• Vil du se min smukke navle? / Wanna See My Beautiful Navel? 1978.
     DK. Vil du se min smukke navle? er en dansk spillefilm fra 1978, instrueret af Søren Kragh-Jacobsen. Birger Larsen og Lise-Lotte Rao spiller hovedrollerne som de unge mennesker, mens de voksnes hovedroller er besat af Henning Palner og Gertrud Mollerup. Oprindelig skrevet af den danske forfatter Hans Hansen.
    I sin famlen efter løsningen på pubertetens svære kærlighedskvaler bliver 16-årige Claus og klassekammeraten Lene hvirvlet ud på følelsernes dybe hav under et lejrskoleophold i Sverige. En skøn film om lykke, sorg, kærlighed og jalousi. Problemer enhver generation skal igennem. Problemer der aldrig går "af mode" - heldigvis.
    Søren Kragh-Jacobsen debuterede som instruktør med denne filmatisering af Hans Hansens bog for unge. Man bemærkede straks hans evne for at tale teenagernes sprog og for at få de unge skuespillere til at agere naturligt. Filmen fik i det hele taget fine anmeldelser og et stort publikum i den aldersgruppe, den henvendte sig til.
    EN. Amidst a bunch of kids from a 9th grade class from Denmark which goes on a school trip to Sweden having a lot of experiences , the story surrounds Claus and Lene, which meet the first real feelings of love.
    This film being the debut of Søren Kragh-Jacobsen all centered around a class of pupils on a tour to Sweden. The theme was close to hand, for after his education on the Prague film school he spent a number of years in the children and youth department of the national Danish broadcasting system. He also issued a record with songs capturing the mood among young people of the day. In retrospect, it is evident that the director accomplished his best achievements when focusing on children and youngsters mirroring society. The film came to be the definition of authentic looking youth films and had of course the universal theme of boys and girls with growing sexual awareness meeting for the first time. The execution of the film made with enlightening vigor and humor meant the debut for young actor Birger Larsen, who twelve years later chose to continue his career as a director with another children's film, 'Lad isbjørnene danse'.
    Director: Søren Kragh-Jacobsen.
    Cast: Helle Borup, Jesper Christensen, Benny Dahl, Lise Lotte Henriksen, Walther Jensen, Hannah Johansen, Birger Larsen, Gertrud Mollerup, Henning Palner, Carsten Thomsen.
    Denmark, 1978.
    Language: Danish, Russian.
    Download Vil du se min smukke navle? / Wanna See My Beautiful Navel? 1978.
    Vil du se min smukke navle? / Wanna See My Beautiful Navel? 1978.
    Vil du se min smukke navle? / Wanna See My Beautiful Navel? 1978.
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  • Hur Marie träffade Fredrik. 1969.
    SE. Hur Marie träffade Fredrik, åsnan Rebus, kängurun Ploj och... är en svensk familjefilm från 1969 med regi och manus av Bo A. Vibenius. Filmen är Vibenius' regidebut och i rollerna ses bland andra Fredrik Becklén, Madeleine Onne och Sune Mangs.
    Marie råkar krossa en vas och rymmer därför hemifrån. På rymmen träffar hon Fredrik, åsnan Rebus och kängurun Ploj och hon får anställning på Fredriks trädgårdsmästeri.
    Inspelningen ägde rum mellan den 10 juni och 10 augusti 1969 på Ekerö och i Stockholm med Bo Blomberg som fotograf och Vibenius som producent. Filmen klipptes av Brian Wikström och premiärvisades den 13 december 1969 på biograferna Cinema och Victoria i Stockholm.
    Filmen fick ett svalt mottagande av recensenterna där den ansågs var alltför lik Kjell Gredes Hugo och Josefin. Kritikerna menade även att Vibenius placerat smygreklam i filmen.
    EN. Marie accidentally breaks a vase. Because of this she runs away from home. On the run she meets a boy called Fredrik, a donkey and a kangaroo.
    Director: Bo Arne Vibenius.
    Cast: Fredrik Becklén, Madeleine Onne, Sune Mangs, Birgitta Andersson, Anita Lindman, Rolf Bengtsson, Astrid Fröberg, Gösta Roos, Jan Tillborg.
    Sweden, 1969.
    Language: Swedish.
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    Hur Marie träffade Fredrik. 1969.
    Hur Marie träffade Fredrik. 1969.
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  • Uloupené dětství / Stolen childhood. 1987.
     Prakticky celý svět zná osudy židovských dětí z terezínského ghetta, tragédii dětí z Lidic, ale málokdo ví o tragickém údělu několika tisíc dětí ze smíšených česko-německých manželství v okupovaném pohraničí. Skutečný příběh malého chlapce, který popsal ve své knize Děti za mřížemi spisovatel Joža Mikula, zaujal i filmaře. Pod výstižným názvem "Uloupené dětství" zachycuje život Mirka v německém Kinderheimu, kam se dostal po smrti své české matky. Rozhodnutím soudu je na žádost otce chlapec odebrán z péče babičky a jeho výchova svěřena německým úřadům. Výchovou se rozumí poněmčování. Metody, které zde byly používány, ani vzdáleně nepřipomínaly svůj vznešený název. Nelidské zacházení a psychické i fyzické strádání poznamenalo i Mirka.
    Director: Milan Růžička.
    Cast: Jana Andresíková, Stanislav Zindulka, Ilja Prachař, Jana Švandová, Tereza Pokorná-Herzová, Jiří Schmitzer, Gustav Opočenský, Jakub Marek, Michal Tříska, Alena Kreuzmannová, Libuše Švormová, Ladislav Křiváček, Valentina Thielová, Hana Čížková, Jiří Pleskot, Ferdinand Krůta, Andrej Hryc, Raoul Schránil, Jana Vaňková, Libuše Jiskrová, Miluše Dreiseitlová, Monika Pošívalová, Hana Packertová, Luďa Marešová, Václav Kotva, Libuše Štědrá, Viktor Král.
    Czechoslovakia, Ceská Televize Brno, 1987.
    Language: Czech.
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    Uloupené dětství / Stolen childhood. 1987.
    Uloupené dětství / Stolen childhood. 1987.
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  • Rosso come il cielo / Red Like the Sky. 2006.
    IT. Rosso come il cielo è un film del 2005, diretto dal regista Cristiano Bortone.
    Presentato come Evento speciale UNICEF nella sezione per ragazzi "Alice nella città" della Festa del Cinema di Roma 2006, è uscito nelle sale italiane il 9 marzo 2007.
    Nel cast ci sono gli attori Paolo Sassanelli e Marco Cocci e gruppo di ragazzini di dieci anni di cui alcuni realmente ciechi.
    1971. Mirco, un bambino toscano di dieci anni in seguito ad un incidente col fucile del padre perde la vista. I genitori sono costretti a fargli frequentare un istituto per non vedenti a Genova. Lì, non riuscendo ad usare il braille, trova un vecchio registratore e riesce a inventare delle favole fatte solo di rumori e narrazione. Nel frattempo conosce Francesca, la figlia della portinaia della casa accanto alla loro, nonostante non potessero incontrarsi. Mirco coinvolgerà sempre di più tutti gli altri bambini ciechi facendo capire a loro quanto valgono e quanto siano simili a tutti gli altri ragazzini. Alla fine il maestro, organizza una recita creata dai ragazzini, e tutti i genitori ne rimangono colpiti.I genitori di Mirco alla fine decidono di riportarlo a casa per le vacanze estive.
    In apertura si dice che il film è tratto da una storia vera, e prima dei titoli di coda si legge: "Mirco è uscito dal collegio a 16 anni. Nonostante non abbia più recuperato la vista, oggi è uno dei più riconosciuti montatori del suono del cinema italiano". Il riferimento è a Mirco Mencacci.
    EN. Red Like the Sky (Italian: Rosso come il cielo) is a 2005 Italian coming-of-age drama film written and directed by Cristiano Bortone and starring Luca Capriotti and Paolo Sassanelli. It is based on the childhood experiences of sound editor Mirco Mencacci.
    The film won the Audience Awards at the São Paulo International Film Festival and at the Sydney Film Festival. It also won the David di Donatello of the Youth.
    The film is inspired by the true story of Mirco Mencacci, one of the most gifted Italian sound editors working today, who happens to be blind. A small village in Tuscany, 1971. Mirco is a bright, lively 10-year-old, crazy about the movies - especially Westerns and adventure films. His father, an incurable idealist, is a truck driver. One day, while Mirco is playing with an old rifle, the gun accidentally goes off; the boy is shot in the head. He survives, but loses his sight. At that time, Italian law considered blind people hopelessly handicapped, and did not permit them to attend public school. Hence, young Mirco's parents are forced to shut their son up in a "special school for the blind": the David Chiossone Institute in Genoa. In the beginning Mirco does not accept his new condition...
    Director: Cristiano Bortone.
    Cast: Francesco Campobasso, Luca Capriotti, Marco Cocci, Simone Colombari , Alessandro Fiori, Rosanna Gentili, Simone Gullì, Patrizia La Fonte, Francesca Maturanza, Paolo Sassanelli.
    Italy, 2006.
    Language: Italian, Russian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
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    Rosso come il cielo / Red Like the Sky. 2006.
    Rosso come il cielo / Red Like the Sky. 2006.
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  • Krigernes børn / Children of the Warriors. 1979.
     DK. Krigernes børn er en dansk ungdomsfilm, som havde premiere den 27 august 1979, instrueret af Ernst Johansen efter Hans Ovesens roman Krigerdrengen Nelo. Den har en spilletid på 89 minutter.
    Den handler om at fem unge fra et brutalt og utrygt krigersamfund, som de flygter fra. De kommer til en ø, der virker mere civiliseret, men erfarer, at der også her findes vold og undertrykkelse under den idylliske overflade.
    EN. In the 70's, a lot of Danish intellectuals and film-makers had socialist ideas. There were a lot of films, telling about the inhumanity of capitalism. This one is about a group of children fleeing from a cruel stoneage society with violence, exploitation and sexual abuse. The title: Krigernes børn = Children of the warriors. The children make a timetravel and end up in a modern capitalistic society. Which soon turns out to be just as unfair and violent as the stoneage society. It comes to a sort of confrontation, I guess nobody quite understands, whats really happening in this bizarre movie. But the real world turned out even more bizarre than the movie. It could be viewed as irrelevant - but just after the films release, one of the actors, a 15-year old girl, committed suicide, jumping in front of a Copenhagen commuter train. Leaving a note, telling that she was forced to have sex with the director during the film sessions! The director admitted, was jailed and made no more films. And everybody has been trying to forget this film ever since!
    Director: Ernst Johansen.
    Cast: Janek Lesniak, Søren Hindborg, Lars Frøhling, Susanne Storm, Charlotte Mortensen, Pierre Lindstedt, Bent Warburg, Ove Sprogøe, Ingolf David, Birgitte von Halling-Koch, Jeanette Hultberg, Ove Verner Hansen.
    Denmark, 1979.
    Language: Danish.
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    Krigernes børn / Children of the Warriors. 1979.
    Krigernes børn / Children of the Warriors. 1979.
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  • Christa / Swedish Fly Girls. 1971.
     Swedish Fly Girls is a 1971 drama film, also known as Christa. The English title is misleading, since the lead character is Danish.
    Christa is a 23-year old Danish single mother, who as a stewardess meets many men. While she enjoys her promiscuity and carefree, urban single lifestyle, Christa seeks marriage with a man who will accept both her and her son Rolf, who lives with her parents.
    As Christa forms temporary relationships with an Italian businessman (who does not want to be a stepfather), an American artist (who wants an open marriage), and a French conductor (who tells her that he is too dedicated to music to give her what she wants), a private detective follows her. Torben, wealthy and reckless heir to a family fortune and Rolf's father, tried to force Christa to abort their son. He insists to her that she will return to him and secretly builds a library of dossiers on her lovers, while his business empire collapses from overaggressive expansion.
    London lawyer Derek is Christa's most serious relationship; she accepts his proposal, and plans to move to Australia with him. Torben threatens to use the dossiers and his greater financial resources to gain custody of Rolf, forcing her to end the engagement. After his last hope for saving his company fails, however, Torben commits suicide in front of Christa. The film ends with Derek, Christa, and Rolf reuniting.
    Director: Jack O'Connell.
    Cast: Birte Tove, Baard Owe, Clinton Greyn, Daniel Gélin, Paul Rossilli, Cyrus Elias, Inger Stender, Kjeld Jacobsen, Bjørn Puggaard-Müller, Mogens Skot-Hansen.
    Denmark, USA, 1971.
    Language: English.
    Subtitles: English.
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  • Torzók / Abandoned. 2001.
    HU. Soproni Áron kilenc éves. Szülei fél éve váltak el, a bíróság a fiút az apjának ítélte, aki pár hónap küszködés után a gyermeket intézetbe adja. 1960-ban vagyunk, pár évvel a forradalom után. Áron megérkezik a nevelőotthonba. Az intézetben vasfegyelem van: az ötvenkét gyereket három nevelő és az igazgató tartja kordában, nem éppen humánus eszközökkel.
    A Torzók elsősorban lélekrajz és lelkiismeret tanulmány. Elembertelenedett világot ábrázol. Egyfajta evilági pokol-víziót. Képeit a németalföldi festményeket megidéző túlvilági időtlenség, szomorú szépség, hideg, szürkés kék éjszakai fények visszafogottsága hatja át. Volker Schlöndorff első filmje, Az ifjú Törless vagy Szász János Wittman fiúkja tárt fel hasonlóan kegyetlen világot, melyben gyermek főhőseiknek az erőszak élvezete és gyűlölete között kellett választania.
    EN. Abandoned (Hungarian: Torzók) is a 2001 Hungarian film directed by Arpád Sopsits. It was Hungary's submission to the 74th Academy Awards for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, but was not accepted as a nominee.
    Áron is a happy child in his family. But at some point things take a different turn, and his mother starts to lose her health rapidly. As this happens, the man in charge decides what's best for Áron without consulting the young boy's opinion, and the boy finds himself thrown out of his warm home into an orphanage in the woods. He's utterly displeased by what's happening, without knowing he has yet to face much worse. After a hard time getting over the harrassment of his classmates and being accepted as one of them, another obstacle on the way to his peace of mind faces him: His obnoxious teachers. He has no intention of being bad, but it's beyond his ability to blend into the revolting place he's in. The nasty treatment of the teaching crew gets the better of him, and he's not all that calm and passive anymore. But that leads into unpleasant events which Áron himself wouldn't want.
    Director: Árpád Sopsits.
    Cast: Tamás Mészáros, Szabolcs Csizmadia, Attila Zsilák, Péter Müller, Imre Thúri, Krisztián Tóth, Zoltán Nádházi, Pál Mácsai, László Gálffi, László Szabó, Krisztina Somogyi.
    Hungary, 2001.
    Language: Hungarian, Russian.
    Subtitles: English.
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    Torzók / Abandoned. 2001.
    Torzók / Abandoned. 2001.
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  • Correo de guerra. 1972.
     Strange Spanish short film "Military Mail", one of the first works in the cinema of the famous director Augusto Martínez Torres. I do not know what the film is about, what the author wanted to say with this creative, but it's worth looking at.
    Director: Augusto Martínez Torres.
    Cast: Laura Bayonas, Lola Salvador, Cecilia Bayonas.
    Spain, 1972.
    Language: Spanish.
    1024x576 HD
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    Correo de guerra. 1972.
    Correo de guerra. 1972.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 54.
    Next, the 54th issue of a collection of shorts from around the world, the most interesting from the area of the short meter. Today in the anthology there are 7 films, feature and documentaries films.
    1. Behind the Window. 2011.
    A 10-year-old Lebanese boy yearns to get his hands on a second-hand video camera so that he can record a love letter to the older woman who teaches violin in his neighborhood. Watch the lengths he'll go to in quest of his love
    Director: Nagham Abboud.
    Cast: Ahmad Hajir, Romy Melhem, Kamil El-Masri, Muhammad Sakka.
    Lebanon, 2011.
    Language: Arabic.
    Subtitles: English.
    2. Vakáció. 2011.
    Dani is home alone during a school holiday. His mother has left him a note, outlining the chores she expects him to do for the day; laundry, cleaning his room, doing the dishes, etc. Not much of a holiday.
    Director: Brigitta Bacskai.
    Cast: Barnabás Botond Nagy.
    Hungary, 2011.
    Language: Hungarian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 HD
    3. Sotto il mio giardino. 2007.
    Marco, a 10-year old boy who has a passion for insects, is convinced that his neighbor has killed his wife and has buried her under his garden, the evidence being a large ant-nest he has been carefully examining for a while. He thus decides to carry out some investigations; he only reveals his thoughts to his little friend, Sara.
    Director: Andrea Lodovichetti.
    Cast: Stefano Bottone, Alessandra Pellegrino, Massimiliano Amato, Katarzyna Zurakowska.
    Italy, 2007.
    Language: Italian.
    Subtitles: English.
    Bonus: "Making Of".
    4. Sparsh / The Touch. 2017.
    This story is based on child molestation. How one mistake of a man, spoils his family life?
    Director: Manish Khandelwal, Vijoy Saurrav.
    Cast: Akhil Mishra, Sarangi Soni, Akaash Gupta, Sameer Ansari.
    India, 2017.
    5. Pomogi mne v puti... / Help me on the way. 2018.
    Film clip based on the prologue to V.Krapivin's novel "Boats, or" Help me on the way... "".
    Director: Daniel Anderson.
    Cast: Nikita Tabunshchik, Timofey Kamzolov, Vanya Derevianko, Pasha Kozakov, Vanya Khvostov.
    Russia, 2018.
    Language: Russian.
    1280x720 HD
    6. Goldi / Gull Pian. 1988.
    DE. Evas Mutter liegt im Krankenhaus. Deshalb muss das Mädchen, das viel lieber auf den Namen Goldi hört, solange bei ihrer Tante Greta und deren Tochter Berit bleiben. Neben Tante Greta gibt es noch Tante Esther, die zu Besuch aus Amerika gekommen ist. Die beiden Tanten und Berit machen Eva das Leben schwer. Doch eines Tages hat Goldi endlich den Mut, sich für die schlechte Behandlung zu revanchieren.
    EN. A touching tale about a little girl (Eva), her mean cousin (Berit) and her uncaring aunts. Eva's mother is in the hospital and might not make it, and her aunt's aren't exactly making it easy for her. Add the cruelty of her cousin, and you've got an interesting story about how a little girl fights injustice in her own special way.
    Director: Staffan Götestam.
    Writers: Astrid Lindgren.
    Cast: Zara Zetterqvist, Hanna Alström, Ewa Roos, Cecilia Haglund, Mats Bergman.
    Sweden, 1988.
    Language: German.
    7. Growing Up: A New Approach to Sex Education, No. 1. 1971.
     Growing Up is a sex education film for schools, 23 minutes in length, first shown in April 1971, which was made by Dr Martin Cole. It is now available as part of The Joy of Sex Education DVD and was described by one critic as "the most famous and controversial inclusion", and by Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian as the "undoubted masterpiece of this double-DVD set".
    At the time of its release it was said to be "the most explicit and frank film ever made for use in schools", and attracted condemnation by Mary Whitehouse, Lord Longford, Margaret Thatcher and members of the Women's Liberation Movement who all, excepting Thatcher, attended the first public screening. Made two years before its earliest public showing, Cole though soon regretted a traditionalist description of gender roles in the film's opening commentary. The function of women was described as "giving birth to children", while it claimed men were "better at giving birth to ideas", a sequence which the Women's Liberation Movement objected to. There was a version of the film shown to Aston University students earlier for feedback prior to the final version being released. It features scenes rather than drawings of naked people, which included intercourse and masturbation. Teachers and pupils gave it positive feedback, but the absence of a discussion of venereal disease (VD) was noted by sympathetic reviewers.
    The film triggered a national controversy;"Educationally speaking, it is a rotten film", Whitehouse said after viewing the film, "which makes children no more than animals." Margaret Thatcher, then secretary of state for education who had sent an advisor to view the film, told the House of Commons on 21 April that she was "very perturbed" at the thought of the film being shown in schools and suggested local education authorities consider it "with extreme caution".
    After insisting on a screening, the education authority in Birmingham, where Cole lived, banned the film from being shown in the city's schools. There is no record of the film being shown to school children anywhere by the end of 1971, although it was shown to students at Oxford University.
    Director: Arnold L. Miller.
    Writer: Martin Cole.
    Cast: Martin Cole (Narrator).
    UK, 1971.
    Language: English.
    1280x720 HD
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    Anthology of short films. Part 54.
    Anthology of short films. Part 54.
    Anthology of short films. Part 54.
    Anthology of short films. Part 54.
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  • Erziehung zum Ungehorsam / L'éducation à la désobéissance. 1969.
     Dokumentarfilm über das gleichnamige Sachbuch, in welchem sich Gerhard Bott mit Kinderläden, einer alternative zum Kindergarten, beschäftigt.
    In einem im Dezember 1969 ausgestrahlten Fernsehfilm von Gerhard Bott mit dem Titel "Erziehung zum Ungehorsam" wurde die Erziehung in den Kinderläden einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Der Film löste eine heftige Diskussion aus. Er kontrastierte die traditionelle Erziehung in den Kindergärten mit der neuen "zwangsfreien" in den Kinderläden. Ein besonderer Akzent lag dabei auf der Sexualerziehung. Während die Kindergärtnerin im Film die Kinder beim Mittagsschlaf streng ermahnt, ihre Hände über der Decke zu halten, dürfen die Kinder in den Kinderläden nackt herumlaufen und sich auch gegenseitig – im Rahmen von Sexualaufklärung – an ihren Geschlechtsteilen berühren.
    Eine Diskussion über die heutige Bedutung der "antiauthoritären Erziehung" ist auf jeden Fall möglich und erwünscht.
    Die Dokumentation ›Erziehung zum Ungehorsam‹ von Gerhard Bott wurde im Dezember 1969 im ARD-Fernsehen ausgestrahlt. Damit wurde eine breite Öffentlichkeit zum ersten Mal mit den Erziehungszielen und -methoden der antiautoritären Kinderläden konfrontiert. Nach der Sendung riefen etwa 200 Menschen beim Sender an und 646 positive oder empörte Zuschriften gingen bei der ARD ein.
    In dem Buch dokumentiert Gerhard Bott die Arbeit von Elternkollektiven aus Westberlin, Frankfurt a. M. und Stuttgart und stellt ihre Erfahrungsberichte aus mehrjähriger Praxis vor. Botts Buch erlebte zahlreiche Auflagen und gehört neben der ›Sexfront‹ von Günter Amendt zu den meistbeachteten Büchern über Sexualerziehung und antiautoritäre Erziehung im März Verlag.
    Director: Gerhard Bott.
    Cast: Gerhard Bott, Kristin Kiefer, Monika Seifert, Doris von Freyberg, Barbara Wolff, Reinhart Wolff.
    West Germany, 1969.
    Language: German.
    Subtitles: French, Dutch.
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    Erziehung zum Ungehorsam / L'éducation à la désobéissance. 1969.
    Erziehung zum Ungehorsam / L'éducation à la désobéissance. 1969.
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  • Demain et tous les autres jours / Tomorrow and Thereafter. 2017.
    FR. Demain et tous les autres jours est un film français réalisé par Noémie Lvovsky, sorti en 2017.
    Il est présenté hors compétition sur la Piazza Grande au Festival international du film de Locarno 2017.
    Mathilde est une petite fille d'une douzaine d'année qui vit seule avec sa mère, elle s'entretient cependant fréquemment au téléphone avec son père avec qui elle cultive une tendre complicité. Ce dernier n'a pas la garde de l'enfant pour des raisons obscures, d'autant plus que la mère est atteinte d'une douce folie que Mathilde doit gérer au jour le jour.
    Un jour, la mère de Mathilde lui offre une cage avec une petite chouette chevèche. D'une façon surnaturelle, la chouette prend la parole et devient la confidente de l'enfant qui est la seule à l'entendre. Armée d'une grande compassion pour sa mère et d'une maturité précoce, Mathilde échafaude des plans rocambolesque, avec l'aide de la chouette, pour faire coïncider la vie normale avec les situations improbables dans lesquelles la précipite sa mère.
    EN. Mathilde Zasinger, nine years old, living in Paris, is a little girl like who would be like all others if she did not have a mother suffering from mental disorder. Madame Zasinger is a loving mother but her behavior is unfortunately erratic and unpredictable. She does strange things like wandering at night in a wedding dress or take the train all the way to Normandy not knowing why. The best thing she has ever done is to have given Mathilde a wonderful present, an owl which the faculty of speech. From the day the bird entered her life, the troubled little girl has had a friend and confidante that helps her bear the situation as best as she can.
    Director: Noémie Lvovsky.
    Cast: Luce Rodriguez, Noémie Lvovsky, Mathieu Amalric, Micha Lescot, Anaïs Demoustier, Elsa Amiel, India Hair, Julie-Marie Parmentier, Francis Leplay, Lydie Ledoeuff, Roxane Lebel-Davion.
    France, 2017.
    Language: French.
    1280x720 HD
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    Demain et tous les autres jours / Tomorrow and Thereafter. 2017.
    Demain et tous les autres jours / Tomorrow and Thereafter. 2017.
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  • Daddy Longlegs / Go Get Some Rosemary. 2009.
     After months of being alone, sad, busy, sidetracked, free, lofty, late and away from his kids, Lenny, 34 with graying frazzled hair, picks his kids up from school. Every year he spends a couple of weeks with his sons Sage, 9, and Frey, 7. Lenny juggles his kids and everything else all within a midtown studio apartment in New York City. He ultimately faces the choice of being their father or their friend all with the idea that these two weeks must last 6 months. In these two weeks, a trip upstate, visitors from strange lands, a mother, a girlfriend, "magic" blankets, and complete lawlessness seem to take over their lives. The film is a swan song to excuses and responsibilities; to fatherhood and self-created experiences, and to what it's like to be truly torn between being a child and being an adult.
    Directors: Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie.
    Cast: Ronald Bronstein, Alex Greenblatt, Sage Ranaldo, Frey Ranaldo, Victor Puccio, Lance 'Batman' Chamberlain, Baker Suitson, Peter Cramer, Eleonore Hendricks, Sean Price Williams, Dakota O'Hara.
    USA, France, 2009.
    Language: English, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    1280x720 HD
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    Daddy Longlegs / Go Get Some Rosemary. 2009.
    Daddy Longlegs / Go Get Some Rosemary. 2009.
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  • Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.
     A better version of this film is found!
    "A Cloud above paradise" is a presentation short feature film, which symbolizes eternal problems of human life. Its plot is developing on a background of the Chernobyl tragedy consequences. This movie received the prize for the best short film of 2000 (Moscow). "A Cloud above paradise" was nominated for the best short feature film award at international festivals: "The Canadian Festival", "The Festival of Short Cinema" in S.Petersburg and Moscow. It aslo was presented on TV in Germany, Canada and the US.
    Director: Alexandr Tsatsuev.
    Cast: Denis Bazdyrev, Tariel Gabidzashvili, Ekaterina Mikhaylovskaya, Vladimir Pivovarov.
    Russia, 1999.
    Language: Russian.
    Subtitles: English.
    Warning: the quality of the picture is still far from good, better versions are on the wanted list...
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    Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.
    Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.
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  • A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013.
     HU. A film a második világháború idején egy határszéli faluban a nagymamájuknál nevelkedő és a könyörtelen világban túlélni igyekvő ikerpár megrázó története. A gyerekeknek egyedül kell megtanulniuk mindent, ami a túléléshez szükséges. Magányosan, éhezve és fázva vezetik naplójukat a nagy füzetbe. Följegyzik, mit láttak, mit hallottak, mit tettek, mit tanultak. Ugyan életben maradnak, de szívük megkeményedik, testük megedződik. A nagy füzet posztmodern háborúellenes dráma, nagyhatású parabola arról, milyen pusztító hatással van a háború a gyermeki pszichére.
    A film Kristóf Ágota, magyar származású Svájcban élő író művéből készült.
    A film öt nemzetközi díjai között a legrangosabbak a Karlovy Vary Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál (2013) Kristály Glóbusz díja Szász Jánosnak, és a Chicago-i Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál díja Molnár Piroska színésznőnek.
    EN. The Notebook (Hungarian: A nagy füzet) is a 2013 Hungarian drama film directed by János Szász.
    The Nazis have invaded Hungary and war is raging in the main cities. To avoid it, a woman leaves her thirteen-year-old twin boys at their grandmother's place in the countryside. The children don't know their grandmother, a dirty, miserly, and mean old woman who barely allows them inside the house. Left to their own devices, the two children learn to cope with hunger, the cold, and the everyday cruelty in a devastated country. To protect themselves, the twins reject all moral codes and values and instead take their lessons from the evil around them in order to try to survive. The siblings studiously note, as objectively as possible, their discoveries and their burgeoning knowledge in a notebook.
    Director: János Szász.
    Cast: László Gyémánt, András Gyémánt, Piroska Molnár, Ulrich Thomsen, Ulrich Matthes, Gyöngyvér Bognár, Sabin Tambrea, Péter Andorai, Diána Magdolna Kiss, Orsolya Tóth, János Derzsi.
    Hungary, Germany, Austria, France, 2013.
    Language: Russian (Hungarian).
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    A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013.
    A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013.
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  • Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.
    Nun sind endlich die Sommerferien herangekommen. Marco (Tobias Blume) und Tobi (René Hahn) haben vorab viele Pläne geschmiedet, die aus ihrer Sicht geeignet sind, die gesamten acht Wochen Ferien entsprechend abwechslungsreich und unter Jungs zu gestalten. Dann aber kommt die “schlechte” Nachricht: Marco soll für eine Zeit in ein Ferienlager ins Erzgebirge fahren. Was ist nun mit den schönen Vorhaben der beiden?
    Um in dieser Hinsicht nicht alles über Bord werfen zu müssen und gemeinsame Abenteuer erleben zu können, überredet Marco seinen Freund, ihn mit Pferd und Wagen von zu Hause bis zum Ferienlager zu begleiten - das Ganze natürlich auf Umwegen, versteht sich! Und in der Weise beginnen die beiden Jungen dann eine interessante, abenteuerliche Expedition. Alles verläuft dann aber nicht ganz ohne kleine “Wehehchen” , so dass sie ziemlich lädiert im Ferienlager eintreffen. Als sie sehen, wie vielfältig das Lagerleben ist, ärgern sie sich, nicht schon früher eingetroffen zu sein.
    Director: Karl-Heinz Bahls.
    Cast: Tobias Blume, René Hahn, Heinz Hupfer.
    DDR, Fernsehen der DDR, 1988.
    Language: German.
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    Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.
    Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.
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  • Los días. 2012.
     ES. Martina y Micaela, dos hermanas gemelas, viven con madre que se ocupa de ellas: las despierta, les cocina, las ayuda con los deberes escolares, las peina y las viste. También las acompaña a sus clases de catequesis y a castings en la Capital, con la intención de que sus hijas sean actrices famosas. Una rutina que se altera cuando Norma comienza a trabajar y abandona las tareas del hogar. Martina y Micaela se quedan solas y, en una situación de frágil desamparo y libertad, inician un aprendizaje de supervivencia doméstica.
    EN. Twin sisters Martina and Micaela live with their mother, Norma who takes care of them. She also accompanies them to their classes of catechesis (basic Christian religious education) and to castings in the capital, with the intention that her daughters would be famous actresses. The routine is altered when Norma begins to work and leaves the tasks of the home. Martina and Micaela are left alone and, in a situation of fragile helplessness and freedom, begin a learning of domestic survival.
    Director: Ezequiel Yanco.
    Cast: Micaela Mendes, Martina Méndez, Norma Ponzio.
    Argentina, 2012.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
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    Los días. 2012.
    Los días. 2012.
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  • Chiedo asilo / Seeking Asylum. 1979.
     IT. Chiedo asilo è un film del 1979 diretto da Marco Ferreri, vincitore dell'Orso d'argento, gran premio della giuria al Festival di Berlino del 1980.
    Per la prima volta in una scuola materna di Corticella (Bologna) prende servizio un maestro di sesso maschile. Roberto, questo il suo nome, è un eccellente educatore, che stabilisce subito un ottimo rapporto con i bambini (che fra l'altro apprezzano moltissimo l'insolita presenza non "materna" nel corpo insegnante), e con le colleghe; tuttavia i suoi metodi educativi, piuttosto anticonvenzionali e ispirati ad una grande libertà, lo porteranno ad avere alcuni problemi con i tutori dell'ordine. Roberto instaura una relazione con Isabella, madre nubile della sua alunna Michela, e la donna si ritrova un'altra volta incinta; inoltre si lega di particolare amicizia con Gianluigi, un bambino affetto da disturbi comportamentali, che non parla e si alimenta pochissimo e in considerazione di questo viene allontanato dall'asilo per essere ospitato in una casa di cura. Nell'estate successiva Isabella, prossima al parto, manifesta l'intenzione di trasferirsi in Sardegna dove possiede un cinema dismesso. Roberto, pur non espressamente invitato a seguirla, la accompagna insieme a un gruppo di bambini fra cui Gianluigi. Proprio nei giorni in cui Isabella dà alla luce il suo secondo bambino Gianluigi dà segni di guarigione.
    EN. Roberto has a new job as the teacher at a nursery school. The first child he meets is Gianluigi, who's mute. Roberto is spirited, bringing a TV into class, then a donkey. He takes children on an unscheduled field trip to their fathers' plant. He dates Isabella, the mother of one of his students, and soon she's pregnant. He's moody about it, so Isabella leaves for her family's abandoned movie theater in Sardinia, but not before Roberto is briefly arrested and questioned about past radical activity. He takes ten children, including Gianluigi, to Sardinia for the baby's birth, and there, surrounded by the sea, the mother of us all, he and Gianluigi play out their surprising bond.
    Director: Marco Ferreri.
    Cast: Roberto Benigni, Dominique Laffin, Chiara Moretti, Carlo Monni, Girolamo Marzano, Franco Trevisi, Luca Levi, Lauro Versari.
    Italy, France, 1979.
    Language: Italian, Russian.
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    Chiedo asilo / Seeking Asylum. 1979.
    Chiedo asilo / Seeking Asylum. 1979.
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  • Unde eşti, copilărie? / Childhood Memories. 1988.
     După mai bine de douazeci de ani de la întâlnirea celor doi interpreți ai serialului Năică, Alexandra Foamete și Bogdan Untaru, Smărăndița, azi regizoare, pornește în căutarea interpretului ideal pentru un rol de copil…
    Director: Elisabeta Bostan.
    Cast: Alexandra Foamete, Bogdan Untaru,
    Romania, 1988.
    Language: Romanian.
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    Unde eşti, copilărie? / Childhood Memories. 1988.
    Unde eşti, copilărie? / Childhood Memories. 1988.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 53.
     Next, at number 53, a collection of shorts from around the world, the best mini-films in the last 50 years. Today in the anthology of short films there are 9 films.
    1. The Boy in the Water. 2011.
    A lonely young girl, Pandora, turns on the bath taps to drown out the noise of her parents arguing. But when she looks into down into the bath tub, a world of make believe is unveiled.
    Director: Sophie Boyce.
    Cast: Cassie Bunton, Samuel McKone, Phillip Gormley.
    UK, 2011.
    Language: English
    2. Strafstoß. 2007.
    Der zehnjährige Ulli bekommt von seinem älteren, kleinkriminellen Bruder Kai einen Fußball zum Geburtstag geschenkt. Kai behauptet, den Ball habe der Nationalspielers David Odonkor signiert. Dann fliegt der Ball über die hohe Mauer in den Hof eines Gefängnisses. Ulli setzt mutig alle Hebel in Bewegung, um ihn zurückzuholen. Auf abenteuerliche Weise kommt er wieder zu seinem Ball.
    Director: Till Endemann.
    Cast: David Krstic, Philipp Quest, Axel Häfner, Fardad Bagherzadeh Hasseini.
    Germany, 2007.
    Language: German.
    3. Una muerte menor. 2007.
    A boy is killed on the street. Before our eyes it grows, it reproduces, it wins and it dies, showing itself a fantasy of what it will never achieve in an instant before dying.
    Director: Paulina Castellanos.
    Cast: Ruth Sánchez, Ana Jiménez, Juan Diego Vega, Manuel Enrique Herreros.
    Mexico, Spain, 2007.
    Language: Spanish.
    4. Födelsedagar och andra katastrofer. 2000.
    Alice and her sister Moa live in a dysfunctional family. Their father Olle is an alcoholic and their mother Kerstin cannot handle the situation. At Alice's birthday Olle hasn't bought any present to his daughter. Although he is drunk, he takes her on a ride in his car, to buy her a dog. In a turn he crashes into a garden and hurts a man with his car. He and Alice run away from the accident in the car. Alice promises not to tell anybody about what has happened. When things are getting worse in the family, Alice decides to find the man in the garden and tell him that it is her father who hurt him.
    Director: Lisa Siwe.
    Cast: Johanna Björnæs, Peter Brottman, Simona Ericsson, Göran Forsmark, Sissela Kyle.
    Sweden, 2000.
    Language: Swedish.
    Subtitles: English.
    5. Parent to Child About Sex. 1966.
    This instructional film teaches parents how to talk to their children about sex.
    Cast: Mary Calderone, Tommy N. Evans, Stuart M. Finch.
    USA, 1966.
    Language: English.
    6. Der Aufreißer. 2006.
    This German language Indie Film is about a man who awakens in a woman's apartment being questioned by her Pre-teen daughter regarding his intentions towards her mother. The ensuing very uncomfortable confrontation and question and answer sessions between the very resourceful daughter and this increasingly eager to leave good looking Casanova become the centerpiece of this very clever short film which should serve as a warning to everyone seeking one night stands!
    Director: Steffen Weinert.
    Cast: Steffen Groth, Chantal Hourticolon, Nina Weniger.
    Germany, 2006.
    Language: German.
    7. À mains nues. 2005.
    Laeti is a twelve-year-old. Not a little girl any longer. Her body is changing and she is beginning to look at the bodies of others with different eyes. She loves touching with bare hands. And being touched.
    Director: Agnès Feuvre.
    Cast: Anne-Charlotte Sanciaume, Jules Pons, Jeanne Boesch, Vanessa Maitron.
    France, 2005.
    Language: French.
    8. Der Fremde. 2004.
    Ein Mann lebt in seiner eigenen Welt, diesich für ihn nur durch Zahlen erschließt.
    In seiner Welt erhalten auch absurde Zusammenhänge und Beziehungen ihren Sinn durch entsprechende Zahlenkombintionen. Aber in der sogenannte realen Welt bleibt dieser Mann ein Fremder.
    Director: Xavier Ballester.
    Cast: Murat Yeginer, Cem Yeginer, Stephanie Baak, Reimer Hoffmann, Bettina Römer Antje Tietken.
    Germany, 2004.
    Language: German.
    9. Oh! Toumei ningen / Oh! Invisible Man. 2010.
    Based on a legendary Japanese charismatic comic! "Oh! Invisible Man" of the sexy comedy has been miraculously adapted to the screen again! ! Gene of salmon roe has been passed on the daughter from her father, and now both of them have the ability to be invisible... The hilarious comedy has been back!
    Director: Masakazu Migita.
    Cast: Mitsuko Hoshi, Kôichi Ikari, Yoshifumi Ikeda, Haruna Ito, Yû Kawana, Meme.
    Japan, 2010.
    Language: Japanese.
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    Anthology of short films. Part 53.
    Anthology of short films. Part 53.
    Anthology of short films. Part 53.
    Anthology of short films. Part 53.
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  • Plivnik. 1990.
     Malá Bětka se trápí pro ztracené černé kuřátko. Tatínek, aby ji utěšil, vypráví holčičce pohádku o Plivníkovi a také to, že Plivník, ztracené černé kuře, na sebe mohlo vzít jinou podobu, třeba i lidskou. To je ovšem něco pro Bětčinu fantazii. Vykonstruuje si, že ztracený Plivník je jejich nová sousedka, chalupářka z Prahy, a zosnuje spolu s kamarádkou Andulkou velkolepou past, na kterou ovšem sama doplatí. V komedii pro děti i dospělé si hlavní dětskou roli zahrála Klára Jandová.
    Director: Libuše Koutná.
    Cast: Klára Jandová, Jan Kalous, Lenka Termerová, František Husák, Dagmar Havlová-Veškrnová, Petr Brukner, Karolína Pospíšilová, Nina Jiránková, Ladislav Krečmer, Eva Vlachová.
    Czechoslovakia,  Ceskoslovenská televize Praha, 1990.
    Language: Czech.
    1920x1080 HD
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    Plivnik. 1990.
    Plivnik. 1990.
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  • Dead Birds. 1963.
     Dead Birds is a 1963 documentary film by Robert Gardner about the Dani people of New Guinea. It was produced as part of the Harvard-Peabody Expedition to study the highlands of New Guinea, at that time one of the few remaining areas in the world uncolonized by Europeans.
    The premiere of Dead Birds took place at the Loeb Drama Center at Harvard University in October 1963. In 1998, this film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
    DEAD BIRDS is a film about the Dani, a people dwelling in the Grand Valley of the Baliem high in the mountains of West Irian. When I shot the film in 1961, the Dani had an almost classic Neolithic culture. They were exceptional in the way they focussed their energies and based their values on an elaborate system of intertribal warfare and revenge. Neighboring groups of Dani clans, separated by uncultivated strips of no man's land, engaged in frequent formal battles. When a warrior was killed in battle or died from a wound and even when a woman or a child lost their life in an enemy raid, the victors celebrated and the victims mourned. Because each death had to be avenged, the balance was continually being adjusted with the spirits of the aggrieved lifted and the ghosts of slain comrades satisfied as soon as a compensating enemy life was taken. There was no thought in the Dani world of wars ever ending, unless it rained or became dark. Without war there would be no way to satisfy the ghosts. Wars were also the best way they knew to keep a terrible harmony in a life which would be, without the strife they invented, mostly hard and dull. DEAD BIRDS has a meaning which is both immediate and allegorical. In the Dani language it refers to the weapons and ornaments recovered in battle. Its other more poetic meaning comes from the Dani belief that people, because they are like birds, must die. In making DEAD BIRDS certain kinds of behavior were followed, never directed. It was an attempt to see people from within and to wonder, when the selected fragments of that life were assembled, if they might speak not only of the Dani but also of ourselves. - Robert Gardner.
    Director: Robert Gardner.
    Cast: Robert Gardner (Narrator).
    USA, Peabody Museum, 1963.
    Language: English.
    960x720 HD
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    Dead Birds. 1963.
    Dead Birds. 1963.
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  • Meine Kindheit an der See. 2010.
     Eine nostalgische Zeitreise ins Norddeutschland der 50er, 60er und 70er Jahre.
    Eine Kindheit an der See ist verbunden mit dem Geruch von Schlick, Schiffsdiesel und Fisch. Ob in Rostock, Cuxhaven, am Greifswalder Bodden oder auf der Hallig - Seekinder wachsen mit einem Gefühl von Freiheit auf. "Wir waren den ganzen Tag draußen", erzählt Johann Petersen, der auf der Hallig Langeneß aufgewachsen ist. Aus Seegras und Holz haben er und seine Freunde Hütten am Strand gebaut. "Einmal haben wir da drin Feuer gemacht und aus Versehen die ganze Hütte abgefackelt."
    Boy Andresen hat das Leben auf den Halligen noch ohne Strom und fließendes Wasser erlebt. Wenn bei Hochwasser Land unter war, hat er sich gefreut, weil es schulfrei gab und er endlich Zeit hatte, Bücher von Karl May zu lesen. In den Prielen ist Boy mit selbst gebauten Booten rumgeschippert - nur schwimmen hat er nie gelernt. "Hühner und Hallig-Lüt", sagt er in seinem charmanten nordfriesischen Platt, "können nicht schwimmen. Das war schon immer so, Hochwasser hin oder her."...
    Director: Claudia Wallbrecht.
    Gast: Ludger Abeln (NDR-Moderator), Peter Döbler (Langstreckenschwimmer), Cornelia Linse (ehemalige Weltmeisterin im Rudern und Zweite bei den Olympischen Spielen 1980 in Moskau), Karen Marin (sie erlebte in Eckernförde den Zweiten Weltkrieg), Heidrun Reshöft (Tochter eines Campingplatzbesitzers direkt am Ostseestrand), Claudia Rusch (Journalistin und Schriftstellerin), Saskia Valencia (Schauspielerin).
    Germany, NDR, 2010.
    Language: German.
    1280x720 HD
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    Meine Kindheit an der See. 2010.
    Meine Kindheit an der See. 2010.
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  • ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
    TH. เป็นหนังผีที่แหวกขนบหนังผีแบบไทยๆ หลายแง่มุม ซึ่งเล่าผ่านมุมมองของผู้กำกับชาวอังกฤษ พอล สเปอร์เรียร์ (Paul Spurrier) ที่อยู่ในไทยมากว่า 10 ปี โดยหนังได้ติดตามชายหนุ่มที่เพิ่งออกจากร่มกาสาวพัสตร์มาเป็นครูยังภาคอีสาน ดินแดนที่มีเรื่องเล่าถึงผีและวิญญาณมากมาย ซึ่งหนึ่งในลูกศิษย์เป็นเด็กหญิงที่ไม่ยอมพูดกับใคร และมักถูกเพื่อนร่วมชั้นรังแก จนทำให้ครูมือใหม่ต้องยื่นมือเข้าช่วย
    หนังเล่าถึงขั้วที่แตกต่างโดยใช้ครูหนุ่มและเด็กหญิงเป็นตัวเปรียบเทียบ แม้ว่าทั้งคู่ต้องเผชิญเรื่องราวร้ายๆ ที่มาพิสูจน์ความอดทนเช่นกัน แต่ครูหนุ่มก็พยายามปรับตัวเข้าหาโลกความเป็นจริงหลังจากที่ใช้ชีวิตในโลกอุดมคติมานาน ในขณะที่เด็กหญิงพยายามหลีกหนีจากความจริงอันโหดร้ายเข้าสู่โลกแห่งจินตนาการในป่า โดยมีเด็กหนุ่มลึกลับเป็นเพื่อน
    ประเด็นน่าสนใจสะท้อนผ่านหนังเรื่องนี้ ทั้งการปะทะกันของความจริงกับจินตนาการ การต่อสู้เพื่ออุดมการณ์กับการใช้อำนาจอย่างไร้เหตุผล บทบาทหน้าที่ซึ่งสังคมกำหนดกับความต้องการที่แท้จริงของแต่ละคน ความอัปลักษณ์ของภูติผีกับจิตใจที่ดำทมิฬของมนุษย์ การอยู่รอดของคนชายขอบ ความรัก ความตาย ความเศร้า และการยึดติด แต่ทั้งหมดนี้อยู่รวมกันอย่างปนเปและบางครั้งไม่มีการสานต่อ จนทำให้บางประเด็นสื่อสารได้ไม่คมเท่าที่ควร
    EN. The villagers may be afraid of the forest, but little Ja knows how to deal with it...
    A new teacher arrives at a small village in rural Thailand. He has just left the monkhood and has taken a job at the local school in a quest to discover life outside the monastery. He finds that one of his pupils is a mute girl who is being bullied by the other children in the class. Both the teacher and the girl must face the challenges and cruelties of the real world. The girl retreats into a fantasy world, finding solace in the forest with a strange wild boy. The teacher struggles to bring her back, whilst at the same time himself questioning the world of reality. The worlds of fantasy and reality clash with tragic consequences.
    Director: Paul Spurrier.
    Cast: Tanapol Kamkunkam, Thidarat Kongkaew, Natpatson Lhakkum, Vithaya Pansringarm, Asanee Suwan, Pongsanart Vinsiri, Ramphai Wintawong, Wannasa Wintawong.
    Thailand, 2016.
    Language: Thai.
    Subtitles: Polish.
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    ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
    ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
    ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
    ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
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