• Цвет молока / Ikke naken / Första kärleken / Die Farbe der Milch / The Color of Milk. 2004.
     Selma's mother died giving birth to her, and Selma's step aunt is living proof that men only cause trouble. So the 11 year old girl makes a deal with her best friends that they will stay away from boys and dedicate their lives to science. And by the way, Selma was probably born on another planet and not meant to fall in love with anyone. But what happens when her friends break the pact, and she actually meets a boy who's not like the rest? A beautiful story about exploring and finding out about life and what you want, and how difficult it can be sometimes. Especially when "nature" works against your principles and beliefs...
    Director: Torun Lian.
    Cast:  Lars Brunborg, Tobias Bøksle, Celine Engebrigtsen, Maria Elisabeth A. Hansen, Elias Holmen, August Karlseng, Marie Kinge, Julia Krohn, Bernhard Naglestad, Gustaf Skarsgård, Robert Skjærstad, Silje Storstein.
    Norway, 2004.
    Download Ikke naken / Första kärleken / Die Farbe der Milch / The Color of Milk.
    Цвет молока / Ikke naken / Första kärleken / Die Farbe der Milch / The Color of Milk. 2004.
    Ikke naken / Första kärleken / Die Farbe der Milch / The Color of Milk. 2004.
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  • Мое лето любви / My summer of love.A tale of obsession and deception, and the struggle for love and faith in a world where both seem impossible. The film charts the emotional and physical hothouse effects that bloom one summer for two young women: Mona, behind a spiky exterior, hides an untapped intelligence and a yearning for something beyond the emptiness of her daily life; Tamsin is well-educated, spoiled and cynical. Complete opposites, each is wary of the other's differences when they first meet, but this coolness soon melts into mutual fascination, amusement and attraction. Adding volatility is Mona's older brother Phil, who has renounced his criminal past for religious fervor - which he tries to impose upon his sister. Mona, however, is experiencing her own rapture. "We must never be parted," Tamsin intones to Mona but can Mona completely trust her?
    Director: Pawel Pawlikowski.

    Cast: Natalie Press, Emily Blunt, Paddy Considine, Dean Andrews, Michelle Byrne, Paul Antony-Barber, Lynette Edwards, Kathryn Sumner.
    UK, 2004.

    Language: English, Russian.
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    Моё лето любви / My summer of love. 2004.

    Моё лето любви / My summer of love. 2004.
    My summer of love. 2004.

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  • Трещина / Fraktura. 1983.
     Rare film from communist Albania, a summary:
    Gazi një djalë i vogël çdo mëngjez kur shkon në shkollë përshëndet djaloshin sklupturë që është vendsour në parkun e qytetit dhe fëmijët i kanë vënë emrin Ilir. Por një ditë Ilirit i thyejnë krahët dhe Gazi i vogël kalon një dramë që gjyshi dhe prindërit e kuptojnë tepër vonë.
    Director: Piro Milkani.
    Cast: Endri Çili, Thimi Filipi, Sotiraq Bratko, Zamira Begolli, Melpomeni Çobani, Gentian Lleku, Edvin Kullnuri, Andon Qesari.
    Albania, Shqipëria e Re, 1983.
    Language: Albanian.
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    Трещина / Fraktura. 1983.
     Fraktura. 1983.
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  • Генезис / Играя Бога / The Genesis Children.
     A charismatic leader and a high-spirited student group are on holiday in Italy. The surreal adventures of these friends are a free-flowing, four-part "multi-sensual symphony," bereft of traditional story line. One national critic described the boys' anarchic revelry as a "dream-like descent from civilization into the chaos reminiscent of Lord of the Flies."  
    Director: Anthony Aikmen.
    Cast: Peter Glawson, Jack Good, Mike Good, Vincent Child, Greg Hill, David Johnson, Butch Burr, Max Adams, Bubba Collins.
    USA, Italy, 1972.
    Language: English, Russian.
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    Генезис / Играя Бога / The Genesis Children.
    The Genesis Children.
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  • Сёстры Робен / Les soeurs Robin. 2006.
     FR. Célibataires, Marie et Aminthe vivent dans la maison de leur grand-père. Au moment où la seconde pense qu'il faut vendre cette demeure dans le but d'acheter un appartement, elle se heurte au refus catégorique de la première.
    EN. Two elderly ladies, Marie and Aminthe, both single and without children, live together in the house of their grandfather. Aminthe lives in the memory of Fabien, her husband to-be, who died in Indo-China more than fifty years ago. Marie, the elder one, likes to remind the happy time of their childhood - before they lost their parents prematurely. As kids, each have their own character flaws but seem to have a pure and simple childhood. Now, they live their pensions - small -, vegetables of the kitchen garden that Marie sells at the market and of the piano courses which Aminthe gives... Not enough to maintain their old residence, badly heated and of which the roof is to be remade... But when Aminthe affirms that it is necessary to sell and buy an apartment, Marie refuses categorically. Soon we learn what secrets these girls have kept all their lives.
    Director: Jacques Renard.
    Cast: Line Renaud, Danièle Lebrun, Arthur Vaughan-Whitehead, Stéphanie Fatout, Elodie Le Brun, Bruno Buffoli, Cyril Brisse, René Pillot, Mathilde Verkinderen, Garance Le Guillermic, Carine Bouquillon.
    France, 2006.
    Language: French.
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    Сёстры Робен / Les soeurs Robin. 2006.
    Les soeurs Robin. 2006.
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  • Einzug ins Paradies. 1985-1987.Einzug ins Paradies: DDR-Serie über Glück und Leid in einem neuerrichteten Plattenbau in Berlin-Marzahn. Fünf Familien ziehen erwartungsvoll in die oberen Stockwerke eines gerade fertig gestellten Wohnblocks in Berlin-Marzahn. Familie Hellgrewe samt Oma, die Weitholds, die Walks und die Taubes mit ihren Kindern sowie die allein erziehende Erika Fürstenau mit Tochter Manon. Alle hoffen auf einen “Einzug ins Paradies”. Doch in dem tristen Neubau liegt vieles im Argen, nicht nur die halbfertigen Balkone mit noch unvollständigen Trennwänden.
    Director: Achim Hubner, Wolfgang Hubner.
    Cast: Kurt Bowe, Walfriede Schmitt, Friedhelm Eberle, Alexander Heidenreich, Justus Carriere, Michaela Hotz, Werner Tietze, Barbara Dittus, Erika Pelikowsky, Jutta Wachowiak.
    DDR, DEFA, 1985-1987.
    Language: German.
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    Einzug ins Paradies. 1985-1987.
    Einzug ins Paradies. 1985-1987.
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  • Adieu mon ami / Прощай, мой друг.
     Germany, WWII: 10-year old Dagmar has just lost her beloved twin brother Doug and her family through a bomb attack. Together with a young girl who worked in the bakery of Dagmar's parents they escape to Bavaria and find shelter at some far relatives of Dagmar's family. The little girl just doesn't feel comfortable in the strange family but soon finds a good friend: Laurent, a 17-year old French alien employee. Laurent is tormented by August, the "head of the family", but cannot defend himself because as soon as he causes a conflict he will be sent into an approved school in France which is even worse. Dagmar and Laurent become very close and become almost like brother and sister, they are all they have and Dagmar even falls a bit in love with Laurent. One day August sees how Laurent hugs Dagmar, he provokes a conflict and at the end Laurent is sent back to France...
    Director: Franz Peter Wirth.
    Cast: Constanze Engelbrecht, Julie Engelbrecht, Hans Kremer, Jens Harzer, Petra Berndt, Luise Deschauer, Heinz Ehrenfreund, Heike Falkenberg, Wega Jahnke, Jorg Panknin.
    Germany, 1996.
    Language: German.
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    Adieu mon ami / Прощай, мой друг.
    Adieu, mon ami. 1996.
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  • Jako zajíci  / Like Rabbits. 1981.
    EN. The story of two friends who while at first enemies become fast friends at a recreation area Here they try to experience youth friendship and love while trying to avoid the negative influences that society has had on...
    CZ. Film Karla Smyczka podle scénáře Radka Johna a Ivo Pelanta je námětem velmi podobný o rok staršímu Smyczkovu filmu Jen si tak trochu písknout. Vypráví příběh odehrávající se v rekreační oblasti na Slapech, kde se dva rozdílní chlapci Petr a Michal po počáteční oboustranné nedůvěře stávají kamarády. Jejich vztah je konzultován nejen jejich rozdílnými povahami, ale i různými přístupy rodičů k jejich výchově. Negativní vliv civilizace se zde promítá do života dospělých i dětí, kteří hledají romantiku a odpočinek v rekreační oblasti, přesto se nedokážou oprostit od problémů maloměšťáctví.
    Director: Karel Smyczek.
    Cast: Michal Dlouhý, Štěpán Kment, Vít Olmer, Zdeněk Svěrák, Jana Drbohlavová, Barbora Srncová, Oldřich Vlach, Jana Břežková, Zbyněk Honzík, Lubomír Kostelka, Jiří Hálek, Bořík Procházka, Jaroslava Kretschmerová, Jiřina Jelenská, Miloslav Štibich, Hana Talpová, Valentina Thielová, Milada Ježková, Miki Kučera, Ladislav Brothánek.
    Czechoslovakia, 1981.
    Language: Czech.
    Jako zajíci  / Like Rabbits. 1981.
    Jako zajíci  / Like Rabbits. 1981.
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  • Троглодиты / Teenage caveman. 2002.
     Teenage Caveman is a 2002 science fiction-horror film directed by controversial filmmaker Larry Clark. It was made as part of a series of low-budget made-for-television movies loosely inspired by B movies that Samuel Z. Arkoff had produced for AIP.
    In a post-apocalyptic future mankind is lives in a prehistoric manner. After killing his father for sexually assaulting his girlfriend, the son of a tribal leader runs away with a group of his teenage friends. They are taken in by Neil and Judith who introduce them to the vices outlawed by their tribes namely sex and drugs.Neil and Judith, however, are genetically altered indestructible mutants who have their own plans for the future of the human race.
    Director: Larry Clark.
    Cast: Andrew Keegan, Tara Subkoff, Richard Hillman, Tiffany Limos, Stephen Jasso, Crystal Celeste Grant, Shan Elliot, Hayley Keenan, Paul Hipp, David Stifel, David Monzingo.
    USA, 2002.
    Language: English, Russian.
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    Троглодиты / Teenage caveman. 2002.
    Teenage caveman. 2002.

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  • Carmen Og Babyface.
     A sister and brother must deal with their parents' divorce in this Danish family drama. It is set during the Berlin crisis in 1962. Carmen, the nervous one, and her brother Adrian, aka Babyface, lead happy lives. Their father is a ceramist, and their mother is an earth momma. After their pappa runs away with an apprentice, the family harmony is shattered. The devastated mother and her children move to a drafty old cottage in the country. The children are outcast by their new schoolmates. Carmen avoids them, but Adrian is bullied. He finally does find a friend, but the friendship is temporary. Adrian's teacher finally provides him the nurturance he craves. An electrical storm brings ominous developments to the little family.
    Director: Jon Bang Carlsen.
    Cast: Joen Bille, Erich Brandt, Aksel Erhardtsen, Kenneth Friis, Sofie Gråbøl, Ulla Henningsen, Kai Løvring, Rikke Løwenstein, Waage Sandø.
    Denmark, 1995.
    Language: Danish.
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    Carmen Og Babyface. 1995.
    Carmen Og Babyface. 1995.
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  • Легенда о Поле и Пауле / Die Legende von Paul und Paula.
     DE. Paul ist unglücklich verheiratet. Gegenüber seiner Wohnung lebt die alleinstehende Paula mit ihren beiden Kindern. Ihre Begegnung in einer Kellerbar wird zu Leidenschaft. Während Paula sich fortan im siebten Himmel wähnt, bleibt Paul distanziert, will den Schein seiner Ehe wahren und so seine Karriere schützen. Er kann die schönen Momente zwar genießen, aber die Affäre und ihre möglichen Folgen beunruhigen ihn. Erst als Paula ihren Sohn durch einen Unfall verliert und sich daraufhin von ihm distanziert, spürt er die Tiefe seiner Liebe zu ihr und kämpft um sie. Die beiden werden zum Paar. Kurz darauf wird Paula erneut schwanger. Die Ärzte sind davon überzeugt, dass Paula aus gesundheitlichen Gründen die Geburt eines dritten Kindes nicht überleben wird. Paula entscheidet sich für das Kind und stirbt bei der Geburt.
    EN. Paul and Paula have had bad experiences with love: Paul is financially well off but has lost all affection for his wife, and Paula leads a troublesome life raising two children on her own. They meet and discover a strong passion for each other. Life seems like a dream when they're together - but their short flights from the burdens of reality are once and again interrupted by Paul's ties to family and career.
    Director: Heiner Carow.
    Cast: Angelica Domröse, Winfried Glatzeder, Heidemarie Wenzel, Fred Delmare, Rolf Ludwig, Käthe Reichel, Hans Hardt-Hardtloff, Frank Schenk, Dietmar Richter-Reinick.
    DDR, DEFA, 1973.
    Language: German.
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    Die Legende von Paul und Paula. 1973.
    Die Legende von Paul und Paula. 1973.
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  • Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance. 1967.
     This old documentary film is about the ballet and consists of two parts: the first part will tell about how is the reception in the Moscow choreographic school, which trains ballet dancers. And in the second we will see the educational process, training and rehearsals of students in this ballet school.
    Director: D. Rodichev.
    USSR, Tsentrnauchfilm, 1967.

    Language: Russian.
    Download Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance.
    Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance. 1967.
    Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance. 1967.
    Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance. 1967.
    Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance. 1967.
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  • Облако над раем / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.

    "A Cloud above paradise" is a presentation short feature film, which symbolizes eternal problems of human life. Its plot is developing on a background of the Chernobyl tragedy consequences. This movie received the prize for the best short film of 2000 (Moscow). "A Cloud above paradise" was nominated for the best short feature film award at international festivals: "The Canadian Festival", "The Festival of Short Cinema" in S.Petersburg and Moscow. It aslo was presented on TV in Germany, Canada and the US.
    Director: Alexandr Tsatsuev.
    Cast: Denis Bazdyrev, Tariel Gabidzashvili, Ekaterina Mikhaylovskaya, Vladimir Pivovarov.
    Russia, 1999.
    Language: Russian.
    Subtitles: English.
    Download Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise.
    Облако над раем / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.
    Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.
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  • За полученную милость / Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971.

    La narrazione, con continue analessi si intreccia con i primi anni di vita di Benedetto, ragazzino vivace e sfrontato che vive in un paesino agricolo della Ciociaria. Benedetto è orfano: di lui si occupa soltanto una zia nubile e libertina, che lo rimprovera continuamente delle sue monellerie, lo riempie di scrupoli religiosi e medita di sbarazzarsene affidandolo a un orfanotrofio. Di notte il ragazzo non riesce a dormire perché ha paura di certi rumori; la zia gli dice che sono rimorsi per le sue cattiverie, invece li causa lei stessa ricevendo uomini. Anche gli amici di Benedetto sono pervasi dagli scrupoli, temono di essere in peccato mortale per aver guardato, nascosti nei campi, sotto le gonne delle contadine intente alla raccolta. Per questo, mentre si appresta a ricevere la prima comunione, Benedetto vive l'avvenimento in un clima di religiosità esasperata. Nella preparazione al sacramento, il curato don Quirino distribuisce ai bambini le effigi degli "amici celesti", i santi che dovrebbero assisterli finché riceveranno Gesù. A Benedetto tocca sant'Eusebio, martirizzato sul rogo.
    Director: Nino Manfredi.
    Cast: Nino Manfredi, Lionel Stander, Delia Boccardo, Paola Borboni, Mario Scaccia, Fausto Tozzi, Mariangela Melato, Tano Cimarosa, Gastone Pescucci.
    Italy, 1971.
    Language: Italian.
    Download Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles.
    За полученную милость / Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971.
    Per grazia ricevuta / Between Miracles. 1971.
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  • Ангелы и херувимы / Angeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs.

    Angeles y querubines is the first feature directed by Rafael Corkidi, cinematographer of such visual masterpieces as El Topo and The Holy Mountain. This surreal Mexican fantasy shows influences of Alejandro Jodorowsky as you would expect, and also of the style of Kenneth Anger, and the darker side of Czech “fairy tale” cinema. Visuals are rich and original, the music less so but still a pleasure. Overall it’s rather mellower than the typical “head trip” film of the early ‘seventies which seemed to revel in causing shock and offence. I found it an absolute delight.
    The prelude is set in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve played by the director’s infant children. It’s gender-reversed with Eve arriving first, which is probably significant. After ten minutes, just as you might be starting to seriously question what you have downloaded, we move on to the main story, introduced by a biblical quotation: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them”.
    We find ourselves in a castle, or perhaps a convent judging by the number of nuns around. A gathering of the ruling family appears to be taking place. An eclectic mix of costumes suggests no particular time and place. We meet our young hero Cristian (Jorge Humberto Robles), a fine young fellow, clean, upstanding, dare I say it even virginal.
    Actually it’s safest if I don’t try to set out the plot, except to say that we seem to have an allegory of a Pilgrim, or Grail Knight, who one day leaves the convent garden and meets, falls in love with, and pursues to the ends of the Earth the beautiful Angela (Helena Rojo). So are the young couple to live happily ever after? Or will our hero be condemned to an eternity of shirt-ripping Byronic frustration?
    Unfortunately the picture quality is dire as you can see. I’m almost certain it’s not supposed to be that tint. And the border jumps around in a distracting way. Nevertheless this is still a must for lovers of fantasy cinema.
    Director: Rafael Corkidi.
    Cast: Roberto Canedo, Jorge Humberto Robles, Helena Rojo, Ana Luisa Peluffo, Lea Corkidi, Pablo Corkidi , Cecilia Pezet, David Silva.
    Mexico, 1972.
    Language: Spanish.
    In the archive 2 versions of the film, the differences are clearly visible on screenshots.
    Download Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs.

    Ангелы и херувимы / Angeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.

    Ангелы и херувимы / Angeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.
     Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972.
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  • Një gjeneral kapet rob. 1980.
     Një fshat i bukur bregdetar… Çeta vullnetare e fshatit gjatë stërvitjes ushtarake ndez fantazinë e fëmijëve. Duke imituar të rriturit dhe duke imagjinuar veten në një kohë lufte ata ndahen në dy grupe dhe nisin një lojë mjaft tërheqëse. Spikat trimëria e “gjeneral” Batos dhe e Gonit.
    Director:  Spartak Pecani.
    Cast:  Florenc Skëndej, Enkela Doracaj, Eptan Lohja, Enrik Gjoka, Genc Dautaj, Gent Strazimiri, Endri Lulo.
    Albania, 1980.
    Language: Albanian.
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    Një gjeneral kapet rob. 1980.
    Një gjeneral kapet rob. 1980.
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  • На каникулах / Në ditët e pushimeve / In holidays. 1982.

    AL. Një grup fëmijësh kalojnë pushimet në bregun e Adriatikut. Midis tyre është Detini një djalë i ndrydhur dhe fjalëpak shokët e vënë në lojë dhe ai mendon të largohet. Por shoku i tij më i afërt Gjini e ndihmon të rimarrë veten dhe të futet në shoqëri.
    EN. Rare Albanian film about the pioneer summer. A group of children pass the vacation in the shore of Adriatic. Among them is also Detini a self isolated and shy boy. His friends play with him so he thinks to leave them. But his close friend Gjini helps him to recover and integrate with the others.
    Director: Drita Koçi-Thana, Besim Kurti.
    Cast: Helidon Kongo, Genti Mehmeti, Artan Pogoni, Arben Mitrushi, Elvis Kaba, Lazarin Mazreku, Erton Boçi, Sokol Balla, Genti Molko, Konstandin Kazanxhiu, Eno Bozgo.
    Albania, Albfilm, Tirana, Shqipëria e Re, 1982.
    Language: Albanian.
    Download Në ditët e pushimeve / In holidays.
    На каникулах / Në ditët e pushimeve / In holidays. 1982.
    Në ditët e pushimeve / In holidays. 1982.
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  • Нарушители спокойствия / Die Störenfriede. 1953.
     DE. Die Schüler Franz und Schorsch sind der Schrecken aller Lehrer. Ständig zu Unfug aufgelegt, stören sie den Unterricht. Der Rest der Klasse sieht tatenlos zu. Nur die neue Mitschülerin Vera ist entsetzt und versucht, den Jungen ins Gewissen zu reden - ergebnislos. Erst mit Hilfe ihres Vaters findet sie einen Weg, den Tatendrang der Jungen in sinnvolle Bahnen zu lenken: Sie entdeckt deren Interesse für Eisenbahnen und organisiert für die Klasse eine Besichtigung des Lokomotivwerkes der Stadt.
    EN. Schorsch and Franz are two rascals who are full of mischief and constantly tease both their teachers and their fellow pupils. Vera, the new classmate, decides to put her foot down and bring an end to the poor situation. With skill, patience and the help of the other pioneers she finds out about the troublemaker’s love for miniature trains and tries to direct their redundant energy onto the right track. However, Vera and her pioneers have to overcome some resistance before Schorsch and Franz finally change their behavior and become better classmates.
    Director: Wolfgang Schleif.
    Cast: Edgar Bennert, Sonja Haacker, Charlotte Küter, Erich Mirek, Maria Rouvel, Aribert Grimmer, Manfred Borges, Elisabeth Albrecht, Jürgen Bartholdi, Maria Besendahl, Gerhard Fürstenau.
    DDR, DEFA, 1953.
    Language: German, Russian.
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    Нарушители спокойствия / Die Störenfriede. 1953.
    Die Störenfriede. 1953.
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  • Лето моего брата / L'estate di mio fratello / My Brother's Summer. 2005.
     IT. Verona, 1970. Il novenne Sergio è figlio unico ed è molto amato dai suoi genitori, non ha amici ma è dotato di una immaginazione tanto fervida che gli permette di divertirsi anche da solo. Le cose per lui iniziano a cambiare quando, durante un'estate trascorsa in campagna, mamma e papà gli annunciano che ben presto avrà la compagnia di un fratellino. Sergio è sconvolto e ha paura di perdere la vita idilliaca che ha condotto finora, così inizia a fantasticare sui vari modi in cui potrebbe eliminare il piccolo in arrivo. Purtroppo la madre perde il bimbo che attende e Sergio viene assalito dai sensi di colpa poiché convinto che la responsabilità sia sua. Immagini ossessionanti del fratellino 'fantasma' iniziano a perseguitarlo fino a che Sergio impara ad accettarne la presenza e i due diventano inseparabili compagni di giochi per tutta la durata della vacanza. Alla fine dell'estate Sergio abbandona il suo amico immaginario che qualche anno più tardi però si rifà vivo.
    EN. When Sergio learns that he will soon have a baby brother, his imagination kicks into gear in devious and alarming ways. But when his mother suffers a miscarriage, Sergio's feelings of guilt are all too real.
    Director: Pietro Reggiani.
    Cast: Davide Veronese, Tommaso Ferro, Maria Paiato, Pietro Bontempo, Beatrice Panizzolo, Davide Zaramella, Alberta Zangiacomi, Giacomo Dusi, Elisa Mutto, Roberta Sferzi, Teddy Giuliani, Sabrina Modenini.
    Italy, 2005.
    Language: Italian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Download L'estate di mio fratello / My Brother's Summer.
    Лето моего брата / L'estate di mio fratello / My Brother's Summer. 2005.
     L'estate di mio fratello / My Brother's Summer. 2005.
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  • Alfons Zitterbacke. 6 episodes. 1986.Alfons Zitterbacke. 6 episodes. 1986.

     Alfons Zitterbacke ist ein liebenswerter Pechvogel. Eigentlich mochte er immer alles richtig machen und den anderen helfen, eckt aber gerade dadurch uberall an. Er traumt viel, spinnt ein bisschen, lasst sich nicht alles gefallen, hat einen eigenen Kopf und manchmal eine grosse Klappe. So versucht er sich als Tierparkdirektor, Geschenkeerfinder oder als Kosmonaut, aber immer geht alles schief. Doch Alfons ist immer Herr der Lage, auch wenn es manchmal nicht so aussieht. – Gerade alle seine lustigen Pannen und die haarstraubenden Situationen, in die sich der kleine Tollpatsch bringt, machen aus ihm ein unheimlich liebenswerten Fernsehhelden. Freuen Sie sich auf ein Wiedersehen mit den Fernsehhelden Ihrer Kindheit – zeitlos, liebevoll gemacht und immer noch aktuell!
    Director: Andreas Schreiber.
     Cast: Enrico Lubbe / Alfons Zitterbacke, Cornelia Lippert, Haiko Nieland, Juliane Pahl, Thomas Thal, Ute Lubosc / Mutter Zitterbacke, Jurgen Reuter / Vater Zitterbacke.
    DDR, 1986.
    Language: German.
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    Alfons Zitterbacke. 6 episodes. 1986.
    Alfons Zitterbacke. 6 episodes. 1986.
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  • Филипп - малыш / Philipp, der Kleine.
     hilipp fühlt sich viel zu klein. Zwar sind seine Freunde in der Schule auch nur gerade drei Käse hoch; er aber meint, Großes könne man nur als Großer vollbringen. So träumt er von großen Taten und Dingen. Und siehe da, er bekommt eine Flöte geschenkt, die Wunder tut! Man muß die Wundermelodie nur möglichst wunderbar spielen, und schon werden die Dinge klein oder groß, ganz wie man will. Nur einen Haken hat die Sache: sich selber darf man nicht größer machen, als man ist, denn dann ist es um die Wunderkraft der Flöte geschehen. Natürlich will eine Wunderflöte ausprobiert sein. So macht Philipp probehalber aus einer kleinen Katze einen kleinen Löwen, der in der Stadt beträchtliches Aufsehen erregt. Einen Riesenfernlastzug verkleinert er zum Zwergenauto. Und die Äpfel der Oma Hundertgramm zaubert er kürbisgroß. Das alles schafft Verwunderung, Verwirrung und Erstaunen. Wie mag so etwas möglich sein? Ob es mit rechten Dingen zugeht..?
    Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
    Cast: Jan Spitzer, Andij Greissel, Katrin Jakobeit, Volkmar Kleinert, Ilse Voigt, Szymon Szurmiej, Fred Delmare, Mico Pagini, Arnim Mühlstädt, Petra Kelling.
    DDR, DEFA, 1976.
    Language: German.
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    Филипп - малыш / Philipp, der Kleine.
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  • Desperate Living / Mortville. 1977. DVD.
    Peggy Gravel, a neurotic, delusional, suburban housewife, and her overweight maid, Grizelda Brown, go on the lam after Grizelda smothers Peggy's husband, Bosley, to death. The two are arrested by a cross-dressing policeman who gives them an ultimatum: go to jail or be exiled to Mortville, a filthy shantytown ruled by the evil Queen Carlotta and her treasonous daughter, Princess Coo-Coo.
    Peggy and Grizelda choose Mortville, but still engage in lesbian prison sex. They become associates of self-hating lesbian wrestler Mole McHenry, who wants a sex change to please her lover, Muffy St. Jacques. Most of Mortville's social outcasts—criminals, nudists, and sexual deviants—conspire to overthrow Queen Carlotta, who banishes Coo-Coo after she elopes with a garbage collector, who is later shot to death by the guards. Coo-Coo hides in Peggy and Grizelda's house with her dead lover. When Peggy betrays Coo-Coo to the Queen's guards, Grizelda fights them, and dies when the house collapses on her. Peggy, however, joins the queen in terrorizing her subjects, even infecting them (and Princess Coo-Coo) with rabies.
    Eventually, Mortville's denizens, led by Mole, overthrow Queen Carlotta and execute Peggy by shooting a gun up her anus. To celebrate their freedom, the townsfolk roast Carlotta on a spit and serve her, pig-like, on a platter with an apple in her mouth.
    Director: John Waters.
    Cast: Liz Renay, Mink Stole, Susan Lowe, Edith Massey, Mary Vivian Pearce, Jean Hill, Brook Yeaton, Karen Gerwig, Jay Allan, Al Strapelli, George Stover, Turkey Joe.
    USA, 1977.
    Language: English, Russian.
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    Desperate Living / Mortville. 1977. DVD.
    Desperate Living / Mortville. 1977. DVD.
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  • Разрыв / Брешь / Brecha. 2009.
     Brecha is a particularly vivid and realistic portrayal of the emotional rupture between a father recently released from jail and his 12 year old son, following a dark family tragedy that no one has strength enough to confront. Herself victim of the same in-communication, the boys grandmother tries her level best at normalizing their lives. However, not counting on the fathers incapacity at forgetting the past, and his sons increasingly peculiar behaviour. All three of them awkwardly attempt to plug the rift, only to worsen the situation with every try, leading them slowly to the brink of a new and permanent - disaster.
    Director: Iván Noel.
    Cast: Francisco Alfonsin, José Ramón Lafita, Lola Mendoza, Maica Sanchez, Benito Cordero, Carmen Caro Quinones, Manuel Pazos, Victoria Romero de Torre, Asencio Salas.
    Spain, 2009.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: Russian, English.
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    Разрыв / Брешь / Brecha. 2009.
     Brecha. 2009.
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