• Лотта с улицы Капризуль / Lotta på Bråkmakargatan. 1992.
     SE. Lotta på Bråkmakargatan is a Swedish film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 26 September 1992, based on the books by Astrid Lindgren, directed by Johanna Hald. was followed by Lotta flyttar hemifrån.
    Lotta på Bråkmakargatan är en käck och busig femåring. En dag när Lotta ser sina syskon Jonas och Mia komma cyklande i en farlig fart, skriker hon "Jag kan visst cykla, tänk för att jag kan det ni! I smyg!" Men hur ska man kunna cykla utan cykel? Lotta bestämmer sig för att knycka en.
    EN. Lotta is angry because she is considered too small to make all the fun things as her older siblings Mia and Jonas can do.
    Director: Johanna Hald.
    Cast: Grete Havnesköld, Linn Gloppestad, Martin Andersson, Beatrice Järås, Claes Malmberg, Margreth Weivers, Vispen, Ulla Lopez, Anna Nyman, Klas Dykhoff, Rune Turesson, Else-Marie Sundin, Claes Månsson.
    Sweden, 1992.
    Language: Swedish, Russian.
    Subtitles: Russian, Swedish.
    Download Lotta på Bråkmakargatan.
    Лотта с улицы Капризуль / Lotta på Bråkmakargatan. 1992.
    Lotta på Bråkmakargatan. 1992.
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  • Fizika v zabavakh. 1993-1994.
     Scientific-popular educational film for schoolchildren Fizika v zabavakh (Physics in fun) about the basics of physics.
    4 series for 18-20 minutes.
    Director: Leonid Sikoruk.
    Cast: Anastasia Garshina, Alexander Vyskribentsev, Osip Schwartz, Vladimir Vurganov, Nastya Semenova, Katya Vorona, Igor Lekar, Vasilisa Alexandrova, Rudolf Kushnir, Andrei Boltnev, Yulia Shadrina, Tatyana Konstantinova.
    Russia, Zapadno-Sibirskaya kinostudiya (West Siberian Film Studio), 1993-1994.
    Language: Russian.
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    Fizika v zabavakh. 1993-1994.
    Fizika v zabavakh. 1993-1994.
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  • Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån. 1993.
     SE. Svensk familjefilm från 1993 efter Astrid Lindgrens historia. Lotta är en käck och busig femåring. Den här morgonen ser allt ut att vara som vanligt. Men Lotta är alldeles rasande, för mamma har sagt att hon ska ta på sig den otäcka jumpern som killar och sticks. Fy, vad mamma är dum! Alldeles tyst tar Lotta saxen och klipper ett stort hål i jumpern.
    EN. Lotta flyttar hemifrån is a Swedish film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 18 September 1993, directed by Johanna Hald. It's the 2nd film based on the books about Lotta på Bråkmakargatan written by Astrid Lindgren.
    A feisty five-year-old girl Lotta decides to move away from home. And no, she doesn't want to put on the stupid sweater.
    Director: Johanna Hald.
    Writer: Astrid Lindgren.
    Cast: Grete Havnesköld, Linn Gloppestad, Martin Andersson, Beatrice Järås, Claes Malmberg, Margreth Weivers, Gunvor Pontén, Sten Ljunggren, Pierre Lindstedt, Johan Rabaeus, Renzo Spinetti.
    Sweden, 1993.
    Language: Swedish.
    Download Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån.
    Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån. 1993.
    Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån. 1993.
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  • Приготовьте ваши носовые платки / Préparez vos Mouchoirs / Get Out Your Handkerchiefs. 1978.
     Solange is depressed: she's stopped smiling, she eats little, she says less. She has fainting fits. Her husband Raoul seeks to save her by enlisting Stephane, a stranger, to be her lover. Although he listens to Mozart and has every Pocket Book arranged in alphabetical order, Stephane fails to cheer Solange. She knits. She does housework. Everyone, including their neighbor a vegetable vendor, agrees that she needs a child, yet she fails to get pregnant by either lover. The three take a job running a kids' summer camp where they meet Christian, the precocious 13-year-old son of the local factory manager. It is Christian who restores Solange to laughter.
    Director: Bertrand Blier.
    Cast: Gérard Depardieu, Carole Laure, Patrick Dewaere, Michel Serrault, Eléonore Hirt, Jean Rougerie, Sylvie Joly, Riton Liebman, Liliane Rovère, Michel Beaune, Roger Riffard.
    France, 1978.
    Language: French, Russian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Download Préparez vos Mouchoirs / Get Out Your Handkerchiefs.
    Приготовьте ваши носовые платки / Préparez vos Mouchoirs / Get Out Your Handkerchiefs. 1978.
    Préparez vos Mouchoirs / Get Out Your Handkerchiefs. 1978.

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  • Папа в командировке / Otac na sluzbenom putu / When Father Was Away on Business. 1985.
     Tito's break-up with Stalin in 1948 marked the beginning of not only confusing, but also very dangerous years for many hard-core Yugoslav communists. A careless remark about the newspaper cartoon is enough for Mesha to join many arrested unfortunates. His family is now forced to cope with the situation and wait for his release from prison. The story is told from the perspective of Malik, his young son who believes the mother's story about father being "away on business".
    Director: Emir Kusturica.
    Cast: Moreno D'E Bartolli, Predrag 'Miki' Manojlovic, Mirjana Karanovic, Mustafa Nadarevic, Mira Furlan, Predrag Lakovic, Pavle Vuisic, Slobodan Aligrudic, Eva Ras, Aco Djorcev, Emir Hadzihafizbegovic, Davor Dujmovic.
    Yugoslavia, 1985.
    Download Otac na sluzbenom putu / When Father Was Away on Business.
    Папа в командировке / Otac na sluzbenom putu / When Father Was Away on Business. 1985.
    Otac na sluzbenom putu / When Father Was Away on Business. 1985.
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  • Ржавчина и кость / De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone. 2012.
     Put in charge of his young son, Ali leaves Belgium for Antibes to live with his sister and her husband as a family. Ali's bond with Stephanie, a killer whale trainer, grows deeper after Stephanie suffers a horrible accident.
    Director: Jacques Audiard.
    Cast: Marion Cotillard, Matthias Schoenaerts, Armand Verdure, Céline Sallette, Corinne Masiero, Bouli Lanners, Jean-Michel Correia, Mourad Frarema, Yannick Choirat, Fred Menut, Duncan Versteegh.
    France, Belgium, 2012.
    Subtitles: Russian, English.
    Download De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone.
    Ржавчина и кость / De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone. 2012.
    De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone. 2012.
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  • Шокирующая Африка / Shocking Africa.

    Шокирующая Африка / Shocking Africa.
     Two documentaries in the popular in Italy in the 1970s and 80s years the genre "Mondo" about the wild tribes of Africa. 
    Uncensored versions.
    Film 1. Africa Ama / Africa Uncensored.
    This film makes an indelible impression in content, subject matter, and cinematography. Documentary film making at its best as it narrates very exotic and esoteric rituals of the primitive peoples of Africa. The visual body of the film is extremely potent that its images mute any narration or interpretation. Not recommended for the prude, narrow-minded, and nauseous.
    Director: Alfredo Castiglioni, Angelo Castiglioni.
    Cast: Riccardo Cucciolla - voice.
    Italy, 1971.

    Language: Italian.
    Film 2. Africa dolce e selvaggia / Shocking Africa. The Last Savage. 
    A look at the fast disappearing tribal customs of North Africa.
    This film acts as a documentary following a cannibalistic tribe in Africa. Though you can tell that it's not an actual documentary, the acts of the cannibals seem very, very real.
    Director: Alfredo Castiglioni, Angelo Castiglioni. 
    Italy, 1982.
     Language: English.
    Warning: films are not recommended for viewing by the nervous, impressionable and having a weak stomach.
    Download Shocking Africa. 2 films.

    Шокирующая Африка / Shocking Africa. 2 films.

    Шокирующая Африка / Shocking Africa. 2 films.
    Shocking Africa. 2 films.
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  • Язык бабочек / Lengua de las mariposas, La / Butterfly Tongues. 1999.
    For Moncho, it's an idyllic year: he starts school, he has a wonderful teacher, he makes a friend in Roque, he begins to figure out some of the mysteries of Eros, and, with his older brother, a budding saxophone player, he makes a trip with the band from their town in Galicia. But it's also the year that the Spanish Republic comes under fire from Fascist rebels. Moncho's father is a Republican as is the aging teacher, Don Gregorio. As sides are drawn and power falls clearly to one side, the forces of fear, violence, and betrayal alter profoundly what should be the pleasure of coming of age.
    Director: Jose Luis Cuerda.
    Cast: Fernando Fernan Gomez, Manuel Lozano, Uxia Blanco, Gonzalo Uriarte, Alexis de los Santos,  Guillermo Toledo, Elena Fernandez, Tamar Novas.
    Spain, 1999.
    Download Lengua de las mariposas, La / Butterfly Tongues.
    Язык бабочек / Lengua de las mariposas, La / Butterfly Tongues. 1999.
    Lengua de las mariposas, La / Butterfly Tongues. 1999.
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  • Аквапарк / Zwemparadijs. 2009.
     Zwemparadijs speelt zich af in een tropisch zwembad en laat zien hoe Anne en Lotte hun dag zonder ouders in het zwembad doormaken. De vriendinnen hebben het erg leuk samen maar komen voor een paar ongemakkelijke situaties te staan waar ze met hun tienjarige leeftijd nog niet goed weten hoe hier mee om te gaan.
    De film toont een opeenvolging van situaties waar de meisjes geconfronteerd worden met seksuele grapjes, pesterijen en scheldpartijen. In het bubbelbad vraagt een ouder meisje of ze geil worden van een van de jongens, als ze van de glijbaan afgaan wordt de doorgang geblokkeerd door een stel baldadige jongens en in het kleedhokje kijkt een van de oudere jongens over de rand heen waarna hij met veel gescheld door zijn vrienden terecht wordt gewezen.
    De film laat zien dat de meisjes voor elkaar opkomen en zich samen met goede moed door de situaties heen slaan. Want al lijken de situaties niet altijd leuk, ze willen graag volgende week weer gaan.
    Director: Lodewijk Crijns.
    Cast: Marieke Lindhout, Sem de Vlieger, Loek Peters, Wienand Omta, Barbara Labrie, Daan van Nieuwenburg, Björn van Raaij, Jevenci Sproet, Anna Raadsveld, Annabel van Lieshout, Emanuel Bosompem Mensah.
    Netherlands, 2009.
    Language: Dutch.
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    Аквапарк / Zwemparadijs. 2009.
     Zwemparadijs. 2009.

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  • Приемный сын / Бешкемпир / Beshkempir / The Adopted Son. 1998.
    In a Kyrgyz village, five older women adopt an infant foundling. Jump ahead about 12 years: the boy, Beshkempir, is entering puberty, the age, his granny says, when life goes berserk. He plays with friends, horsing around, sniggering about sex, going to an outdoor movie. He works, fishing and making bricks of mud. And, he's starting to notice girls. He and his best friend fight, and he learns to his consternation that he's a foundling. A death in the family pushes Beshkempir even faster toward adult roles: he must brush tears from his eyes, lead a funeral procession, and reconcile with his friend. Then, he borrows a bicycle and calls on Aynura: courtship begins.
    Director: Aktan Abdykalykov.
    Cast: Mirlan Abdykalykov, Adir Abilkassimov, Mirlan Cinkozoev, Bakit Dzhylkychiev, Albina Imasheva, Talai Mederov.
    Kyrgyzstan, France, 1998.
    Language: Kyrgyz.
    Subtitles: Russian, English.
    Приемный сын / Бешкемпир / Beshkempir / The Adopted Son. 1998.
     Beshkempir / The Adopted Son. 1998.
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  • Книги Просперо / Prospero's Books. 1991.
     Prospero's Books is a 1991 British avant-garde film adaptation of William Shakespeare's The Tempest, written and directed by Peter Greenaway. John Gielgud plays Prospero, the protagonist who provides the off-screen narration and the voices to the other story characters. Stylistically, Prospero's Books is narratively and cinematically innovative in its techniques, combining mime, dance, opera, and animation. Edited in Japan, the film makes extensive use of digital image manipulation (using Hi-Vision video inserts and the Paintbox system), often overlaying multiple moving and still pictures with animations. Michael Nyman composed the musical score and Karine Saporta choreographed the dance. The film is also notable for its extensive use of nudity, reminiscent of Renaissance paintings of mythological characters. The nude actors and extras represent a cross-section of male and female humanity.
    Prospero's Books is a complex tale based upon William Shakespeare's The Tempest. Miranda, the daughter of Prospero, an exiled magician, falls in love with Ferdinand, the son of his enemy; while the sorcerer's sprite, Ariel, convinces him to abandon revenge against the traitors from his earlier life. In the film, Prospero stands in for Shakespeare himself, and is seen writing and speaking the story's action as it unfolds.
    Ariel is played by four actors: three acrobats — a boy, an adolescent, and a youth — and a boy singer. Each represents a classical elemental.
    Director: Peter Greenaway.
    Cast: John Gielgud, Michael Clark, Michel Blanc, Erland Josephson, Isabelle Pasco, Tom Bell, Kenneth Cranham, Mark Rylance, Gerard Thoolen, Pierre Bokma, Jim van der Woude, Michiel Romeyn.
    UK, Netherlands, France, Italy, Japan, 1991.
    Download Prospero's Books.
    Книги Просперо / Prospero's Books. 1991.
    Prospero's Books. 1991.
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  • Каникулы в облаках / Prázdniny v oblacích. 1959.
     Na počátku stála kniha Bohumila Říhy O letadélku Káněti. Kniha i film, který podle ní vznikl, vyprávějí o dětské partě, která tráví prázdniny v blízkosti sportovního letiště. Právě prověřované letadélko nejprve přiřazují k mimozemšťanům, pak je podezírají ze špionáže, ale nakonec se vše vysvětlí. Děti dokonce najdou odvahu účastnit se leteckého výletu. Podle dobových ohlasů prý film vadil učitelům, neboť podle nich nabádal k nevhodnému chování.
    Director: Jan Valášek st.
    Cast: Zuzana Ondrouchová, Vlastimil Bican, Bohuslav Bernauer, Stanislav Neumann, Otto Lackovič, Josef Bláha, Jiřina Bílá, Libuše Šetelová.
    Czechoslovakia, Filmové studio Barrandov, 1959.
    Language: Czech, Russian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Download Prázdniny v oblacích.
    Каникулы в облаках / Prázdniny v oblacích. 1959.
    Prázdniny v oblacích. 1959.
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  • Ekko / Echo. 2007.
    A divorced policeman loses custody of his young son, only to kidnap his boy and retreat to a remote cottage, where his plan soon turns into a nightmare.
    Director: Anders Morgenthaler.
    Cast: Kim Bodnia, Villads Milthers Fritsche, Stine Fischer Christensen, Peter Stormare, Lucas Munk Billing, Mikkel Emil Böye, Morten Christensen, Laura Drasbæk, Søren Hauch-Fausbøll, Trine Panum Kjeldsen.
    Denmark, 2007.
    Language: Danish.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Download Ekko / Echo.
    Ekko / Echo. 2007.
    Ekko / Echo. 2007.
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  • 15 августа / 15 août. 2001.
     Three men are abandonned by their wives for a few days in the summer holidays. They are alone with five kids to feed and a house to maintain. And they will learn what they did wrong with their wives.
    Director: Patrick Alessandrin.
    Cast: Richard Berry, Charles Berling, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Melanie Thierry, Selma El Mouissi, Manon Gaurin, Quentin Pommier, Thomas Goulard.
    France, 2001.
    Language: French, Russian.
    Subtitle: Russian.
    Bonus: video interview with Director Patrick Alessandrin and actor Richard Berry.
    Download 15 août.
    15 августа / 15 août. 2001.
    15 août. 2001.
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  • Цементный сад. / The Cement Garden.After the death of her husband, the mother of Julie, Jack, Sue and Tom begins to suffer from a mysterious illness. Aware that she is going to have to go into hospital she opens a bank account for the children, so that they can be financially self-sufficient and will be able to avoid being taken into care by the authorities. Unfortunately she also dies and Julie and Jack (the older, teenage children) decide to hide her body in the basement so that they can have free reign of their household. Soon Tom has taken to dressing as a girl whilst Sue has become increasingly reticent, confiding only to her diary, meanwhile Jack and Julie sense an attraction developing for each other. However Julie's new beau, Derek, threatens to unearth the many dark secrets within this family as he becomes increasingly suspicious of Jack.
    Director: Andrew Birkin.

    Cast: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Andrew Robertson, Alice Coulthard, Ned Birkin, Sinéad Cusack, Hanns Zischler, Hanns Zischler, Gareth Brown, William Hootkins.
    Germany, UK, France. 1992.

    Language: English, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    Download The Cement Garden.

    Цементный сад / The Cement Garden. 1992.

    Цементный сад / The Cement Garden. 1992.
    The Cement Garden. 1992.
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  • За мою сестру! / Толстушка / A ma soeur! / Fat Girl / For My Sister. 2001.
     A Ma Soeur! is a provocative and shocking drama about sibling rivalry, family discord and relationships. Elena is 15, beautiful and flirtatious. Her less confident sister, Anais, is 12, and constantly eats. On holiday, Elena meets a young Italian student who is determined to seduce her. Anais is forced to watch in silence, conspiring with the lovers, but harbouring jealousy and similar desires. Their actions, however, have unforeseen tragic consequences for the whole family.
    Director: Catherine Breillat.
    Cast: Anaïs Reboux, Roxane Mesquida, Libero De Rienzo, Arsinée Khanjian, Romain Goupil, Laura Betti, Albert Goldberg, Odette Barrière, Ann Matthijsse, Pierre Renverseau, Jean-Marc Boulanger, Frederick Bodin.
    France, Italy, 2001.
    Language: French, Russian.
    Subtitles: English.
    Download A ma soeur! / Fat Girl / For My Sister.
    За мою сестру! / Толстушка / A ma soeur! / Fat Girl / For My Sister. 2001.
    A ma soeur! / Fat Girl / For My Sister. 2001.

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  • Таяние снегов / La Fonte des neiges / Thawing Out. 2009.
    Film about nudist camp "La fonte des neiges" (2009).
    Léo is dragged to a nudist camping resort by his mother. Like most boys at the age of 12 or 13, being nude in public holds little appeal for Léo, who protests by wearing extra layers. Until he meets a certain special girl, who captures his heart and releases his inhibitions. 
    Director: Jean-Julien Chervier.
    Cast: Marc Beffa, Géraldine Martineau, Zazon Castro, Laurent Roth, Lauren Chini, Natanaël Sylard, Laura Luna, Philippe Caulier.
    France, 2009.
    1024x576 HD
    Language: French, Russian.
    Таяние снегов / La Fonte des neiges / Thawing Out. 2009.
     La Fonte des neiges / Thawing Out. 2009.

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  • Недалеко от Конакри / Quelque part vers Conakry. 1992.
     Jacques is of French descent, and Madiou is his West African friend. The two boys are just eleven years old and they have been friends all their lives as they grew up in Conakry, the capital of Guinea. Like their elders, they are completely unprepared for the vicious and violent reign of terror which is soon to sweep this newly independent country, terror which comes at the instigation of the country's unbalanced new leader.
    Director: Françoise Ebrard.
    Cast: Damien MacDonald, Ibrahim Oury Bah, Pascal N'Zonzi, Philippe Jutteau, Ioana Craciunescu, Delphine Rich, Abdoulaye Diallo, Madame Kake, Pierre Bouchet.
    France, 1992.
    Language: French.
    Download Quelque part vers Conakry.
    Недалеко от Конакри / Quelque part vers Conakry. 1992.
     Quelque part vers Conakry. 1992.
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  • Yndio do Brasil / Our Indians. 1995.
     PT. Yndio do Brasil é um documentário brasileiro de 1995, escrito e dirigido por Sylvio Back e narrado por José Mayer.
    Colagem de dezenas de filmes nacionais e estrangeiros de ficção, cinejornais e documentários, revelando como o cinema vê e ouve o índio brasileiro desde quando foi filmado pela primeira vez, em 1912. São imagens surpreendentes, emolduradas por musicas temáticas e poemas, que transportam o espectador a um universo idílico e preconceituoso, religioso e militarizado, cruel e mágico, do índio Brasileiro.
    EN. Collage of many films, documenting the presence of Brazilian Indian in movies, since 1912, year of the first documented appearance.
    Director: Sylvio Back.
    Cast: Roberto Bonfim, Elmo Califontes, Reginaldo Calmon, Arduíno Colassanti, Lewis Cotlow, Arthur da Costa e Silva, Luely Figueiró,  Ernesto Geisel, Goiabinha, Ayda Guimarães, Nobre Jocoso, Carmo Nacarato.
    Brazil, 1995.
    Language: English, Guarani, Portuguese.
    Download Yndio do Brasil / Our Indians.
    Yndio do Brasil / Our Indians. 1995.
    Yndio do Brasil / Our Indians. 1995.
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  • Herzblatt oder Wie sag' ich's meiner Tochter? 1969.
     DE. Paul, genannt „Männchen“, lebt mit seiner Tochter, genannt „Herzblatt“, zusammen, die er nach dem Tod seiner Frau allein großgezogen hat. Den Anleitungen eines Buches von Dr. Seebauer gemäß hat er Herzblatt beigebracht, ihrem Körper nicht schamhaft gegenüberzustehen. Auch die Nacktheit eines Menschen ist normal, hat Herzblatt schon in jungen Jahren erfahren. Dies führte bei ihr zu einer Fixierung auf den Vater, der ihr Vater, Mutter, Freund und Spielgefährte zugleich ist. Selbst jetzt, wo Herzblatt weit in der Pubertät sein sollte, badet sie noch gemeinsam mit ihrem Vater, wobei beide Spaß am Seifenschaumschlagen haben, und bewegt sich ungeniert nackt in der Wohnung und auf der Dachterrasse, weil sie sich ihrer Wirkung auf Männer nicht bewusst ist. Paul sucht sich Rat bei Dr. Seebauer, der vorschlägt, für Herzblatt einen jungen Mann zu suchen, der ihre Aufmerksamkeit von Paul zu ihrem Partner lenken soll.
    EN. Widower Paul always delayed talking to his daughter about sex. But when workers on a nearby construction site are falling down their scaffold because 16 years old "Herzblatt" is tanning naked, he feels he has to take action. In the hope she'll learn herself what consequences the difference between boys and girls has, he tries to get her a boyfriend.
    Director: Alfred Vohrer.
    Cast: Georg Thomalla, Mascha Gonska, Siegfried Schürenberg, Günther Lüders, Carola Höhn, Paul Esser, Wolfgang Schneider, Gernot Endemann, Frithjof Vierock, Olga von Togni, Herta Worell, Ilona Grübel, Hans Cossy.
    West Germany, 1969.
    Language: German.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Herzblatt oder Wie sag' ich's meiner Tochter?
    Herzblatt oder Wie sag' ich's meiner Tochter? 1969.
    Herzblatt oder Wie sag' ich's meiner Tochter? 1969.
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  • Gauguin, le loup dans le soleil / The Wolf at the Door / Oviri. 1986.
     This biographical film, based on the life of French artist Paul Gauguin (Donald Sutherland), follows the painter as he returns to Paris after a long stay in Tahiti and must confront his wife, his children, and his former lover.
    Director: Henning Carlsen.
    Cast: Donald Sutherland, Max von Sydow, Jean Yanne, Sofie Gråbøl, Valeri Glandut, Ghita Nørby, Merete Voldstedlund, Solbjørg Højfeldt, Fanny Bastien, Jørgen Reenberg, Henrik Larsen, Morten Grunwald.
    Denmark, France, 1986.
    Download Gauguin, le loup dans le soleil / The Wolf at the Door / Oviri.
    Gauguin, le loup dans le soleil / The Wolf at the Door / Oviri. 1986.
    Gauguin, le loup dans le soleil / The Wolf at the Door / Oviri. 1986..
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  • L'effrontée / Charlotte and Lulu / Impudent Girl. 1985.
    Charlotte (Gainsbourg) is being raised without a mother. She is only 13 but ready to be an adult. She meets an older boy and begins a relationship while teaching a young friend about life and learning the ropes herself.
    Director: Claude Miller.
    Cast: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Clothilde Baudon, Julie Glenn, Bernadette Lafont, Jean-Claude Brialy, Jean-Philippe Écoffey, Raoul Billerey, Richard Guerry, Simon de La Brosse, Philippe Baronnet.
    France, 1985.
    Language: French, Russian.
    Download L'effrontée / Charlotte and Lulu / Impudent Girl.
    L'effrontée / Charlotte and Lulu / Impudent Girl. 1985.
    L'effrontée / Charlotte and Lulu / Impudent Girl. 1985.
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  • Суровое испытание / Лишённые голоса / Do-ga-ni / Silenced. 2011.
     Gang In-ho, who is working to earn money for his daughter's surgery, is appointed to a school for hearing-impaired children in Gwangju. But what he discovers there is an ugly truth: the children are being physically and sexually abused by their teachers. When he decides to fight for the children's rights and expose the crimes being committed at the school, In-ho teams up with human rights activist Seo Yu-jin. But he and Yu-jin soon realize the school's principal and teachers, and even the police, prosecutors and churches in the community are actually trying to cover up the truth.
    Director: Hwang Dong-Hyuk.
    Cast: Gong Yoo, Jeong Yu-mi, Jang Gwang, Kim Hyeon-soo, Jeong In-seo, Baek Seung-hwan, So-yeon Jang.
    South Korea, 2011.
    Language: Korean.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Суровое испытание / Лишённые голоса / Do-ga-ni / Silenced. 2011.
    Do-ga-ni / Silenced. 2011.
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