countless violations of fundamental human rights. This film not only shows the despair of the Amerindians but also their awareness of the problem and how they are trying to cope with their survival. A documentary which gives a human face to a contemporary tragedy which concerns all of us.
    Director: Daniel Schweizer.
    Switzerland, France, 2009.
    Language: French.
    Download Dirty Paradise.
    Dirty Paradise. 2009.
     Dirty Paradise. 2009.
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  • Лют Матен и белая ракушка / Lütt Matten und die weiße Muschel. 1964.
     Lütt Matten und die weiße Muschel ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm der DEFA von Herrmann Zschoche aus dem Jahr 1964. Er beruht auf dem gleichnamigen Kinderbuch von Benno Pludra, der auch am Drehbuch beteiligt war.
    Der Fischerjunge Lütt Matten will es unbedingt den Erwachsenen gleichtun und zieht mit seiner eigenen kleinen Reuse los, um Fische zu fangen. Doch der Erfolg stellt sich nicht ein, und er wird zum Gespött der anderen Kinder und auch einiger Erwachsener. Nur seine kleine Freundin Mariken hält zu ihm. Um sich zu beweisen, begibt sich Matten in große Gefahr, indem er auf der Suche nach einer weißen Muschel, die der Legende nach Fischschwärme herbeisingt, nachts auf den Bodden hinausfährt. Ein Sturm erwischt ihn, und die großen Reusen der Fischer erweisen sich als Todesfalle, als der Junge darin hängen bleibt. Doch die Rettung naht in Gestalt seines Vaters und seiner Fischerfreunde. Der Vater erkennt dabei, dass er offenbar zu selten für Matten da war. Zur Wiedergutmachung hilft er dem Jungen, eine neue Reuse zu bauen. Und plötzlich klappt′s auch mit den Fischen.
    Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
    Cast: Lutz Bosselmann, Erik S. Klein, Johanna Clas, Heike Lange, Joachim Krause, Otto Saltzmann, Hans Heisler, Herbert Köfer, Harry Studt, Herbert Sturm, Ernst Striesow.
    DDR, DEFA, 1964.
    Language: German.
    Лют Матен и белая ракушка / Lütt Matten und die weiße Muschel. 1964.
    Lütt Matten und die weiße Muschel. 1964.

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  • Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa / Car, Violin and Blot the Dog. 1974.
     Old Soviet musical children's film Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa (Car, Violin and Blot the Dog) - fantasy story about five-grades - musician and engineer, their friend - the most beautiful girl in the world, her brother who dreams to turn all cats into monkeys, his dog Klyaksa and a lot more stuff…
    Director: Rolan Bykov.
    Cast: Oleg Anofriev, Rolan Bykov, Georgiy Vitsin, Zinoviy Gerdt, Nikolay Grinko, Mikhail Kozakov, Aleksei Smirnov, Spartak Mishulin, Aleksandr Chernyavsky, Natalya Tenishchyova, Andrey Gusev, Tsolak Vartazaryan, Zoya Fyodorova, Galina Polskikh, Marina Polbentseva.
    USSR, Mosfilm, 1974.
    Language: Russian.
    Download Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa / Car, Violin and Blot the Dog.
    Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa / Car, Violin and Blot the Dog. 1974.
    Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa / Car, Violin and Blot the Dog. 1974.
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  • Шнаби / Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy. 2006.
    14 year old Leander is being teased by the other boys at school because he thinks his willy is too small. The teasing gets worse when he falls in love with Martina who is helping him with his geometry homework. As a result the boys play a game in the changing room and use their protractor triangle from geometry to measure completely different things...
    Director: Luzius Wespe.
    Cast: Felix Tunger, Maja Bader, Manuel Neuburger, Kilian Hurschler, Andy Knezic, Benedikt Lustenberger, Katharina Medic, Salomo Schweizer, Patrick Mölleken.
    Switzerland, 2006.
    Language: Swiss German.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Download Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy.
    Шнаби / Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy. 2006.
    Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy. 2006.
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  • Болеро / Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.
      Bolero is a 1984 American romantic drama film starring Bo Derek, and written and directed by her husband John Derek. The film centers on the protagonist's sexual awakening and her journey around the world to pursue an ideal first lover who will take her virginity.
    Despite minor commercial success, the film was critically panned, earning nominations for nine Golden Raspberry Awards at the 5th Golden Raspberry Awards and "winning" six, including the Worst Picture.
    Set in the 1920s, Ayre "Mac" MacGillvary (Bo Derek) is a virginal 23-year-old young American who graduates from an exclusive British college. An orphan heiress to a vast fortune, Ayre is determined to find the right man for her first sexual encounter wherever he might be in the world. Rich enough not to venture forth alone, she brings along her best friend Catalina (Ana Obregon) and the family chauffeur Cotton (George Kennedy).
    Ayre first travels to Morocco where she meets an ideal lover, an Arab sheik (Greg Benson) who offers to deflower her. He takes her away in his private airplane to an oasis in the desert, but during foreplay while rubbing her nude body with honey, he falls asleep almost immediately. Giving up on the sheik, Ayre goes on to Spain, where she meets the toreador Angel (Andrea Occhipinti), and sets out to seduce him. Into this group comes Paloma, (Olivia d'Abo), a 14-year-old local Gypsy girl whom Ayre and Catalina take under their wing. A minor subplot involves Catalina meeting and pursuing Ayre's lawyer, Robert Stewart, a kilt-wearing Scotsman who Catalina chooses to deflower her.
    After several days of courtship and flirting, Angel makes love to Ayre one morning and he manages to stay awake. Unfortunately, after she has succeeded in her quest to lose her virginity, Angel is gored while bullfighting the next day.
    The injury leaves Angel unable to perform in the bedroom, and so Ayre makes it her mission in life to see to his recovery. Along the way, she takes up bullfighting herself as a way of getting her despondent lover motivated to stop moping. During this, the Arab sheik flies to Spain to abduct Ayre, but she manages to convince him that she has already lost her virginity and he lets her go.
    Eventually, Ayre is successful in aiding Angel to full recovery which leads to a climatic lovemaking session between them. The film ends with Ayre and Angel getting married at a local church.
    Director: John Derek.
    Cast: Bo Derek, George Kennedy, Andrea Occhipinti, Ana Obregón, Olivia d'Abo, Greg Bensen, Ian Cochrane, Mirta Miller, Mickey Knox, Paul Stacey, James Stacey.
    USA, 1984.
    Language: English, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, French
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    Болеро / Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.
     Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.
    Болеро / Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.
     Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.
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